The underground palace, in the White Temple.

At this moment, there was dead silence around, and everyone looked at Chen.

Just wait for Chen to take the first step.

Seeing that everyone around him dared not move, Chen couldn't help but smile. He opened the floor tiles completely, and then slowly walked down the tunnel.

The tunnel is extremely narrow, and only one person can pass by sideways.

And Chen explained as he walked:

"It seems that a group of craftsmen left the White Temple from here thousands of years ago, avoiding the fate of burial."

"Now we are in their light, leading all the way from here to the underground, we should be able to walk to the exit."

The road is narrow and long, and the surroundings are quiet, except for the sound of everyone's footsteps and breathing.

Time seems to freeze.

One minute?

ten minutes?

Half an hour or an hour?

Everyone has no time concept in their minds, they just move forward mechanically.

And slowly, slowly, a damp breath invaded everyone's nasal cavity.

At this moment, everyone was shocked.

Tide flavor represents vitality.

There is a river around, and there must be air.

Everyone's eyes gradually become excited, really... can you go out alive?

Unable to help, the Olympic champion who walked in the end, the light of the flashlight hit the front.

An interesting picture appeared in the live broadcast room.

Everyone's face is full of excitement, full of surprises, but also with a certain sense of fatigue and weakness.

Except Chen.

What do you say about Chen's expression?

There was no exhaustion on his face, no pain, no surprise or excitement in Gu Jing.

He was simply too calm.

It was as if everything did not exceed his expectations.

It is involuntary to doubt, has he ever been to this place?

After several stops, everyone was too tired after all, and Chen waited patiently for everyone for a while. .

After walking for a while.


Everyone successfully walked out of this channel.

The environment in front of everyone is in an underground cave.

As far as the eye can see, there are huge stalactites all around.

A slight echo can cause a long, long echo.

The cave is large enough for five or six people to stand side by side. Under the light, there is no end of the cave.

Under the light of the light, the stalactites that entered and exited in the distance overlapped layer upon layer, like the teeth of evil spirits sucking blood, and they looked a bit oozing.

It was dark all around, but fortunately a large group of people appeared at the same time.

Otherwise, if a single person shows up, he will be particularly alarmed.

After walking from the channel to the cave, there are currently two directions to go.

One is upward and the other is downward.

The T-shaped intersection in front of you stopped everyone, not knowing which direction to go in the right direction.


The geologist who saw this scene couldn't help getting excited.

The environment everyone is currently in is obviously in his expertise.

"Everyone, this is obviously an underground cave."

"A karst cave is an underground space formed in soluble rock due to karst action. The formation of a karst cave is the result of long-term dissolution of groundwater in the limestone area."

"The insoluble calcium carbonate in limestone can be converted into soluble calcium bicarbonate by the action of water and carbon dioxide."

"Because each part of the limestone layer contains different calcareous qualities, and the degree of erosion is different, it is gradually dissolved and divided into mutually independent, diverse, steep and beautiful mountains and caves with strange landscapes."

"As long as we walk up the cave, we will definitely be able to find an exit to leave here."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Chen frowning and shook his head:

"Because of the nature of underground caves, the calcium in limestone is washed away and dissolved by water. After hundreds of thousands of years and millions of years of geological changes, the rocks will slowly form caves."

"And because of the low water flow, stalactites usually have channels downstream. If there is a biosphere, they are often downstream."

"Therefore, I will give you a little knowledge of popular science. If you encounter a cave in the ground, it is best not to go up, but to go down."

Chen's words made the geologist couldn't help but blush.

This scene was also seen by everyone in the live broadcast room.

It seems that because of finding a way out, everyone is relieved a lot at this time.

Everyone ridiculed:

"Hahaha! The original professional geologists can't match Chen's knowledge in this area."

"He is too strong. Does he even understand the address? Is it possible that the monsters he encountered are not only in the tomb? There are other places?"

"Actually, what geologists do not understand what they have to say is not that they can only say that what geologists have learned is knowledge, and Chen Tian is a summary of experience."

"It's right upstairs. It's better to read thousands of books than to travel thousands of miles. You can learn knowledge by reading books on paper. Of course, you can't do the big brother Chen who has personally experienced it."

At this moment, everyone walked slowly downstream along the cave.

Less than 20 minutes after leaving, everyone heard the sound of water splashing in their ears.

The sound of water clashed, everyone's eyes widened, it was living water!

If there is living water, it means there is a water outlet, which may be connected to rivers, seas and lakes... But no matter where it is connected, it means that everyone is saved!

Seeing the emergence of the water source, all the people who escaped from the tomb suddenly felt like a world away.

The karst cave is walking, from a two-way channel, to a porous karst cave with roads everywhere.

But right now, following the sound of the water, turning around a few times, a huge underground dark lake appeared in front of everyone!

This dark lake is extremely wide, from one side of the lake to the cave on the other side, a distance of hundreds of meters.

Even in such a dark environment, you can see the sparkling water of the lake.

Everyone immediately cheered up, this is living water, and there is an underground passage to the outside world!

At this moment, the Olympic gymnastics champion suddenly pointed to the river and said excitedly: "Look at it, all of you! Open it and look at the water, there are fishes in it!"

The flashlight swept across and saw the sparkling water surface. Several fishes were wagging their tails, making ripples on the surface of the water.


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