Live Streaming! This Parrot is so Beautiful

Chapter 7 Li Bai can't hold down the coffin board (seven more)

Zhang Yu is an otaku.

Zhang Yu has been following Zhao Rongrong since he discovered the pure-looking Zhao Rongrong on the Douhu platform.

Facing a beautiful woman like Zhao Rongrong, it is impossible to say that he has no evil thoughts in his heart.

However, Zhang Yugui is self-aware and knows that with his looks, it is impossible to get Zhao Rongrong, so he slowly turned into a fan of Zhao Rongrong.

This afternoon, in Zhao Rongrong's live broadcast, Zhang Yu was present throughout the whole process, and the video recording function was turned on.

He originally wanted to record it, and made a short video of the wonderful side of the goddess Zhao Rongrong.

The parrot raised by the goddess is really beautiful!

Not only can he speak well, but he is also very angry!

"If there is a ditch, there will be fire" can be said.

In particular, the misinterpretation of the song "Silent Night Thoughts" is so filthy that it is subversive and makes people stunned.

At that time, Zhang Yu was exhausted and tender!

When Zhao Rongrong was down, when Zhang Yu looked back at the recorded video, the idea of ​​making a short video of the parrot from the goddess' house popped into his mind, and then posted it on the short video platform.

Such a beautiful parrot cannot be admired alone.

Alone Better Together!

Besides, this is also the parrot of the goddess' family, and it just so happens that it can help the goddess to promote it, maybe I can follow the fire!

Do more than one thing, why not do it?


Zhang Yu immediately edited the content after the parrot appeared in the afternoon into a short video, and then posted it on the short video platform "Douyin".

Today's domestic short video platform, Douyin is definitely the most popular, with billions of users, and most of the people who have smartphones have Douyin.

After releasing the video, Zhang Yu released the video on other short video platforms.

After that, Zhang Yu waited with peace of mind...

ten minutes later……

The short video on the Douyin platform already has hundreds of likes and dozens of comments.

After half an hour...

The short video on the Douyin platform has more than 2,000 likes, more than 500 comments, and more than 10,000 views.

after an hour……

The short video on Douyin platform has over 5,000 likes and over 1,000 comments!

When I clicked on the comments of netizens, almost all of them were shocked by the parrot's misinterpretation of "Silent Night Thoughts".

"Fuck, is this how "Silent Night Thoughts" is explained? Did I read it in vain?"

"If there is a ditch, there will be fire really expressing the essence of the female anchors wanting to be hot, this parrot cowhide..."

"Li Bai can't hold down the coffin board anymore!"

"Send it to school, don't delay your child's entrance exam to Tsinghua University!"

"This parrot was taught badly by the master..."

"Excuse me, where is the live broadcast of such a beautiful parrot? I want to go and see it."


A university cafeteria.

At this time, it was dinner time. Many students came in twos and threes. After preparing the meals, they found a place to sit down, then took out their mobile phones and ate while playing with them.

"Fuck! Show!"

Suddenly, among the boys, a young man stared at the phone and shouted, startling the roommates next to him.

"Third, what's the name of a ghost?"

The young man said excitedly: "Brother Chao, take a look at this video, this parrot is so beautiful!"

Hearing this, everyone gathered around to watch the video.

Afterwards, they were all overwhelmed!

We have seen many talking parrots.

However, it is definitely the first time I have seen a parrot who speaks so arrogantly and so filthy!

"Damn it, this parrot is so showy!"

"Who tampered with "Quiet Night Thoughts"? Too talented, right?"

"What is the number of this video? I'll save it and give it a like!"


Similar things are happening all over the country.

In less than an hour and a half, Zhang Yu's short video has over 10,000 likes and thousands of comments on the Douyin platform!

If you are an Internet celebrity, with such achievements, it is naturally nothing.

You must know that Zhang Yu is just an unknown ordinary user without the slightest fan base. The videos he released reached such data in just one and a half hours, which is definitely a popular rhythm.

Seeing more and more likes and comments, Zhang Yu was excited.

Although the content in the video is the pet of the goddess's family, but as a fan of the goddess, he posted the video again. Now that it is popular, it is naturally honorable!


Lu Yuan is also happy now.

Because he saw that his reputation value was soaring.

In just an hour and a half, more than 4,000 prestige has been added!

Lu Yuan knew that some netizens must have recorded the video in the afternoon and sent it elsewhere.


Seventh, ask for flowers, ask for an evaluation ticket, and ask for a reward! *

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