In a simple rental house, three beautiful girls are sitting on the bed together, eating fruit and blowing the fan, making the scene seem like they have returned to the previous era.

There is no refrigerator or air conditioner in the house. Xiaobei feels like grandma's old house. The old man is not used to air conditioning and only has a fan. Yunduo, who grew up in wealth, has never even lived in such a simple place. It feels a bit more novel. Zhuo Mengxiang Having grown up in the countryside, I am used to this cheap environment.

None of the three of them disturbed Luo Chen. They were each playing with their mobile phones or making eye contact.

Luo Chen sat in front of the computer and opened a network disk account. When he typed in the password, he hesitated for a long time.

This is the account of his previous life, which contains a lot of information given by his master. He has never logged in before, because there seems to be a mystery surrounding his death in his previous life. Someone is looking for his body, or maybe there is something wrong with the death of their master and disciple. The murderer behind the scenes.

Will anyone notice if I log in to my account rashly?

After hesitating for half a minute, he still logged in to the account, opened the information files and browsed them one by one. He used blood to form magic arrays. They were rare and most of them were harmful things. Among them, the magic array was made into a spoon shape...

After browsing for twenty minutes, Luo Chen suddenly found a similar pattern on an old book page. It was not a spoon shape, but a dragon's tail. This picture was called a decapitated dragon, which means sacrificing a dragon's head. Changing the fortune also cuts off the dragon's head, which is harmful to the fortune.

Isn't this the magic of changing one's destiny? It is to change one's destiny by increasing one's luck and decreasing one's luck.

Luo Chen slowly turned his head and looked at Xiaobei with wide eyes.

Xiaobei was confused by what she saw and thought she was wearing something too cool. But among the three of them today, the coolest one was Yunduo, who was wearing hot pants. Zhuo Meng was the sexiest, wearing a feminine butt-covering skirt. Only What she wears most is a dress.

She pulled the hem of her skirt, bit her lip and said, "I've already seen the swimsuits, what else are you looking at?"

"Xiaobei, your fate has been changed."

"What!" Yun Duo sat up in shock, "Who changed it?"

Zhuo Meng was surprised and said: "Gao Haifan also has the same red dot behind him. Are he and Xiaobei the ones whose lives were changed?"


I actually found two at once.

Now they were not in the mood to think about the strange things happening to Gao Haifan, and all focused on Xiaobei. It was not out of curiosity, but through Luo Chen's explanation that they knew that changing one's life would come with a price and was not a good thing.

Xiaobei herself looked confused, "I don't know anything, and I didn't notice that I was changed..."

Halfway through her words, she suddenly froze, and everyone woke up.

Her wild love luck was brought about by changing her fate!

Xiaobei jumped out of bed in disbelief. She didn't bother to put on her shoes and ran to Luo Chen barefoot, "Someone changed my life and gave me the luck I have now!"

"That's right."

"Why? I don't need luck."

No one knows why. Xiaobei, as a person involved, did not participate in the life-changing matter at all.

However, her life was indeed affected by her violent love affair.

In the past few days, Xiaobei always wears a mask when going out, for fear that someone will recognize her, look at her with strange eyes, and point at her behind her back.

There must be a lot of unpleasant words, saying that she is shameless and insisting on betraying Gao Haifan, and boys will also say that she has no brains, knowing that Gao Haifan is the king of the sea, but she still wants to come to her door for nothing.

This invisible social death made her suffer so much. Of course she didn't want this good luck, so deliberately changing her fate was clearly hurting her.

"Luo Chen, help me think of a way to recover."

"I don't know. We have to find the person who changed your life first."

Yun Duo added: "If you want to find the person who wants to change your life, you must first know who wants to change your life. Only then can you find the person who changes your life."

Zhuo Meng asked: "Squad leader, have you offended anyone recently?"

Judging by time, love luck began to appear after the beginning of college. The mastermind behind the scenes is most likely the person who made grudges during this time. Luo Chen said that changing one's life is not a good thing. One increase and one decrease. What price did Xiaobei bear? I don't know, it might suddenly bring her great danger.

Xiaobei lowered her head and thought for a while. She was enthusiastic. As the squad leader, she got along well with everyone in the class and rarely had any grudges with others.

"If I have to say there is a grudge... maybe it's Ye Xuan from the Costume and Performance Department."

After naming the person, Yun Duo and Zhuo Meng were both surprised, "Ye Xuan? You actually had an affair with that girl?"

Luo Chen asked: "Is this person famous in school?"

"Of course she is famous. She is the one who is famous for dancing on the playground at the beginning of school."

Dancing at the beginning of freshman year, everyone is a social cow. There are many videos of this kind, and Minghu Normal University also has them. Ye Xuan is the one who became famous in one battle. Others have just lost their high school youth, but Ye Xuan has a mature and sexy S She has a curvy figure and shows off her figure in a tight hip-hugging skirt. Her cuteness is naturally vulnerable in the face of sexiness. Ye Xuan suddenly became famous for her figure.

There is a nickname among the boys, Minghu Football King.

Luo Chen was hospitalized before and didn't know what happened when school started. Now he heard the rumors and he became even more curious.

Is it this big?

Although Ye Xuan became famous for her figure, she also received a lot of negative comments, because the way Ye Xuan danced, she twisted her waist and hips as much as she could to show off and flirt, as if she was dancing in a bar.

Deliberately brushing aside, some people will look at it, and some people will be ashamed of it.

The feud between Tang Xiaobei and Ye Xuan comes from the school's dance club. There are many clubs in the university. The dance club is the main force in various performances of the school. Xiaobei, with her high-quality dance foundation, did not give up on dance, so she joined the dance club. , Ye Xuan was also included because her video of the beginning of school was so famous.

During the performance at the sports meeting, the two had differences. Xiaobei was a professional, while Ye Xuan was an amateur who taught herself dance. She always felt that Ye Xuan danced all dance moves, which Xiaobei couldn't accept. During rehearsal, she and Ye Xuan Ye Xuan got into a dispute, and in the end the club recognized Xiaobei's professionalism and kicked Ye Xuan out and stopped her from participating.

In Ye Xuan's view, this was deliberately ostracizing her, and Xiaobei was the leader.

"I said before that my contact information was exposed, so suitors often added me, and many of my social accounts were harassed. This may have been done by Ye Xuan."

This seems to be related to love luck.

Yun Duo and Zhuo Meng agreed with Xiao Bei's suspicion that the person behind the scenes was most likely Ye Xuan. That girl looked like a witch.

Luo Chen felt that he was too confused now and could only search little by little, "It seems that I want to get to know Ye Xuan."

Yun Duo raised her little hand and patted him on the head, "What are you thinking about? Do you want to see the figure of the female enchantress?"

"I...I'm here to help."

"You don't need to get to know her. We can just investigate Ye Xuan's suspicions."

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