Live Broadcast: I Am A Lord In Another World

022 One Arrow Shot Over! The Anchor Killed It! ! ! (5) Add More Flowers

At a place more than a thousand meters away from Richard's castle, dozens of people are rushing towards Richard's castle.

These people are, of course, robbers.

Among these robbers, there were several other robbers on horseback.

Generally speaking, the more horses a gang has, the stronger the gang will be.

Like some large groups of robbers who have horses, they are authentic horse thieves. Not only are there a large number of them, but after owning a horse, they come and go like the wind, which makes people extra headache.

Fortunately, only a few of the robbers had horses, and they were discovered by the people arranged by Richard shortly after they entered Richard's territory.

Richard has arranged a few people around the territory in the past few days, and now it really works.

"Ben Gen, are you sure you're right? That old ghost Ted is so poor, how much money does the person who buys his territory have?"

Among the robbers, a man with a fleshy face said.

"Boss Hani, it's here. I saw with my own eyes that the lord has a beautiful catwoman. This lord also has a lot of exquisite bread, and even hired them to work with high wages. He is definitely very rich!"

A skinny guy hurriedly said.

If people in the town were here, they would know that this skinny guy was the gangsters who were hung up a few days ago.

These gangsters were hanged for a full three days, and they were finally released when they were dying.

Unexpectedly, these guys not only failed to learn their lesson, but also attracted robbers!

So, these gangsters are all leading the robbers.

"Catwoman? That's the best, one can sell for at least dozens of gold coins!"

The eyes of the bandit leader named Hani lit up when he heard about Mao Er Niang.

"Haha, Boss, I have to give it to my brothers before selling it. Catwoman is not easy to get."

said another robber.

The eyes of the other robbers also glowed.

The gang leader named "Ben Gen" reminded: "However, Boss Hani, I saw that lord training an army a few days ago."

Hani said indifferently: "What army? It's just some peasants who have never seen blood. After cutting off a few heads, the others were frightened and couldn't move. The Baron Cole we went to rob a while ago gathered two More than a hundred people were obediently killed by us, and even the wife was disabled by us, haha!"

Hearing the words of the bandit leader Hani, Bengen immediately felt that being a gangster would not have a future as a robber. Just grab whatever you like, and you can play with women.

"Boss Hani, I want to join you too!"

Ben Gen hurriedly said.

"And me and me!"

Several other gangsters spoke one after another.

Hani glanced at them: "You are so skinny, originally you couldn't meet our requirements, but seeing that you have meritorious service this time, let you join!"

"Thank you, Boss Hani!"

The gangsters at all felt that if they hugged their thighs, they would reach the pinnacle of their lives from now on!


"Hurry up, hurry up, keep up!"

On Richard's territory, a large number of men with hoes rushed towards Richard's castle.

Most of these people are from Richard's territory, and there are also a small number of people who came to work from the nearby town.

The reason why they all came was because Richard promised that as long as they fight actively, they will be rewarded. If they can kill a robber, they will be rewarded with 20 silver coins, or 2000 copper coins, which is equivalent to their annual salary!

There were so many of them, and how bold they were, naturally they all followed.

Of course, if there is a fight... it is really possible to do what the bandit leader said.

As long as a few people have their heads cut off, the others will definitely be scared to death!

In front of these people was the 10-member team that was originally responsible for maintaining order on the construction site.

The daily training of this 10-man team has not been in vain.

It took less than ten days to run, and their speed was much faster than those workers.

However, the one who was faster than them was Richard at the front.

I saw that Richard took the lead and rushed towards the castle at a fast speed. In a short time, he was hundreds of meters ahead of these people.


"The speed of the anchor is unmatched!"

"Nice! I'm going to participate in the Olympics, I'm sure I'll be in the top three!"

"As expected, he is a man like the wind~"

"Those who can't keep, the wind lives in their blood"

[Guangdong King Aunt] Rewarded the anchor with 10 rockets, and left a message: I am late, what happened, I ran so fast!

"Aunt Wang appears!"

"Sure enough, it's Wang Aunt, asking questions with a rocket."

"Poverty limits my wallet and imagination"

"Wang Aunt, did I check in on your homepage every day?"

"It's actually nothing, it's just that dozens of robbers attacked the anchor's castle~"

[Guangdong King Aunt] Reward the anchor with a super rocket, and leave a message: Boy, beat them, and I will introduce my daughter to you.

"?? So Wang Aunt is looking for a son-in-law?"

"666, Wang Aunt has a deep routine~"

"Excuse me, does Aunt Wang have any daughters?"


After the appearance of Wang Aunt in the live broadcast room, there was another burst of excitement.

On the territory, Richard finally rushed past the town, only a few hundred meters away from his castle!

At this time, he had already seen the robbers rushing towards the castle from another direction!

Those robbers are only a few hundred meters away from the castle!

However, several robbers on horseback had approached the castle.

Richard took a deep breath and accelerated towards the castle again.

The army of the territory will arrive in a while, and he has to rush into the castle before these robbers!

These robbers cannot be allowed into the castle!

Hold the castle and wait for follow-up reinforcements!


Richard's actions were quickly discovered by those robbers.

"Boss Hani, look quickly, that is the lord here, his speed is so fast!"

The gangster named Bengen pointed to Richard's voice.

"How fast can a horse go? Judd, go kill him!"

The bandit leader is humane to a man on horseback.


The guy named Judd charged at Richard on his horse.

"Anchor, there are robbers coming towards you!"

"Anchor be careful!"


Seeing a robber rushing over, the people in the live broadcast room became nervous.

The horse was very fast, and since Richard was also running towards the castle, the robber rushed over in less than a minute.

"He's coming."

"Anchor be careful!"

Everyone in the studio was worried about Richard.

I saw that the bandit's path soon became directly opposite Richard, and he broke the fast horse and rushed towards Richard!

It's near, it's near!

In the live broadcast room, all the people watching the live broadcast had already held their breath, and no one was chatting or posting barrage!

In the blink of an eye, the distance between the robber and Richard was only 20 meters!

The robber grabbed a spear made of wood from the side, and threw it at Richard!


The spear smashed through the air and charged at Richard.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was raised.

In the eyes of everyone, Richard's body was suddenly turned to the side, avoiding the spear, and then a small crossbow appeared in Richard's hand at some point, and he pointed at the robber. Just pulled the trigger.


Immediately, he saw that the crossbow arrow hit the robber's throat, and the robber was shot backwards from the horse.

Richard turned sideways again and passed the charging horse.

Immediately afterwards, he rushed past the fallen robber.

At this time, the mobile phone that automatically took pictures gave the robber a shot.

I saw the robber fell to the ground, the crossbow bolt pierced through his neck, and blood spurted out.

His mouth was still opening and closing, as if it was hopeless!

Immediately afterwards, Richard completely left him behind, and the camera turned to the front!

"The host is killing people!!!"

"Damn!!! It's too bloody/squeamy!! So exciting!!"

"The blood is boiling!!!"

"Why does it feel so real to me, who carelessly tell me, can it be edited during the live broadcast?"

"I also feel so real, that person looks like he is really dead!"

"Don't worry about this, don't you think the anchor's actions just now were done in one go, especially hiding the spear to fight back, it's just amazing, okay?"

"It's really handsome, but is that person really dead?"

"Impossible, the anchor must have some technology that you don't know about."

"In the movie, the murder scene is edited through multiple shots, but the anchor is live broadcast, and it cannot be edited at all, and the anchor only has one mobile phone to shoot. Although the mobile phone does not know who is holding it, it is obvious that there is only one shot, there is no It feels like a bit of editing, but if it is a real murder, it can't be explained, after all, it is impossible to travel through, let alone live broadcast after time travel."

Someone analyzed it.

In the live broadcast room, because of Richard's beautiful counter-kill this time, countless comments and bullet screens erupted in an instant.

There are also rewards.


On the territory, Richard naturally didn't have the slightest time to look at his phone.

After killing the robber, he didn't stop at all, and rushed to the castle quickly.

"He has a crossbow!"

There were also three robbers riding horses on the edge of the castle, but seeing Richard kill the robber named Judd with a crossbow so neatly, the three robbers faltered for a moment, and were rushed over by Richard.

"The lord is here, open the door!"

At this time, in the castle, after the patrolling team of five discovered the robbers, they had already entered the castle to defend.

When they saw Richard approaching, they quickly opened the door, and Richard rushed in directly.


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