Seeing everyone eating so happy, the audience's saliva secreted wildly, I don't know how many times they swallowed it.

"Baba, it's delicious." Yue'er said coquettishly, pulling Zhang Hao's arm.

Yue'er's small face was already full of fish oil and meat residue, like a small tabby cat.

"Be careful when you eat, and don't get stuck in your throat." Zhang Hao obeyed.

"Don't worry, they are already five-year-old children." When Yue'er smiled, she showed two rows of small white teeth.

The little guy rejected the fish that Zhang Hao took down by himself, and started to nibble on the big fish in his arms.

"Good, good, eat slowly, there is something better."

After everyone and the audience heard this, they looked at Zhang Hao, and saw Zhang Hao take the long branch over and set aside the fire.

Then he opened the hot land and took out the lotus leaf buried in it.

"Try it. This is my grilled turtle."

After tearing open the lotus leaf, an alluring fragrance radiated from it.


There was a sound of swallowing and drooling, and everyone looked in the direction where the sound came from, and found that the cameraman's brother showed an embarrassed look.

"Um... I'm sorry, I will try my best to restrain myself, Gulong..."

While talking, the cameraman's younger brother swallowed again, feeling really embarrassing, but there is no way, the smell is really too fragrant.

After the lotus leaf is unfolded, the turtle inside is already golden yellow, which seems to give people an endless appetite.

Zhang Hao added Xianlu.

Xianlu is very magical. In addition to strengthening the body and treating trauma, Zhang Hao also occasionally uses it for cooking. With just one drop, it can turn ordinary meals into delicious food.

And Zhang Hao once slaughtered several big geese, and those big geese were all fed by Zhang Hao with Xianlu, so they were very wild and even more powerful than native dogs.

The taste of the goose that grew up eating Xianlu is really lingering, and Zhang Hao also regards this Xianlu as the top condiment.

Originally, Lin Wan and others felt that the grilled fish in their hands was delicious on earth, but when the turtle appeared, they only felt that the fish in their mouth was like chewing wax, without any taste at all.

"You're welcome, this one is ready to eat, but be careful to burn it."

While talking, Zhang Hao took out a piece of turtle, blew it with his mouth, and sent it to Yue'er's hand.

"good to eat."

Yue'er ate the grilled turtle in her hand, with a sweet smile on her face.

Lin Wan and the cameraman couldn't help but pick up a piece of turtle.

This soft-shelled turtle is not very big, and there is nothing left after one piece of each. Lin Wan and the cameraman eat very slowly, they are reluctant to swallow it in one bite.

That scent has made them unforgettable for life.

After eating, I felt that I had lived in vain for more than 20 years. I didn't expect that there is such a delicious thing in the world.

"Oh, be a man, look at you like that, I can't wait to chew up my tongue and swallow it."

"Huh? I just saw Master Wan secretly hiding a turtle shell in his pocket."

"Tsk tusk, let me make a bold guess, it must be too delicious, Master Wan wants to keep a bone and go back slowly when there is no one, alas, this is really..."

"The one who killed a thousand knives, my son has been greedy and crying, you must be responsible for the show, let the master make two grilled turtles and mail them to me."

They are going crazy looking at Zhang Hao's food every day, but Zhang Hao has a magical power that makes them unable to stop.

However, this enticing fragrance not only makes them forget what they eat, but also attracts some uninvited guests.


A roaring sound came from a distance, and I saw a black behemoth rushing in this direction, and at an extremely fast speed.

"Bear!" Lin Wan screamed.

At this moment, the cameraman is shaking in panic, and the audience can feel how terrified the cameraman at this moment is from the constantly shaking lens.

"Fuck! Really f*ck is a bear! The living bear ran over!"

"My god, this big guy should have three to four hundred catties."

"Hurry up and pretend to be dead on the ground. Bears don't eat dead people."

"Fuck upstairs! I don't know how many people have been killed by this sentence. Run quickly when you encounter this situation. You don't need to run faster than the black bear, you only need to run faster than the last person."

At this moment, the behemoth had ran to a stop a few meters away from Zhang Hao and the others, and his eyes were full of fierce rays of light.


Opened his mouth, a roar roared at several people, and at the same time some sticky saliva sprayed on Lin Wan's body.

At this moment, Lin Wan forcibly forced herself to calm down, almost subconsciously, pulling the Yueer on the side behind her to protect the smallest fellow here.

When Zhang Hao saw this scene, his heart was slightly moved. Lin Wan was able to do this, showing the kindness in her heart. Whether her protection was helpful or not, he remembered this love.

Slowly standing up from the ground, Da Bai had already come to Zhang Hao's side, shouting at the black bear not far away, and Xiao Huang was standing on Zhang Hao's shoulder facing the black bear grinning.

"Ho ho ho ho!"

After feeling that he was being provoked, the big black bear roared, raised four paws, and rushed towards Zhang Hao and others.

"Wow, seeing his father-in-law's calm and relaxed look, I know that this big black bear is going to be unlucky."

"Haha, isn't this going to reproduce the tragedy of the big wild boar?"

"Does anyone with a big dick explain to the new Mengxin? What's the matter with the big wild boar."

Some old viewers remember how Zhang Hao was brave enough to fly that huge wild boar.

Seeing Zhang Hao's calm appearance, he was ready to kill the big black bear. The audience blinked reluctantly when they looked at the screen.

Facing the roaring big black bear, Zhang Hao strode forward and stretched out both hands to pose in Tai Chi starting position.

coming! coming!

This scene is so familiar, Zhang Hao was the big wild boar who used this trick to fly!

next moment!

Zhang Hao turned his head and looked to the other side.

Just when the audience was puzzled, the camera lens shifted along Zhang Hao's gaze.


An equally large figure rushed out of the woods on the side and ran in this direction.

"Fuck, there's another wild boar!"

"Isn't this the end? It depends on whether the master can turn the tide."

"It's weird, how come two big guys suddenly appeared, this is incredible."

Just as countless barrages were scrambling to discuss, a scene that made people's jaw drop appeared.

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