
Sansheng Village.

After the release of the story of "Dayu Controlling the Flood", the myth and legend that Li Fan is about to launch this time is also officially coming to an end.

Finally, there are two very important characters, Sui Renshi and Fuxi. After their stories are over, this time the myth and legend work will officially end.

The most important myths and legends in ancient times have almost finished.

In the future, there should be no more myths and legends.

These works this time are enough to bring great help to the world and historians who study the culture of myths and legends.

With the help of these works, the historians of this world should be able to gradually improve the culture of myths and legends that have been lost.

Of course, the fact that myths and legends are no longer released does not mean that Li Fan will no longer release mythological works. There is a difference between the two.



Countless readers are still discussing the story of Dayu's flood control, and still expressing various emotions about Dayu.

Through his own wisdom, Dayu used scientific methods of water control to knock down Gonggong in Buzhou Mountain, and completely eliminated the sequelae left behind, which also amazed all the readers.

The time slowly approached the second day, on November 21st, while the readers sighed that Dayu controlled the flood, they couldn't help but be curious about the new works that will be updated today.

"What kind of story will it be today?" The hearts of all readers are full of curiosity and anticipation.

They enjoy the feeling of anticipation very much, and after anticipation comes the feeling of surprise.

Every time is the same, this feeling of anticipation and surprise makes everyone intoxicated. They only hope that this feeling can last longer.

While they were enjoying that feeling of anticipation, the time came to two o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, it is the feeling of anticipation, which is transformed into a moment of surprise.

This moment is also one of their most enjoyable moments.

They have enjoyed it many times in a row, and they are going to enjoy it again today. They saw the new title of today's update, "Drilling Wood to Make Fire".

"Drilling wood to make fire? Is this about the origin of human mastering and making fire? Which god invented this drilling wood to make fire?" All the readers thought so in their hearts.

Such a moment is as enjoyable as ever.

After enjoying it, all the readers clicked on the text.

In the Paleolithic Age, a long time ago, people used rough stone tools to hunt for the necessities of life.

At that time, people ate raw animal meat, or raw plant roots, leaves, etc., and wore animal skins or objects woven from plants.

Because of raw food, people are vulnerable to disease and their life span is extremely short.

People at that time did not use fire, but they could often see natural fires due to various reasons.

However, people at that time did not know fire, regarded it as a monster, regarded fire as unknown, walked around fire, and lived in avoidance of fire.

Until a wise man appeared in Shangqiu.

Others walk around fire, but he goes wherever there is fire.

Others live away from fire, but he often lives where there is fire.

When other people pick up small animals that have been burned to death, they always throw them away. When he finds small animals that have been burned to death, he always tears some meat into his mouth and tastes it carefully.

Through a long experience, he discovered the magic of fire. When it is cold, people will feel warm when they are close to the fire. Eating animal meat cooked by fire has less unpleasant fishy smell than raw animal meat, the taste is much better, and it is very comfortable to eat.

Therefore, the wise man called on the people around him to bake the captured animals or the rhizomes of the picked plants on the fire, so that people gradually overcome the habit of eating raw.

The wise know fire and know the wide range of uses of fire. But fires in nature are not everywhere. They exist at any time. No matter how big a forest fire is, it will always go out.

In order to allow people to find fire and use it at all times and everywhere, the wise began to explore the difficult and artificial way of making fire.

After thousands of experiments, the wise man finally found two methods: drilling wood to make fire, and tapping stone to make fire.

Since then, people not only know how to use fire, but also master the skills of artificial fire, and can make fire and use fire anytime, anywhere.

Thus ended the previous history of drinking blood.

With fire, people began to live cooked food, which caused great changes in physiology and completely separated human beings from animals.

The application of fire has greatly enriched human food, so that the organic structure of human beings has been further developed, and the brain structure has become more complex and more intelligent.

Artificial fire is a very great invention, which has made an immeasurable contribution to the progress of human society.

Since most of the wood-drilling fires are made of flint wood, people call the wise man who invented artificial fire.

Respect it as "Sui", known as "Suirenshi".

Suiren is one of the greatest ancestors of mankind. In addition to inventing artificial fire, Suiren also made many other contributions.

According to legend, "the knotting of the rope" is the invention of Sui Ren's.

He first invented the rope-twisting technique, and then used the natural color of plants to dye the rope in various colors, each color representing a type of thing, making the recorded things clearer.

In addition, Suiren also named the animals.

Before, people called all animals "worms". After careful observation, Sui Renshi divided these animals into four categories: those that fly in the sky are called "birds", those that run on the ground are called "beasts", reptiles with legs are called "worms", and reptiles without legs are called "worms". Chi".

In addition, Sui Ren has many contributions.

For example, on the top of the Kunlun Mountains, observing the celestial phenomena is named after tomorrow, and the mountains and rivers are named.

Naming human beings with the surname "Wind" imposes blood restrictions on human marriage and makes a strict distinction between humans and beasts and so on.


After reading this article "Drilling Wood to Make Fire", all the readers are all excited. The person who invented artificial fire for mankind turned out to be Sui Ren.

Suiren, all readers know, know that he is a very great figure in myths and legends, just like Pangu, Nuwa and others.

But it is also a pity that about the story of Sui Ren, what contributions did Sui Ren have made to mankind? All have been lost.

What everyone knows is only the name "Suirenshi" and its status in myths and legends.

But now, everyone finally knows the story of the Sui Ren clan, and why does the Sui Ren clan have such a great status?

Not to mention other contributions, just inventing the contribution of artificial fire is enough to give the Sui Renshi such a position.


Today is the first day of October. I wish you a happy holiday from the countryside. Friends who go home and go out to play, please pay attention to safety.

In addition, I would like to ask you for a monthly ticket and a recommendation ticket. I also thank every friend who voted for a monthly ticket and a recommendation ticket. Thank you!


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