"Teacher, the boss spoke very generally before coming here. Now that I am here, please ask the teacher to give us orders on what we need to do."

"We will do our best and unswervingly complete all orders issued by the command."

Wang Feng is a soldier, a soldier. What are the responsibilities of a soldier?

Is it not to fight, protect the country, stabilize the people, maintain the integrity of the country's territorial sovereignty, and eliminate all unstable factors that can threaten national security and the safety of citizens.

So Wang Feng Feng directly expressed his position to Commander He, that is, if we don’t talk about anything else, let’s talk about the mission first and determine their combat missions.

After the combat missions are clear, we will talk about other things!

Watching Wang Feng’s active pursuit of war and his words Commander He was even more satisfied with the command's resolute obedience.

However, Commander He did not follow Wang Feng's words. Instead, he explained to Wang Feng in a rare and gentle voice.

"There is no rush to issue combat orders for the time being, because the Japs have been preparing and have not yet launched an attack."

"Now it seems that the troops stationed in Mongolia want to take action against the Xiaoqingshan base area. As for the First Army of Xishan Province, they are still gathering around the base area."

Speaking of this, Mr. He smiled and said:"Your rise last year allowed us to have a good year. The little devils don't dare to be too arrogant."

"So this time, the invading Japs were mainly troops stationed in Mongolia, and the First Army came to reinforce them, which diverted our attention."

When Wang Feng heard what Mr. He said, he immediately laughed and said:"Mr. He, otherwise, I would have gone to Suiyuan Province and Chahar Province to establish bases."

"This time, I want to go to the Daqingshan base area, and then I will play the leading role and lead the comrades in the Daqingshan base area to fight a war of annihilation."

As soon as Wang Feng said these words, the eyes of the entire Second Army Division Headquarters gathered around.

The eyes were full of surprise and interrogation!

There is no way, if Wang Feng spoke like this in the 129th Division and the headquarters, no one would question it. The reason is very simple, that is, they all believe in Wang Feng.

But now in the 120th Division, Wang Feng has not fought a single battle. Although they know that Wang Feng's troops can fight well, when they bring them in, they will automatically reduce the combat effectiveness of their troops. The combat effectiveness of Wang Feng's troops was brought into it, thereby reducing the combat effectiveness of Wang Feng's troops. It is very simple to solve this problem, that is, fight and win the battle.

As long as three or two battles are won, no one will question it anymore..

However, other people in the headquarters questioned it. Commander He and the Guanzheng Committee did not question it, and the leaders of the Second Army Division did not question it.

Because they know the most, Wang Feng’s records will not lie.

Wipe out a field battle to strengthen The record of the independent brigade represents the combat effectiveness of Wang Feng's troops, and this was only a few months ago.

Now, after so long, the strength of Wang Feng's troops has reached a point where no one knows

"It seems that along the way, you were thinking about giving the little devil a try."

"Tell us about the department's staffing and weapons and equipment situation, so that Lao Guan and I can have a clear idea."

Looking at Wang Feng's serious expression, Mr. He couldn't help but smile. As soon as

Mr. He said these words, the ears of everyone in the entire headquarters stood up.


Wang Feng nodded quickly after hearing this and began to report on the situation of the 3rd Independent Division.

"Division Commander, our independent 3rd Division has about 31,000 combat troops. Has five main infantry regiments of 3,800 men"

"It has two special infantry regiments of 1,800 men, a cavalry regiment of 1,800 men, an artillery regiment of 3,200 men, and an air defense regiment of 3,000 men."

"A security group responsible for protecting field hospitals and arsenals, with more than 2,000 people, is still in Wenshui County and has not come with them."

"In addition to these ten main combat regiments and a security regiment, there are also more than 5,000 troops, which are scattered among the departments directly under the division headquarters."

"For example, the recruit training office directly under the division headquarters, the teaching camp at the Chasui branch of the Anti-Japanese War directly under the division headquarters, etc."

"Excluding these combat troops, our logistics support troops, also known as baggage troops, total about 10,000 people."

These data have already been engraved in Wang Feng's mind, so when reporting, there is no need to think too much.

However, Wang Feng suddenly said so much, and everyone who heard all this was stunned. , except those who know the details.

In the minds of others, this sentence comes to mind:"Oh my god, is this still a teacher?"

"The total number of main forces in our entire military region is not as large as this one division."

However, just when they were still immersed in Wang Feng's report about the number of independent 3rd Division and were shocked, Wang Feng's voice continued to sound.

"Our five conventional main infantry regiments all have the same equipment. The entire regiment's light weapons are mainly Type 40 semi-automatic rifles produced by our own arsenal."

"Coupled with the Type 40 submachine gun produced by our arsenal, our entire army, except for some logistics troops, no longer has manual rifles."


When he said this, Wang Feng felt very calm, because he was used to this, and besides, he had to speak truthfully at this time.

Only in this way will Master He and Guan Zheng (2) have an understanding of their combat effectiveness and use them more accurately.

Therefore, Wang Feng was not careless, nor did he have any pretentious attitude.

If someone says Wang Feng is showing off, then Wang Feng is really wronged because he has never thought about showing off.

You can give this thing of pretentiousness to the little devils, the Jin () Sui Army, or the Kuomintang-controlled areas, but it is not necessary for your own brother troops.

There is no room for carelessness in military matters and matters in the army.

However, Wang Feng spoke very calmly and seriously, without any carelessness.

But he was babbling and babbling. Compared with the introduction of the troop establishment and number at the beginning, when he told the number and models of the troops' weapons and equipment.

Everyone was frightened!

That's right, I was scared. The reason is very simple!

That's because the equipment gap between the two sides is so huge. It's like the sky and the earth. There's no comparison at all.

Originally, the comrades of the 120th Division felt that their equipment was quite luxurious.

Because in their view, a unit, especially a regiment-level unit. With light and heavy machine guns, grenades, and mortars, this is the main force.

But compared with Wang Feng's troops, they seem to be local militia troops, while Wang Feng is the real main force.

………………_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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