Dugujie stared at him for a long time, then nodded and said to Chen Desheng, "It's getting late. It's time for Mr. Mo to hit the road. Desheng, it's time for us to return to the palace."

"Your Majesty said so."

Mo Liansheng stood on the roadside holding the horse. After he bowed his head to see the emperor's carriage away, he leaned on a birch tree behind him and sat on the ground with weak legs.

He touched his forehead and felt a cold sweat. The emperor is the emperor, and one look can scare people to the point of weakening their legs.

After his violently beating heart slowly returned to its normal frequency, Mo Liansheng felt that his tongue was numb and uncomfortable, which was a sign of poisoning.

Mo Liansheng thought that the bowl of wine given by the emperor was poisoned, and he thought that he would definitely die, but as the day and night passed, he did not die of poisoning.

But he lost all his taste buds and sense of smell!

The emperor did not intend to kill him, but he took away Mo Liansheng's most proud talent of smell! The emperor wanted to give Mo Liansheng a warning and let him know what would happen to him if he dared to think about Nangong Xian!

Taking away Mo Liansheng's sense of smell is equivalent to killing him!

Although the emperor did not take Mo Liansheng's life, he succeeded in planting a seed of hatred and unwillingness in Mo Liansheng's heart.

It took Mo Liansheng nearly ten days to arrive in Shu, and it took more than a month and several inquiries to find the legendary mysterious medicine valley.

That medicine valley is owned by an old witch doctor. The old witch doctor is very old, but he has a twenty-year-old daughter. In this era, if a woman is still unmarried at the age of twenty, she is considered an old girl.

The old witch doctor saw that Mo Lian grew up handsome and upright and was proficient in medical skills, so he intended to betroth his daughter to him. And if Mo Liansheng wanted to gain a foothold in Sichuan and Sichuan, taking the old witch doctor's daughter was the quickest way.

But when he thought of Nangong Xian, Mo Liansheng was a little reluctant.

If you can't marry the woman you love, then marrying any woman in the world will be the same. After some weighing, Mo Liansheng married the old witch doctor's daughter.

Shortly after the marriage, Mo Liansheng's wife became pregnant.

Seeing his daughter's belly growing, the old witch doctor completely trusted Mo Liansheng and took him to his library.

Entering the library, the old witch doctor told Mo Liansheng: "This library contains all the witchcraft Bibles that I have accumulated and created throughout my life. I know that you who study medicine do not believe in witchcraft, but since witchcraft exists, it has it principle."

"Since you have entered my valley and married my daughter, from now on, this library will belong to you. Here, you can come in and read at will."

"My father-in-law is absolutely right in what he said."

The old witch doctor has real skills. Mo Liansheng has memorized everything about Divine Doctor Zhou. Now that he has lost his sense of smell, he really wants to learn the skills of the old witch doctor.

Mo Liansheng spent a month reading all the books in the library without sleep or food. When he turned to a black paper book, Mo Liansheng's eyes were attracted by two terrifying blood-red words on the book -

Medicine man.

Medicine man?

Mo Liansheng opened the book in confusion and saw the contents in the book. The more he read, the bigger his eyes became! -

In the winter of the fifth year of Taiping, Emperor Taiping Dugujie was critically ill and almost died, but his life was saved by the acupuncture of the divine doctor Zhou.

Although Dugujie's life was saved, his health was indeed not as good as before, and he could only rely on a wheelchair to walk.

On this day, Dugu Jie sat in a wheelchair and personally inspected Prince Dugu Sheng's knowledge and governance. Just after the exam, I heard Chen Desheng's slightly hurried footsteps.

Recently, because the prince has to recuperate from illness, everyone in the palace walks quietly for fear of disturbing the emperor's rest. Chen Desheng's steps were so urgent today, something had obviously happened.

Dugujie glanced at the prince and said, "We will continue later."


"Your Majesty, Your Highness." Chen Desheng walked to Dugu Jie, bent down and said, "Your Majesty, the Prime Minister wants to see you."

"What's the matter?" Dugu Jie was a little tired and wanted to sleep.

When Prince Dugu Sheng saw his father's face looking tired, he quickly stood up, bent down and said respectfully: "Father, since the Prime Minister has something to discuss with my father, I will leave first."

Seeing that his father looked weak, Lonely Sheng felt sorry for him, and said: "Father, don't be too tired. Get some rest early. I will come back tomorrow to pay my respects to my father."

"Yeah." Thinking of something, Dugujie said again: "Your Majesty, your master will come find you later, don't be too snoozy."


Dugu Sheng has become a teacher of Nangongxian, learning martial arts and practicing archery with Nangongxian.

After Dugu Sheng left, Chen Desheng told Dugu Jie impatiently: "Your Majesty, the Prime Minister has brought good news, and I want to report it to you personally."

Dugujie waved weakly, "Xuan."

The prime minister soon walked in. He made a gesture to kneel down to Dugu Jie, and then he heard Dugu Jie say: "Prime Minister, there is no need to be polite."

The prime minister then stood to bless his body and did not kneel down.

"Chen Desheng, give the Prime Minister a seat."

With a look from Chen Desheng, the father-in-law brought a chair for the prime minister. After the prime minister sat down, he couldn't wait to tell Dugu Jie: "Your Majesty, I heard some good news recently."


"I heard that a strange beast appeared on the border of Sichuan and Sichuan. This strange beast's blood can purify medicine and improve its efficacy. Its flesh and blood can restore people suffering from tuberculosis to health, and its heart can even resurrect human flesh and white bones!"

Hearing this, Dugu Jie's eyes brightened a little, "Living dead human flesh and white bones." Dugu Jie frowned slightly and asked, "What kind of mythical beast?"

"Unnamed, I only heard that strange beasts are very rare and have appeared in the Sichuan and Sichuan areas. Your Majesty, in my humble opinion, your Majesty can send people to Sichuan and Sichuan to look for strange beasts! Your Majesty is so blessed that he will be able to find the strange beasts!"

Dugu Jie thought for a moment and then said, "Let me think about it."

Dugu Jie did not believe the prime minister's words. He secretly sent people to Sichuan and Shu and other places to inquire for several days. He learned that legends of strange beasts were widely circulated in Sichuan and Shu, and then he believed it.

That winter, Dugu Jie sent four teams to Shu to search for the strange beasts, but they never found the whereabouts of the strange beasts.

After spring, all flowers bloomed, but Dugu Jie became even more seriously ill.

On this day, after Nangongxian finished teaching Dugu Sheng the martial arts course, he went into the palace to meet the saint. She was heartbroken when she saw Dugu Jie avoiding her and hiding in the palace, coughing and vomiting blood.

After leaving the palace secretly, Nangongxian went straight to the Prime Minister's Mansion, met the Prime Minister, and asked him about the strange beasts of Sichuan and Sichuan, whether it was true or false.

The prime minister said: "This matter is most likely true. As far as I know, your majesty has sent people to investigate secretly. If it was false, your majesty would not have sent people to look for it."

Nangong Xian also felt that the prime minister's analysis was correct.

After leaving the Prime Minister's Mansion, Nangongxian didn't say hello to anyone. She took her Sun-Chasing Arrow and her most trusted subordinate Lingxiao alone and headed to Shu alone.

The prime minister knew the news almost on the morning that Nangongxian and Lingxiao left Kyoto. When he learned that Nangong Xian had really gone to Shu, the prime minister laughed strangely.

"General, General, you are so affectionate and loyal to our Majesty!" It's a pity that as a general who governs the country, she shouldn't have to protect the country and occupy His Majesty at the same time!

She occupied His Majesty all by herself, so where could she place such a huge harem? Where can I put the queen?

Nangong Xian had no idea that she had stepped into a trap from which there was no turning back.

She and Lingxiao traveled through wind and rain and arrived in Shu in only five days. Ling Xiao had already ordered his subordinates to investigate Mo Liansheng's residence. After arriving in Shu, Ling Xiao led Nangong Xian to Yaowang Valley.

When they arrived at the Medicine Valley, Mo Liansheng was collecting herbs in the medicine field. Medicine Valley is at a high altitude and spring has already begun, and a thin layer of snow can still be seen in the valley.

Mo Liansheng was wearing a blue-grey gown and a fur scarf tied around his neck to keep out the cold. His nose was slightly red from the cold. He carefully dug up a medicinal material with a small hoe. Hearing the sound of horse hoofbeats, Mo Liansheng raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound of horse hoofbeats. He saw Nangong Xian, dressed in fiery red, sitting on a fierce horse. , carrying the Sun-Chasing Arrow on his shoulder, was looking down at him on the path.

Mo Liansheng dropped the medicinal materials in his hand in surprise, hurriedly walked to the field and kowtowed to Nangong Xian. "I didn't know that the general was coming, but the villain was far away to greet him!"

"Liansheng, there is no need to be polite. It was me who came uninvited and disturbed the tranquility of the valley."

Mo Liansheng stared at Nangongxian deeply for a while and then said: "General, I didn't know you would come. I didn't even prepare a banquet. General, follow me into the valley quickly. I'll let Zhuojing cook some vegetables. Boil two pots of warm wine to warm up the general and the spiritual guards!"

Hearing this, Nangong Xian showed a surprised look on his face. "Liansheng is married?"

Mo Liansheng felt bitter in his heart, but there was a smile on his face. He laughed sheepishly and said, "The villain has been married for half a year. Zhuo Jing is the daughter of the owner of the valley and is also a doctor."


When Nangong Xian saw that Mo Liansheng was married, he expected that he had finally let go of him, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Ling Xiao was also a little happy when he heard the news. His Majesty now has one less love rival, so he should be relieved.

When he returned to the valley, he saw that Mo Liansheng's wife's belly was already showing signs of pregnancy and her appearance was of the highest quality. Nangongxian teased Mo Liansheng: "I have heard that beautiful women come out of Sichuan and Sichuan. After meeting Mrs. Mo, I believe it."

Mrs. Mo lowered her head when she heard this, with a blush of embarrassment appearing on her face, and her ears were red.

"How old is the child?"

Mrs. Mo replied: "To tell you what the general said, the child is already four months old."

"He will be a smart and healthy child."

After the meal, Mrs. Mo and the old Valley Master retreated, and when others left, Nangongxian told Mo Liansheng the purpose of their trip. "Liansheng, Your Majesty's body is getting weaker and weaker, and I'm afraid your time is running out."

Nangongxian lowered her eyes and stared at the bowl of wine in front of her. Her voice paused for a moment, and then she continued: "I heard that there is a strange beast in Sichuan and Sichuan. Its heart can kill people with flesh and white bones. This is not true, but is it true?"

"To be honest, the moment I saw the general, I guessed the purpose of the general coming to Shu." Mo Liansheng picked up a peanut with chopsticks and threw it into his mouth. He said, "Fantastic beast, It does exist, but it’s still unclear whether the medicine is as effective as the legend says.”

Hearing that there really is such a thing as a strange beast, Nangongxian felt happy. "Does Liansheng know where that strange beast lives?"

Mo Liansheng: "Speaking of this strange beast, I do know some information, but I don't know whether it is accurate or not."

Ling Xiao hurriedly asked Mo Liansheng: "Liansheng, what do you know?"

Mo Liansheng said: "I heard that the last time the strange beast appeared was on the shore of a lake a hundred kilometers away. When it was seen, it was lying on the lakeside drinking water. Everyone speculated that the strange beast might be there. Living in that lake.”

Hearing this, Lingxiao said: "Then let's go to the lake tomorrow to look for it. Maybe the strange beast is still hiding in the lake." Now they can only bet, bet on their luck and bet on the emperor's fate. Absolutely!

Mo Liansheng met Nangongxian's looking eyes. He put down his chopsticks and muttered: "That's okay. The general will rest early tonight. Let's set out to find the strange beast early tomorrow morning."


The next day, Mo Liansheng said goodbye to his wife who was pregnant with Liujia, and rushed towards the lake a hundred miles away with Nangongxian and Lingxiao.

On the way, the three of them recalled their days in the military camp with emotion. Ling Xiao said: "Now that the world is at peace, I feel very uncomfortable when I think of those brothers who died on the battlefield."

Mo Liansheng also looked sad. "It's because I'm incompetent. I don't have three heads and six arms, so I can't save more brothers."

Nangongxian sat on the black horse, picked an unknown flower from the tree, and played with it in his hand. When she heard the two people's emotions, she said: "War has always been cruel. Since ancient times, kings have launched wars, and the people have suffered. Who is not the child of parents?"

Nangongxian is brave and good at fighting, but she doesn't like war. She hates war more than anyone else.

Putting the flower beside his ear, Nangongxian untied the water bottle on his horse and took a sip, sighing: "May this prosperous age last forever and there will be no more wars!"

Lingxiao: "Well said, General!"

The three of them were riding ordinary mounts. The horses also needed to rest and could not run around the clock.

In the evening, the three of them set up tents to rest at the foot of the lake. Sitting by the campfire, Mo Liansheng poured a bowl of wine for Nangongxian and Lingxiao. "It's cold in the mountains. General and spiritual guards, please drink some wine to warm yourself up. This wine is the medicinal wine brewed by my father-in-law. It doesn't relieve your fatigue."

Nangong Xian, Ling Xiao and Mo Liansheng were close friends. They took the wine bowl from Mo Liansheng and drank the bowl of wine in one gulp without any hesitation.

After drinking a bowl of wine, I felt really warm.

After resting for a night, the three of them rode up the mountain early the next morning.

After three hours, they finally arrived at the lake.

The lake in front of us is so clear and green that at first glance it looks like an emerald embedded in the middle of the mountains.

This lake has a touching name, Beauty’s Tears. Rumor has it that this lake of Beauty’s Tears was created when a girl named A Ling learned that her husband, who was in the army, had died in the war. She knelt here and couldn’t cry anymore.

The three of them propped up their little beds and searched for traces of the strange beasts on the lake. They searched for more than an hour, but still found no traces of the strange beasts.

Mo Liansheng raised his head and glanced at the scorching sun above his head, thinking that it was almost time for the poison to take effect, so he said: "Perhaps, that strange beast is hiding under the water and peeping at us. Spirit Guard, your water nature Best, if you want, you can go down and take a look?"

Ling Xiao felt that Mo Liansheng's consideration was right. He took off his coat and sword, took a breath, and got into the water.

The water is also very clear and can be seen dozens of meters away with the naked eye. Lingxiao swam in the water holding his breath for a while, preparing to return to the surface to take a breath.

But at this moment, Ling Xiao's heart suddenly started to cramp.

Lingxiao realized something was wrong and tried to swim out of the water faster, but he only swam three or four meters before his heart ached.

Ling Xiao was so anxious that he realized that he might die in this lake. He struggled hard a few times, but he was more than 20 meters deep under the water, and there was no splash at all on the surface.

Nangongxian stared at the slightly swaying surface of the lake and said, "Why hasn't Lingxiao come up yet?"

Mo Liansheng said: "Lingxiao Guard is the best at water and can often stay in the water for more than a quarter of an hour. General, there is no need to worry."

Nangongxian looked at the swaying water in front of him, feeling uneasy in his heart.

"No, I have to go take a look!"

Although Lingxiao was good at water and could last more than a quarter of an hour in the water, he was not on a mission now, so there was no need for Lingxiao to work so hard.

"Liansheng, you are not good at water. You sit on the boat while I go down to find out!"

Mo Liansheng looked at her deeply before nodding and telling her: "General, be careful, the water is deep."


Nangongxian jumped into the water and swam more than twenty meters to the bottom, but did not see Lingxiao's figure. Nangongxian felt something was not good, so she continued to dive down, and went more than ten meters deeper, and finally saw Lingxiao.

Lingxiao is dead, his body is suspended upwards at the bottom of the water, and he is slowly floating upwards!

Nangongxian was shocked. She hurriedly swam to Lingxiao's side, pulled Lingxiao's ankle and swam up the lake.

Nangong Xian's water nature was average, and dragging a man weighing 160 pounds to swim in the water would cost her her life.

Nangongxian swam hard to the surface, spit out the water in his throat, and shouted to Mo Liansheng eagerly: "Liansheng, hurry up, Lingxiao is drowning, see if you can save him."

As Nangongxian spoke, he turned to look at Mo Liansheng. When he saw Mo Liansheng's appearance, Nangongxian was stunned on the spot and forgot what he was going to say.

"Liansheng, you."

Mo Liansheng, who was wearing it, used all his strength to pull away all of Nangong Xian's sun-chasing arrows. The sharp arrows on the round bow were aimed at her!

"Mo Liansheng, what are you trying to do!"

Nangongxian's eyes turned cold. Even though she was in a miserable state at the moment, her majestic aura still frightened Mo Lian!

Mo Liansheng was not as strong as Nangong Xian, but he had already tried his best to successfully pull the Sun-Chasing Arrow away.

Mo Liansheng's arms were trembling. He aimed at Nangong Xian, his eyes were red, and he shouted in a low voice: "Nangong Xian, are you stupid! There are no strange beasts in this world! You are the strange beast! I want to dig it up Use your heart to make medicine to save your sweetheart!"

Nangong Xian frowned at the crazy Mo Liansheng, and she couldn't help but ask: "Can my heart save your majesty?"

Mo Liansheng's expression became ferocious and twisted, "Of course! You are a medicine man! You were born with the fragrance of medicine, which is the most precious treasure of heaven and earth. Your whole body, from the inside out, is the magic medicine that saves people!"

He read this from his father-in-law's witchcraft book. The book said that medicine people are people who take special medicinal materials from the mother's womb. The biggest difference between medicine people and ordinary people is that their bodies carry a strange medicinal fragrance.

This kind of medicinal fragrance cannot be discovered by ordinary people. Only those who study medicine and are extremely sensitive to the smell of medicinal materials can discover it.

And Mo Liansheng is a genius in identifying medicine. He has a sense of smell that far exceeds that of other doctors.

Twelve years ago, when he first met Nangong Xian in Beiye Mountain, Mo Liansheng discovered the medicinal fragrance on Nangong Xian's body.

But he always thought it was just the body fragrance of Nangong Xian, until he saw his father-in-law's witchcraft book and thought that Nangong Xian had taken the anti-fetal medicine prescribed by Doctor Zhou when he was still in his mother's womb. Mo Liansheng boldly guessed that Nangong Xian was the legendary Nangong Xian. The most precious treasure of genius——

Medicine man!

Doesn’t Nangongxian like Dugu Jie?

Didn’t Dugujie want him to die? Didn’t it take away his taste buds and sense of smell? If this is the case, then he will make Dugu Jie's life worse than death!

What could be more painful than being tricked into taking the heart of the one you love!

"Nangongxian, you are going to be one with your sweetheart and your good majesty forever. Should you thank me?"

Mo Liansheng has gone crazy.

Mo Liansheng had been preparing for this day for several months!

From the moment he deliberately found someone to spread the news about strange beasts in Sichuan and Sichuan, from the day he secretly contacted the Prime Minister, Mo Liansheng had no way of looking back!

He thought of the love between Nangong Xian and the Emperor, and how the Emperor had humiliated him, and he felt itchy with hatred!

Nangong Xian is a smart person. After hearing Mo Liansheng's words, she immediately understood everything.

It turns out that the so-called strange beasts in Sichuan and Sichuan were just a trap created by Mo Lian, who deliberately tricked her into coming here so that he could kill her and use her heart to deceive His Majesty!

"Mo Liansheng, you are deceiving His Majesty by doing this! Aren't you afraid of being punished by God!"

"God's punishment?" Mo Liansheng shed tears, and he asked Nangong Xian frantically: "Dugu Jie poisoned me and took away my sense of smell and taste! He took away you who I have loved for many years, and also took away my beloved I am so proud of my talent, I have already tasted the punishment of God!”

"Now, it's time for Dugu Jie to feel the heartache!"

Mo Liansheng tightened the long arrow in his hand, narrowed his eyes and aimed at Nangong Xian. With tears streaming down his face, he said in pain: "General! I'm sorry! Twelve years ago, you shouldn't have rescued me from the wolves. of!"

The wolf is not scary, he is the scariest one as a wolf with white eyes!

Mo Liansheng released his right hand, and the red arrow whizzed towards Nangong Xian! The distance was too close, Nangong Xiandu had nowhere to hide, and his chest was stabbed by the sharp arrow on the spot!


Nangongxian was struck by the power of the arrow and sank into the lake.

She saw streams of blood emerging from the wounds, staining the water in her sight that should have been clear. Nangongxian pulled away the long arrow, and she struggled to swim to the water. She leaned weakly on Lingxiao's body, staring at the man on the boat with hatred in her eyes.

"Mo Liansheng!"

Nangongxian bit the blood from his fingertips, raised three fingers, and swore a poisonous oath to the sky!

"Mo Liansheng, I curse you to die a good death! Not only you, but also your children, your grandchildren, and great-grandchildren will not live to be twenty-five years old!"

Seeing Mo Liansheng's suddenly stiff expression, Nangong Xian twitched the corner of his mouth. She added: "Do you want your child to live? Well, let them kill you! Only if you die can your child live!"

He dared to cheat on her, so how could she let him go?

After saying the last words, Nangongxian closed his eyes with hatred.

Before she died, her body was grabbed by Mo Liansheng and pulled onto the boat -

Half a month later.


Dugujie was lying ill in bed. He was dying and had already written a will.

Doctor Zhou and the imperial doctors all knelt down on both sides of the palace. The prince and concubines also rushed to the emperor's palace and knelt on the ground.

That night, the lights in the palace were brightly lit, and on Chang'an Street outside the palace, countless people held praying lanterns in their hands, standing at the door of their homes, looking in the direction of the palace, and silently reciting blessing scriptures.

Emperor Taiping was a wise king. Over the years of his reign, the Luo Dynasty had experienced ups and downs, but it had never been defeated! Under Emperor Taiping's governing philosophy, people all over the country lived and worked in peace and contentment, and the capital was able to keep their doors open at night.

They all hope that Emperor Taiping lives!

Live well!

I hope Emperor Taiping will continue to govern the Luo Dynasty and lead the Luo Dynasty to live a truly peaceful and prosperous life!

In the emperor's palace.

Dugujie tapped his fingers on the edge of the bed. Because he was weak, such movements seemed limp. Fortunately, Chen Desheng was attentive and noticed.

Chen Desheng hurried over, leaned over and asked with tears in his eyes: "Your Majesty, what do you want to say?"

Dugu Jie opened his eyes and rolled his eyes weakly. He didn't see the shadow of the woman in front of the dragon bed, and he refused to die. "Is she, is she back?"

Hearing this, Chen Desheng couldn't help but wipe his tears. "Your Majesty, if you hold on a little longer, the general will be back soon! The general has found the strange beast, and Doctor Mo will soon bring you life-saving medicine. Your Majesty, hold on!"

The news that General Nangong had found the strange beast had long been spread back to the capital, and now everyone was hoping that Dr. Mo would arrive soon. However, no one dared to tell His Majesty about the death of General Nangong in battle.

Afraid that His Highness would have thoughts of committing suicide after learning the news, he followed General Nangong on the spot.

Hearing this, Dugu Jie's eyes burst out with a ray of survival light. "I, I want to wait for her!" He would not rest in peace until he saw that woman for the last time!

Chen Desheng coaxed Dugu Jie, and he said viciously: "Yes, Your Majesty must wait until General Nangong comes. If she doesn't come, when Your Majesty gets better, she will be punished!"

At this moment, a eunuch outside the palace shouted loudly: "Doctor Mo is here!"

Hearing this, Chen Desheng was ecstatic.

The men and women in the room who were kneeling on the ground were all filled with joy. Prince Dugu Sheng stood up excitedly, turned around and went out to greet him.

More than ten seconds later, Dugu Sheng and Mo Liansheng walked in together.

"Mr. Mo, hurry up, my father is waiting for your medicine!"

In order to race against time, Mo Liansheng ran into the palace.

Walking to the dragon bed and kneeling down, Mo Liansheng respectfully shouted: "Common people, please see your majesty, your majesty, Fengchun Pills have been successfully refined, please take them!"

"Hey! Mr. Mo, you're finally here, let us wait!" Chen Desheng quickly opened the box and looked at the pills inside.

The moment the box was opened, a strange scent of medicine suddenly spread throughout the palace! Smelling the fragrance of this medicine, everyone was refreshed!

Doctor Zhou knelt on the ground and raised his head when he smelled the fragrance of the medicine. He couldn't see anything, but he also knew where Mo Liansheng was. Doctor Zhou was facing the direction of the dragon bed, and he couldn't help but curl his nose.

This smell.

Doctor Zhou always felt that this smell was very familiar, as if he had smelled it somewhere before.

Where did you smell it?

Divine Doctor Zhou couldn't remember it. He couldn't remember it at all.

Time was tight, and Chen Desheng didn't even have time to test the medicine, so he picked up the pill with a handkerchief and fed it to His Majesty.

Putting the pill into his mouth, Dugu Jie tasted a hint of sweetness. The sweet taste should be that of honey. Although it is very sweet, it cannot suppress the smell of blood that comes with the pill itself.

Dugujie felt sick and subconsciously wanted to vomit.

He raised his hands and shouted in a muffled voice: "Let go and let me puke."

"Your Majesty, please take this medicine. This is a life-saving miracle medicine!"

Dugu Jie also knew that this was a life-saving medicine, but he felt a strong sense of resistance in his heart.

This medicine cannot be taken!

Chen Desheng's eyes were filled with tears. He cried and begged Dugu Jie: "Your Majesty, please drink this medicine, drink it!" Chen Desheng pressed Dugu Jie's lips tightly and watched his throat rolling as he drank the medicine. Chen Desheng Then he let go of his hand.

Mo Liansheng knelt beside the bed, holding the medicine box in both hands. He watched helplessly as the emperor finally swallowed the Fengchun Pill, and the corner of his mouth quietly curled up in a weird and weird way.

After drinking the Fengchun Pill, His Majesty's breathing became calmer, and his face became visibly rosy.

Seeing this, Chen Desheng was overjoyed, and the prince also looked happy.

"He can be saved! Father, he can be saved!"

The palace was filled with joy and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Mo Liansheng walked out of the palace and looked at the Prime Minister who was waiting outside the door. Their eyes were both unpredictable.

Sorry, I thought I could finish this chapter, but it seems I can't. I may have to wait for another chapter before the plot of this past life can end.

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