Letting Loose After Marrying A Tycoon

Chapter 233 The birth of a child, Han Miao and Han Jun (1 update)

The doctor immediately performed a B-ultrasound examination on Song Ci, and the probe moved back and forth on Song Ci's belly.

Song Ci and Han Zhan both looked at the display screen and could clearly see the children.

As for the amount of amniotic fluid, Song Ci and Han Zhan couldn't understand it. They were not medical students.

After the doctor finished the examination, he asked Han Zhan: "The fetal membranes did rupture prematurely. How long has it been since the discovery of the rupture of the amniotic fluid to now?"

Han Zhan replied: "More than an hour."

"Then you discovered it quite in time."

"Premature rupture of membranes is a serious condition. It can easily lead to the umbilical cord falling off and intrauterine infection of the baby. The child is now eight months old. If the wife has uterine contractions and can give birth naturally, that would be the best situation. If If there are no contractions for more than twelve hours, then consider a caesarean section. After all, the children are healthy and if they are born with careful care, their lives will not be in danger."

"The longer the fetus stays in the wife's body, the higher the risk of infection and the more threatening it is."

After explaining the pros and cons clearly, the doctor asked Han Zhan and Song Ci: "Mr. Han, Madam, please consider whether to take out the baby by caesarean section, or wait a few hours to see if there are any contractions."

This means that you can either have a caesarean section and take out the baby early. Either wait a few more hours to see if there are any contractions and whether Song Ci can give birth to the baby on her own.

While waiting, the umbilical cord may fall off or the amniotic fluid may lose too much, causing the child to suffocate and die.

Song Ci grabbed Han Zhan's arm and said immediately: "I want a caesarean section!"

As soon as he heard the word 'dissection', Han Zhan's scalp felt numb.

He was horrified at the thought that the doctor would use a razor blade to separate Song Ci's belly.

The doctor also said: "Caesarean section is the best way."

Han Zhan looked down at Song Ci.

Song Ci's eyes were full of determination, and she said: "I have persisted for too long for them, Han Zhan, I can't afford to risk losing them."

Han Zhan clenched his fists and nodded. "Okay, let's do the surgery."

The doctor quickly arranged for people to prepare for the operation, and Song Ci changed into a hospital gown with the help of Han Zhan.

At this time, a nurse came in from outside, carrying a bag of baby supplies, including small clothes, small bath towels, and maternal nursing pads.

The nurse stood at the end of the bed and said to Song Ci: "Madam, your family has come over and sent the child and your things."


After the nurse left, Han Zhan held Song Ci's hand and told her, "Don't be afraid, I will always be by your side."

Why isn't Song Ci afraid?

She was only 23 years old, she had never had surgery before, and she was scared to death.

Song Ci's fingers were shaking and her hands were cold to the touch, but she still forced a smile and comforted Han Zhan: "Don't worry, I won't know anything after the anesthesia. Wait until I wake up." , you will definitely stay with me and tell me: Song Ci, our daughter is safe."

Han Zhan forced a smile and nodded, "Yes, I will stay with you, always with you."

The anesthesiologist came to the operating room from home. As soon as he came in, he first asked about Song Ci's weight and other information, and then prepared the anesthetic.

The operation was about to begin, and Song Ci couldn't help but think wildly.

She was afraid that once she closed her eyes, she would never have the chance to open them again.

A few minutes before the operation, Song Ci couldn't help but confess her last words to Han Zhan.

Squeezing Han Zhan's hand, Song Ci told him: "Han Zhan, if I die this time but the children survive, you must promise me one thing."

Han Zhan subconsciously stopped her from talking nonsense, "Don't say that these are some or not, you will be fine."

"Don't interrupt me!" Song Ci grabbed Han Zhan's wrist, stared at him, and said to him: "If I die, you must not find a stepmother for our child! With a stepmother, there will be a stepmother." Stepfather, I can’t bear to let the children I sacrificed my life for be bullied by your vixen!”

Han Zhan: "."

He felt funny and angry.

"You won't die, trust me."

Today’s medical skills are so sophisticated that caesarean section is not difficult. Su Beibei survived such a dangerous situation, and Song Ci will definitely be fine.

Song Ci only wants a promise from Han Zhan, "Promise me! Anyway, you must promise me that you will never find a stepmother for our child!"

Song Ci is not a generous woman. Other women only want their men to be happy before they die, but Song Ci does not.

She wished that Han Zhan would keep her in his heart forever!

When Han Zhan saw the anesthesiologist coming, he knew that if he didn't give an accurate answer, Song Ci would probably not let him go. Han Zhan nodded hurriedly and said, "Okay, okay, I promise you."

After hearing Han Zhan's hello, Song Ci allowed the anesthesiologist to give her anesthesia.

After the anesthesia was injected into the body, Song Ci's consciousness was still very clear at first, and she even said to Han Zhan: "Han Zhan, I think TV and novels are all lies. They always show people who are injected with drugs and lose their consciousness immediately." The plot of consciousness. You see, I was injected with general anesthesia, and my consciousness is still clear now."

In order to make Song Ci relax, Han Zhan praised her: "Yes, it must be because you are a determined person."

Song Ci was a little proud. She said, "That's right, I eat not only to gain weight, but also to be brave." Before she could finish the word courage, Song Ci slowly closed her eyes.

Han Zhan pushed her shoulder and shouted: "Porcelain treasure."

Song Ci: "Yeah."

After a few seconds, Han Zhan shouted again: "Song Ci."

Song Ci: "."

No response.

The anesthesiologist looked amused and said, "Your wife is quite interesting."

Han Zhan asked the anesthesiologist: "Is my wife's condition serious?"

"This is nothing, this is considered premature labor at most. I have seen countless mothers in the obstetrics and gynecology department, and this is just a small problem for your wife. Don't worry, when the operation is over, you will definitely have a lively wife, and Two babies crying loudly.”

Hearing what the anesthesiologist said, Han Zhan felt a little more at ease.

Song Ci's bed was pushed into the operating room.

The chief surgeon was the director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. He picked up the knife, glanced at Han Zhan, and said to him with a warning: "Mr. Han, I am going to start the operation next. I hope you will cooperate with the work and don't disturb me." .”

Han Zhan nodded but did not answer.

Han Zhan's heart trembled as he watched the doctor cut open Song Ci's stomach with one sharp stroke.

It's not that he has never seen killing, he has also cut the enemy's neck with a knife. He was not afraid of pain, nor was he afraid of other people's pain, but he was afraid of Song Ci's pain.

There are many layers of human skin structure, but the doctor's scalpel was extremely sharp. It felt like only a gentle pressure was enough to cut Song Ci's belly open.

The knife made a horizontal incision, and someone immediately brought a sterile cotton cloth to soak up the blood.

Han Zhan watched as the assistant put his hand into Song Ci's abdomen. After just over a minute, the doctor successfully took out a child.

Twins were originally smaller than singles, and Song Ci was born prematurely, so the baby was pitifully small.

When Han Zhan saw his eldest daughter, his heart trembled slightly.

The nurse quickly hugged the child with a bath towel and patted the child's butt. The child cried slightly like a wild cat.

When Han Zhan heard the child's cry, his heart palpitated. It was an indescribable touch.

The nurse was busy checking the child's body and weighing the child. Here, the assistant continues to deliver the second child.

Han Zhan looked towards the nurse's desk and saw the nurse putting the child on the scale. Then he turned around and said, "Congratulations, Mr. Han, the child is healthy and weighs 3.4 pounds."

When Han Zhan heard the figure 3.4 pounds, he immediately frowned.

So young, can he really survive?

At this time, the assistant technician had successfully taken out the second baby girl.

As soon as he saw the child, the assistant teacher yelled, "This guy is more domineering and stronger."

Hearing this, Han Zhan looked towards the child who was born a few minutes later.

Sure enough, this little guy is fatter, with a little flesh on his little arms, and is stronger than the previous little baby girl.

Han Zhan said decisively: "The one born later is the elder sister." Anyway, they are all children born on the same day, and whoever grows stronger will be the elder sister.

The nurse took her sister and carried her for a checkup and weighing. Then she turned back to Han Zhan with a smile and said, "Mr. Han, the daughter weighs 4.5 pounds and is very healthy."

Han Zhan hummed, then turned around without looking at the child much, frowning and watching the doctor take out Song Ci's placenta.

The operation went smoothly.

Outside the operating room, Han Aoyu and Zhong Buhui waited anxiously.

Han Aoyu was so anxious that his feet were shaking gently on the ground.

When Song Fei and Yan Jiang rushed to the hospital, Song Ci's operation was already over.

Han Zhan personally sent the two little princesses out.

Seeing Han Zhan come out, the four people waiting outside the operating room immediately stood up and rushed over together.

Han Aoyu asked: "Is the child okay? Where is Song Yatou, is she okay?"

Song Fei and Yan Jiang asked, "How is Song Ci?"

Han Zhan looked at them without finishing his sentence.

The four of them immediately fell silent.

Han Zhan then said: "Song Ci's operation went well. Now that the operation is over, we are just waiting for them to wake up from the anesthesia. The two children are small because they were born prematurely, and their internal organs have not yet fully matured, so they have to be sent to a pediatric incubator."

The doctor said that if there was no shortage of money, it would be best to let the child grow to six pounds in an incubator before being discharged.

What Han Zhan lacks most is money. For the sake of the children's health, he will naturally let the children grow up in an incubator.

So, a group of people sent the two little guys to the pediatric sterile ward.

Watching helplessly as the nurse took the child away, Han Aoyu couldn't help but said worriedly: "There are so many children in there, our child won't be carried by the wrong one, right?"

Glancing at Han Zhan, Han Aoyu said, "When your grandma gets old, what she likes to watch the most is the TV series about the wrong baby." This made Han Aoyu feel bad about the hospital carrying the wrong baby.

Hearing what the old man said, the nurse hurriedly said: "What are you talking about, old man? Every baby wears their identity tag on their hand, there is absolutely no mistake!"

After saying that, the nurse walked in with the child in her arms.

Being educated by a little girl, Han Aoyu felt quite shameless.

Han Aoyu rubbed his nose, walked to the chair and sat down, sighing: "That little guy is so small, it feels like it is as big as my two palms. How can this be so good? If you hug me from now on, I won't dare to reach out." "

In fact, it wasn't just Han Aoyu who didn't dare to hold the child. When the nurse asked Han Zhan to hold the child, his arms were as stiff as two stones.

Han Aoyu was getting older, and staying up late was very harmful to his health, so Han Zhan asked his grandfather to go to the dean's lounge upstairs to lie down for a while.

Han Aoyu still refused, he said: "I have to guard Song Yatou when she comes out. If she doesn't see me, she may have random thoughts in her heart and think that grandpa doesn't love her anymore!"

Because Song Ci was depressed before, the old man loved her very much and was afraid that she would do something that would make Song Ci depressed and unhappy.

Hearing what the old man said, Song Fei and Yan Jiang felt very warm in their hearts.

Song Ci really married the right person in this life.

Seeing that he couldn't convince his grandfather, Han Zhan had no choice but to hold his grandfather's arm and return to the operating room.

When it was almost dawn, Song Ci finally woke up. Her consciousness was not clear at that time.

When the nurses pushed her out of the operating room, she squinted at the lights, feeling as if she was floating on a cloud.

It wasn't until his hand was tightly wrapped by a big calloused palm that Song Ci shouted vaguely: "Han Zhan."

Song Ci was confused when she heard Han Zhan hum, and then her hand was kissed.

Song Ci heard another unyielding male voice interrupt. He said, "Girl Song, you are not kind, and Han Zhan is not the only one waiting for you. My old man's legs were so scared by you tonight that his legs went weak. After staying up all night with them, when you wake up you only remember your brother Han and not your grandpa?"

Song Ci thought: Who is this old guy?

So much to talk.

Song Ci was sent back to the ward and wanted to sleep, but someone kept talking in her ears. Forget about talking, they would call her after a while. If Song Ci didn't say anything, they would lean into her ear and continue calling her.

Song Ci could only keep agreeing.

After a few hours, the noise in my ears finally stopped.

As for Song Ci, she also fell asleep.

When Song Ci woke up again, she saw a black head lying next to her bed.

Song Ci turned her head again and saw two people sleeping together on the sofa, Song Fei and Yan Jiang.

When she woke up and saw her family, Song Ci felt satisfied at that moment.

"Brother Han."

Hearing Song Ci's voice, Han Zhan raised his head.

Seeing that Song Ci woke up, Han Zhan was overjoyed and asked, "Ci Bao, how do you feel?"

Song Ci looked a little embarrassed, and she whispered something.

Han Zhan didn't hear clearly, "What?"

Song Ci: "It's a bit high."

Han Zhan was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Urine? Or stool?" Han Zhan was a little frightened, because the doctor said that the mother would not be able to defecate after giving birth. If you feel like you have to have a bowel movement, it's most likely heavy bleeding.

Song Ci blushed, with a look of embarrassment on her face, and explained in a low voice: "It's because of breast enlargement!"

Han Zhan: "."

When he became a father for the first time, Han Zhan didn't even know there was such a thing as breast enlargement.

Han Zhan immediately ran to the maternal and infant supermarket to buy an electric breast pump and sterilize it.

After driving Song Fei and Yan Jiang away, Han Zhan closed the door and asked Song Ci to suck out the milk with an electric breast pump.

But after all, the breast pump was still not as effective as the baby's sucking power. Song Ci frowned in pain and did not suck it out.

She put aside her shame and said to Han Zhan: "Brother Han, how about you give it a try?"

Han Zhan also blushed, but he still had to bite the bullet.


The sucked-out colostrum is light yellow in color. Han Zhan sent two bags of colostrum to the pediatric ward.

The nurse told Han Zhan: "If possible, I hope you can deliver breast milk on time every day. If the supply of breast milk is insufficient, it needs to be mixed with milk, which is not good for the baby's digestive system."

Han Zhan turned around and told Song Ci about this. Song Ci pondered for a moment and said, "How about we just find a house to live near the hospital. I will suck out the milk every day, and you can find someone trustworthy." , specifically responsible for delivering milk?"

Song Ci is a fan of breast milk. She always feels that breast milk is more suitable for human babies than cow or goat milk. She plans to breastfeed the children until they are six months old, and then consider stopping breastfeeding.

Han Zhan had no objection.

It happened that the hospital was not far from the Jetta Hotel, so Han Zhan placed Song Ci in the presidential suite of the Jetta Hotel, and a dedicated confinement nanny took care of her during the confinement period.

Han Zhan called Allen over again and was responsible for delivering milk to the children every day.

Han Zhan, on the other hand, began to work in the company, hotel and hospital.

They can visit the children three times a week, once on Monday, once on Wednesday and once on Saturday. Every time Han Zhan goes there, he will record a video of the two little guys and take it home to show Song Ci.

Seeing that the two babies were getting healthier and healthier, and finally had some flesh on their faces, Song Ci's worried heart calmed down day by day.

But the desire to take the baby home is even stronger.

On this day, Han Zhan got off work early and returned to the hotel. He pulled up a chair and sat down beside Song Ci's bed.

Song Ci also did yoga exercises during her confinement. She had just finished exercising and was lying lazily on the bed, unwilling to move her fingers.

Han Zhan fed the peeled orange to Song Ci's mouth. "Let me tell you something."

Song Ci raised her eyelids, glanced at Han Zhan, and winked at him, telling him to ask directly.

Han Zhan said: "Have you thought of a name for the child you gave us?"

Song Ci said: "I have thought about it."

"I plan to register my children tomorrow. Once I register, I can apply for medical insurance. When I am discharged from the hospital, I can save more than 10,000 yuan by applying for medical insurance."

Song Ci was stunned when he heard this, "The richest man still lacks that ten thousand yuan?"

Han Zhan: "Whatever I can save is worth it. I pay taxes on time and buy medical insurance according to the rules. My children should enjoy medical insurance."

Song Ci laughed a few times and then said: "My sister's name is Han Miao, my sister's name is Han Jun, and I will have a younger brother named Han Zhen. When my sister grows up, her cousin name will be Jingyu, my sister's name will be Youyu, and my brother's name will be Lingyu." .”

Song Ci asked Han Zhan: "How is it?"

Han Zhan had no objections.

Just one.

"Who will inherit the incense of your old Song family?"

Song Ci curled her lips, "No matter what their surname is, they are all grandsons of the old Song family. This cannot be changed."

"Actually, I have no requirement for the child's surname. The surname is Song or Han." Han Zhan asked her again: "Are you really planning to have a second child?"

"What, you can't afford it?"

Han Zhan sneered, "I can afford eight or ten."

"Let's talk about it in a few years."

"Then let the third child's surname be Song."

"Anything is fine."

So the next day, Han Zhan took his marriage certificate, birth certificate and household registration book to the police station to register the two girls' household registration.

The children stayed in the hospital for a month and a half before being discharged.

When she was discharged from the hospital, her elder sister had grown to six pounds and six ounces, and her younger sister had grown to six pounds and one ounce.

On the day the children were discharged from the hospital, Song Ci had already finished confinement. She, Han Zhan and the old man came to the hospital together and happily picked up the children.

The old man was dressed quite grandly today, and even put on a red down jacket.

When he was discharged from the hospital, he held his two great-granddaughters in his arms, one on the left and the other on the right. He was so happy that the corners of his mouth almost reached his ears.

Song Ci and Han Zhan were afraid that the old man's hands would shake and drop the child to the ground, so they supported the old man on the left and right.

Han Aoyu disliked the two of them for looking down on him, so he scolded Han Zhan with an angry face: "What's the matter? Look down on me, an old man? I can't carry a gun anymore, but it's not a problem to carry two children!"

Han Zhan and Song Ci didn't dare to say a word, and their eyebrows were lowered, like primary school students being scolded by the teacher.

The reporter who came after hearing the news hid in the flowers and secretly took a few photos. He immediately edited the manuscript and posted it online——

[The first lady married into a noble family, gave birth to a daughter prematurely, and was rejected by the old man for having a daughter instead of a son? 】

The picture accompanying the news showed Han Aoyu angrily scolding Han Zhan.

In the article, the reporter used exaggerated writing to describe Song Ci's life after marrying a general, which was dire and torrid, comparable to a TV drama.

After reading this report, readers knew in their hearts that the reporter was exaggerating, but this did not prevent them from enjoying the news. After all, not everyone is happy to see the first lady living a happy married life and being pampered.

People are jealous, and there are always people who want Song Ci to suffer.

After the children and Song Ci all went to bed, Han Zhan had time to sit down on the sofa and drink a cup of hot tea.

Since the birth of the little ones, Han Zhan has had almost no private time and rarely surfs the Internet. By the time he saw the comments on the Internet, Song Ci had become a pitiful little man who had been wasted after marrying into a wealthy family.

Han Zhan found the defamatory news published by Zhou Wen Daily, the culprit, and read it. He sneered and directly informed the deputy minister of the Ministry of Justice and asked them to put the matter of suing Zhou Wen Daily on the agenda.

The more Han Zhan thought about it, the more unhappy he became, so he decided to do something to let netizens see how happy Song Ci's life was.

The next day, as soon as Han Aoyu got up, he saw Han Zhan standing at the door of the room with an expression of evil intentions.

Han Aoyu glanced at Han Zhan warily, feeling uncertain. He asked Han Zhan, "What are you doing standing here?"

Han Zhan smiled and suddenly asked: "Grandpa, are you interested in becoming a food anchor?"

Han Aoyu was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up. He rubbed his hands and said, "I can do it too? I'm so old."

"Don't be afraid of old people. As long as you have money, Sun Tzu can make you the most popular food blogger on the Internet."

Han Aoyu has a strong interest in becoming an internet celebrity.

As he walked towards the kitchen, he asked Han Zhan some things to pay attention to when becoming an internet celebrity.

Han Zhan told him: "Pay attention to praising Song Ci more and mentioning Song Ci more, so that people know that Song Ci is your most beloved baby!"

Don't you suspect that grandpa looks down on Song Ci?

Well, he will let everyone see how much grandpa looks down on Song Ci!

As soon as Han Aoyu heard this, he understood Han Zhan's little thoughts.

"What? What kind of rumors are spreading?" Grandpa was very smart and immediately guessed that something happened.

Han Zhan told Han Aoyu what happened online.

After hearing this, Han Aoyu was very angry. "I hate that Song Yatou can't give birth to a son? Are you kidding me! Isn't your mother just a girl? Don't mention how precious I am to her!"

Han Aoyu put on an apron, picked up the chicken in the cage, and angrily shouted at Han Zhan, who was filming the video: "Come on, focus the camera on the chicken's neck. I have to let those people know what it means to kill a chicken to scare the monkey!"

Han Miao, Han Jun, just simple names, easy to remember.

Starting from today, grandpa will start the daily life of pampering Song Ci and his great-granddaughter.

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