Letting Loose After Marrying A Tycoon

Chapter 230 Song Ci is depressed and Song Fei is infertile

"Grandpa!" Song Ci was startled and trotted towards Grandpa.

Han Aoyu fell to the ground, grabbed the tree trunk behind him, and struggled to sit up on his knees.

Seeing Song Ci running over, Han Aoyu was startled and shouted to her quickly, "Girl Song, be careful, don't run away, I can get up by myself." Something can't happen to Girl Song, she still has two babies in her belly. A little cub.

Song Ci felt relieved when she saw that Han Aoyu could still yell at people.

She stopped running, held her belly, and walked over quickly.

When Han Aoyu fell, his head hit the thick trunk of the Podocarpus tree behind him. He knelt on the ground, rubbed the back of his head, and said to Song Ci, "Look at the back of my head. Is there any swelling?"

Song Ci pulled out the old man's slightly white hair, looked at it carefully, then shook his head and said, "It doesn't look like it's there. Grandpa, how do you feel now? Do you have a headache?"

Han Aoyu touched the back of his head again before saying, "It doesn't hurt."

Song Ci stretched out her hand towards Han Aoyu and said, "Come, grandpa, let me help you up."

"No, this old man fell down and has to get up by himself."

This is common sense. Song Ci usually remembers it, but when she saw her grandfather fall, she panicked and forgot about it.

Song Ci withdrew her hand and watched the old man slowly stand up while holding on to the podocarpus tree.

Han Aoyu opened his legs, shook them, and joked to himself: "Hey, I didn't twist my legs, I can still walk!"

"Grandpa, it's better to go sit and rest for a while."

Song Ci supported one of Han Aoyu's arms and led him towards the chair.

Zhong Buhui came over with tea and said, "Girl Song, what was your name just now?"

Song Ci ignored Han Aoyu's requesting look and told Zhong Buhui: "Grandpa fell just now and I was scared."

"Is it?"

Zhong Buhui's expression also changed.

He quickly put down the tea cup, walked up to Han Aoyu, looked at Han Aoyu up and down many times, and then asked him: "Old man, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Han Aoyu shook his head, "It's okay, I can withstand falls."

"You are not a stone, but you are still resistant to falling!" Zhong Buhui asked Song Ci: "Did the old man fall somewhere?"

Song Ci said: "It seems that he touched his head. Uncle Zhong, look at the back of grandpa's head to see if there is any swelling. When I looked at it just now, it was just a little red."

Zhong Buhui pulled out the old man's hair, looked at it, and said, "There is really a small bulge."

"No, I have to go to the hospital!" Song Ci said.

Zhong Buhui also agreed with Song Ci's approach.

"Old man, go to the hospital for a check-up."

Han Aoyu waved his hand and said: "You are too old to check for anything. If there is something wrong, it is not easy to treat. When you are old, you have to live with it."

Han Aoyu soon became lively and energetic, and even ate more than half a bowl of rice in the evening.

When Han Zhan came back in the evening, Song Ci took a bath and told him about this matter. "Grandpa fell in the vegetable garden this afternoon and hit his head on a podocarpus tree, causing a small bag. Uncle Zhong and I asked him to go to the hospital, but he didn't listen."

"Brother Han, can you rest tomorrow morning and take grandpa to the hospital for a check-up? This head is like no other. If there is a bruise, it will be troublesome."

Han Zhan was shocked by the news.

"Did you hit your head?"

"Yeah. Grandpa was planting potatoes at the time, so he might have been a little anxious when he got up."

Han Zhan's face sank and he said helplessly: "He also drinks secretly. I really don't know what to say about him."

Han Zhan put on his coat and went downstairs in his slippers.

He came to the first floor and knocked on Han Aoyu's door.

Han Aoyu has fallen asleep.

Han Zhan opened the door.

He approached the bed and felt dumbfounded when he heard Han Aoyu's regular snoring. "Grandpa, stop pretending, I know you are awake."

The elderly do not sleep much at night, so how could they fall asleep so easily?

Han Aoyu felt a little embarrassed when Han Zhan saw through the disguise.

He opened his eyes, stared at Han Zhan, and asked him: "What are you doing? Are you here to see my joke, or are you here to teach me a lesson?"

Han Zhan snorted coldly, "Isn't it time to teach you a lesson? I told you not to drink, but you still drink secretly!" Today Han Zhan went to see the wine box and found that the mark on the wine box had been touched.

No need to think about it, grandpa must have been secretly drinking again this morning.

Han Aoyu laughed and said, "You little bastard, you have forgotten how I made you poop and pee before. Now if you want to have a drink, you are just like guarding against thieves."

Han Aoyu made angry remarks. "My grandson and grandson are really not close to each other."

He felt aggrieved because he had no other bad habits in his old age, except that he loved to drink a few sips of wine. Han Aoyu is not an alcoholic either. He never lets himself get drunk and only drinks a few drinks.

But Han Zhan took care of him like a child, very strictly.

Han Zhan was too lazy to argue with Han Aoyu. He said, "After dinner tomorrow morning, I will take you to the hospital for a check-up. You have knocked out your bags. You must go to the hospital."

Han Aoyu couldn't refuse Han Zhan's decision.

Han Aoyu himself felt guilty about his fall today. Thinking that Han Zhan's working time would be delayed again tomorrow, the old man felt even more guilty.

Seeing his grandfather being so cooperative, Han Zhan's expression became clear.

Staring at Han Aoyu's legs hidden under the quilt, Han Zhan frowned and asked with concern: "Grandpa, besides the head, are there any other injuries?"

Han Aoyu snorted and said in a low voice: "My butt seems to be bruised and it hurts when I sit down."

Han Zhan: "."

He went to the shelf, took out a bottle of wine and returned to the room.

Han Aoyu reluctantly took off his pants and lay on the bed.

The skin on the body of the elderly is loose and unsightly, and it feels strange to the touch. But Han Zhan didn't dislike it. He poured the medicinal wine on the old man's skin and rubbed it vigorously with his palms to let the medicinal wine take effect.

Han Aoyu sighed and said: "Hey, he is really old. Grandpa used to be so majestic. Now, hey, a good man is not as brave as he was back then."

Han Zhan knew that the old man must feel unhappy. He said: "Compared to other old people, my grandpa is already in good health."

"That's true. Those old guys who fought together and worked together in the past are almost gone." Now the remaining few are like fighting spirits. They want to see who can survive longer.

Han Zhan said: "Then you should be content."

Han Aoyu shook his head and said: "I can't do it if I don't accept it!"

Han Aoyu screwed on the lid of the medicinal wine bottle and said, "Okay."

Grandpa lifted up his pajamas, turned over, and faced Han Zhan. Looking at Han Zhan's handsome and profound face, Han Aoyu suddenly sighed: "When I took you back, your face was so thin that it was not as big as your grandmother's hand."

"How come you've grown so old without realizing it, and I've grown old too."

Han Zhan said: "More than 20 years have passed."

"I still want to live for two more years." Han Aoyu looked at the ceiling and said yearningly: "I also want to spend a few more years with the little guys."

"Then quit drinking!"

Grandpa said nothing.


Han Zhan returned upstairs and went into the bathroom to wash his hands.

He got into bed, and Song Ci smelled the lingering smell of medicinal wine on Han Zhan's body. She asked Han Zhan, "Where else did grandpa fall?"

"My butt fell."

Song Ci remembered that her grandfather did indeed hit the ground with his butt first. "is it serious?"

"It's a bruise and it may hurt for two days."

"Then grandpa promises to go to the hospital with you tomorrow morning?"


Hearing this, Song Ci was relieved.

When Song Ci got up early the next morning, it was already cold around her.

It seemed that Han Zhan had been up for a while.

Song Ci touched her mouth, feeling a little aggrieved.

During the recent period, Han Zhan came back late and got up early. It seemed that he hadn't given her a good morning kiss for a long time.

After Song Ci changed her clothes and came downstairs, she saw Han Zhan squatting next to a cardboard box sorting things. Zhong Buhui handed Han Zhan bottle after bottle of wine.

Under Han Aoyu's unwilling gaze, Han Zhan put the wine neatly into the carton.

"What are you doing?" Song Ci didn't understand their drama.

Before Han Zhan and Zhong Buhui spoke, Han Aoyu turned around, stared at Song Ci aggrievedly, and complained to her: "My good grandson, he wants to throw away the good wine I have treasured for many years."

"In there, there are all the wines given to me by my old friends! The old guys have all gone to their graves, but the wine they gave me is still there. Seeing wine is like seeing people, and I often miss people when I see things. But Han Zhan This guy lost my drink and I didn’t even think about it.”

Han Aoyu found a good excuse for his love of wine.

Song Ci was not moved by Han Aoyu's touching speech.

She walked up to Zhong Buhui and helped Zhong Buhui pass the wine to Han Zhan. While working, Song Ci came up with an idea: "Brother Han, it would be a waste to lose so much wine, why not donate it."

Han Zhan said: "I think so too. These are treasured Moutai and they are worth a lot of money."

Han Zhan raised his head and glanced at Han Aoyu. He said, "Just put it out for auction. All the money from the sale will be donated to the nursing home, okay?"

Han Aoyu wanted to refuse.

Han Zhan added: "Grandpa, the old people in the nursing home have no wives and no descendants. They are very pitiful."

"The money you spend from these bottles of Maotai can buy them a warm quilt and down jacket."

Hearing this, Song Ci turned around, looked at Han Aoyu with bright eyes, and said, "Grandpa, doing good deeds is to build virtue for the children."

The high hat of "accomplishing virtue" was placed on Han Aoyu's head. Han Aoyu really couldn't say the words of rejection.

He reluctantly waved to the wine, "Take it away, take it away, I won't drink any more!"

He wanted to live for two more years and spend time with his great-granddaughter, so it was time to quit drinking.

On the same day, Han Zhan sent the box of Moutai to the auction house in the name of Han Aoyu. Three days later, good news came that the six bottles of wine had been auctioned for a whopping price of three million.

And the bottle of Moutai that Han Aoyu drank half of in Kaifeng was sold for a sky-high price of 600,000 yuan!

Think about it, what an honor it would be to have a sip of the Moutai that Han Aoyu drank!

After Han Zhan received the money, he donated it to a dilapidated nursing home in the west in the name of Han Aoyu that day.

Han Aoyu is a netizen.

When he found out that his donation was reported by a media on Weibo, he couldn't help but forward the post on Weibo and left a comment saying——

[Drink money is an external possession. It will not be taken with you until you die. I am already old, so keeping it is a waste. Why should I report it in such a big way? 】

Seeing that Han Aoyu forwarded that comment, his little fans and grandsons left messages one after another——

Military fanatic: Mr. Han is indeed very generous, and his ideological consciousness is so high!

Beauty: Mr. Han, look here, I want to show my affection to you!

Sister Jade Rabbit loves to eat fish: Look, how honest these old military strategists are. They donated such precious Maotai as soon as they said it would be donated. We must learn from Mr. Han.

Sweetheart: Upstairs, you can learn from Mr. Han. First, you must have six bottles of collector’s edition Maotai.

Being sought after by this group of children, Han Aoyu felt so happy.

He was lying in the yard, humming a little tune, swaying his feet, not to mention how comfortable he was.

Outside the courtyard gate, the sound of a car suddenly sounded.

Han Aoyu opened his eyes, stared at the courtyard door, and saw the guard opening the door.

A silver-gray car drove in, and a tall man stepped out of the car. It was Shen Yubei whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Shen Yubei saw Han Aoyu lying in the yard basking in the sun. He stood beside the car and respectfully bowed down to say hello to Han Aoyu, "Old man, you are basking in the sun."

"It's Yubei!"

Han Aoyu sat up.

His butt hurt a little when he sat down, and he couldn't help but frown slightly.

Seeing this, Shen Yubei thought he had done something wrong and offended Han Aoyu, so he was a little confused. Shen Yubei stood there, as helpless as a child.

"I fell down yesterday and my bones hurt." After Han Aoyu explained, Shen Yubei realized that he had misunderstood.

"Old man, you have to be careful. This man is old. A fall is no joke."

"Well, Han Zhan took me to the hospital for a checkup a few days ago. I'm fine."

"That's good."

Seeing Shen Yubei holding a small box in his hand, Han Aoyu asked him, "Are you looking for Song Ci?"

"Yes, is Song Ci at home?"

"I'm going for a prenatal check-up. I'll be back soon." Han Aoyu invited Shen Yubei to have lunch at home. Shen Yubei had nothing to do today, so he agreed.

The two sat in the yard chatting.

Although Shen Yubei is engaged in art, he has covered a wide range of topics. Shen Yubei can also chat with him on many topics that Han Aoyu is concerned about.

Seeing that Shen Yubei had extensive knowledge, Han Aoyu regarded him with special regard. Han Aoyu was a rough man who wielded swords and guns, so he especially respected cultural figures like Shen Yubei. Back then, Han Zhan's grandmother was a literary artist.

Han Aoyu was obsessed with her, so much that she couldn't help but be obsessed with her.

The two were having a good chat when Song Ci came back.

Long Yu sent Song Ci home and left.

Song Ci was a little surprised to see Shen Yubei here. "Teacher, when did you come and how long have you been waiting? Why didn't you call me?"

"Why should I urge you to have a prenatal check-up?"

Shen Yubei handed the box he placed by his leg to Song Ci and said, "I'm here to deliver the first cut of the movie."

Hearing the word movie, Song Ci was stunned for a while, and then realized that she was also a woman who had made a big Hollywood movie.

Song Ci took the sample and asked Shen Yubei: "Teacher, have you seen it?"

"Well, your second master came back the day before yesterday, and he watched it with me."

"How is it?" Song Ci looked at Shen Yubei expectantly and asked, "Did I perform well? Am I stunningly beautiful?"

Shen Yubei stared at Song Ci's round, fat face for a few seconds before saying, "Your performance looks okay, but is it beautiful or not?"

"It all depends on lighting and post-production."

As soon as Shen Yubei said these words, Song Ci wanted to hit him.

"I don't believe it!"

Song Ci asked Han Aoyu: "Grandpa, do you want to watch the samples with me?"

"Is it the movie you went to France to shoot before?" Han Aoyu is not a person who likes to watch movies, especially the kind of long-running literary and artistic movies. But Han Aoyu is still looking forward to the movies made by Song Ci.

"Yes, the samples are out. Grandpa, let me watch them together."


Shen Yubei, who had watched the sample film once, watched it again with Song Ci and Han Aoyu.

When Han Aoyu saw the beginning of the film, he said, "This must be a romance film."

Song Ci: "Not really. It's mainly about the life of an autistic musical genius. It's a biopic."

"Then who did you play in the movie?" Han Aoyu asked curiously.

Song Ci was silent for a moment and then said: "The hero's girlfriend."

Han Aoyu's eyes widened, "Are you playing someone else's girlfriend?"

Song Ci was a little embarrassed and her face turned red.

He was obviously innocent, but he felt embarrassed that he was caught cheating on another man by Grandpa Han Zhan.

Han Aoyu rubbed his palms on his pants a few times, and then asked: "Then did you answer the question? When I watch the movies nowadays, there are not many people who don't answer the question."

Song Ci closed her mouth tightly, like a clam shell.

Shen Yubei glanced at Song Ci, who was restless, in a funny way, and thought to himself: Your girl has this day too.

Zhong Buhui, who was passing behind them, also stopped and looked at Song Ci curiously.

So have you kissed?

Song Ci's scalp was numb. What should I do? In the movie, she kissed the male protagonist! If grandpa sees it, how should he explain it then?

Song Ci felt like shooting himself in the foot.

Under the gazes of Shen Yubei and Han Aoyu, Song Ci calmly shook her head and said, "My scene is only half an hour in total, and there is no kissing scene."

Han Aoyu said oh but said nothing.

Song Ci suddenly said: "I'm going to the toilet."

In the third trimester of pregnancy, it is normal for pregnant women to urinate a lot. Han Aoyu did not suspect that Song Ci was lying.

Song Ci ran to the toilet, and after staying for a while, she quietly came to the electric box and pulled down the switch with a guilty conscience.

Song Ci pulled the switch and heard Han Aoyu mutter in the living room: "Why is there a power outage?"

Song Ci turned around and saw a big man standing behind him.

"Oh my god!" Song Ci patted her chest and accused Zhong Buhui: "Uncle Zhong, who are you trying to scare by standing here silently?"

Zhong Buhui pointed to the electrical box and said, "I saw it just now."

Song Ci quickly raised her finger to her mouth, "Shh!"

Zhong Buhui guessed the reason why Song Ci turned off the power, and he couldn't laugh or cry. "Okay, I won't tell anyone."

Song Ci: "Thank you, Uncle Zhong."

Zhong Buhui returned to the living room and heard Han Aoyu say: "Buhui, is there a power outage or has the circuit breaker at home tripped?"

"Maybe it's tripped. The circuit is aging. I'm going to check what's wrong." Zhong Buhui smiled at Song Ci, then went to the tool room to pick up the tools and pretended to check them.

Song Ci came back from 'going to the bathroom' and said to Han Aoyu: "It seems that the movie can't be finished."

"Then we'll watch it tonight."

Han Aoyu chatted with Shen Yubei again and forgot about watching movies. Shen Yubei and Han Aoyu moved to the tea room to drink tea. From the corner of his eye, he saw Song Ci secretly taking out the sample, and he couldn't help but smile.

Little Fox!

After lunch, Shen Yubei stood up and left.

Song Ci went to see Shen Yubei off and left the room. When Han Aoyu was out of earshot, Song Ci asked Shen Yubei: "Teacher, how are you and Rongrong's godmother doing now?"

Shen Yubei's ears turned red and he hesitated, "Don't you know she's very annoying? I told her to stay away from me, but she always found various reasons to appear in front of me."

Song Ci smiled sullenly, thinking: If Rongrong's godmother doesn't show up in front of your eyes, I'm afraid you'll get flustered and scared, and then find a reason to show up in front of her.

Song Ci smiled and said, "Teacher, when you get married one day, I will give you a big red envelope."

Shen Yubei blushed and became angry, scolding Song Ci: "Shut up, are you making fun of a teacher like this?"


Song Ci sent Shen Yubei away, then returned to the room with the sample and looked at it on his laptop.

Seeing the woman who was as beautiful as a little fairy in the movie shot, Song Ci couldn't help but walk in front of the full-length mirror and look at herself.

After she became pregnant, her family always used tricks to make delicious food for her. Song Ci was not the kind of person who would not gain weight without eating. After a few months of raising her, she gained dozens of kilograms of weight.

Before pregnancy, Song Ci, who was just over 1.7 meters tall, weighed only 100 pounds. Now eight months pregnant, Song Ci has gained thirty kilograms!

She will continue to gain weight!

Song Ci pinched her round face, double chin, and fat legs, feeling suffocated.

When Han Zhan came back in the evening, he saw Song Ci sitting by the bed glumly, looking through the beautiful photos of her past. He turned his head and glanced at the photos on Song Ci's phone and said, "Why are you always looking at old photos?"

Song Ci said: "I felt that I was very beautiful at that time."

"You are beautiful now too."

Although Song Ci has become fat, her facial features are still there, and she is still a fat beauty even if she is fat.

Song Ci was not comforted by Han Zhan's words.

Song Ci threw away her phone, climbed out of bed, and stood barefoot on the wooden floor.

Song Ci turned around in front of Han Zhan so that Han Zhan could look at him 360 degrees.

Han Zhan:?

"What are you doing? Going around in circles?" Han Zhan couldn't keep up with Song Ci's thoughts.

Song Ci pointed to her double chin and fat thighs. She asked Han Zhan: "Brother Han, you said I would be cute if I were fatter. Am I cute now?"

Han Zhan took a deep look at Song Ci and said, "Of course she's cute."

"How cute?"

Han Zhan racked his brains and thought for a while, then said: "Round and cute?" Like a baby panda.

Song Ci was struck by lightning.

She was about to cry.

That night, Song Ci didn't talk much, and Han Zhan was tired from work, so he didn't notice the change in Song Ci's mood.

Song Ci was depressed for many days. By the time Han Zhan realized the seriousness of the problem, Song Ci's condition was already very bad.

It was late one night that he discovered that Song Ci's mental state was not right.

That night, Han Zhan came home at around eleven o'clock at night. He gently opened the door, only to see Song Ci sitting on the bedside, not sleeping yet.

Seeing that Song Ci was still awake, Han Zhan was a little surprised.

Han Zhan turned on the light. "Ci Bao, why aren't you sleeping yet? Are you waiting for me?"

Song Ci raised her head and stared at Han Zhan with a gloomy expression, her eyes scrutinizing.

Han Zhan felt that Song Ci's eyes were a little strange.

Song Ci got up and got out of bed. She walked barefoot to Han Zhan's side, put her nose to Han Zhan's neck and smelled it.

Song Ci smelled the smell of alcohol, and she said in a bad tone: "You drank."

Han Zhan felt sorry. He said: "I promised to stop drinking, but today I saw my old friend and I was so happy that I couldn't help but drink a little with him."

Song Ci suddenly said: "I called your assistant this afternoon."

Han Zhan: "Huh?"

Song Ci said: "Your assistant said you got off work at five o'clock in the afternoon. But when I called you at six o'clock, you said you were very busy."

Han Zhan was stunned for a moment, and realized that Song Ci was doubting him. His eyebrows jumped, and he felt a little annoyed and a little confused about whether to laugh or cry.

"I did get off work at five o'clock because a friend of mine came to Wangdongcheng, called me and asked me to go out for dinner."

"Do you still remember? I told you before that when I was in high school, I had a very close friend. After graduating from the college entrance examination, he joined the army with me. Today he brought his wife and children to Wangdongcheng. We hadn’t seen each other for many years and we were good brothers, so I got off work early and hosted a banquet for them.”

Han Zhan explained clearly, but Song Ci still doubted Han Zhan as if he was over the top.

Song Ci asked: "Then why don't you take me there? Are you really going to see a friend?" Song Ci started to get annoyed. She said: "In recent months, when you go to see friends or attend cocktail parties, you You won’t even take me there!”

"Han Zhan, am I pregnant, gaining weight, and becoming ugly? You don't want to be embarrassed by taking me out, so you don't take me with you!" Song Ci shouted the last words.

When Song Ci yelled at him, Han Zhan was stunned.

He looked at Song Ci who suddenly lost his temper and felt a little shocked. "Ci Bao, why do you think so?" The Song Ci that Han Zhan knew was a confident and arrogant girl. When did she become like this?

Suspicion, lack of confidence, and bad temper.

Han Zhan realized that there was something wrong with Song Ci's mentality.

Song Ci opened her pajamas, pointed at her big belly, and said with a painful expression: "Did you see my big belly and the ugly stretch marks on it? You think I'm ugly, so you don't love me anymore!"

She pinched the fat on her arms again and asked Han Zhan nervously: "Do you hate me when you see my arms that are thicker than other girls' calves? Have you found someone more beautiful and younger?" A girl? Are you going to see another woman tonight!"

Song Ci was like a hedgehog, erecting sharp thorns and piercing each thorn into Han Zhan's flesh.

"Han Zhan, why am I like this! I'm not thinking about our children, and I don't want to gain weight. But if I don't eat more, the children will have no nutrition!"

"Han Zhan, how can you hate me! How can you despise me!"

Song Ci suddenly ran into the cloakroom, opened the cabinet door, and swept all the beautiful skirts, clothes, shoes and bags she bought before she was pregnant to the floor.

Han Zhan chased him to the door of the cloakroom and saw Song Ci venting his anger on those clothes and shoes. He stopped and looked at this scene in shock.

Song Ci's appearance reminded Han Zhan of a disease——


On what day did Song Ci begin to be in a bad state?

Why didn't he notice?

Han Zhan was very worried about Song Ci and blamed himself.

It was he who ignored Song Ci.

Song Ci was still angry and threw a set of beautiful jewelry on the ground. The gems fell to the ground and a corner was broken.

Looking at the gorgeous jewelry, Song Ci suddenly stopped acting recklessly. She raised her head, looked at Han Zhan standing under the door, and suddenly said: "Han Zhan, you haven't kissed me for twenty days in a row."

"You used to kiss me every morning. If I teased you a little, you would lose control and couldn't help it. But Han Zhan, you haven't touched me for a long time."

"Is it because I've become ugly? I've become fat?" Song Ci suddenly pressed hard on the flesh on her arms. She said, "It's all the fat! It's all their fault!"

"Song Ci! Don't do this!" Han Zhan quickly strode over, separated Song Ci's hands, and clasped her arms behind her back.

Hugging Song Ci tightly, Empress Han Zhan panted heavily on Song Ci's head in fear.

Being held firmly in Han Zhan's arms, Song Ci gradually calmed down.

After calming down, Song Ci was a little frightened by his unreasonable behavior just now when he thought about what he had just said and done.

"Han Zhan, I didn't mean it, I just said." Song Ci shed tears and whispered, "I'm just scared, I'm so scared, I'm afraid I'll never lose weight, I'm afraid you'll change your mind, I'm afraid you'll have someone outside. ,I."

Song Ci didn't know what he was thinking. "Han Zhan, I really didn't mean it."

She felt that it was her fault and that she was making trouble unreasonably, so she began to apologize to Han Zhan.

Hearing Song Ci's incoherent explanation, Han Zhan's heart ached so much that it almost burst.

"Ci Bao." Han Zhan kissed Song Ci's hair lovingly and said, "Ci Bao, don't be afraid, you are just sick. Brother Han will take you to see a doctor and you will get better."

Han Zhan turned Song Ci around, lowered his head and kissed Song Ci's tears.

Han Zhan told Song Ci seriously: "Ci Bao, when you called me today, my friend's car just broke down, and I was helping him repair it. The reason why I didn't ask you to eat with us is because My friend's wife is Du Xueyan's best friend. I'm afraid you will be embarrassed when you meet. "

"Ci Bao, Brother Han doesn't dislike you, doesn't hate you, and doesn't think it would be embarrassing to take you out."

"I didn't stop kissing you. I gave you a good morning kiss every morning, but you were still asleep at that time. I didn't have no sexual interest in you, but you were in the third trimester of pregnancy and I didn't dare to provoke you."

"It's Brother Han's fault. Brother Han lied. Brother Han didn't consider your mood."

Han Zhan spoke very slowly and spoke every word clearly.

Song Ci gradually calmed down after hearing Han Zhan's words.

She told Han Zhan: "A few days ago, I saw the movie samples that my second master gave me. I saw the beautiful and charming myself in the movie. When I think about myself looking like this now, I feel so sad, so sad."

Han Zhan nodded and said, "I know, you are just in a bad mood. I will take you to a psychiatrist tomorrow. We can't escape."


Han Zhan pulled Song Ci to the bed and lay down with her.

Half hugging Song Ci, Han Zhan gently patted Song Ci's shoulder. After Song Ci fell asleep, Han Zhan called Song Fei.

Song Fei is a night owl, and she is still playing games online without sleeping.

"Brother-in-law." Song Fei opened a popping candy and asked Han Zhan: "It's so late, what do you want from me?"

"Sister Fei, how about the psychiatrist you saw for Yan Jiang last time?"

"It's just a dabbler. It all depends on our Ajiang's strong psychological quality." After saying that, Song Fei thought of something, her expression changed slightly, and asked Han Zhan: "Who wants to see a psychiatrist?"

Han Zhan told her: "Song Ci."

In the game, Song Fei's shot went wrong and hit his teammate in the head.

Teammates fell to the ground.

"Damn!" The teammate cursed, and soon realized who he was scolding. He quickly lowered himself down and asked curiously: "F, is there something wrong over there? This gun is shot crooked."

Song Fei said: "Answer the phone, you guys play first."


Song Fei walked to the balcony with her mobile phone in hand.

She leaned on the railing and stared at the swimming pool downstairs. She frowned and asked Han Zhan: "What's going on? What's wrong with the little idiot?"

Han Zhan told her: "Song Ci seems to be suffering from depression." Han Zhan told Song Fei what Song Ci did tonight.

Han Zhan was just stating the facts objectively and did not add any exaggeration. After speaking, Han Zhan asked Song Fei: "Does her state look like pregnancy depression?"

Song Fei: "It's not like that, it is indeed."

Han Zhan felt helpless. He said, "I want to take her to see a psychiatrist. I can't let her continue to have random thoughts alone."

Song Fei said, "Send her to me."


Song Fei said: "You send her here and I stay with her. The situation will be better."

"Then try it."

The next morning, Han Zhan got up very early. When he arrived on the first floor, he was stopped by Han Aoyu, who also got up early to practice Tai Chi.

Han Aoyu asked Han Zhan: "Did Song Yatou lose her temper last night?"

Han Zhan acquiesced.

Han Aoyu thought that Han Zhan had done something wrong and made Song Ci angry, so he told Han Zhan: "You are a man, you are older than her, you have to let her go, what are you doing to make her angry?"

"It's not what you think." After thinking about it, Han Zhan told Han Aoyu that Song Ci was ill.

Han Aoyu didn't understand how serious depression during pregnancy was at first. After checking the information, he realized that severe depression during pregnancy can lead to death!

Han Aoyu was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. He hurriedly found Han Zhan and said to Han Zhan: "Find a psychiatrist quickly. Don't delay the best time for treatment."

Han Zhan said: "Song Ci's sister asked me to send Song Ci to her and live with her for a while. Song Ci's condition is not very serious yet. With Song Fei by his side, it may get better."

"Is it reliable?"

Han Zhan told the old man how Song Fei healed Yan Jiang.

Only then did Han Aoyu agree.

So that morning, Song Ci was sent to Song Fei's house by Han Zhan. Starting from this day, Han Zhan also checked into Yan Jiang's house directly after get off work.

At this time, Yan Jiang's house suddenly became lively.

Han Zhan did not live in their house for nothing. Han Zhan was responsible for all water, electricity, and living expenses.

Song Ci was still very depressed, often crying for no reason. After crying, she would regretfully apologize to the people around her. Song Fei saw Song Ci's illness and felt a little sad.

On this day, Song Ci got up from her nap and found that she was alone in the room. She suddenly had the idea that she had been abandoned by the whole world. Song Ci cried again without warning.

She cried so sadly that she woke up Song Fei who was sleeping in the room.

When Song Fei heard Song Ci crying, she quickly opened the door and ran downstairs, holding Song Ci in her arms who was sitting on the carpet and crying.

"Song Ci, don't cry!"

Song Ci held Song Fei's arm tightly and asked her in tears: "Song Fei, where have you been? Do you not want me anymore?"

"My sister is here, how could she not want you anymore? Song Ci, you are my sister's only relative. I will not abandon you no matter who I abandon!"

Song Ci held Song Fei and cried for a while before calming down.

Song Fei went to pour her a cup of hot tea.

Song Ci held the tea handed over by Song Fei. She took a sip and said listlessly: "Song Fei, am I going to die of illness?"


"Song Fei, don't have children in the future. It's too scary to have children."

Song Fei said: "I won't have children."

Song Ci smiled weakly and praised Song Fei: "You have foresight."

Song Fei shook his head and said, "Song Ci, it's not that I don't want children, it's that I can't have children."

Song Ci was stunned.

"What do you mean, you can't have children?" She started to stutter when she spoke.

Song Fei smiled relievedly at her and told her: "Yan Jiang told me that my physical condition was poor and that I was not suitable for pregnancy in recent years. I felt something was wrong at the time. Later, I went to the doctor myself for a checkup, and the doctor told me that I could not pregnant."

"The earthquake that year hurt my uterus. I will never be pregnant in my life. I was dug out by Yan Jiang himself. He must know how injured I was."

"He told me that I couldn't get pregnant in the past few years, and it was just a temporary measure."

Song Fei walked to Song Ci and sat down. She leaned on Song Ci's shoulder and said to her: "Song Ci, sister can no longer be pregnant. You must be stronger and give birth to our old Song family's child safely. .”

"The old Song family's incense depends on you."

This is also the reason why Song Fei asked Song Ci to have a child last time to inherit the legacy of their old Song family.

Song Fei's infertility was a foreshadowing that was laid long ago.

The reason why he lied was to prevent Song Ci from having any psychological burden. Yan Jiang had known about Song Fei's infertility for a long time. He told Song Ci that Song Fei was in poor health and needed to be recuperated, which was also a sign of his love for Song Ci.

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