Legendary FBI Detective

Chapter 711 One on two, heading to Europe

"What is the true identity of Agent Anita?"

Luo An asked, and Mona also looked at Conrad in confusion.

The premise of Conrad's reasoning that the underground businessman Rupert and the criminal organization leader Zacharias would not change the time and place of the transaction was that Rupert did not know Anita's true identity.

This reasoning cannot be said to have logical flaws, it can only be said to be completely illogical.

If Conrad is not confused and has a problem, Agent Anita's true identity is very unusual and can affect the direction of the whole thing.

Seeing the looks from Roan and Mona, Conrad explained:

“Sorry, I can’t reveal Anita’s true identity.

All I can say is that the name Anita is also an agent codename, and she has many such agent codenames.

The real strength of Anita is not her true identity, but her identity as an agent.

She has handled many major cases and activities of CIA supervisors undercover. For criminal groups, once Anita is undercover, it means that the matter has been targeted by CIA executives, and the situation is very unfavorable for them.

The ordinary Millie Brooke is just an ordinary female CIA undercover agent.

Even if we rescue people, Rupert will only think that this is just a routine operation. After all, the CIA has done many rescue operations.

Therefore, Rupert did not discover Anita's true identity as an agent, and would not think that the CIA's top brass had targeted him, so he would not easily change the transaction plan.

The worst case scenario is that when both parties are transacting, both parties will bring more manpower, increase the transaction speed, and leave as soon as the transaction is completed. "


After listening to this explanation, Mona frowned even more. She felt that Conrad's words were indeed logical and reasoning, but there were also many things that didn't make sense, so she asked aloud:

"Team Leader Conrad, you..."

As soon as Mona started to speak, Luo An raised his hand to cover her shoulder to stop her words.

Mona looked up at Luo An, who smiled at her, then looked at Conrad and said:

"So what Team Leader Conrad means is that we will go to the French Republic and arrest people at the transaction site, right?"

"That's right."


After receiving a positive answer, Luo An did not ask in detail, but simply communicated a few words about tomorrow's itinerary. He and Mona walked out of the kitchen together, asking everyone to take the time to rest and go to each room to sleep.

An hour later, in the room where Lacey was assigned, after listening to Mona's description of Conrad's words, Lacey was suddenly filled with doubts:

"Luo An, there is obviously something wrong with Conrad's words. Why did you..."

"Why don't you expose him or get to the bottom of it, right?"

Luo An took over what Lacey said. Lacey nodded repeatedly. Luo An smiled, looked at Mona and asked:

"How's the investigation going with the surveillance I asked you to help investigate before?"

"Already found it."

Mona left, opened her laptop, typed on the keyboard to bring up a surveillance video, showed it to the two of them, and explained:

“This is the dock where Conrad and Sean found the USB drive.

According to Luo An's instructions, I successfully found a car that drove into the pier quickly. "

In the surveillance video, a car quickly drove into the terminal. In less than three minutes, the car quickly drove away from the terminal.

"The overall judgment will be based on surveillance videos from other streets later..."

Mona pulled up the map of the entire Puerto Montt area, and then connected the dots on the map with the videos of the car appearing on the surveillance camera. The final direction was the abandoned factory where they had rescued people before.

Luo An then briefly recounted that when he was on the container crane, he saw Conrad receiving a phone call and then finding the USB flash drive. He laughed:

"It's clear that Conrad had an informant or undercover agent that we didn't know about."

Lacey suddenly realized it and clapped her hands:

"The identity of this informant is absolutely extraordinary. Not only did he know where Anita threw the USB flash drive, let Conrad find it.

Moreover, this informant also won Conrad's trust and firmly believed that Rupert and Zacharias would not change the time and place of the transaction! "

Mona also reacted at this time, her eyes widened slightly:

"So what Agent Anita said just now is all false?!"

"No, those are the truth, but they are not the fundamental reason for Conrad to make the decision to go to the French Republic tomorrow."

Roan shook his head. When Conrad described the situation about Agent Anita, his "emotional perception" was always on, making sure that most of what the other party said was the truth.

Just say half and leave half.

Mona nodded slightly in silence, then Lacey took a deep breath and asked:

"Conrad obviously has information that he is not sharing with us. What should we do next?"

"As always, do what you have to do."

Luo An handed Mona and Lacey each a box of large cherries, a specialty of Chile, and said with a smile:

"As long as you listen to my instructions, leave the rest to me."


Mona and Lacey agreed, and after a few brief exchanges, Luo An stood up and left Lacey's rest room.

As soon as she opened the door and walked into the corridor, the door of another room not far away suddenly opened, and Evelin suddenly walked out wearing only a bath towel.

"Good evening, Team Leader Luo An."

Seeing Luo An in the corridor, Evelin was also stunned for a moment, then raised her eyebrows and licked her lips and said hello with a smile:

"Team Leader Luo An, would you like to come and sit with me? I have some questions that I would like to consult with Team Leader Luo An."

Before Luo An could answer, the door had not yet been closed. Mona jumped up from the bed when she heard Evelin's voice, quickly walked out of the room and stood in front of Luo An, snorting coldly:

"Evelin, why are you wearing a bath towel when you're not sleeping this late at night?"

"It's Mona."

Seeing Mona walking out of the room, and seeing Lacey walking next to Mona, Evelin immediately covered her mouth with an exaggerated expression:

"One on two? Team leader Luo An, are you in such good physical condition?"


Mona's eyes widened instantly. Before she could speak, Lacey laughed out loud and said:

"One to two, Evelyn, do you think this word is appropriate coming from you?"

Evelin's face changed slightly:

"What do you mean?"

Lacey crossed her arms, the disdain and contempt in her eyes not concealed at all:

"What do you think?"


Evelin's face turned dark instantly, and just as she was about to speak, the doors to the two rooms behind her suddenly opened. Conrad and Sean were disturbed by the noise in the corridor and walked out together.

Everyone in the corridor looked at each other for a moment. Mona and Lacey sneered and went back to their rooms to rest. Roan smiled at Conrad and Sean and turned back to their rooms to sleep.

Seeing that Conrad and Sean were a little confused, Evelin looked at herself dressed in a bathrobe, cursed a few times in her heart, snorted at the two men, and turned around and returned to her room.

Conrad, Sean: "?"


In the afternoon of the next day, the group took a flight from Chile to the French Republic in Europe. After arriving there, they entered the reserved hotel to rest, and then began preparations for the operation.

Mona was responsible for monitoring the video, while Lacey stayed to help. Roan, Conrad, Evelyn and Sean pretended to be tourists and went to Mont Saint-Michel on the coast of Normandy to observe the scene.

Saint-Michel-Shem is famous for its amazing monasteries and monasteries. When Roan was touring around, Mona called him out of the blue:

"Luo An, Lacey and I seem to have found ourselves together."


"I guess it's the British Empire's MI6, and Lacey guesses it's the French Republic's Seventh Bureau."


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