Legendary FBI Detective

Chapter 630 Director Elmer

Two-thirty in the afternoon, FBI headquarters in Washington, Veranith's office.


After hearing the female agent's words, Veranis looked stern and asked hurriedly:

"Who is the other party? Did you say why you are looking for Luo An?"

The situation and status of the IRS department are really unique in the federal territory. Even Veranith subconsciously started to think in the worst direction when she heard this word.

"The other party stated that he was from IRS-CI."

This female agent is the receptionist at the building on the first floor. She briefly described the other person's figure, appearance, words, etc., but she did not know the other person herself.

Luo An's expression remained unchanged. Based on the description of the female agent and others, he guessed the identity of the other party. He looked at Veranith and said:

"It should be Director Elmer of IRS-CI."


Veranith was slightly relieved to know the friendship between Roan and Elmer.

Waving her hand to signal the female agent to leave, Veranith said with a serious face after the door closed:

"I will go to Mr. Clement's office later to discuss the explosion with him and the establishment of a "special investigation team."

Veranith is not worried at all about whether Luo An can become the leader of the "Special Investigation Team".

In addition to Mr. Clement, FBI Director Robert would also not mind coming out to say a few words to Luan.

The top and third leaders of this large FBI department have agreed, and there will definitely be no one who will object to this without opening their eyes.

"OK, thank you, sir."

Luo An smiled and nodded, exchanged a few brief greetings, got up and left the office first.

Taking the elevator downstairs, Luo An soon met the IRS in the lounge on the first floor. Just as he had guessed, it was Elmer, the director of IRS-CI (Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Division).

But today, when Elmer saw Luo An, he was not smiling like before. On the contrary, the corners of his mouth turned down and his face was gloomy, and he looked very serious.

Coupled with Elmer's IRS identity, the first reaction of strangers when they saw him was definitely "I'm screwed."

So when it was learned that Elmer's purpose of coming this time was to find Luo An, many agents silently appeared near the lounge. They all wanted to know what happened. Did the other party come to Luo An for help or arrest Luo An? .

Luo An was stunned for a moment when he saw Director Elmer's expression, but he didn't panic at all. He stretched out his hand to shake his hand and said with a smile:

"You can just call me if you need anything, why bother going there in person?"

Elmer stretched out his hand and shook hands with Luo An, with a solemn expression on his face and said directly:

"Go to your office."


Under the curious gazes of passers-by, Luo An and Director Elmer walked into the elevator together and returned to Investigation Team 13.

Entering the team leader's office, Luo An poured a cup of coffee for Director Elmer. Director Elmer still looked tense and asked in a serious voice:

"Are you alone in this office?"

Luo An frowned slightly, understood the meaning of Elmer's words, turned around and replied seriously:

"I inspect this office every day. It is absolutely safe. There is no eavesdropping or surveillance equipment. You can rest assured."

Because of concerns about certain issues, the office area of ​​the No. 13 Investigation Team will conduct a comprehensive inspection every two days to prevent the occurrence of eavesdropping, recording, surveillance and other equipment that does not belong to the No. 13 Investigation Team, and the team leader's office is no exception.


After receiving Luo An's chest-beating assurance, Elmer breathed a long sigh of relief. The serious and tense expression on his face disappeared instantly, replaced by a bitter look. He took Luo An's hand and whispered:

"Luo An! You have to help me!"


Elmer's expression changed so quickly that Luo An didn't react. He was stunned for a moment and then forcefully pulled out his hand and asked:

"what happens?"

"Remember that time we drank together before?" (Chapter 552)

Elmer sighed dejectedly and said with a gloomy face:

"Your guess is correct, there is indeed something wrong with that bitch Bernard Madoff! He is indeed running a Ponzi scheme!"

Elmer said that after he left the bar that day, he began to quietly investigate Bernard Madoff.

If you don’t check, you won’t know. When you check, Elmer is shocked to find that Bernard Madoff’s return on investment is actually a line that keeps rising, never falling, and is a hundred times more stable than the stock market!

This is obviously abnormal, because the stock market rises and falls, and investment cannot always make money. Loss is the norm for most people.

"I initially thought that Bernard Madoff was using his position as chairman of Nasdaq to use insider information to trade or front-run."

Elmer sat on the chair, covered his face with his hands, and whispered:

"After investigating for a while, I found that this guess was wrong.

Then there is only one truth left: a Ponzi scheme. "

Luo An picked up the coffee and took a sip, then asked in a low voice:

"You can't get your money back?"

I remember Elmer said before that he also handed over his funds to Bernard Madoff's investment company for management.

"No, I've got my money back."

Elmer shook his head:

"I don't have much money, it's not even a fraction of what Bernard Madoff would have had.

I submitted the application on the grounds that my family had a sudden change and I needed money urgently. Within three hours, the principal and "investment income" were all credited to my account. "

"It's so fast."

This really surprised Luo An. Seeing Elmer's increasingly silent face, Luo An put down his coffee cup and asked in a solemn voice:

"What are you going to do?"

"I want to expose this guy who was raised by my cousin!"

Elmer took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:

“The apparent amount of Bernard Madoff’s fund has accumulated to 50 billion.

But according to my secret investigation, the actual amount of that fund is less than one-third of the number on the book, and the rest is a bubble!

Not only that, Bernard Madoff has always claimed that his foundation only manages funds for wealthy people, and ordinary people are not eligible to enter.

But in fact, from 2000 to now, the vast majority of members who have joined that foundation are middle-class families in the federation! Their number has grown to nearly 30,000! "

Luo An nodded. This is a normal operation. The underlying logic of the Ponzi scheme is to hand over the money of new entrants to the first to join in the name of "interest", and then continue to develop layer by layer.

The problem is that the overall number of new entrants is limited, and the number of wealthy people in the federation is even more limited.

After all the wealthy people entered the foundation, Bernard Madoff could only focus on the lower middle class and hand over the money of the middle class to the first wealthy people to join in order to maintain the scam.

"Bernard Madoff's status is too high."

Luo An refilled Elmer's cup with coffee and said in a deep voice:

“He is a member of the Securities and Exchange Commission on Wall Street, and he has even participated in the formulation and revision of many of the SEC’s rules.

Therefore, it is simply impossible to bring down Bernard Madoff from the Securities Regulatory Commission. "

Elmer nodded. He had worked in the IRS for so many years, and he understood very well the operating logic of various departments within the federal government. He also understood that the Securities and Futures Commission was unreliable. He even suspected that the Securities and Futures Commission and Bernard Madoff might be wearing Same pair of pants.

"So I came to find you."

Elmer raised his head and said solemnly:

"Luo An, you are the best team leader in the FBI, bar none. I need your help."

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