Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 543: Giants compete for property

The four brothers of the Zhang family are unified in making clothes and buying uniforms.

One purchase is four pieces, one per person. The Zhang brothers have no extravagant demands on clothes and never buy famous brands.

Once the eldest Zhang Yujie bought a wool sweater for each of the four brothers. The second child, Zhang Yuqi, thought it was too extravagant, so he went to the store and exchanged one for two coarse knitted sweaters.

The dressing problem of Zhang's daughter-in-law has another workaround. Women are born to love beauty, and they may not like all clothes made of uniform fabrics. Guo Geng is very considerate of his daughter-in-law's love of beauty.

Among the daughters-in-law, only Zhang Yulin's second wife, Tan Ailian, is special. She came from a famous family, and her family's relatives were wealthy and powerful. The Zhang family did not dare to offend her, and they depended on them for many things.

Therefore, Tan Ailian was treated preferentially, and she was the only one dressed in a graceful and splendid manner. However, she did not ask for a penny more from the Zhang family. She married the Zhang family from her mother's family and had a private house.

Usually, people from her parents' family would give her a lot of money.

Among the wealthy Hong Kong families, with so many descendants studying at the same school, probably only the Zhang Zhushan family.

"A bowl of water is flat." Grandmother Guo Geng often sighed with joy.

Living together and sharing wealth will concentrate the family's wealth and invest it in new industries and properties. The wealth of the Zhang family has expanded exponentially, and cohabitation is one of the main factors.

The soul of the family is obviously the old mother Guo Geng.

Guo Geng is a typical feudal survivor. She was not the domineering, authoritarian wealthy ancestor people knew through literature;

She has suffered too much in her life, so her son respects her more, and at the same time, she always teaches her wife and children to respect her mother-in-law who has suffered great hardships.

When her husband died young and her family was poor, she could only rely on the traditional family system to maintain the family, and the whole family worked together to tide over the difficulties.

After the family is rich, she trusts the old-fashioned family system of living together and sharing wealth. Only in this way, the family members will not forget their ancestry and keep the hard-won family business.

Guo Geng actively encouraged his son to get rich. Her thirst for wealth is not for enjoyment, but to prove that the descendants of the Zhang family are promising and comfort the ancestors.

Her desire for wealth does not contradict her desire for poverty.

The four brothers of Zhang's family, who grew up in misery from a poor family with filial sons, were extremely filial to their widowed mother Guo Geng. This kind of filial piety will inevitably infect their daughter-in-law and children.

The Zhang family established many family rules. Many family rules, in the eyes of outsiders, are both ridiculous and inhumane.

This was not made by Guo Geng on her own, but by her son and her.

Among the four sons, the eldest Zhang Yujie had no less preference for the feudal family system than his mother.

Relatively speaking, the Zhang family's rules for daughter-in-law are more stringent, requiring the daughter-in-law to absolutely obey the instructions of her mother-in-law and husband.

Daughter-in-law should not use her husband’s absence as an excuse to return home late; she should not go to other families to play or be guests except her family’s close relatives, and it is strictly forbidden to live in other homes; every morning, the daughter-in-law must greet her mother-in-law, and she must also pray to the Buddha with her mother-in-law every day. through.

The sons and daughters-in-law of the Zhang family all work in various companies of the family. The family rules stipulate that brothers and daughters-in-law must work diligently every day, and must not have two minds. Show solidarity with the Zhang family.

All the rules are written on gold-sprinkled red paper, framed by a plaque, and hung on the wall of the ancestral hall. The family rules are half written and half white, and the ancestral hall is antique. If it is not for the family members in modern attire to gather in the hall, it is no different from the ancestral hall of the big family in the Qing Dynasty.

Zhang Yuliang, who had the habit of going to bed early, set a family rule: after ten o'clock in the evening, no one should knock on the door or make a sound, even his wife should not go back to the room to sleep, she must sleep In the children's room or guest room.

The Zhang family is almost separated from modern life. Except for the festivals, the family does not watch operas, movies, or horse racing.

The radios and the televisions that were added later were not for the entertainment of the family, but for the people working in the family company to get information.

This family rule shows that the Zhang family attaches great importance to education. In order to encourage future generations to study diligently, the Zhang family established a reward system.

If you enter the top three in the class, or are nominated for the gold list, you must go to the ancestors' mourning hall to celebrate, comfort the ancestors, and honor the ancestors. Grandmother Guo Geng is a devout Buddhist.

The Zhang family set up a Buddhist hall on the fifth floor, and the daughter-in-law had to follow her mother-in-law in a cassock to do things every day. On the birthday of the Buddha, or the birthday of a man in the family, Guo Geng invited relatives and friends of the Buddha. The Buddhist hall was full of cigarettes and the sound of sutras was endless.

Hong Kong is a paradise for the rich. Due to the long-term influence of Western culture, many children of rich families are following the fashion and pursuing the lifestyle of foreigners, which makes the older generation very worried.

Those who are familiar with the Zhang family are all overwhelmed.

There are many families who united as one in times of adversity; after they developed, they were torn apart, father and son were at odds, and brothers turned against each other. Only the Zhang family, as always, is single-minded, making people with appearances feel ashamed.

A symbol of family cohesion - grandmother is in her old age. If her old man dies, will the family soul also dissipate? In the modern Hong Kong Duhui, where Chinese and Western cultures are violently colliding, how tenacious vitality does cohabitation and common wealth have?

Zhang Yujie, the eldest of the four brothers, died in 1959; the second child, Zhang Yuqi, was killed while watching the sea in 1952;

Zhang Yulin likes to sing and make friends. The Zhang family thinks that he is not the material to manage the family property. The eldest Zhang Yujie made a will when he contracted cancer, and only appointed the fourth brother Zhang Yuliang and the eldest son Zhang Weilin to manage the family Gongke.

Zhang Yulin is happy to be at leisure, and does not ask about family business, but only cares about "happy" with his wife. The family lived together and shared wealth, and Zhang Yulin and his wife did not spend the family's "spare money".

Zhang Yuliang is an excellent businessman, and he chooses to execute all major family business.

Second sister-in-law Cui Xiuying commented on him after the family disintegration:

"Yuliang is thrifty and hardworking. He doesn't want to rest after get off work, and insists on continuing to work. This is a fine tradition of the Zhang family. However, sometimes he is quite selfish and doesn't think about others. Grandma loves Yuliang the most. He has a temperament of a young master. As long as he goes against his will, he will throw the phone, and even throw all the objects on the table to the ground. He is a 'little bully' at home, and everyone has to accommodate him."

Regarding Zhang Yuliang, Hong Kong writer He Wenxiang commented on him: "Although Zhang Yuliang is a super rich man in Hong Kong, he is very low-key. Except for attending the cocktail party to commemorate the tenth anniversary of Daimaru Department Store in October 1970, he has rarely appeared in public for many years, and has never appeared in public. He has been interviewed by the media. Zhang Yuliang gives the public the impression that he is a mysterious figure with a lot of wealth, and the new generation of Hong Kong people don't know much about his family background."

The soul of the Zhang family is the old grandmother Guo Geng. Because of her survival, family members live in peace and abide by cohabitation and common wealth. It is not easy to maintain the ancient family patriarchal system in Shiliyangchang Hong Kong, which is rich in Western culture!

In 1977, Zhang Zhushan's wife Guo Geng died, and the family immediately broke out into a mourning dispute.

After Guo Geng was cremated according to Buddhist etiquette, his son Zhang Yuliang ordered a coffin of HK$3,000 from the funeral home. The third brother Zhang Yulin insisted on buying the best one, and the two brothers immediately quarreled in the mourning hall.

This is Zhang Yulin's first self-assertion, arguing with his younger brother about "money". Zhang Yuliang backed down, and Zhang Yulin bought a first-class coffin of HK$50,000.

The old grandmother went to the Buddhist country, and the battle of the mourning hall indicated that the Zhang family, who remained in the mortal world, became disillusioned, and the family rift was deepening day by day.

At the end of 1978, Zhang Yuliang issued an order in the name of the family company Zhang Xingyetang, restricting all family members to move out of the ancestral home of McDonald's No. 8 before March 15, 1979.

Those who are willing to move out can receive 1.5 million to 3 million "installment compensation" per room, and each child and nephew in each room can receive 700,000 to 800,000 as a gift. In the future, the company will no longer cover the expenses of family members.

Among them, the deceased second child Zhang Yuqi has a room, and Zhang Yuliang has a room, which belongs to the 2 million "installment compensation" category. The third child, Zhang Yulin, was given preferential treatment and could finally get 3 million yuan.

Anyone with a discerning eye does not know that the total amount of compensation is only the tip of the iceberg of the huge wealth of the family. Zhang Yuliang's ambition to swallow the family's wealth is clear.

But the family members were all afraid of Zhang Yuliang, who was always domineering, and even more afraid of not getting compensation from the family company, so they moved out miserably one after another.

Only Cui Xiuying, the widow of Zhang Yuqi, the second child, resisted the move. She discussed with her children and son-in-law, Luo Cheng, and believed that if she accepted the suggestion, Zhang Yuliang would grab the family property that the family members worked together to save.

Luo Wenjin was born in a family of famous lawyers in Hong Kong. His father, Law Man Kam, is the most prestigious barrister in Hong Kong, and his mother, He Jinzi, is the eldest daughter of Sir Ho Tung.

Luo Cheng is as famous as his father in the legal profession. He entered the Legislative Council in 1974 as a member of the Legislative Council and is the youngest Chinese member.

With the support of her son-in-law, Cui Xiuying decided to foil Zhang Yuliang's "conspiracy".

Zhang Yuliang also has a difficult role to deal with, that is, Tan Ailian, the wife of the third brother Zhang Yulin. She came from a famous family, and her relatives were rich and powerful.

But what happened surprised Zhang Yuliang, the third brother and the third sister-in-law moved out automatically without arguing.

Zhang Yulin and his wife had long been unwilling to live in the ancestral house with strict rules and regulations and full of feudal atmosphere. Zhang Yulin has always been indifferent to money and is fond of entertainment.

But listening to family members "scolding" the fourth brother, he felt that Zhang Yuliang's actions were too much, especially when dealing with the second sister-in-law, Cui Xiuying, who had moved illegally, his actions were outrageous.

Zhang Yulin was stimulated by this and died of a heart attack on March 25, 1979. The second generation of Zhang family, only Zhang Yuliang is left.

The forced eviction began on February 10, 1979, when Zhang Yuliang instructed Zhang Xingyetang to post notices on each floor of the ancestral house, stating that all residents must move out within the time limit.

Cui Xiuying immediately protested and declared that she would not move, and called her cousin Li Xiao and classmate Ou Ruiyi to accompany her to stay in the room.

Zhang Yuliang directed behind the scenes, and ordered Zhang Xingyetang's employees to cut off the water, electricity, gas, and telephone lines, smashed the doors and windows of Cui Xiuying's living room, and sent guards to guard them.

The three Cui Clan had no food or water, so they could only hang the supplies brought by their children with ropes.

Zhang Yuliang saw Cui's "rebellious resistance" and ordered people to install a railing outside the house so that Cui's rope hook could not reach. Choi Soo-young was forced to evacuate, and an emergency call was made to her son-in-law, Luo Cheng, who was on vacation in the UK.

Choi Soo-young applied to the court for a restraining order. After court mediation, Zhang Xingyetang agreed to let Cui Xiuying live in a 1,500-square-foot unit after building the property on the original site, with additional conditions.

This means that Cui Xiuying will not receive "compensation" from Zhang Xingyetang Company.

The "great grievances of the rich and powerful" did not end there, and Cui Xiuying continued to appeal to the court on the issue of family property distribution, hoping to get a fair statement.

Hong Kong and Kowloon were buzzing, and the media tracked and reported the family lawsuit. Zhang Yuliang made the first move, and entrusted a large law firm in Hong Kong to hire more than a dozen queens. If a law firm accepted the entrustment of one party in the lawsuit, it could not accept the entrustment of the other party.

Fortunately, Cui Xiuying's son-in-law Luo Cheng owns a law firm, and he came forward and hired three barristers, Li Xianlun, Umas and McDonald as Cui Xiuying's agents.

Cui Xiuying’s lawyer searched the Hong Kong government’s company registry. Zhang Yuliang took urgent action, and the holding companies were registered one by one. The speed was faster than the search. By the time of the trial, there were more than 100 registered companies, all of which were controlled by Zhang Yuliang behind the scenes.

This shows that the family property has actually been secretly attributed to Zhang Yuliang's private name.

The plaintiff's petition, Cui Xiuying, is ninety-five pages long. The plaintiff pointed out: when her husband Zhang Yuqi died in 1953, two safes under his name contained 1,160 taels of gold and negotiable instruments (Note: Zhang Yuqi had studied and worked abroad for a long time before entering the family company).

Choi Soo Young gave it to the family as a family asset. The plaintiff also pointed out that since 1962, Zhang Yuliang had controlled most of the family's properties.

Filing requirements:

1. When Zhang Yuqi dies, the estate under his name should be listed as the property of his family.

2. The barristers to be held by Zhang Yuliang and his representative company. According to the regulations, all assets should be listed as family owned.

3. The property owned by the family company should not only belong to some members of the Zhang family, but should belong to all members of the Zhang family.

4. All the assets of the Zhang family shall be equally distributed among the four people.

5. Require the litigant to pay court fees. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The plaintiff's lawyer refuted the plaintiff's petition. As far as the lawyers are concerned, the litigant has the upper hand, but the lawyer of the plaintiff believes that justice lies with the plaintiff.

The court was arguing, the media fueled the flames, and the public was eager to see it. Public opinion generally believes that Cui Xiuying has the highest voice to win the lawsuit. The legal profession also believes that the original case is a foregone conclusion.

The presiding judge of this case is the famous British judge Bergard. Bai Jia finally overturned all of the plaintiff's applications on the grounds that the allegations in the complaint were confusing and intricate.

Cui Xiuying lost the case and had to bear the high legal fees.

The whole Hong Kong was in an uproar. People who favored Cui Xiuying were slapped with a slap in the face, and their eyes were dumbfounded. Then people were angry and accused the referee of unfairness.

People in the legal profession were stunned. They believed that the evidence collected by the plaintiff's attorney was sufficient to prove that every member of the Zhang family should have the right to family wealth.

Hong Kong and British laws, which are known for their fairness, have been seriously tarnished.

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