The same is true for British Gas. So far, British Gas has provided hydropower services to more than two million households in the UK and is the largest energy state-owned enterprise in the UK.

This time the cabinet proposed to privatize the British Gas Company, mainly because the company was too bloated and too large to make ends meet.

As a ready-made public utility company, many people are staring at British Gas.

British people value public utilities very much. In previous lives, public utilities in Hong Kong only began to change hands after the dust settled in the Sino-British negotiations. These public utilities have been in the hands of British people before.

In this world, if it were not for Li Zhiwen's relationship in the United Kingdom, and the British people have absolute confidence in the Hong Kong issue at this time, the Hongkong Electric Group and the Hong Kong Telecommunications Company would definitely not fall into the hands of Li Zhiwen.

Li Zhiwen can engage in public undertakings in Hong Kong, but to engage in public undertakings in the UK, many consortia in the UK absolutely disagree. This is equivalent to cutting meat from them. How could this be possible.

The same is true for Telegram, the Radio Company and British Airways. They are all high-quality assets. The local British consortium is not divided enough. How could it be possible to let Li Zhiwen into the game.

And even if the British local consortium can't eat it, there are other consortiums in Europe, and the various bald eagle consortia, it is impossible to have Li Zhiwen's meat at all.

British Aerospace Corporation, the UK's largest aerospace company and the largest missile manufacturing company, is mainly engaged in the development and production of military aircraft, civil aircraft, missiles, satellites, electronic equipment, instruments and test equipment, and related weapon systems.

British Aerospace Corporation almost monopolizes the development and production of British military aircraft, spacecraft and tactical missiles.

How could this proper military-industrial group and strategic assets let Li Zhiwen, a colonial businessman, intervene?

The Duke of Bedford frowned and thought for a long time but couldn't figure out which company Li Zhiwen was interested in.

But even if he fancyed a company, the Duke of Bedford was not sure to let Li Zhiwen get a share of the pie.

So the Duke of Bedford took a sigh of relief and said, "Carl, you may not know much about the privatized company. I will give you a brief introduction."

The Duke of Bedford made plans to introduce various companies to the horror, so as to dispel Li Zhiwen's illusions.

"My lord, my subordinates have given me a report. I know the background of the privatized companies this time, and I also know that there are many consortia that are watching these companies this time." Li Zhiwen said.

"In that case, you know Carl how difficult this time is!" said the Duke of Bedford.

"I understand, but I just want to participate in one share. It is impossible for Ms. Margaret to sell all the shares, Lord Duke, am I right!" Li Zhiwen said.

The Duke of Bedford contemplated for a moment, and it was true. If it was just a share, the Duke of Bedford felt that Ms. Margaret would not refuse. After all, Li Zhiwen’s financial resources and identity are also eligible to participate in this privatization carnival. Among.

"Okay, then I will give up my life to accompany the gentleman, and I will accompany Karl with you at night." said the Duke of Bedford.

"Then thank you Lord Duke!" Li Zhiwen said.

"That's what it said, we are very good partners, aren't we?" said the Duke of Bedford.

"Of course!" Li Zhiwen said concisely.

At this time the door of the study room opened, and Grace Russell walked in and said, "Father, Carl, why have you talked for so long? The food is ready, let's eat together!"

Li Zhiwen has not forgotten the previous warning from the Duke of Bedford to him. Although Li Zhiwen decided not to obey the words of the Duke of Bedford, he still has to act on the surface.

So Li Zhiwen said: "Master Duke, Grace, you can eat, I have some things to deal with when I go back, so I won't eat anymore, Lord Duke, I will send someone to pick you up in the evening."

The Duke of Bedford was very satisfied with Li Zhiwen's attitude, but he couldn't bear to see Grace Russell's dim eyes, so he said: "Carl, eat here, you may also deal with things after the meal."

"Well, thank you Lord Duke for his hospitality." Li Zhiwen pretended to be reluctant and said.

"Great, Carl, let's get down now!" Grace Russell happily took Li Zhiwen's hand and walked downstairs.

When the Duke of Bedford saw his daughter's intimacy with Li Zhiwen, he even more decided to let Grace Russell and Li Zhiwen meet less.


At 7 o'clock in the evening, at No. 10 Downing Street, a Rover P5 parked on the side of the street.

Li Zhiwen and the Duke of Bedford got out of the car.

Li Zhiwen did not stay in the manor of the Duke of Bedford for long. He just took a few bites and then left and returned to his villa.

Li Zhiwen was relieved to see that Isabel Adjani, the prodigal lady, and Sophie Marceau were not there, apparently going to go shopping together.

After all, there is an important appointment at night, Li Zhiwen really dare not be too tired.

So Li Zhiwen simply rested for two hours, then drove to the manor of the Duke of Bedford to pick him up to No. 10 Downing Street.

Li Zhiwen and the Duke of Bedford walked into No. 10 Downing Street, and under the leadership of the staff, they met Ms. Margaret and her husband Dennis Thatcher.

Because it was a private dinner, Ms. Margaret let her husband accompany her, and because Li Zhiwen had a phone call with Margaret at noon, she told the Duke of Bedford that he would return to visit in the evening, so Margaret told Bedford. Duke De's visit was not unexpected.

"Ms. Margaret, Mr. Thatcher, hello!" Li Zhiwen said.

"Mr. Lee, Duke of Bedford, hello, and welcome you to be a guest here." Margaret said.

After the four introduced separately Marguerite said first: "Let's go, dinner is ready, let's take a seat!"

"Whatever the guest!" Li Zhiwen said.

The four of them were seated one after another, the dinner was very rich, Li Zhiwen ate with relish, and the four of them chatted from time to time.

"Mr. Li, the new model of Rover Motors is so good-looking, so beautiful, your designer is too thoughtful, but I don't like this wheel pattern very much." Dennis Thatcher said.

"Thank you Mr. Thatcher for your praise. We still have a lot to improve. We hope that the public can give us more opinions like Mr. Thatcher, so that we can make better progress." Li Zhiwen said.

"In fact, you have done a good job. Mr. Li contributed a lot to the fact that Rover Motors was on the verge of bankruptcy and became so popular among citizens." Mr. Thatcher said.

"We still rely on the help of the government to come back to life. I have to thank Ms. Margaret." Li Zhiwen said.

"There is no credit for us, it is the result of Mr. Li." Margaret said.

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