And Zhang Manyu, who stood not far from Lin Qingxia and Li Zhiwen, saw Lin Qingxia walk in front of Li Zhiwen, and felt that he had no chance today. After all, he is a big beauty and star like Lin Qingxia, compared with him, he is simply a firefly. The light of fire competes with Haoyue for brilliance.

So Zhang Manyu, who saw this scene, prepared to get up and leave the screening room.

At this moment, Zhang Manyu suddenly saw Lin Qingxia and Li Zhiwen say a few words, and left. What is the situation? Is it unsuccessful, but it shouldn't be. How could a beautiful woman like Lin Qingxia be rejected.

And if big beauties like Lin Qingxia are rejected, how could a star like herself be approved, and Zhang Manyu's mood is even more depressed.

At this time, Zhang Manyu was very contradictory. He hoped that Lin Qingxia would succeed, but he did not want Lin Qingxia to succeed.

Just when Zhang Manyu was in conflict, he was suddenly startled by a voice beside him: "Miss Zhang still not leaving?"

Zhang Manyu was so scared that he turned his head and saw Li Zhiwen. He glanced at the projection room. At this time, he and Li Zhiwen were the only two left in the projection room, and they were all gone in just a few minutes.

Seeing Li Zhiwen still waiting for himself to speak, Zhang Manyu hurriedly said: "Mr. Li, I will leave immediately."

After speaking, Zhang Manyu was about to pick up the handbag and leave the screening room.

"If Miss Zhang is fine for a while, do you want to have a drink together!" Li Zhiwen invited.

"Then go to my house, I will cook some dishes!" Zhang Manyu blurted out.

Soon Zhang Manyu felt that there was some ambiguity in this statement, and hurriedly explained: "Mr. Li, I didn't mean that..."

"Okay, then go to Miss Zhang's house, just to taste the dishes Ms. Zhang cooked!" Li Zhiwen said.

"Oh, ah, then Mr. Li, please come with me!" Zhang Manyu agreed first, then surprised, and then agreed.

And Li Zhiwen didn't say anything, put his hand directly on Zhang Manyu's slender waist, and Zhang Manyu was only beginning to feel a little struggling.

But Li Zhiwen didn't break free under his powerful arm, and he just ignored his fate.

After all, Zhang Manyu has just arrived in Hong Kong not long ago and has no house yet, so she can only live in the dormitory arranged for her by the global brokerage company.

As for the house and car given by Miss Global, it was only in the first session, but not in the second session. It was just replaced by some cash rewards and awards for heroines in movies and TV series.

However, the global brokerage company still values ​​Zhang Manyu very much, and the dormitory assigned to her is a one-bedroom house.

The house is very intimate, the dress is very girlish, pink, and it is very clean. It looks like Zhang Manyu is pretending to be a little woman in his heart.

Li Zhiwen walked into the house with Zhang Manyu's slender waist and just closed the door. Li Zhiwen dragged Zhang Manyu into his arms with Zhang Manyu's exclamation.

Zhang Manyu said in a panic, "Boss, what are you doing?"

"What am I doing, didn't you know when you invited me?" Li Zhiwen smiled evilly.

"I didn't mean that, boss, you misunderstood!" Zhang Manyu was in Li Zhiwen's arms like a white rabbit, but did not make any struggle.

Perhaps Zhang Manyu had forgotten the struggle at this time, or perhaps Zhang Manyu had no intention of struggling.

"There is no misunderstanding, I mean this!" Li Zhiwen said even further.

Zhang Manyu couldn't help feeling a little dizzy, but she didn't dare to resist Li Zhiwen, so she said, "Boss, can I be mentally prepared? Besides, I'm almost hungry. Let's talk while eating to deepen the impression."

Of course, Li Zhiwen didn’t have the idea of ​​wanting the overlord to put on the bow. He just made a test. Now that the results of the test have come out, Li Zhiwen is of course not proceeding, so he let go of Zhang Manyu and said, “I’m really hungry. Yes, then you go cooking, I will watch TV in the living room."

After speaking, Li Zhiwen walked to the sofa in the living room and sat down, while Zhang Manyu was relieved. She was really afraid of Li Zhiwen's overlord bowing. Although she had a good impression of Li Zhiwen, it was extremely bad for him to get it too easily. .

So Zhang Manyu turned and walked into the kitchen. There were already various dishes that Sister Chen bought yesterday. Obviously, Li Zhiwen was already ready to come yesterday.

But Zhang Manyu and Chen Jieguang thought about the bright side, but ignored the fact that Zhang Manyu could not cook.

At first, Li Zhiwen sat on the sofa and watched TV with gusto. The TV shows the "Millionaire" program imported from British Sky TV.

This program has been popular all over the world, and versions in various countries have appeared, and the ratings are not low.

But after watching it, Li Zhiwen no longer has the desire to watch it. It's not that the TV show is bad, but the mess in the kitchen is too bad. Either the plate or the bowl is dropped, or there is a stale smell.

After a while, Li Zhiwen finally couldn't sit still, stood up and walked into the kitchen, and said to Zhang Manyu, "Ayu, let me do it, you're ready!"

Zhang Manyu was taken aback by Li Zhiwen's words and hurriedly said: "Boss, no need, or let's order takeaway!"

After saying this, Zhang Manyu blushed a little, and he told the boss to eat at home, but he knew how to do it.

Li Zhiwen said, "No, let me do it. It's been a long time since I did it. Don't blame me if it doesn't taste good then."

It is true that Li Zhiwen has basically never cooked since his rebirth, and his craftsmanship is unfamiliar.

But even so, it is not comparable to Zhang Manyu, a new cook.

Seeing Li Zhiwen's movements, Zhang Manyu was amazed. He didn't expect that the boss would even cook. It was incredible.

About half an hour Li Zhiwen prepared four dishes and put them on the table, and Zhang Manyu also took the wine that had been awake to the table.

"Taste it and see how my craftsmanship is. Have you regressed?" Li Zhiwen said with a smile and wiped his hands while sitting on the dining chair.

Zhang Manyu picked up his chopsticks and took a bite of scrambled eggs with tomatoes and put it in his mouth. His eyes suddenly lit up: "It's so delicious, I think I can eat a lot!"

"Then you eat more, it seems that my craftsmanship has not regressed." Li Zhiwen said with a smile.

"Of course it's amazing, boss, you eat too!" Zhang Manyu said again while eating.

"I know, you eat more, after all, you will have to exercise later." Li Zhiwen said.

When Li Zhiwen talked about sports, Zhang Manyu dared not lift her head. After all, she was already an adult, and coupled with her ears and eyes, she understood what Li Zhiwen meant by sports.

In this way, Li Zhiwen and Zhang Manyu ate and drank red wine while chatting.

Zhang Manyu seemed to be particularly fond of this red wine, so he drank a lot and ended up a little drunk.

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