Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Chapter 394: The Training Battle (1)

In any case, the reputation of this mysterious trainer suddenly became loud in Greentown. When everyone discussed him, they all had a bit of fear and curiosity, and the tragic situation of the unlucky trainer immediately became a hot topic in everyone's discussion. His symptoms were infinitely exaggerated in this rumor.

However, this is not what Ye Zhong knows. He is still immersed in his own research. In his opinion, it is just a small episode.

The real situation is quite different from the various versions of the rumors.

On that day, the young trainer suddenly challenged Ye Zhong. His movements are very stealthy, and he also uses colorless and tasteless hallucinogens. His motive was very simple, he just wanted to test whether this mysterious trainer was really as powerful as the rumors said.

Unfortunately, he underestimated Ye Zhong's counterattack!

Ye Zhong, who possessed the smoke beads, was safe and unaffected, but he immediately noticed the attack. In a very short time, he locked onto the young man wandering outside the house. Without any hesitation, Ye Zhong counterattacked fiercely and quickly, without giving the young man any time to react.

What he used was also a colorless and odorless reagent, but its diffusivity was much higher than that of ordinary training reagents. By the time the young people realize it, it is already too late. The reagent would disrupt his circulatory system, but it wasn't fatal. Considering his identity, Ye Zhong didn't use the lethal training reagent this time, and he didn't want to attract anyone's attention.

However, he underestimated the power of this reagent called "Blood Order". More importantly, the symptoms it caused caused people no less fear than death. In the records of the chip, the blood order is a reagent used by a remote tribe to punish the traitors in the tribe. I don’t know how the lunatic Guan got its formula. After improvement, it can be used in the air The spread is greatly increased, and the power is also greatly increased.

In the field of training and training, it is a taboo to shoot at others at will. Fights between trainers are more dangerous, and because of this, the temptations between each other will be very cautious, not as common as in the fighting world.

This point was written very clearly in Guanlunzi's chip, and Ye Zhong was always convinced of the contents of Guanlunzi's chip. In fact, every person with rich combat experience usually will not take the initiative to attack others when they are not threatened, but when they really confirm that they are threatened, their counterattack is fierce and often fatal.

What's more, a person like Ye Zhong who grew up in constant battles? If it weren't for the fact that he was too sensitive as an outsider, his counterattack would be far more than that.

The young man has been in a coma, unable to explain his behavior, and things have begun to develop in a dangerous direction. This young man probably never imagined that his impulsive behavior would trigger such a violent storm that would happen later.

"What should I do?" Qi Wei looked around and asked in a deep voice.

This room is filled with almost all the top trainers in the entire Jupiter. After receiving the news that the descendant of the inventor of Bi Quenyu was about to arrive in Green City, representatives of almost all the genres off Jupiter rushed to Green City starry night.

Qi Wei is the contemporary head of the Qian Department. The Thousand Lines is the most powerful and oldest training school out of Jupiter, even in the entire free star area, they can still rank first. It is also because of this that Qianxi has always been the representative of various schools of training outside Jupiter.

Qi Wei looked at the masters of various training schools gathered together, but he couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional. How many years has there been a gathering like this in the training industry? ten years? twenty years? He can't remember. If it wasn't for this mysterious trainer this time, these people probably wouldn't be able to come together like this!

No one in the room spoke, and no one wanted to stand out at this moment. In fact, the inventor of Biqueuyu in history has a very special position in the heart of the De-Jupiter trainer. On the one hand, he was a madman in the eyes of ordinary people, which had a profound negative impact on the reputation of the trainers at that time, and this impact lasted for decades. On the other hand, his contribution to training is unmatched. He is the number one person in the research of training reagents for mass destruction and has opened up a generation. His super strength and profound attainments in training can almost be said to represent the pinnacle of trainers off Jupiter. He is the idol secretly worshiped by countless trainers.

Such a character, almost all trainers treat him very complicated. This complexity also extended to Ye Zhong.

There was deathly silence in the room, and the atmosphere was unbearably oppressive. No one here can solve the young man's symptoms, not even Qi Wei can do anything. Of course, this doesn't explain anything, Qianxi is famous for training in psychedelic, and they are not proficient in other aspects. But no matter what, this also made everyone understand the tip of the iceberg of the mysterious trainer's strength.

The first person to break the silence was a middle-aged man. He was dressed in black, with thin cheeks and sunken eyes, but his eyes were as sharp as a sword. He did not look like a broad-minded person. The man in black is also quite well-known in the field of off-Jupiter training. He is Peridu, the contemporary director of Ye Xiangliu.

The training technique studied by Ye Xiangliu is completely contrary to its name. It is an aggressive training school. The disciples of Yexiangliu often like to provoke everywhere, but their attack methods are rich and varied, and some of them are indeed very Powerful training products, so ordinary trainers are quite afraid of them. The unfortunate young man was his student.

"The owner of Bi Quenyu, the murder weapon is in his hands. But if that incident happens again, what kind of result will it be?" Peridu said leisurely.

This sentence hit the point that everyone was most worried about. Although the previous incident was deeply ingrained in the hearts of the trainers, it has long since faded in the hearts of ordinary people. Only those who have studied the history of de-Jupiter will know these things.

Over the years, trainers have a completely positive image in the public mind, and they are respected. No matter which trainer is probably unwilling to see the reputation of the trainer suffer another fatal blow like that in the past.

That's why they rushed to Greentown so nervously.

And this sudden incident seemed to confirm what they were most worried about.

Looking at the angry people in the room, Guangwei in the corner watched coldly, and sneered in his heart, what could be good from Yexiang? He had suffered at the hands of a disciple of Yexiangliu back then, and he had personally experienced the domineering of Yexiangliu's disciples. But Ye Xiangliu is not comparable to the declining smoke genre, so he can only swallow his anger. It has been many years since the smoke genre has fallen, and all the core techniques in the genre have been lost. What he knows now is only some of the most superficial things of the smoke genre. How can he be the opponent of the disciple of Yexiangliu?

He understands that the smoke school has no right to speak in such a discussion. If he has any objections, it will not bring him any benefit except being despised by everyone, and it will also make him feel guilty. He knew Peridu's character of vengeance, so he just shrank in the corner knowingly and watched the performance of the crowd.

This kind of performance is not something you can usually see! He thought maliciously in his heart.

As for Qi Wei, for such an emerging training master, he doesn't want to break the current pattern of leaving Jupiter's training circle. What's more, he didn't want to offend Ye Xiangliu because of this, so he took a tacit attitude.

Soon, everyone reached a consensus. Qi Wei's tacit attitude directly affected the vast majority of neutral trainers. Killing a trainer who may have a negative impact on the entire training industry is a matter that is difficult to judge right or wrong in the eyes of everyone. Since there is no right or wrong, it means that you can do whatever you want.

In Qi Wei's opinion, it's not just him, but in the eyes of many people, no matter how powerful a trainer is, he can't compete with a powerful faction. No matter how powerful this mysterious trainer is, he can't compete with the entire training world. From their point of view, the greatest reliance of that mysterious trainer is nothing more than Bi Quenyu in his hand.

Although Bi Quenyu is notorious, it is a technology hundreds of years ago. They believed that over the years, their development in training and training would definitely surpass that of Bi Quenyu, an antique hundreds of years ago. Most importantly, they have already learned how to deal with Bi Quenyu.

Ye Zhong didn't know that these trainers were discussing how to deal with him.

He was concentrating on his research. In that attack, due to his preparations in advance, he had already hidden the two wooden boxes in a temporary pit dug by him, so those precious raw materials were not damaged.

Recent encounters have given him a deeper understanding of training, and also made him interested in the use of training. He borrowed a lot of adjustment and training tools from the city lord. For this simple request, the city owner certainly did not hesitate to meet it, and he sent the best training tools in the entire Green City. He just hoped that Ye Zhong would not make trouble, this was his only wish for Ye Zhong.

With the tools, Ye Zhong's research work went very smoothly. The raw materials on hand are extremely abundant. These days, he has been trying to make some concoctions that he has never made before. On his table are all kinds of prepared products, which are colorful and really beautiful.

Although the contents of the lunatic chip are extremely rich, what Ye Zhong is involved with now is only a very small part of it. While lamenting the breadth and depth of training, Ye Zhong devoted himself to selfless research time and time again.

These few days were just the most critical period for his research, which forced him to postpone his originally scheduled departure plan for a few days. As for the reward, Han Yue rushed to send it as early as the first day he entered Greentown.

However, Ye Zhong probably never imagined that his delay for a few days was the beginning of a violent shock in the entire de-Jupiter training world.

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