Wow, there is a black rain just around the corner! This dark cloud poured down around the corner, and the dense black insects made Ye Chong's scalp tingle. He was secretly grateful for his actions just now, otherwise, the sight in front of him would make people feel creepy.

The buzzing sound was clearly audible at this moment. Under such circumstances, Ye Zhong could still remain calm, which was enough to show his determination.

Slow in speed and low in intelligence, Ye Zhong quickly found the weakness of this group of flying insects, but if he was surrounded, he would end badly. In Ye Zhong's eyes, although the lethality of this group of black insects was not as good as the five-pointed creature he encountered yesterday. But if there is no training medicine and light armor, then he can only escape. That's not something grappling can contend with.

The not-so-broad corner leaves were heavily sprinkled with two full leaf bags of anesthetic, and now it seems that the effect is quite good. So far, not a single black insect has darted around the corner.

Judging from the picture, these two drugs are almost comparable to the best insecticides. There was a thick layer of black insects piled up on the ground, but these insects had low intelligence and continued to fly forward.

It rained black insects for a solid ten minutes. A complete flying army was destroyed silently like this.

The hum disappeared, and the canyon returned to deathly silence.

Ye Zhong waited for five minutes and jumped out of the ditch after making sure that there was no black insect behind the corner.

He carefully observed these black insects. Each of them is the size of a thumb, with three pairs of thin wings on their backs, and they are covered with a shiny black shell with a metallic texture. There is a sharp hollow bone needle under a pair of red compound eyes, and a pure black needle at the end of it, these two should be their main weapons. This black insect resembled a wasp, but it didn't look like it. Ye Zhong couldn't tell what it was. In the universe, there are too many kinds of creatures.

He dismissed the question quickly, it was not worth wasting time on such a question.

The drug has no effect on Ye Zhong. He piled all the black insects together like a hill. After all, drugs are just drugs, not poisons, nor pesticides, and they all have an effective time.

Carefully take out the dehydrated red sand and sprinkle some lightly on the black hill. There were subtle crackling sounds, and the hill immediately dried up, as if a snow mountain was melting continuously, but the speed was too alarming.

Seeing that all the black insects had been wiped out, Ye Zhong put away the dehydrated red sand with satisfaction. He didn't want these black insects to attack him in the back of the journey. Who knows how long these two powerful narcotics will keep them quiet?

Although he won, Ye Zhong's vigilance did not decrease at all. Instead, he became more cautious because of the appearance of two dangers.

Gradually walking forward, the terrain begins to become steep, and often encounter some places that need to be climbed.

What surprised Ye Zhong was that there was a brook here. The gurgling stream meanders down from the heights, bringing a bit of life to this lifeless canyon. Under the scouring of the water flow for many years, the hard rock surface here is full of large and small gullies, like vines intertwined. The stream water scattered among these staggered gullies, gathered together, and finally all infiltrated into the underground river from the cracks in the rocks.

Probably because of the stream, one or two plants can occasionally be seen on both sides. They grow in the crevices of the rocks and survive tenaciously.

The more you go up, the more abundant the stream is, and the more plants there are.

It's about two thousand meters high, Ye Zhongxin estimated. The terrain here has begun to flatten, and small patches of woods can be seen from time to time. The surrounding plants are lush, and there is no trace of the dead silence at the bottom of the canyon. It is warm as spring and the climate is suitable. What Ye Chong didn't expect was that this place was also a paradise for animals. From time to time, some small animals ran away in fright in the woods. The only one who didn't fit in with the environment was Ye Zhong, his vigilance was evident on his face, his footsteps were light and ready to respond at any time, and he had already taken the wooden spear in his hand.

Ye Zhong still stopped in his tracks, his eyes lit up suddenly, and his heart beat uncontrollably.

He found traces of human activity! On the soft grass, human footprints are faintly visible. Crouching down, Ye Zhong carefully observed the faint footprints. Judging from the fresh broken marks of the trampled grass, it didn't take long for that person to pass by.

However, Ye Zhong was not overjoyed. Excessive excitement at any time will only make you more likely to fall into danger. His cautiousness played a role again at this moment, and soon he calmed down. Who this person is, and what kind of attitude he will have towards him, he has no idea now. Only by staying alert at all times can we ensure our own safety to the greatest extent.

Following the traces, Ye Zhong walked forward.

"Who?" A quiet voice suddenly burst into Ye Zhong's ears, and his head suddenly became slightly dizzy. Secretly horrified, Ye Zhong reacted extremely quickly, almost subconsciously, rolling towards the grass beside him. When approaching a small tree, it suddenly bounced up and jumped onto the small tree. No matter which fighter it is, seeing Ye Zhong's reaction will definitely be full of praise.

Every movement of his is impeccable, with superb reaction nerves, and the position of avoidance is also the best. On the small tree, he can observe everything around him, and he can use the leaves to hide his figure.

No matter from which angle you look at it, Ye Zhong should get out of the passive immediately.

But to his surprise, the situation was not as simple as he imagined.

"Hmph!" A cold snort resounded in the air, misty and vaguely coming from nowhere.

The instinct formed by the long-term battle made Ye Zhong feel the danger in an instant! Almost at the same time, he felt something tightly bound him. In fact, there was nothing around him.

The figure of the girl in the white exercise uniform flashed across his mind - Rui Bing! This was actually his subconscious first reaction, it was really strange! But he has no time to think about these. If it wasn't for the obvious male voice of this cold snort, he would definitely think it was Rui Bing. This kind of attack is very familiar to him, Rui Bing often practiced against him, he has seen this move more than once.

Although shocked.

Ye Zhong's eyes suddenly lit up, and countless tiny blue lines in his vision were swimming at high speed and disorderly like fish.

The blue lines changed rapidly, and Ye Zhong's entire field of vision was almost completely covered by these chaotic blue lines. He didn't panic at all. He had experienced such scenes many times.

Sure enough, these ever-changing blue lines suddenly changed drastically, and they suddenly converged towards a point, just like countless blue nematodes returning to their nests, the entire field of vision was empty, leaving only a blue point.

The only difference from Rui Bing is that the blue dot is much lighter.

Ye Zhong's eyes were bright, and the wooden spear that Ye Zhong had been holding jumped up suddenly without warning, followed by a black phantom in the air.

The point of the wooden spear hit the blue dot exactly. From the force coming from his hands, he could clearly feel that it seemed to pierce something, but what surprised him was that the restraints on his body hadn't disappeared yet! Judging from his previous experience of sparring with Rui Bing, as long as he can find this blue dot, he can completely defeat it with one blow.

But now the strong feeling of oppression on Ye Zhong's body has not disappeared yet.

"Hey!" The voice of the man in the dark was full of surprise.

This unexpected situation did not make Ye Zhong at a loss. The muscles in his arm expanded and contracted sharply, and the wooden spear vibrated at a high frequency in an instant. At this moment, the super toughness of the iron sunken wood is fully displayed, and it oscillates at a high speed within a very small range. This force was so great that with a soft bang, Ye Zhong loosened his body, and Ye Zhong finally broke the invisible bondage.

Without any hesitation, Ye Zhong moved his feet, and his figure was immediately blurred. If you don't know where the opponent is, the best way is to use high speed to prevent the opponent from completing the lock on yourself, and then wait for an opportunity to find out the opponent's location.

"Boundary!" The voice of the man in the dark was full of deep surprise, and there was also a hint of surprise.

Pointing his toes, Ye Zhong folded his body, and the exclamation of the man in the dark revealed his position.

Ye Zhong's short-range explosive power is extremely terrifying, an arrow-like sprint!

Art master!

When Ye Zhong saw the attacker for the first time, a word popped into his mind. He has not encountered this mysterious profession as a master of surgery for a long time. The last time I met a master artisan, I was still in the orbital circle.

The characteristics of the art masters are very obvious. They always wear light blue cloth shirts, and their clothes are very simple. The most important thing is that they have a unique temperament, and Ye Zhong, who has a keen observation ability, can easily distinguish them from ordinary people. Both Jia Zhuo and Mr. Yin left a deep impression on Ye Chong.

Mu Shang also tortured Mr. Yin a lot about the methods of the master's practice. Unfortunately, Ye Zhong, who has always shown genius in other areas, has no talent in this area. He has been practicing meditation, but there is no improvement. If it wasn't for the great benefits of breathing in the battle, he would have given up this useless work long ago.

This art master has white hair, the long snow-white hair falls down to his waist softly, and his smooth and plump face makes him look very young. Only the wrinkles at the end of the eyes showed the man's age. With a mature and vicissitudes of temperament, coupled with a smile like a spring breeze, the white-haired man in a green shirt stands out from the crowd. Even though the green shirt on his body was almost white from washing, and was even damaged in many places, it was still difficult to hide his calm and calm demeanor.

"What a young world leader!" The white-haired man showed no trace of hostility, but a hint of appreciation from the corner of his mouth.

Ye Zhong didn't speak, but estimated the distance between the two sides. If you get into trouble, what is the probability of hitting with one blow? The profession of a master of arts is too mysterious, and in many places, even Mu Shang can't understand it.

And most importantly, this white-haired art master is very strong!

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