A pointed cone-shaped head was exposed in the tumbling waves, but that figure was daunting. If the mountain of meat that emerged from the water hadn't been for the three huge eyes on it, Ye Zhong would have doubted whether it was the rising of the earth's crust caused by underground movement.

Even the ten-meter-tall Hanjia looked so thin in front of it, and it was probably the largest creature Ye Zhong had ever seen.

The three jet-black eyes formed a standard triangle, looking at Ye Zhong with anger.

There was a sharp howl, like metal rubbing against each other. Ye Zhong looked at the monster calmly. Except for his slightly pale face, it could be seen that the sudden attack by the opponent just now had caused Ye Zhong a lot of damage, and it was no different from usual.

Ye Zhong would definitely be shocked if he suddenly saw such a huge monster in normal times. But now Ye Zhong's heart was terribly calm, without any trembling at all. There are so many weird places in this place that Ye Zhong feels a little numb.

I have already reached the shore, this guy is obviously an aquatic creature, it is not so easy to deal with myself now. No matter how bad it is to drive the Han family forward, it will definitely not be able to catch up. Ye Zhong carefully analyzed each point in his heart. Even though that guy was no longer a threat to him, Ye Zhong still didn't dare to be careless. The creatures in this place really weren't all docile.

Although the guy in front of him was huge, in Ye Zhong's view, he wasn't too difficult to deal with. The last thing Ye Zhong wanted to meet right now was a creature with the ability to fly. From the herbivores he encountered at the very beginning, it could be seen that in such a high-gravity environment, their running speed could reach such a level. If the herbivores are like this, then the speed of the flying creatures here can be imagined. The most important point is that the Han family has no air superiority. If you have air superiority, even if Ye Zhong can't beat him, it is relatively easy to escape.

The huge monster in the water seemed to know that it could not pose a threat to Ye Zhong, so it didn't approach Ye Zhong, but looked at Ye Zhong angrily, and kept howling sharply.

If Ye Zhong was in the sky above the plain at this time, he would see a strange scene. Countless creatures of different shapes spread in all directions like a tide, and the center of this was the huge monster in the river.

Ye Zhong glanced at the monster in the middle of the river, and with a movement of his hand, the Han family turned around and flew forward.

He didn't mean to get entangled with this unknown guy at all. This guy seems to be at the top of the astral biological chain, and the Han family, which lacks long-range attack methods, is also quite difficult to face this guy. Just look at its tentacles with a diameter of more than ten meters, and you can imagine its destructive power. amazing.

Ye Zhong couldn't help but be more careful after being attacked this time, but to his surprise, he didn't encounter another animal during the subsequent journey. A few times he even found that some creatures far away from him on the holographic screen had already fled in panic.

This made Ye Chong quite baffled. But even though he didn't know the reason, Ye Zhong's forward speed was greatly increased by the evasion of these unknown creatures from him.

They continued to fly for another day and night, and nothing happened along the way. It's just that the terrain has gradually changed from plains to undulations. Ye Zhong even discovered three mountains with a height of 1,000 meters based on the plains. However, this did not cause any trouble to the Han family.

It's not just that the terrain has become more complicated, the types of creatures here are also far more abundant than the plains ahead.

The size of this star is far beyond Ye Zhong's imagination. Up to now, the Han family has still not detected the other edge of this star.

Suddenly, the holographic scanning system beeped.

A group of humans wearing weird costumes was besieging a beast about seven meters high.

Humanity? There are actually humans here? Ye Zhong was taken aback. The sudden consternation turned into uncontrollable ecstasy, and no one can remain calm after so many days of solitary flying when suddenly encountering his own kind.

But why are there humans here?

Ye Zhong suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and carefully looked at the group of humans.

There were a total of seven people in this group, all wearing lavender clothes, which should be woven from a kind of plant. As a trainer, Ye Zhong has a keen sense of plants. Their bodies are relatively short, which may be related to the gravity here. But their movements were all extremely agile, even faster than the herbivores Ye Zhong had seen.

Ye Zhong couldn't help but secretly admire their physical strength. Under five times the gravity, Ye Zhong himself could not be so agile. But the weapons in their hands were too primitive and crude, they turned out to be wooden spears made of unknown wood.

primitive? Ye Zhong was somewhat dumbfounded. The heart that was ecstatic just now immediately cooled down. If it is a primitive person, then I am afraid that it will be a problem for me to communicate with them.

Ye Zhong did not stand up in a hurry, but hid behind a rock far away to observe the development of the situation.

The situation of the beast in front of this group of primitive people is not good at this time, there are already several wounds all over the body, Ye Zhong, who has rich hunting experience, can tell at a glance that the fall of this beast will happen sooner or later. There were branch-like horns on the head of this beast, and the tips of the horns were extremely sharp. If the four hooves, which were as thick as wooden stakes, were firmly planted, they would definitely be a puddle of flesh. The slender tail is coiled in a ball, like a bun on a young woman's head, which is indescribably weird. But from the holographic screen, Ye Zhong could clearly see that this tail had electric energy, like an electric eel.

This group of primitive people also knew this, and their attacks became faster and faster, wanting to solve it as soon as possible.

Just when everyone thought they would win a big victory, the beast raised its eyes that had gradually dimmed, and glanced at the hiding place of the Han family. Ye Zhong could clearly see the eyes of this beast, and couldn't help but be quite surprised. Suddenly, the beast's eyes were filled with terror, and it roared and roared in despair, and its resistance became fiercer than ever.

This sudden change caught everyone off guard. No one expected that the beast would suddenly go berserk, and everyone was in a panic.

With a scream, a man was scratched by the horns of the wild beast, and the huge impact force even threw him far away, blood spattering. However, the beast is obviously red-eyed now. It doesn't care about other people's harm to itself. It lowers its head, its horns move forward, and its four huge hooves are churning, beating the ground like drums. The man on the ground rushed away.

How amazing is the momentum of the seven-meter-high beast sprinting. This beast seemed to be determined to kill a guy, and it was unaware of the wooden spears stabbed at it by others.

Shouts and exclamations mingled together.

Ye Zhong, however, was like thunder, his whole body trembled, and he looked at this group of people in disbelief.

Sang Ling bit her lips tightly, looking at the electric-tailed horned beast that was rushing towards Sang Fan who was lying on the ground. Just now, the electric-tailed horned beast suddenly went berserk and scratched Sang Fan. The berserk electric-tailed horned beast ignored the crowd's surroundings, and jumped out of the crowd's encircling circle with a single charge. Sang Ling didn't dare to hesitate, his right arm was straightened suddenly, and the wooden spear was pressed against his right arm, exerting force suddenly, the wooden spear roared and flew towards the running electric-tailed horned beast.

Pfft, the wooden spear slammed into the electric-tailed horned beast's buttocks. Ow! The electric-tailed horned beast suffered from pain and paused slightly, but it still rushed towards Sang Fan who was lying on the ground. The electric-tailed horned beast's eyes seemed to breathe fire, and it was so angry that it lost its mind.

Seeing this, the others threw out their wooden spears one after another. Whoosh, whoosh, none of these wooden spears missed, and all of them pierced the electric-tailed horned beast's buttocks. The electric-tailed horned beast is in pain, ouch! The voice was full of anger and despair, and its speed was a little faster.

Sang Fan was struggling to get up, his left arm started from his shoulder, and a scar with deep bone visible wound to his chest, blood gushing out. Enduring the pain, Sang Fan looked at the electric-tailed horned beast running towards him, his face pale.

The electric-tailed horns shone with a chilling light.

"No..." Sang Ling hissed and screamed, with incomparable despair in his voice.

Ye Zhong's pupils shrank suddenly, and his hands swept across the main console of the Han family like light smoke.

He understands this word!

Just when everyone thought that Sang Fan would not be spared, a gray shadow flew out from behind Sang Fan, and accurately hit the terrifyingly hard horn of the electric-tailed horned beast.

Everyone's eyes widened.

The footsteps of the electric-tailed horned beast stopped abruptly.

The transition from extreme movement to extreme stillness was so abrupt that no one understood what was going on.

In the bewildered eyes of everyone, the electric-tailed horned beast let out a desolate and unwilling cry, and immediately fell into silence. The huge place was silent without a single sound, and everyone was confused by this sudden change.

When everyone came back to their senses, they found that the electric-tailed horned beast was pinned to the ground by a huge gray dagger, and the horn of the electric-tailed horned beast showed a smooth section.

This dagger is so sharp! Everyone gasped in unison. Sang Fan couldn't bear it any longer, and sat down on the ground slumped.

Sang Ling's eyes looked behind Sang Fan, and she was the first to react with a delicate mind.

A huge figure became more and more clear behind Sang Fan.

"Oh my god! This is not..." Sang Ling's eyes were full of disbelief.

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