Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Chapter 241 Transformation

Luo Wei is extremely depressed now, and he has already sensed that something is wrong. The full bone armor came to invite the battle almost every day, and every time he was about to kill, the feeling of extreme danger would rise in his heart. Once, a ray of normal return left a scratch on the head and cheek of his light armor. He knew very well that the ray of normal return was full of warning meanings.

Although the half-covered light armor on this strange battleship is using the return method, Luo Wei is sure in his heart that the opponent is definitely not a white-clothed hunter. It is absolutely impossible for the hunter in white to bring himself such a dangerous feeling, his combat instincts have always been very accurate.

For so many days, apart from these two light armors, he has never seen any other light armors. Could it be that there are only two light armors on this battleship?

Lowe was puzzled, no matter from which angle he looked at it, the battleship in front of him looked strange.

The perfect combination of electromagnetic guns and black gold alloy actually appeared on a civilian ship. He couldn't figure out where the other party got such a powerful weapon. Melee all-bone light armor, and a powerful light armor that is holding Guifa but always half-covered, such a pair of combination is also impossible to come from the Masters Association.

He also has reason to believe that such a strange combination is also impossible to come from the other three major forces. As far as he knew, it was absolutely impossible for black gold to flow out. It is also a black gold alloy, and the proportion of black gold contained in it also varies according to the grade, so there are also differences in performance. And the black gold content of this electromagnetic gun is quite high, which shows that the amount of black gold in the opponent's hand is not rare.

The interior of Black Horn is not as people imagined. Most of the teachers in Noire are withdrawn, and most of the time is spent on training every day. The internal competition is extremely cruel, which is also an important reason why the teachers in Noire are so strong. They don't care about anything other than performing the tasks posted above. That's why Lowe didn't know that Black Horn was chasing Ye Zhong.

But this weird battleship in front of him really made him very curious. If it wasn't for the current Blu-ray Starfield, which is the site of the Zongsuo, he would have called for support long ago. But now, he undoubtedly fell into an extremely embarrassing situation.

The vigor of the soldiers in the bare armor was far beyond his imagination. He came to invite the battle every day, as if he was tireless. At first Lowe felt quite relaxed, but gradually he felt more and more strenuous, and then he suddenly realized how amazing the speed of the other party's progress was.

This also made him understand that he had met a genius, a fighting genius.

Ye Zhong no longer had time to think about these things. In fact, he had a very fulfilling life these days. Apart from fighting each other every day, he spends all his time studying the battle videos. He wants to find the reason why the opponent is better than himself, and try to improve a little bit. It has to be said that Ye Zhong has an astonishing talent in combat, and in just a few dozen days, he has completed a transformation. And at this time, Shang never bothered him, but sat by the cabin door with Gui Fa in his arms, as if he was thinking about something.

Ye Zhong has already begun to gradually clarify the context of Luo Wei's fighting. In his opinion, the most powerful thing is not the powerful moves, but the solid basic skills and the correct judgment made at the moment of the battle.

Under this oppressive "training", Ye Zhong's potential has exploded strongly. From the very first encounter, he almost fell under the opponent's moon blade, and now he can fight with the opponent both offensively and defensively, even Ye Zhong himself finds it a little incredible.

Ye Zhong put more and more pressure on Luo Wei, and Luo Wei never imagined that someone could progress to such a state in such a short period of time. Lowe has always been proud of his talent, but it took him five full years to rise from Thorn Master to Obsidian Master.

It took only a few dozen days for the teacher in front of him to rise from the strength of the thorny teacher to the black obsidian. As the creator, Luo Wei has no sense of accomplishment in his heart, but endless discouragement and shame. But this also greatly aroused his competitiveness.

Everyone has their proudest place, which cannot be trampled on by others.

Lowe completely ignored the warrior holding the Guidance, and every time the full bone light armor came to invite him to fight, he stepped forward to fight. He went all out every time, and went back to the ship to check the battle video immediately after the battle. He couldn't bear to watch the opponent make rapid progress while he didn't make any progress.

Luo Wei fought with all his strength, and Ye Zhong immediately felt the strong pressure, but after a short period of embarrassment, he had gradually adapted and moved forward at a faster speed.

This situation lasted for a few days, and Lowe was also pleasantly surprised to find that he was also improving, and the speed of this improvement was undoubtedly amazing to him before. If it was in the past, he would have been a little bit complacent if he didn't know what to say, but with a more perverted guy in front of him, he would not be able to get half a bit complacent no matter what.

Lowe had already forgotten the original purpose. After discovering such benefits, Lowe worked harder. Opportunities like this do not come across every time. In Noire, a place where strength is paramount, everyone understands the importance of strength. Moreover, the higher-ups didn't give any clear orders, and he had the greatest autonomy for this operation, and he was happy to hone his fighting skills here.

Ye Zhong's eclectic and flexible fighting style has greatly broadened his thinking, and he has become more and more devoted to his "sparing training" work. That powerful teacher never appeared again, which meant that the blue light of death never came on again. Lowe believed that the other party would never kill him in a short time. The other party may kill him at any time, but Luo Wei still does not intend to give up this opportunity to improve himself. In his opinion, this risk is worth taking.

Luo Wei's guess was accurate, and Shang felt relaxed. Now he is having a great time playing with Xiao Shitou every day. Shang was always surprised that the other party could calculate his space jump point, so he tried to send a message, but he didn't expect the other party to reply a message soon.

Xiao Shitou is a calculation genius, and Shang can also be regarded as an expert in this field to a certain extent. The two soon had a hot fight. Xiao Shitou was still young, and he was obviously an academic talent. When he encountered his major, he immediately forgot everything.

Then a strange scene appeared, the original hostile two sides actually held an exchange meeting.

Ye Zhong and Luo Wei were able to hold each other for longer now, and the two sides often fought for half a day. After so many days of hard fighting, the two sides are too familiar with each other, so the stalemate is getting longer and longer. However, after a long time, Ye Zhong's physical advantage was revealed. This also made Luo Wei very distressed. How could Black Horn's masters be inferior to others in terms of physical strength? I'm afraid that none of the Black Horn Sergeants will believe me if I tell it. at Pointe Noire. The body of every teacher is quite strong, and Master Obsidian is the best among them.

The guy in front of him, Lowe, has been wondering if the other party is a mutant creature.

However, Shang and Xiao Shitou are rivals in chess, and the two sides often play some difficult intellectual games. Shang is too boring, but Xiao Shitou is still young and has a childlike innocence.

In the end, both sides simply stopped, keeping an appropriate distance, one-on-one, one-on-one, and started a friendly and harmonious battle skill contest and academic game exchange.

Ye Zhong likes this kind of life very much. Probably for him, the happiest thing is to clearly feel the rise of his own strength, and this is what he feels the most these days. The skills Ye Zhong learned from Luo Wei did not copy them mechanically, but mixed with his own understanding and thinking, so the skills he used were completely different from those of Luo Wei. This caused Lowe to be quite embarrassed for a while, and he found it difficult to deal with the endless strange moves of the opponent, but these strange moves seemed familiar to him.

Ye De only now understands Mu Shang's good intentions for him. If it weren't for the solid foundation he laid before, it would be impossible for Ye Zhong to make such rapid progress in such a short period of time. Everything he has learned before is the soil for his transformation this time.

Ye Zhong's eyes suddenly opened up, as if his field of vision had been greatly expanded, and a new world appeared in front of him. He also knew where he was headed in the future. He does not have a system theory, and only through continuous fighting and continuous thinking can he go further, until one day he can form his own system.

Although it was far away, Ye Zhong was full of confidence. This is the first time he has seen the future so clearly. He has always believed that as long as he has a clear goal and makes unremitting efforts towards it, he will reach it one day.

The Han family kept changing directions in a small area, like a strange wave, confusing the opponent's sight. But Luo Wei didn't like this at all. After so many days of fighting, he understood how good the light armor in front of him was at changing directions. Suddenly, Han's family made a strange reflex and disappeared from his vision. This is where the optical mode is inconvenient. It cannot see everything around it like a holographic scanning system.

However, Luo Wei did not panic. The moon blade on the right hand of the obsidian light armor was strange but turned backwards naturally, and a silver moon appeared behind him out of thin air. Ding, this silver moon was scattered by the dagger of the Han family. Luo Wei took advantage of this short moment to control the obsidian light armor to suddenly turn sideways, and at the same time another moon blade floated another long, narrow and deadly beautiful silver moon.

The Han family's shield met the curved silver moon, and the other dagger silently attacked the opponent's lower joints. Seeing that the opponent's Yinyue was about to collide with Han's shield, but the expected impact did not occur, and the shield was hit empty. And almost at the same time, a silver light accurately hit Ye Zhong's sneak attacking dagger, ding, only then did he feel the impact.

Both sides know the bottom line, and this kind of battle is just a warm-up.

"Yezi, come back quickly." Shang's hasty voice suddenly rose next to Ye Zhong's ear, Ye Zhong was startled, but his hands were not in a hurry. The daggers in both hands of the Han family drew a few false shadows, which prevented the Obsidian Light Armor from rushing in. The Han family suddenly pulled back, turned around, and quickly left the battle, leaving Luo Wei stunned there. Why did this full bone light armor suddenly slip away today?

But soon, he also received a message from Xiao Shitou asking him to return to the ship.

"Shang, what's the matter?" Ye Chong asked, if nothing happened, Shang wouldn't ask him to come back.

"Here, see for yourself." Shang pointed at the holographic screen.

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On the holographic screen, a small spaceship was chasing dozens of mechs behind it. Ye Zhong knew these light armors, they were the morning-style light armors of the sect. Unexpectedly, the speed of this spaceship is extremely fast, and it can maintain the same speed as these morning mechs.

"Forty morning-style mechs." Shang lazily said.

That is four standard combat teams, and a combat team in the Zongsuo happens to be ten people.

What kind of person can ask four combat teams to hunt them down?

The spaceship apparently spotted the Playboy. In fact, the Playboy was such a huge target that it was hard not to notice it. The spaceship immediately changed direction and flew towards this side.

"This guy is uneasy and well-intentioned." Shang said: "Nine times out of ten, he wants to provoke us to fight with those light armors in the Zongsuo, and then take advantage of the situation to escape." .

Those forty mechs obviously also noticed that there was a large spaceship here, but without any hesitation, they also changed direction and flew towards this side.

The fighting power of the four combat teams should not be underestimated, which is why these teachers are so bold.

When the flight approached, these people couldn't help but gasp in unison. Although the Playboy was dilapidated, that was exactly what it was. Those electromagnetic cannons couldn't be concealed at all, and the dark barrels made people feel chills.

No one expected to encounter a warship here.

For these forty morning-style mechs, Shang wasn't even half-interested. What interested him the most was the one who was worth hunting down by the four combat teams sent by the sect.

Shang immediately sent a request for the other party to enter the Playboy. Of course, such a request was made on the premise that all electromagnetic guns were shining brightly and pointed directly at the other party.

Shang is full of experience on how to deter and so on, so Ye Chong often doubts whether Shang is a virtual intelligence.

The spaceship hesitated for a moment, but after Shang sent out two electromagnetic beams in a demonstrative manner, it obediently flew towards the Playboy. This spaceship was very small, so Shang simply opened a relatively large hatch and let it fly in.

Such a change was beyond everyone's expectations.

The battleship looked very strange, so dilapidated that it seemed that it had just been in a life-and-death battle.

After Siji saw the situation clearly, he immediately felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy. Of course, what they paid attention to was not the battleship. Although the battleship was terrifying, it could only exert its greatest power with the cooperation of light armor. A simple warship does not necessarily have much advantage over a flexible light armor. And the other party was obviously after the war, and seemed to be seriously injured.

In their view, this battleship is not just a bluff.

What terrified them was the small speedboat next to the battleship. As one of the three traditional factions, the teachers of the Zongsuo knew no less about Black Horn than the teachers' association. They knew the real purpose of this very miniature speedboat, and they also knew what kind of dangerous people were carried in the speedboat.

The first time, the message requesting support was sent out by them. The only thing that makes them feel at ease is that this is the Blu-ray Starfield, and it is the sphere of influence of the sect. Now they can only pray for their own support to come quickly.

What is certain is that it will definitely not be Xingyan who is of the same level as them. As for which level of light armor it is, they don't know, but they know that they can't resist it, even though they have the advantage in numbers.

The relationship between quality and quantity is very mysterious. Sometimes quantity can make up for the gap in quality, and sometimes, the advantage in quantity cannot do this.

Lowe was very calm. In fact, how to drive a speedboat to destroy the enemy's rear and how to escape in a superior force is a must-learn item for every Obsidian. What's more, the other party only has forty morning-style mechs, and even before, he would never pay attention to it, not to mention that he has also made great progress these days. Thinking of this, he can't help but feel great pride in his heart.

Luo Wei quickly calmed down. This is the sphere of influence of the sect. If you don't eliminate the enemies in front of you as soon as possible and then escape, then waiting for you must be the opponent's more senior teachers. At that time, it was not so easy to run by myself.

Thinking of this, Lowe made a decisive decision and flew out of the speedboat in the obsidian light armor.

When Hei Yao flew out of the speedboat, the expressions of the forty sect masters suddenly changed.

Oh my god, it's actually an obsidian light armor!

This information is also sent out at the fastest speed. What made them feel disheartened was that the reply from above asked them to hold back this Obsidian Master as much as possible, and the above had already sent masters to drive them there. Everyone understands how dangerous it is to allow such a master to wreak havoc on one's own territory.

After receiving the reply from above, everyone's faces calmed down. After having the consciousness of death, people are more likely to calm down, especially for these teachers who have experienced many battles.

Luo Wei also saw the opponent's purpose at a glance, and there was a bit of cold killing intent in his gentle eyes. Now he has completely ignored this weird battleship.

Holding two moon blades, the Obsidian light armor flew towards the group of light armor like an elegant gentleman.

Ye Zhong and Shang's attention was completely on the spaceship now, and Ye Zhong entered the cockpit of Han's family for safety's sake. Shang and Ye Zhong came to the area specially used to park the small spaceship, and the small spaceship was landing there quietly.

"Come out." Ye Zhong's cold voice sounded through the entire area through the Han family.

There was silence for more than ten seconds, then, the hatch of the spaceship was opened, and a person came out of it.

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