Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Chapter 209 Dominant Chaos (Part 2)

Looking at this chaotic world, Ye Zhong remained silent. This is a war, a war between myself and the three parties. Ye Zhong didn't feel guilty, but no one would be happy watching such a scene. Shang's ruthlessness, no, whether it's Shang, Mu, or himself, the cruelty in this point is exactly the same.

"Yezi, a group of light armor with black horns is approaching here." With a timely reminder, Ye Zhong hurriedly drove Han's family into the darkness. A large group of light armor with black horns flew past his eyes, and Ye Zhong suddenly found instructor Huck's light armor among them.

Thirty-five! Ye Zhong was startled, so arrogant! Xingyan's original shape was extremely eye-catching and ferocious, and the group of Xingyan light armors that were made up looked even more frightening. This large group of light armors was so aggressive that no light armor dared to stop them on the road. Ye Zhong quietly stuck behind the group of mechs to see what kind of tricks they were playing.

There are light armors everywhere in the sky, no matter how strange the shape of Ren Han's family is, it will be difficult to attract the attention of others at this time. However, there were quite a few unscrupulous light armors on the road who wanted to attack Ye Zhong. In order not to drag him too far, Ye Zhong had to use ruthless hands to solve the trouble like lightning.

Ye Zhong killed at least seven or eight light armors along the way. The sky is full of scuffles, and the oppressive tyranny of human beings is no longer restrained at this time, violently released, and the wreckage of light armor can be seen everywhere on the ground. In the end, Ye Zhong simply flew close to the ground at a very low altitude. As expected, there were far fewer light armors at low altitude, and Ye Zhong followed Black Horn's light armor group from a distance.

In such a chaotic scene, holographic scanning can play a pitifully small role. It was only then that Huck realized that the situation outside was even worse than he thought, and the faces of almost all the black-horned sergeants changed!

People here are crazy! Everyone felt like they were sitting on an unstable energy bar, and they might be blown to pieces at any time. The sky is densely packed with light armor, as if everyone has lost their minds, and every member of Black Horn is cautious. If they fall into this chaotic ocean, they may not be enough for them to bite their teeth.

Huck was also terrified.

Ye Zhong was like a fish, gliding between light armor and buildings, and from time to time, he took out those light armors that were already jumping at him with bloody eyes, and followed closely behind Black Horn's large army , keep a certain distance.

Wan Xingmu's scanning system was not affected much, which also shows how powerful Mu is. No matter in which respect, Mu is powerful. Even the Mu's engine that Ye Zhong studied at the beginning, he still hasn't fully understood it, and the advanced level makes people feel unbelievable. Who made Mu? This question was one of the few that Ye Zhong could maintain his curiosity.

But at this time, this idea only flashed in his mind, and he immediately settled down and followed Black Horn's large army carefully. wrong.

"Yezi, there are light armor groups from the Masters' Association at 30 degrees in the direction of the arrow radius, twenty-two in number." Mu's cold electronic voice without any ups and downs was clear and powerful at this time.

Teachers Association?

Ye Zhong's mind suddenly flashed, and almost at the same time, the Han family was fully activated. The night gave Han's family the best cover, and Ye Zhong was flying at a super low altitude close to the ground, so it was impossible to be spotted. As for the ordinary mechs attacking him, Ye Zhong didn't bother to care about them, and just used his speed to get rid of them.

Ye Zhong's brain was running at high speed, and he no longer had time to seek Mu's opinion. He was considering the feasibility of the idea he had just had a brainstorm. Living on Garbage Star gave Ye Zhong a hunting instinct, but his dependence on Mu Shang during this period of time made his instinct gradually degenerate. But this instant of agility made him seem to have suddenly returned to the time he was on Garbage Star, and the instinct in his body seemed to wake up again.

The Han family's speed was extremely fast, passing under the feet of Black Horn's light armor group like a gust of wind, and heading straight for the light armor group of the Teachers' Association.

Ye Zhong's brain was surprisingly excited, and the movements of his hands were a little faster. The Han family moved at night at an astonishing speed, just like a ghost, but the scene was extremely chaotic, but not many people paid attention to it, even if someone saw it, they would probably think it was their own dizziness.

Han's family made a sudden stop, and suddenly turned from motion to stillness, nailed to the ground like a nail.

Ye Zhong's expression remains the same as before. He has rich hunting experience, and he knows that he must be calm at this time, and he will finally gain something if he can hold his breath.

Ye Zhong made a big circle at a very fast speed, from behind the Black Horn light armor group, to the back of the Masters Association light armor group.

The Teachers Association and Black Horn are deadly enemies. Ye Zhong's brain was running at high speed, and his heart was ruthless. It was too late to think about whether the method was feasible or not.

At the feet of the Han family were the remains of light armor, relics of the losing side in the melee.

Hanjia picked up a hot wire gun from the ground as quickly as possible, and one end of the hot wire gun was still connected to a severed arm of a light armor.

Ye Zhong's idea was very simple, he just wanted Black Horn and the Teachers' Association to discover each other's existence in this environment.

The Han family is behind and below the light armor group of the Masters Association, standing here you can see the black horn light armor group in the distance. Even though it was night, Black Horn's light armor was also black, but these thirty Xing Yan were too eye-catching together. The powerful light armor and complete formation are extremely shocking. The light armors on the side stayed away from this group of light armors who did not seem to be kind. This made Black Horn form an empty circle next to the entire team, which was even more eye-catching.

It's just that there are still many light armors fighting between the Black Horn team and the Teachers' Association.

Looking at the heat gun in his hand, and then at the chaotic light armor in front of him, Ye Zhong lamented in his heart, why is his shooting skill so poor? But he had to follow the light armor group of the Masters Association unhurriedly, and the Black Horn team was also not static.

Ye Zhong didn't have much confidence in his shooting skills. In his hands, that thing was like an iron rod.

When Ye Zhong was having a headache, he suddenly discovered that there was a big gap in the light armor that was originally between the Black Horn and the Teachers' Association in his line of sight.

Ye Zhongxin was overjoyed, and without thinking too much, he raised the heat gun in Hanjia's hand.

"The target is locked." Mu's calm voice gave Ye Zhong the greatest courage, and without hesitation, Ye Zhong pressed the firing button.

The dim beam of light looked very weak in the night. The sky is full of various rays passing by from time to time, and the beams emitted by the heat gun are mixed in it and are not eye-catching.

Almost as soon as the shot was fired, Han Jia mixed into the other mechs like a ghost at the fastest speed.

I have to say that Ye Zhong's shooting skills are really terrible. Even with Mu's help, most of the heat beams still miss or miss. However, the only thing that is fortunate is that there are still a few beams of heat beams that hit Black Horn's light armor.

Xing Yan, who was hit, froze slightly, and looked over here. Almost at the same time, Black Horn's team immediately changed their formation, as if they were facing a big enemy, apparently they had already discovered the light armor group of the Masters Association.

Since the holographic scanning system was invented, people have become more and more dependent on it, which allows people to see farther, see more clearly, and monitor a wider range. The combination of the holographic system and the optical brain further liberated the attention of the teachers.

However, although the holographic scanning system has been updated generation after generation, it still has its shortcomings. A complicated and chaotic scene like the present one will seriously affect the accuracy of the holographic scanning system.

Whether it's the Masters Association or Black Horn's masters, their reliance on the holographic system is also quite high. As for Ye Zhong, due to the complex terrain on Garbage Star, he is better at using his eyes than these teachers.

The light armor group of the Masters Association is even more eye-catching. All white light armor forms a complete battle formation. As long as a light armor enters their warning range, what awaits him is a beam of dazzling light, and then It was a violent explosion.

After killing several light armors, no light armor dared to approach this group of fierce light armors.

The strange thing is that there is a no man's land next to the two light armor groups, and no one dares to approach them.

Noticing the existence of the black-horned light armor group in the Teachers' Association, they immediately changed direction.

The formation of the black-horned light armor group changed, and the light armor between the two light armor groups immediately felt a strong pressure, as if they were under the enemy's artillery fire. Seeing that the situation was not good, they fled away one after another to avoid disaster.

After just a few seconds, all the light armors between the two light armor groups slipped away completely. In such a chaotic sky, a vacuum channel unexpectedly appeared.

If the Masters Association can't find the enemy in this way, then they can really wipe their necks by themselves.

Almost immediately, the light armor group of the Teachers Association immediately changed their formation and waited strictly.

The swords were on the verge of breaking out, and the pressure between the two light armor groups made people breathless.

Light armor battles are not uncommon, but battles between organized light armor groups are now extremely rare. And these two sides are obviously not ordinary goods, as long as someone who knows a little bit about light armor, there is no way they can't see it.

Many light armors who were fighting stopped each other, staring at the two light armor groups in front of them from a distance.

One black and one white, looking at each other from afar.

Ye Zhong also mixed among these mechs and watched the confrontation between the two sides.

If the Zongsuo and Heijiao can only be regarded as new enemies, then the Teachers' Association and Heijiao are the real mortal enemies, as long as they meet, they will often die endlessly. Ye Zhong had enjoyed this kind of treatment when Lan Haixing was driving the F-58. If he hadn't seen the opportunity so quickly at that time, he would have died countless times.

Suddenly, almost at the same time, both sides moved at the same time! No diplomatic rhetoric.

The mech armor group of the Teachers' Association was fully fired, but the figure quickly retreated. They need distance to play to their long-range advantage. Even if they retreat, their formation is still stable.

But the black-horned light armor group immediately turned into several small teams, like several black pythons, and swooped towards the Teachers' Association.

Distance is the most critical point in the struggle between Black Horn and the Teachers' Association. Ye Zhong, who is also very familiar with the light armor and combat methods of both sides, would not understand this point.

The distance between the two sides is so close, and Black Horn has more light armor than the Masters Association, and there are captains leading the team, the Masters Association will lose, Ye Zhong has already made this judgment in his heart.

"The Teachers' Association may be defeated this time." Ye Zhong said to Mu.

"Well, according to the data, the probability is over 80%." Mu analyzed calmly.

"It seems that our plan has succeeded." Ye Zhong was still in a good mood.

"From the current point of view, it is a success if there are no accidents." Mu still had that icy look.

The Teachers' Association seemed to know that they couldn't escape, so they didn't plan to escape from the beginning.

Ye Zhong had seen the battle between Zongsuo and Black Horn's mech armor group, but it was in space at that time, Ye Zhong felt very ordinary. But changing the battlefield from space to the atmosphere, still above a city, Ye Zhong truly felt the horror and tragedy of this battle.

Both sides are deadly rivals, and they know the root and the bottom, and there is no false move from the very beginning, and they can directly see the red.

All the teachers and soldiers in the light armor who were watching were stunned! Compared with the war in front of me, the fight I had just now was like a child's play house.

The same astonishing speed made all the viewers speechless.

But they never imagined that the aftermath of the war still came to them.

With the further expansion of the scope of the battle, the two sides have entered between the light armors in the sky before they knew it.

Because a light armor blocked the way of Xingyan who was chasing a Baike, it was instantly dismembered and turned into countless pieces. The speed of this Xing Yan did not drop at all, and it still pursued closely.

The most frightening thing is Bai Ke's beam of light, even ordinary laser beams often have to pierce through two light armors. And the power of the nanomagnetic waves fired by Bai Ke's standard wing is even more terrifying, and often a clearing area will be cleared as soon as the shot is fired.

God, are these guys still human? All the teachers in the light armor have been completely scared to death! In an instant, courage faded as clean as white paper.

Tyranny When faced with more tyranny, fear and dread follow.

Almost all light armors stopped fighting and left the battlefield as quickly as possible. At this time, I hate that the power of the light armor's engine is not enough, and it cannot be faster. There were a few red-eyed light armors still fighting there, bang, there was a loud noise, and after the huge explosion, there was nothing there.

With living examples, this group of people couldn't help but move faster.

Although he wanted to see the final result, it would be too eye-catching if he stayed at this time. In desperation, Ye Zhong had no choice but to leave the scene quickly with the group of mechs.

Generally speaking, the plan is quite successful, and the effect remains to be further verified. Ye Zhong happily returned to the Medical System Building, and Mu still needed to monitor the virtual network.

However, after the battle between Black Horn and the Teachers' Association, the law and order that had already started to become chaotic has been greatly improved. At least the sky will no longer see light armor fighting.

Ye Chong never imagined how his plan of cooperation with Mu and Shang would affect the overall situation of this world. Maybe, even if they knew, neither Ye Zhong nor Mu Shang would care.

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