Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Chapter 206 Meeting Again

The dilapidated courtyard of Jiuyue Martial Arts Hall looked even more desolate at this time. The news of Lan Yixing's sudden death has not yet reached here, and the place is still as quiet as ever.

The door of the martial arts hall was still open, but there was no sound from inside.

Looking at the Jiuyue Martial Arts Hall right in front of him, Rui Bing's breathing, which had not changed after running with all his strength for so long, became a little rapid now, and a rosy blush flashed across his ice-like face.

Rui Bing took a deep breath, pointing his toes, his body was like a big bird, and darted towards Jiuyue Martial Arts Hall.

The martial arts hall was quiet, no one was there. Rui Bing was unafraid, and walked straight inside, but Wei Yuan, who was held by Rui Bing, couldn't help but look around. Under Rui Bing's care these days, Wei Yuan's temperament is much more lively than before.

Ye Zhong was preparing to leave Jiuyue Martial Arts Hall. Shang suddenly said, "Ye Zi, don't go, go ahead and have a look."

"What's wrong?" Ye Zhong asked strangely.

"You'll find out when you go and have a look!" Shang's tone was strange.

"Oh!" Although Ye Zhong couldn't guess what Shang was doing, he never thought that Shang would harm him. For Ye Zhong, his most trusted partner, besides Mu, was Shang. Shang will sometimes play tricks, but he will never do anything out of the ordinary when it comes to major events.

As soon as Ye Zhong walked out of the room, he heard footsteps.

Master! Ye Zhong's heart trembled. Most people walk with the soles of their feet on the ground first, and then the soles of their feet on the ground. But Ye Zhong could clearly hear the force on his toes. Ye Zhong is often like this, because the toes are more flexible when exerting force, the time for exerting force is shorter, and the change of direction is more sudden. But this method is generally used by masters, because it requires relatively high strength on the toes.

Footsteps approached quickly.

Ye Zhong simply stood in front of the door of Lan Yixing's room, waiting for work at leisure. Today Lan Yixing's two disciples are not here, there is no one in the martial arts hall, and they are not afraid of disturbing others when they fight. Moreover, Ye Zhong guessed that Hua Tiankai and the others would take quite some time to get to Jiuyue Martial Arts Hall. There is still plenty of time.

And if Shang wants to see for himself, there must be something special about it.

The footsteps are getting closer.

They looked at each other.

"Hey, isn't this the girl in the practice uniform?" Ye Zhong asked Shang from the bottom of his heart.

"Girl in exercise clothes? Haha, that's a good title! Ye Zi, you are quite imaginative! You are much better than that boring guy like Mu! Girls in exercise clothes... tsk tsk..." Shang smiled as if To fall straight down.

Seeing Ye Zhong, who was still indifferent but matured, for a moment, it seemed like something was stuck in his throat. Although he had thousands of words, he didn't know what to say. Rui Bing looked at Ye Zhong blankly.

Ye Zhong didn't mean to evade at all, although in his opinion, the request of the girl in the practice uniform was rather weird, but in Ye Zhong's heart, he still admired this girl.

"Are you alright?" Rui Bing whispered softly.

Ye Zhong was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, "He's still alive!"

Puchi, Wei Yuan, who was held by Rui Bing, couldn't help it, and laughed out loud. Rui Bing was slightly embarrassed, and let go of Wei Yuan who was in his hand. But it was Wei Yuan who also smiled and resolved the embarrassment between the two, er, to be precise, it was Rui Bing's embarrassment, but Ye Zhong didn't feel it at all.

To be alive, in Ye Zhong's view, is a very good thing.

"You are YC?" Wei Yuan looked at Ye Zhong with bright eyes.

"Yes." Ye Zhong replied very briefly.

"This damn bastard who doesn't know current affairs, actually interrupted at this time, Ye Zi, you can kill him!" Shang gritted his teeth and said angrily, obviously he was extremely dissatisfied with Wei Yuan appearing between Ye Li and Rui Bing.

Ye Zhong automatically ignored Shang's words.

However, it seemed that Rui Bing was dissatisfied with Wei Yuan's actions. He stretched out his plain hand and lightly grabbed Wei Yuan's collar, and Wei Yuan was carried behind Rui Bing like a docile lamb. Wei Yuan looked at Sister Bing's back pitifully, but fortunately he chose to shut up tactfully, the answer he wanted most has been obtained.

"I've been looking for you for a long time." Rui Bing said calmly, even Wei Yuan, an emotional idiot, could hear the affection in the faint words. But Wei Yuan never imagined that his idol is actually a guy who is more idiot than him in terms of emotion.

"Looking for me? Why are you looking for me?" Ye Zhong asked in surprise.

Wei Yuan behind Rui Bing couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Rui Bing's heart felt sour, but she didn't show it at all, she just said lightly: "I want you to marry me!"

Wei Yuan's jaw almost fell to the ground, oh my god, what kind of monsters are there in front of my eyes? Even showing love has such a personality, it's simply too cool!

Rui Bing's words also brought back Ye Zhong's memories of Lan Haixing. The time when Lan Haixing lived with Grandpa Qian was his favorite time after he came out of Trash Star.

Rui Bing looked at Ye Zhong quietly, without saying a word.

Ye Zhong came back to his senses, saw Rui Bing in front of him, and said, "I can roughly understand the meaning of the word "marry", but no matter from any point of view, it is inappropriate to talk about it now." Ye Zhong learned from the chip Knowledge, the vast majority of people in this world will choose a person of the opposite sex to live together. Although he still can't fully understand the necessity of this, Ye Zhong is not as repulsive as before.

If you have to choose a opposite sex to live with, the girl in the white training suit in front of you may be a good choice, at least you can practice fighting with yourself. Ye Zhong took it for granted.

"Why?" Rui Bing's complexion finally changed slightly, but soon returned to normal.

"I still have a lot of things to do." A murderous look flashed in Ye Zhong's eyes, and he thought of his father.

"When will it be finished?" Rui Bing asked.

"The situation is unclear, and no conclusion can be drawn yet," Ye Zhong replied.

"I'll go with you." There was a firmness in Rui Bing's words.

Wei Yuan was completely dumbfounded. Could it be that the two people in front of me are two optical sims?

Ye Zhong shook his head: "Your ability is not enough!"

Seeing what Rui Bing wanted to say, Ye Zhong continued, "You don't know how to manipulate light armor."

Rui Bing was silent.

"Yezi, there are many people coming this way." Although Shang really didn't want to disturb Ye Zhong and Rui Bing at this time, he was not ignorant of the importance.

"Someone is here, I have to go." Ye Zhong nodded to Rui Bing, turned around and used his toes to climb up Han's house like a mutant ape.

"Wait..." Rui Bing called out anxiously.

At this time, night had fallen, and the Han family quickly disappeared into the night like a ghost.

Blazing Star Medical Building.

There is a man in the huge main control light room on the roof at this moment. No matter which institution it is, the main control light ventricle is the core, and it is also the most strictly protected. The door of the main control optical brain room is guarded by special personnel. If you want to open the main control optical brain room, you need multiple passwords to unlock it. These permissions are only in the hands of the top few people. Fortunately, the current master optical brain has an intelligent automatic maintenance function, and there are very few times when manual maintenance is required.

The entire top floor of the medical system building is the main control optical brain room, which is empty, except for five advanced main control optical brains, there is nothing else.

Ye Zhong found a chair from somewhere, and sat there comfortably, with Shang beside him. Seeing that there was enough space in the master control room, Shang clamored to come out to let the air out.

Thinking that Wang Weixing was going to come to the medical system after all, Ye Zhong and Shang made some plans and went to the medical system building, and they selected the main control optical brain room. Ye Zhong also bought enough nutrient concentrate pills on the way to the medical system, these are usually only used as a backup nutrient for the light armor, so that Ye Zhong can wait until Wang Weixing returns to the medical system. Han's home also has this kind of nutrient-enriched pills, in case there is a cosmic drift, so that he can live for a few more days.

The entire Blazing Wind Star medical lineage has long been controlled by Shang without knowing it.

Using a spare main control optical computer, Ye Zhong opened the chip left by Lan Yixing. After browsing through it hastily, Ye Zhong couldn't help but praise in his heart. Lan Yixing looks dull, but he is actually a cautious person. This chip starts from the basics to the most advanced techniques, forming an extremely complete system. Even a person without any fighting foundation can learn step by step based on this. There are also a lot of Lan Yixing's own experience in it. Every movement has a holographic image demonstrated by Lan Yixing himself. Every move is explained very clearly, which is very different from the casual way when he taught himself.

This is the most useful fighting information for Ye Zhong so far. Ye Zhong's learning was inherently lacking in systematics, and all his current skills were just scraps and scraps imitated from others. Just with his superb physical fitness, he can also exert a lot of power. It is indeed not a problem to meet ordinary masters, but if he encounters masters like those in the black corner, Ye Zhong can't bear it.

This chip is nothing less than a priceless treasure for someone like Ye Zhong who has extremely rich practical experience. Just reading it once, Ye Zhong felt that many places that he hadn't thought of or were puzzled before suddenly became clear.

Except for Lan Yixing's weird muscles, which required a long time to train with special methods, other things were very easy for Ye Zhong to master. And Ye Zhong didn't intend to practice that weird muscle, his own strength was already great, and in terms of precise control of muscles, even if he was not inferior to Lan Yixing. However, some of the forceful techniques benefited Ye Zhong a lot.

In one night, Ye Zhong's fighting level underwent a qualitative change.

Of course, Ye Zhong has no idea about this point, he is still immersed in that wonderful world. The description of the Realm in that chip also moved his heart. However, although his current strength is extremely strong, for some reason, he has never experienced any feeling that may be related to the realm of "jie".

Fortunately, Ye Zhong didn't care either. In the chip, Lan Yixing also explained that the power of the world is not absolute, which Ye Zhong deeply understood. Ye Zhong has seen all kinds of strong men, whether it is Black Horn's fighting, the terribly precise long-range attack of the Teachers' Association, or the weird and unusual sect masters and masters, none of them are absolutely powerful. explain.

Even despite the lunatic's elusive adjustment and training methods, even I couldn't escape her plotting. Ye Chong believed that if Madman Guan wanted to put herself to death, there were too many methods available to her. The more he studied the chip that Madman Guan had left for him, the more wary Ye Zhong became of the job of trainer. What a horrible bunch of people!

How many unknown professions like trainers are there? Who can know? There will never be a shortage of strong men in this world.

Strength lies in the use, this is the truth that Ye Zhong understood very early on. A trainer who has no power to restrain a chicken can also kill a boundary person very easily.

The night is dark, and the entire Blazing Wind Star has been illuminated by colorful lights. There are three administrative districts in Blazing Wind Star, and Chidori District where Ye Zhong is currently located is one of them. Every late autumn, countless birds can be seen migrating here in groups. The scene is spectacular and a spectacle. .

It's just that it's still midsummer at this time, and tourists who want to see the scene of all the birds gathering are doomed to be disappointed. Chidori District is the administrative district with the most developed economy in Blazing Star. The Wandeng scene at night is also one of the famous local landscapes. Every night, there will be many floating lights in different colors and strange shapes floating in the sky. When hundreds of thousands of floating lights float over the entire Chidori District, the starry sky also becomes beautiful. Most of these floating lamps are handmade by local people spontaneously. Due to the power system installed, many floating lamps will even float for several years.

In order not to affect the air traffic during the day, these floating lights are equipped with timing devices, and they will automatically stay on the roofs of some houses when it is almost dawn. Because of the local people's love for floating lights, most people will leave an open space on the roof for the floating lights to dock on.

Of course, the traffic at night will become more difficult. Although these floating lights are beautiful, they are out-and-out obstacles. Fortunately, these floating lights are really conspicuous at night, so it is not easy to cause accidents. But thinking that there are such things everywhere in the sky, it will undoubtedly make people feel difficult.

But if you can drive a light armor to travel at night, it means that your light armor driving level is already quite good in the local area.

Looking at the sea of ​​lights outside through the top glass of the Yitong Building, the flickering fragments of light make people dazzled.

Ye Zhong fully recovered from the chip, because the last trick was the self-destructive move that Lan Yixing urged for the last day. Thinking of the blood mist that filled the sky, Ye Zhong somehow felt unwilling to watch it any longer. But soon this kind of emotion was suppressed by him, and he carefully read the last move.

Only then did he understand what happened in the blood mist that day. The potential to stimulate the accumulation of tendon strength, until the tendon is completely unable to bear, followed by rupture. Under the urging of the accumulated energy, the ruptured tendon became extremely hard, capable of piercing through a five centimeter alloy plate in an instant. But what followed was the death of the user.

No wonder it was a last resort.

"Ye Zi." Shang said suddenly: "I have a plan, come and see." Ye Zhong couldn't ignore the gloomy tone.

"What plan?" Ye Zhong put the chip back into his pocket as he asked.

"Look." The master optical brain in front of Ye Zhong changed quickly, and a detailed plan popped up.

Ye Zhong browsed for a while, and a chill rose from the bottom of his heart uncontrollably.

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