Late Ming Dynasty: Conquering the world starting from riding and cutting

Chapter 114 Rewards and Punishments after the War

The next day, Hsinchu City was crowded with soldiers returning from victory.

The General's Mansion was also bustling with people.

"I will see you, my lord." After the ceremony of attending, Chen Hu, Liu Renqing, Li Yi, and A Jin stood in front of Qin Hao with their hands lowered.

When training new recruits, Qin Hao paid attention to cultivating military etiquette, norms, hierarchy, etc.

Now, although the four of them have returned victorious, they dare not deviate from the rules at all.

"Sit down! Tell me about your trip." Qin Hao looked at his four generals with great satisfaction.

"According to the order of the lord general, the last general stopped the enemy in the Bailan Hills. Unexpectedly, the Zheng family's army was vulnerable, so I led the army all the way south, directly attacked the Zheng family's old camp, annihilated the Zheng family's forces in the central and southern areas in one fell swoop, and captured Zheng Zhihu alive." Chen Tiger replied solemnly.

"I know all this. Didn't you successively capture the Zheng family's villages? What was the harvest?" Qin Hao continued to ask.

Rather than knowing, he also wanted to know how much he had earned this time.

"What I received during this trip was the main city of the Zheng family. I received more than 100,000 jins of pig iron, more than 100 buffaloes, 27,428 taels of gold, and 275,344 taels of silver. Eighteen taels of cash, 345,275 kilograms of grain, more than 6,000 pieces of silk, more than 13,000 pieces of cotton, and 12,000 large and small ships. Sixty-three people. There is also a mine, which according to people in the city, can produce tens of thousands of kilograms of iron every year."

"Are there any losses to the troops?"

"Except for the losses in the previous battle, there were no casualties this time."

"Remember, Chen Hu has made a great contribution."

"The last general Li Yi was ordered to cleanse the eastern villages and penetrate more than 500 miles into the enemy's territory. He defeated eighteen enemy villages and beheaded more than 1,200 people. A total of more than 33,000 young, old, weak, women and children were captured, including Ding. Eleven thousand, four hundred and thirty-four, and more than eighty buffaloes! Fifty-nine thousand, three hundred and forty-seven taels of gold and more than two hundred and twenty-four thousand, five hundred taels of grain. More than a hundred pounds."

Li Yi's achievements made everyone in the conference hall shine with eyes and praise.

Be good! The company set out to bring back the division for more than ten days, entered the enemy's territory for more than 500 miles, and captured 18 enemy strongholds? !

Was his sword and shield battalion flying all the way? On average, two villages are captured in one day? !

Qin Hao smiled. What these people didn't know was that a few hundred years later, there would be an army that could march more than two hundred miles day and night and fight several small battles. However, the combat effectiveness and mobility of the Sword and Shield Battalion are now top-notch among the infantry of this era.

"Li Yi, you can't lie about your military exploits!" Chen Hu said angrily. He didn't make statistics when he came back this time, and he didn't expect to get this kid in trouble.

You must know that those in power hate people who lie about military information, and my lord is no exception. Lying about military information will cost you your head. How dare he do this.

"Lord!" Seeing that everyone around him didn't believe it, Li Yi's black face turned red and he said in a deep voice: "Li Yi just told a lie and let the gods of his ancestors drop thunder to kill Li Yi!"

"Tell me more about how you conquered eighteen enemy strongholds in ten days?"

"My subordinates received orders to go to the east to attack other Zheng family villages. After marching for half a day, they encountered dozens of Zheng family's remnant soldiers. They followed them all the way to the main city in the east. Relying on the power of the lord, only a row of muskets guarded the city gate. Several soldiers shot over them, and they were immediately defeated. We stormed in and carried out a brutal massacre. This is how we captured the main city in the east. "

After conquering the main city in the east, Li Yi used the main stronghold as his base to launch attacks on the surrounding villages. Those Zheng family skirmishers armed with broad swords might be able to take advantage of their opponents in one-on-one close combat, but, Li Yi's sword and shield camp also received strict training under Qin Hao. Who can compete with you in one-on-one close combat?

When dealing with these skirmishers, shoot them with muskets first, and then use swords and shields to attack them.

Coupled with the fact that the Zheng family's defeated troops told other soldiers about the horror of the previous battle with embarrassment, the Zheng family's walled city soon collapsed. Except for a few who could not open their eyes and were stabbed into bloody gourds, the others knelt down and asked to surrender.

Along the way, basically no village could hold out a stick of incense in the face of such an offensive.

So Li Yi's Sword and Shield Battalion marched all the way, fought all the way, and checked the results all the way. Now they have advanced their troops to the Taiwan Strait, and they stopped advancing only when they were blocked by the sea.

"What are the losses on this trip?" Qin Hao asked calmly.

"Fifteen people were slightly injured, ten were seriously injured, and twenty-nine were killed." Compared with Chen Hu's casualties, Li Yi's losses were somewhat greater. However, he was fighting the enemy head-on, and the two men were in different situations.

"Remember, Li Yi made a great contribution."

Qin Hao is very satisfied with Li Yi's performance. Not to mention the capture of gold and silver property, the capture of those strong men alone is enough to alleviate the labor shortage in factories, mines, lumberyards, and shipyards today, and it is the cheapest of labor force.

Soon, more than 30,000 prisoners, including more than 10,000 strong men, were distributed to the places mentioned just now, turning their flesh and blood into fuel and propellant for Qin Hao to build his own powerful regime.

Then came the achievements of Liu Renqing and the mountain man A Jin. Each of them defeated 5 villages. Compared with the achievements of Chen Hu and Li Yi, they were much inferior. However, they were still remarkable, so they recorded one battle each to show their achievements. Commendation.

Seeing the boundless prisoners, seized gold, silver, property, and cattle on the school grounds, the men, women, and children in Hsinchu City couldn't help but be dazzled.

sky! Is this something done by a young lord?

Even if he is a child of a noble family, with such courage and talent, he is still a dragon among men.

It seems that the general we are waiting for definitely has the talents of heaven and man!

However, the next scene impressed them even more.

After Zhuge Xuan announced his decision to mark the merits of the four generals, the soldiers lined up on the school field burst into cheers.




Then, military judge Han Xian read out the list of spoils handed over by each ministry. The mountains of property, gold and silver, cloth, silk, pig iron, grain and rice, as well as the buffaloes tied casually to the trees, amazed almost everyone present. Eyes on fire.

"Soldiers!" Qin Hao stood on the general platform and began to lecture loudly to his troops.

"Have you ever forgotten the three iron disciplines of our army?!"

"Everything seized shall be returned to the public!"

"All actions follow orders!"

"Don't take anything for granted!"

What answered him was a roar like thunder.

"Very good! It seems that everyone has not forgotten it! Now, I announce that 40% of the total value of the property seized this time will be distributed to the soldiers in this battle!"

"Thank you General for the reward!"

Everyone heard the figure of the seized property that Han Xian just announced, which was 40% of the total value. That was also an astronomical figure! Apportioned to every soldier, it is enough to make people envious!

"The new recruits who are undergoing defense training in the mansion this time will receive an additional ration of one pound each!"

Qin Hao understands this truth. It didn't cost a penny to recruit them this time. They are just accustomed to eating three meals a day. Now that they have won a big victory, they can't treat them badly.

The defense recruits who were standing by with envious faces suddenly burst into cheers, "Thank you, General, for the reward!"

"But, I want to ask, gentlemen, is it true that no one has disobeyed my military orders and hid property privately?!" With one sentence, everyone present calmed down.

yes! There are hundreds of people, all kinds of people.

In the queue of thousands of people, some people began to wander and look around.

"Han Xian, close your eyes!" Qin Hao shouted loudly.

"Follow the order!" Han Xian didn't know why the general gave such an order, but he still obeyed the order.

"Listen to my command! Everyone sit down!"

"Hey!" Thousands of people moved in unison, and everyone sat down on the ground in the school ground.

"After a while, I will order you to close your eyes and rest your mind. If someone keeps it privately and seizes it, you can take this opportunity to put it in the pile of items over there. After I order you to open your eyes, if you haven't thrown it away, don't let Qin Hao say it!" Eye!"

Everyone present closed their eyes, and even the children who were watching the fun outside were covered by their mother's hands.

There was a clutter of footsteps in the school grounds, and soon the footsteps stopped.

"Okay! Everyone! Open your eyes!"

"Han Xian! Order, check!"

Han Xian waved the flag with the word "law enforcement" embroidered in his hand, "Everyone is here, release weapons! Disarm!"

Following the orders, everyone carefully placed their flintlock guns, gunpowder bags, long knives, and iron shields on the ground, and took off their bamboo armor.

"Jump in place ten times!"

Soon, those who were lucky and intended to get through were exposed. With a few jumps, the gold and silver and other objects hidden on their bodies fell to the ground. Before the law enforcement soldiers could get closer, they were already surrounded by others. The robe fell to the ground.

After being escorted to the general stage by Qian Fu, Qin Hao looked at it coldly, "I said, don't say it is unforeseen. Han Xian, announce it!"

"According to military regulations! If you hide property seized privately or take private property without permission, you will be punished with fifty military sticks!"

"Announce the amount of everyone's reward!"

"For every enemy soldier killed, one tael of silver will be added; for those who kill more than 10 enemies, they will be promoted to a higher level and rewarded with a cow!!!"

"Wow!" The whole audience was talking about it.

People began to whisper to each other and plan how they would use this property, but what was even more shocking was yet to come.

Qin Hao waved his hand, signaling for everyone to be quiet, "People cannot stand without faith. In ancient times, Shang Yang established a tree for faith. Today, Qin's school establishes faith."

"Begin execution!"

As a result, the strangest but most impressive scene appeared before people's eyes.

On the left side of the general platform, there was a group of eighty law enforcement soldiers under Han Xian. They pushed the violators to the ground, took off their middle clothes, picked up their military sticks and beat them hard. Suddenly, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and screams and begging for mercy were heard. The sounds come and go, never ending.

On the right side of the general platform, soldiers happily received silver rewards and morning glory bamboo chips according to their organizational units.

Qin Hao's military rules are clear rewards and punishments, and soldiers return to their hearts.

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