Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 231: The Puja is Unusual

The old emperor in the Imperial Study Room in the capital was a little stunned. On the one hand, he was a little excited because he heard the news about the dragon, and on the other hand, he was extremely disturbed because he heard about the falling dragon.

This sense of uneasiness is so strong, it seems that the drums and gongs in the heart are ringing.

Emperor Yuande suddenly thought of a secret memorial, and rummaged through his desk with trembling arms. He who usually pays great attention to appearance and majesty was unaware of his state at this time.

"Crackling... crackling..."

Many stacked memorials slipped off because of Emperor Yuande's rough flipping.

King Jin stared blankly at his father's movements, and of course he could see very clearly the slight trembling of the old emperor's hands. At this moment, he had mixed feelings and extremely complicated emotions.

'Royal father... really old...'

Even King Wu's eyes looked a little complicated at the moment, but they were quickly replaced by a look of joy, and then his expression returned to calm.

"I found it... I found it..."

Emperor Yuande muttered to himself, picked up a secret memorial with slightly trembling hands, and then carefully opened it. The presenter on it was written as Yin Zhaoxian, the magistrate of Lishun Prefecture.

Emperor Yuande opened the memorial and quickly browsed, as if looking for something. After about a dozen breaths, he finally found a series of small characters:

(The minister thinks that the Wanzhou incident must not be tolerated. Officials deceive their superiors and subordinates, they are greedy and take advantage of the wind, and they plunder excessively, causing the people to live in dire straits. This is endangering the situation of our Dazhen Jiangshan community.)

In fact, Ji Yuan's worries before were not unreasonable. At that time, he told Yin Zhaoxian that the old emperor was preparing for the Water and Land Ceremony, and he was worried that the old emperor would not have enough energy or courage in government affairs.

Emperor Yuande was indeed extremely angry when he knew about Wanzhou, and it was true that the imperial study smashed the tea set, but as time went by, the old emperor's mentality also changed. With so many benefits, can these benefits go directly to the pockets of the state treasury and the emperor's private treasury? Can it continue to flow in such a steady stream of gold and silver?

Emperor Yuande didn't even know about Jin Wang's thoughts, let alone Yin Zhaoxian who was in Wanzhou, but it was definitely a very dangerous idea.

But at this moment, hearing about the "dragon falling into Guangdong Lake" suddenly woke up the old emperor.


Emperor Yuande let out a sigh of relief, looked at the ministers and princes in the imperial study, and changed his original speech...

"As Yin Aiqing said, the matter of Wanzhou must not be tolerated. I would like to draw attention to a series of officials in the DPRK and China who have ties to Wanzhou. Using Yin Aiqing's suggestion, first find a reason to promote Chen Yuhe, the magistrate of Wanzhou, to Beijing... ..."

When the old emperor said this, he glanced at his courtiers and his sons.

"I don't care if any of you have ties to Wanzhou or not. Today, I'm giving you a chance to finish this matter with all your strength. I will let the past go. If you dare to leak the news... the royal family, the courtiers, the barbarian Three clans!"

When the old emperor said this, his voice was rather hoarse, but the coldness in it made the officials in the imperial study tremble slightly, and some of them were sweating on their backs, thinking to himself that Chen Yuhe was probably in danger.

. . .

Of course, when the situation in Wanzhou began to change without the knowledge of many parties involved, preparations for the Water and Land Ceremony in Gyeonggi Province were also in full swing. However, this matter is currently only known to people around Gyeonggi Province, and it is not well-known. broadcast.

For Emperor Yuande, this matter was no less than the handling of Wanzhou, and he even planned to send people to investigate the falling dragon and look for strange people in Wanzhou.

And soon, the emperor announced to the world that he was going to hold a water and land ceremony in Gyeonggi Province, not limited to Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism and customs, and invited famous scholars from all over the world to participate in the ceremony in Gyeonggi Province to pray for the fortune of Dazhen. The Son of Heaven prays for blessings.

And some masters will be selected to bestow the title of "Heavenly Master", reward a thousand taels of gold, and be summoned by the emperor.

As soon as this edict came out, the "high-ranking people" in the prefectures and prefectures of Dazhen couldn't help but feel anxious, and they wanted to go to Gyeonggi Province to attend the Dharma Conference.

. . .

More than 20 days have passed since the Yin family's second son had a full moon wine, and he is in the back mansion of the Yamen of Lishun Mansion in Wanzhou.

On the stone table in the garden is a set of Go. Yin Zhaoxian is dressed in white casual clothes, and Ji Yuan is wearing a green shirt. They are sitting and playing chess.

Up to now, Ji Yuan's chess strength has already surpassed Yin Zhaoxian's by a lot, but the latter is not without improvement, and both of them are no longer the stinky chess baskets they used to be.

Ji Yuan is not an old dragon, he is so competitive, playing chess with his friends will of course make Yin Zhaoxian more, so the two still play back and forth. There have been many games like this kind of game during this period, it is considered chess will chat.

At this moment, Ji Yuan dropped the sunspot in his hand and took the lead in a corner, making Yin Zhaoxian frown in thought.

"Master Yin is a little absent-minded today?"

Yin Zhaoxian looked at the criss-crossing black and white stones on the chessboard, and he could almost see the final result. After hesitating for a moment, he threw the stones and conceded defeat.

"Hey... There is news from the capital. The Holy Majesty has finally made up his mind to take action against the bureaucrats of Wanzhou. However, the edict of the Water and Land Ceremony has also come down. It is called the Nine Heavens and Ten Congregations, and invites the world's masters to participate in the grand event of the Immortal Dao..."

Yin Zhaoxian has really come into contact with high-level people, and he knows a lot more than many people in the government and the opposition. How many real people will go to this kind of solicitation.

This situation inevitably made Yin Zhaoxian think of a bunch of absurd things that Emperor Zhengyuan asked for immortality. If he asked for immortals, he could ask immortals for advice, but he didn't have the attitude that he should have for asking for immortals. Therefore, holding the country as an elixir instead of the country will inevitably bring a heavy burden to Dazhen.

Ji Yuan also squinted his eyes and thought about it, then he smiled and said.

"Master Yin, this matter is beyond your control. There are a group of admonishers in the court. Besides, Emperor Yuande still cares about Wanzhou. It is much better than what Ji wanted before. A Fa Conference will Let him go!"

Yin Zhaoxian shook his head with a smile.

"Hey, I'm going to be very busy in the future. The affairs of Wanzhou are all over the place. I don't have the ability to take care of it in the capital. I'm just a group of people under my door. I'm afraid I won't be able to persuade the Holy Majesty."

Yin Zhaoxian was just chatting with Ji Yuan. Although he knew that the real master was right in front of him, he didn't intend to invite Ji Yuan to attend some kind of puja. Friends would not be interested in such things.

It's just that Yin Zhaoxian guessed wrong this time, Ji Yuan was really interested in the Water and Land Ceremony, and of course he wasn't coveting the fame of the celestial master and rewarding gold and silver.

In fact, he and Lao Long had already discussed this puja in private, and even Yuhuai Mountain was preparing for some actions.

Is Emperor Yuande really blessed? Not really.

The main reason is that the form of Dongtuyunzhou has begun to feel a little wrong. This may be a problem that Dongtuyunzhou itself has been brewing for a long time in the past, and the rumors of Tianji Pavilion back then made Dazhen, who was originally on the edge, , suddenly attracted a lot of attention.

Now Dazhen can be regarded as "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", but one can also imagine that Emperor Yuande's Water and Land Ceremony this time may not only attract some swindlers, maybe there are some ghosts and monsters in it.

After all, getting the title of "Tianshi" personally by Emperor Dazhen is equivalent to gaining Dazhen's orthodoxy. Taking a step back, even some spirits and monsters who are not yet well-educated are also extremely eager to get this orthodox title.

It's just that the Yinsi pass in Gyeonggi Prefecture is not so easy to pass, and the orthodox immortals inside Dazhen will seize the signs and dig out the roots, taking the opportunity to purge them once.

Ji Yuan was thinking about it, when Yin Zhaoxian suddenly spoke again.

"Oh, by the way, Lord Zhizhou will be promoted to Beijing soon, and I have to prepare a congratulatory gift."

"Hehe, Mrs. Yin will have to spend a lot of money. The gifts that you can prepare with your little salary may be easily squeezed out by other people's congratulatory gifts."

"Mr. Ji was joking, Mr. Yin is still reluctant to spend money, just write a big copybook!"

Yin Zhaoxian stood up after speaking.

Not to mention, the gift prepared by Mrs. Yin is really not shabby. It is an exaggeration to say that ten thousand gold is hard to find, but it is not too much to say that a hundred gold is not exchanged.

"Since that's the case, Master Yin, let's go get busy. Ji has been bothering me here for more than two months, and it's time to leave."

Ji Yuan also stood up, saying goodbye to his friend.

Yin Zhaoxian was not surprised, it would be good to keep Mr. Ji for more than one month.

"Mr. Ji is going back to Ning'an County?"

Ji Yuan smiled.

"No, Ji is going to see the Water and Land Ceremony in Gyeonggi Province."

. . .

Half a day later, Ji Yuan bid farewell to everyone in Yin's mansion, left the office of Lishun mansion, wandered around the city casually, and left the city on a cloudless journey.

Naturally, Ji Yuan himself would not sign up for that puja, but he had to get there early to get a place.

This ceremony is destined to be unusual, and perhaps it can be called a kind of luck for Emperor Yuande, at least not like Emperor Zhengyuan who can't see anything.

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