Krypton Gold

Chapter 219 One Try, Four Times the Happiness

There are really little people dancing!

Su Mu looked at the group of little people who appeared in front of his eyes, and as they drew up their battles and posed POSS, there seemed to be music in his ears.

The melody is quite thoughtful, I feel like I have heard it there before.

When the little man danced to the music, Su Mu suddenly recognized it.

"This is... the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss? Can these little people still dance house dances?"

Not all little people can dance.

Su Mu noticed that the little people in the center danced the best, while the little people standing on the edges on both sides were paddling and making soy sauce...

Not to mention the stiff movements, he sometimes forgets to move, and has to watch other little people to learn.

Damn, aren't you hallucinating? You are still so funny, do you want to laugh at me to death, and then inherit my krypton gold plug-in? !

The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss danced a few times, and Su Mu felt the music in his ears, and the dance of the little people changed immediately.

This time it turned into a JOJO gangster... Can you imagine what a gangster dance with a group of stick figures would look like?'s pretty decent. Of course, the little people on both sides were still dancing in a hurry.

"Come to the left and draw a dragon with me, and draw a rainbow on your right..."

Well, even the wild wolf DISCO? Are these hallucinatory little people advancing with the times and keeping up with the trend? Or is the playlist that Su Mu usually listens to exposed?

"Don't tell me, the little guy dances, it's pretty good..."

Su Mu looked at the little people in the "Dancing Demons" and muttered in his heart.

But soon, he realized that something was wrong: these little people were all hallucinations after being poisoned! The harder they dance, the more poisoned I am! I think they dance beautifully, and most of them are affected by phantom poison!

No, I have to take advantage of the fact that the phantom poison is not completely overwhelmed, and I still have a clear state of mind, so hurry up and ask for help! Otherwise, when the phantom poison is completely overwhelmed, even if I can finally suppress it, my body will be severely injured!

After all, Su Mu has studied elixir and knows the horror of phantom poison. It will not only make people fall into an illusion, but also damage people's viscera and nervous system, causing great harm to people.

Although there are some detoxification pills in the space bracelet, they are used to expel ordinary poisons and have no effect on phantom poisons.

Even so, Su Mu took out one and swallowed it.

Let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor!

He used his spiritual power to suppress the phantom poison, picked up his phone, and quickly searched for Xu Yue's number.

His eyesight was affected by the phantom poison, and he could see things blurry. Su Mu transported the spiritual power to both eyes, which made him find Xu Yue's number and dialed it.

"Su Mu, it's so late, what's the matter?" Xu Yue's voice came from the phone.

"Teacher, save me, I'm poisoned." Su Mu insisted.

"Where are you? A hotel room?"

On the other end of the phone, Xu Yue suddenly became nervous.

Sumac poisoned? Who poisoned him? You dare to do things under our noses, what are you going to do? Are you declaring war with our Mount Qingcheng Cultivation University? Who is so brave? Is it a human or a demon?


"Hold on, I'll be right there!" Xu Yue rushed out of the room like a gust of wind.

On the other side, after Su Mu made the call, he saw a message flashing above the phone.

The person who sent this message was... Liang Yi? !

Although Su Mu was troubled by phantom poison, he couldn't help being surprised after seeing this message.

Liang Yi actually replied to the message!

He sent a message to Liang Yi before, just with the mentality of giving it a try. Unexpectedly, it really attracted a reply.

Is Liang Yi really not dead?

Or is this message sent by the person who picked up his phone?

Liang Yi's mobile phone disappeared with him. If someone finds his mobile phone, does that mean that the missing Liang Yi may be nearby?

Of course, there is another possibility - this message was sent by the big monster who made Liang Yi disappear.

Su Mu resisted the discomfort caused by the phantom poison, and quickly clicked on this message, only to find that it was actually a voice message.

Click on the play, and what you hear is the sound of a sea tide, accompanied by a person's whispering.

The whisper was vague and inaudible, which attracted people to listen carefully and seriously.

Su Mu was also attracted.

But just when he was about to listen carefully and seriously, the little figure produced by the phantom poison suddenly jumped on top of him, tugging at him hurriedly, wanting him to dance together.

In the end, the little man's drag overcame the attraction of the voice message.

Su Mu was dragged by a group of little people, and followed them to dance in the square...


The door of the room was pushed open by Xu Yue, and people rushed in quickly.

There was a hotel attendant standing outside the door, holding a room card with flashing runes in his hand.

The security facilities in this hotel, including room doors, etc., are all designed by talisman masters and instrument repairers. With Xu Yue's strength, even if she could break in with brute force, it would definitely trigger the hotel's security system and cause unnecessary trouble. So on the way here, she called the front desk of the hotel and asked them to send someone to open the door.

When the receptionist heard that a cultivator had been poisoned in the hotel, he was also very anxious, and hurriedly asked the staff to come and open the door, which is why the scene just now happened.

When Xu Yue rushed into the room, Su Mu had already danced several rounds of square dancing with the little man in the illusion... But in fact, the time that passed in reality was only a few tens of seconds.

As for his people, they had already fallen into a coma when they were dragged to dance by the little man.

In the fantasy world, the square dance performed by the little man was extremely exhausting, and Su Mu felt that he was going to be exhausted...but the little man still held him up to keep dancing.

Su Mu couldn't help wondering, if this phantom poison can't be dissolved, will the poisoned person dance till death?

This way of dying... is really... very unique.

"This is poisoned by phantom!"

It was Xu Yue who was the best, who saw Su Mu's symptoms at a glance.

She looked around to make sure there were no suspicious elements.

The ring on his hand disintegrated immediately and turned into a piece of golden needles, which pierced into the corresponding acupuncture points on Su Mu's body to help him alleviate the effect of the phantom poison.

At the same time, she took out a small alchemy furnace about the size of a desk lamp from the space magic weapon.

The whole body of this alchemy stove is gilded, although it is small, there is a circle of gossip patterns engraved on the top of the stove body, the workmanship is very exquisite.

This is Xu Yue's portable alchemy furnace, which slowly hovered in mid-air.

Xu Yue sent a wave of spiritual power over, turning it into a raging flame, and with a 'boom', the pill furnace was wrapped in it.

Immediately afterwards, she took out a few medicinal ingredients from the magic weapon of space, and with a wave of her hand, the lid of the alchemy furnace opened, and the medicinal ingredients flew in, and she unscrewed a bottle of mineral water and poured it in.

She was divided into two purposes, refining the medicine and administering the needles at the same time.

Xu Yue put all her strength into action, and it didn't take long to refine this batch of medicine.

With a wave of her hand, the furnace lid was opened again, and a pool of dark brown, viscous liquid medicine immediately flew out of the furnace and poured into Su Mu's mouth.

", so hot! Cough cough cough!"

Su Mu, who was in a coma, opened his eyes suddenly, jumped up, and then rushed into the bathroom, throwing up 'wow'.

After vomiting, I feel much better.

After patting his face with cold water, he walked out of the bathroom and said to Xu Yue, "Thank you teacher, if it wasn't for you, even if I could suppress the phantom poison in the end, I would be tortured terribly."

Xu Yue asked curiously: "How did you get poisoned by phantom poison? Who poisoned you? Did you eat poisonous mushrooms? But even poisonous mushrooms shouldn't be so poisonous! This effect, at least A second-class poison."

"I didn't eat poisonous mushrooms, I drank spiritual potions..."

Su Mu rubbed his temples and briefly explained the situation.

"That fellow Kevin told me swearingly that he had done experiments, and that as long as spiritual potions and spirit pills were taken 24 hours apart, he would not be poisoned. He also said that the results of the experiments were approved by his Potions teacher... …In the end, I waited for 24 hours, but I was still poisoned! If I had known, I shouldn’t have believed his words, and I should have waited.”

After listening to it, Xu Yue thought deeply and asked, "Is the cultivation pill you used yesterday made by yourself?"

"Yes." Su Mu nodded.

"Then you are really blaming Kevin." Xu Yue waved towards the door, and a gust of wind immediately blew the door shut.

The hotel service personnel were sent away by Xu Yue after Xu Yue refined the medicine and dissolved Su Mu's phantom poison.

Before leaving, the man kindly asked if he should call an ambulance and take Su Mu to the hospital. Xu Yue said that the person was fine and there was no need to send it. Besides, in the past few days, the lineup of alchemists in this hotel is unmatched by any hospital.

If Su Mu really has something to do, it's much safer to go to Wen Wubin and the others than to send him to the hospital.

With no outsiders, Xu Yue lowered her voice and said, "The Peeling Pill you made has a much better effect than ordinary ones, and the effect must also last longer. You can use ordinary Peeling Pills as a reference, so it's no wonder you don't get poisoned! "

"That's right, why did I forget the different effects of the medicine? It's really a mistake to blame Kevin." Su Mu raised his hand and patted his forehead, smiling wryly.

What happened... really deserves to be poisoned.

But it's not a loss, in addition to the spiritual potion, it also activated a hallucinogenic poison.

Oh, by the way, Xu Yue gave him acupuncture to detoxify, and the detoxification pill he refined was also "hunted" by the krypton gold cheat.

One is called: 【Xie Du Acupuncture】; the other is called: 【Qing Ling Decoction】

Su Mu hadn't had time to read the specific information.

But once you try it, you'll be four times happier...but...not bad?

And there is a very mysterious experience.

Dancing with the little people in the hallucinations is quite exciting, but it is too tiring, the whole body hurts, everywhere...

Su Mu rubbed his buttocks.

Xu Yue handed him a bottle of water.

"The phantom poison in your body has basically been dissolved. Next, you need to drink more water. In addition, you may have to go to the toilet many times to completely expel the remaining poison... Oh, right, what are you drinking the spiritual potion for? The effect of the potion, It’s not as bad as the ordinary pills, but it’s not as good as the pills you made.”

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