Knight of the Light

Chapter 853: Old guy (4)

At the end of December, the Joneses went to the hospital for a physical examination. The doctor was surprised to find that their condition was unexpectedly good, and a series of physical indicators returned to normal values.

In particular, the old Jones' brain with the precursor of Alzheimer's, all the original cognitive impairments disappeared, and the sharp thinking and memory of the past were restored.

This is totally counterintuitive!

"Mr. Jones, your condition is of great value to medical research. Can you stay and cooperate with us for an in-depth test? This will help researchers to learn more about Alzheimer's disease."

"No! I'm not free, I'm going to travel. I can't wait to go to Europe. I'm fed up with Arizona's arid climate. I'm going to live in warm and humid Europe for a while, maybe where I will spend the rest of my life."

Old Jones refused the doctor's suggestion without hesitation, and left the hospital and said to his wife: "Did you see it? The doctors wanted to use us as guinea pigs, so I would not do it.

Americans are naturally very vigilant towards government and bureaucracy, and they prefer autonomy. This is a huge cultural difference from other countries and nations.

Mrs. Jones just spread her hands on this. Before taking the'Miracle Potion', she had a strong resistance to cooperating with the'Holy Light'. But after discovering that her body had been reversed for several years or even more than ten years, her mentality immediately changed.

The couple next was to greet all their relatives and friends, saying that they were going to Europe on a long journey, and even their children did not say anything. They didn't feel that there was anything wrong with doing this.

For old ladies in their sixties and seventies, this may be the last journey of life. Everyone expressed their blessings to them. Tucson City officials did not feel that it was wrong. After all, the old couple have worked for the United States for a lifetime and are fully qualified to go out and play.

It's just that in various farewells, Old Jones was very surprised to find that many familiar friends have unexpectedly made ‘accidents’ in the past six months.

Some people set out to travel to Southeast Asia six months ago, and some suddenly became interested in African culture. Someone went to South America to pursue Aztec culture. Some people traveled in the United States and died of illness on the way.

But after the corpse of the ‘sick deceased’ was cremated, only a death certificate and a casket were returned.

Since getting older, Old Jones has not contacted his old friends for many years. When coming out of an old friend’s house, he said to his wife:

"I suspect that there is no ashes in that urn. Maybe a cow skeleton was cremated."

After a simple door-to-door visit, the Jones discovered that in 1993 alone, more than a dozen retired engineers and intellectuals in Tucson City had left inexplicably.

These old men and old women have trouble with their legs and feet, but within half a year, they are going to make up for their regrets in life one by one.

"Damn it, this includes White. I have always regarded him as my best friend, but he didn't even tell me when he left. He just had the heart to watch me become dementia?"

Old Jones was out of anger. But he soon became curious-how many retirees in the United States suddenly want to'enjoy the rest of their lives' and then disappear without a trace?

It is difficult to find other places, but Old Jones sent an inquiry to Texas A&M University in the name of contacting alumni, wanting to ask what is the current situation of a group of elderly people?

The result surprised Old Jones.

"Texas A&M University" sounds like a third-rate school, just like the Bavarian Engine Plant in Germany or the Espoo Logging and Paper Mill in Finland. But anyone who really thinks this is a bad school will be laughed at.

The old professors of prestigious universities are precious, and the older they are, the more valuable they are. They still have a lofty status in their seventies, and they will never disappear after retirement.

But ‘Texas Agricultural Worker’ really had a group of slightly less well-known old professors who left the school in 1993. Most of the news they released was to go to Europe to study, or they would not show up after their illness.

"There are so many people whose whereabouts are not exactly where they are, mainly in oil drilling, bioengineering, aerospace, organic chemistry, and electronic technology. Most of them are basic subjects."

Old Jones made a wave of phone calls and copied dozens of names on hand. Excluding some who have specific whereabouts, the rest of the list is also very surprising, "I know many of them, most of them are outstanding but unknown guys. ."

Mrs. Jones also looked at the list and sighed: "It seems that no one can refuse the gift of the devil. Especially the old guys like us who have come to the end of life."

"No." Old Jones shook his head again. "Some people are really dead. Most of them died at home or sent to the hospital to be rescued.

Those who die are also old and in poor health. No one doubted their death, because they were already dying. But I bet there might be some..."

Although it was just a guess, the old couple felt that their guesses should be consistent. Maybe someone has a sense of justice and has rejected the temptation of the devil. In order to keep it secret, the devil naturally silenced it.

But in terms of proportion, only a very small number of people have been killed. Most people still succumb to the devil's **** and choose to serve him. This is normal!

"Jones, how many people can the'Holy Light' recruit?" the old lady asked.

"One or two thousand, three or four thousand, maybe more. The American talent system is very rich." Old Jones looked at the list he had collected and threw it into the fireplace and burned to ashes.

"From the list,'Holy Light' initially recruited leaders in basic disciplines, but it quickly turned into recruiting experts in applied fields.

The subjects studied by some people are completely vacant on the ‘Holy Light’ side. The addition of this group of people will greatly fill their technical shortcomings.

It would be even more terrible if these old guys were to engage in teaching work. The diligence and learning ability of the Chinese are the best in the world, and they can really produce a large number of talents. "

"Will the'Holy Light' not only attract talents from the United States, but Europe should not let it go."

"It's very possible. They have the magic drug, and they can indeed do no harm. This is similar to the large number of Americans immigrating to the Soviet Union before World War II. There is nothing wrong with our consideration."

The old couple spent about a week dealing with social relations, and by the way, they simply packed some luggage and went out to Europe. Marcos people will wait in Europe, take them to relax for half a month, and then fly to the imperial capital.

Old Jones is an expert in engine maintenance and has extremely rich experience in the testing and formulation of application specifications. After arriving in the imperial capital, he received a low-key and warm welcome, and then he was assigned specific tasks.

‘Holy Light’ is cooperating with Madashic Company for aviation development. The addition of Old Jones can greatly advance the progress of the project, and by the way, force Madashic to work harder and come up with better personnel and technology.

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