In 1993, the former Soviet East German cluster was preparing to withdraw.

1 aviation army, 5 fighter divisions, 3 guard tank groups, 2 combined armies of various arms, 11 tank divisions, 8 motorized infantry divisions, 149 brigades, 42 independent regiments, a total of 546,000 people.

The entire cluster occupies about one-tenth of East Germany's land, with 777 military camps, 47 airports, and 116 training bases. It has more than 7,000 main battle tanks, more than 2,800 infantry fighting vehicles, and more than 900 combat aircraft.

This is an elite force used by the Soviet Army to front-line NATO, with numerous weapons and equipment. Such a huge amount of armaments, just a little bit out, is enough to make a lot of money.

The commander-in-chief of the cluster, Admiral Bulakov and the then Minister of Defense, General Grachev, took the lead in selling the entire ship’s equipment to various arms dealers. The price is still very low, similar to selling scrap iron.

This kind of bargain, if the ‘Holy Light’ doesn’t intervene, it’s simply unreasonable. Zhou Qingfeng deliberately repaired a large number of second-hand home appliances and used it to exchange equipment with the East German cluster.

The'Holy Light' didn't even bother to talk to the two insatiable Maozi generals. Marcos sent people to contact the ordinary officers and soldiers of the East German cluster, and they had everything they wanted.

The group of officers and soldiers were poor with green light in their eyes, and their superiors deducted their allowances and housing payments, and the money for selling arms did not fall on them. Since the upper ones are so shameless, don't blame the brothers underneath. Find a way out.

The Il-76 fleet of ‘Holy Light Aviation’ began running towards East Germany in the second half of 1992 and landed at a military airport still controlled by Maozi. Use home appliances and textiles for tanks, armored vehicles, and even fighter helicopters.

Ma Keshi simply hired Maozi to hunt down the barracks, remove the barracks, power supply and water supply facilities, construction machinery, military-level logistics maintenance plants, and military-level field hospitals. These are more meaningful than getting a few tanks.

In addition, Marcos also brought a large number of former Soviet technical personnel to Boryspil to strengthen its own strength. Due to the chaos throughout Eastern Europe, blatant smuggling is completely unregulated.

Zhou Qingfeng said in early January that he would donate. By the end of January, his promise was gradually fulfilled.

First, thirty BTR-80 wheeled armored vehicles were transferred from Ermao's home. This 13-ton military vehicle has a cold and strong attitude, and it gives people a great sense of oppression when it shows up.

Wheeled vehicles have good maneuverability on highways, low fuel consumption and easy maintenance. They are more suitable for daily use by armed police than crawler vehicles.

Accepting simple modification, these armored vehicles were immediately pulled to the border ports and roads in the direction of Myanmar for duty-the effect was just drop!

It is useless to reason with a vicious drug dealer. Those are desperadoes, desperate for money. They must understand that even if you are wrapped in explosives, you are at best lubricating the tires of armored vehicles.

Originally, they had to send tanks, but the provincial research felt that this was too exaggerated. However, two T-54 tanks with better maintenance and low cost were accepted.

Nominally, this is a fire tank, used for fire fighting and rescue and disaster relief in mountain forests. But when you encounter a stubborn drug dealer fortress in the future, it's easier to drive a tank and bomb it.

The highlight is the two'Black Hawks'.

This is really not even the emperor's expectation that Uncle Zhou could get this thing through the sky.

However, considering that Iran can force the U.S. to smash all the F-14A in the plane's cemetery to prevent smuggling, it would not seem so incomprehensible that two "Black Hawks" were brought out.

Two helicopters were shipped from hk to Fangchenggang, and the troops personally sent personnel to assemble and test them. They are incorporated into the establishment of the fire armed police for monitoring forests and fire sites in mountainous areas, as well as dispatching and transporting firefighters and equipment.

Since it is a fire-fighting helicopter, equipped with active infrared headlights and night vision devices, by the way, it can patrol the air and detect drugs.

The effect of these measures can be said to be immediate. Drug dealers from the Golden Triangle must first receive a strong psychological shock-CNM! What's the stop on the road?

The shotguns of the armed police on the opposite side were changed, and the armored vehicles were all pulled out-the dozen-ton BTR-80 was equipped with heavy machine guns and patrolled the roads rumblingly, which is called domineering.

Where ordinary vehicles cannot go, BTR-80 can also go, which can better deter Xiaoxiao and deter crime.

Fighting in remote places is very fierce. Hundreds of people fight with sharpened steel pipes, and a few policemen go to the scene with small smashing cannons.

It is much better with armored vehicles.

People with normal minds know that grenade submachine guns from Burma cannot be used for violence. Even if the drug dealer pounced on it, he would break a tire at most.

Not to mention that there are helicopters that patrol the sky from time to time, and the advantage of being condescending is too great. Sneaking from the border lane at night is a common method used by drug dealers, and now this method has quickly proved that the success rate is too low.

Active infrared headlights can penetrate the woods and shelter, illuminating the ground clearly.

The ‘Black Hawk’ can also carry heavily armed anti-narcotics police, bring night vision goggles and body armor, pull up a few police dogs, and actively discover targets for airborne interception, which is more efficient than squatting in the mountains.

Arm yourself with high-tech, only then can you have the American style!

Being able to deliver freedom and democracy to other people's doorsteps will naturally lead to the Qinghaiyan and the Siyi surrender.

Since the equipment donated by Zhou Qingfeng was put in place, the drugs coming in from the southwest border have been suddenly reduced by half since February. Among them, helicopter patrols have the best effect.

The "Black Hawk" cruises at a speed of more than two hundred kilometers per hour, and it can replace the workload of hundreds of border officers and soldiers a day. The alternate use of the two "Black Hawks" looks very expensive, but in fact it reduces the cost of anti-drugs.

However, for the long border, the two "Black Hawks" are still not enough. Drug dealers will definitely find other more remote and hidden transportation routes. The Yunnan side felt that it would be better if there were two more.

The Army squinted at this, saying that sending two crews to help with anti-narcotics is already a strong support for local work, and if the "Black Hawk" says nothing, it must be used to supply the plateau outpost.

Zhou Qingfeng has been in good relations with Yunnan from January to April, and the VCD industry has achieved initial results, using actual benefits as his backing.

By the beginning of May, "Shengguang Economic Weekly" submitted the April transcript of "Shengguang Audiovisual".

With only one production line, VCD sold 60,000 units across the country, with a turnover of 250 million, creating tens of millions of taxes for all regions.

This is only the first month.

Beginning in May, "Shengguang Audiovisual" will have two more production lines put into operation, and the monthly turnover is expected to exceed 700 million. Shengguang will seek foreign exports and expand sales.

This achievement is too dazzling and has provided a strong impetus to local economic development. Many provinces have voluntarily sent out invitations, hoping that the "Holy Light" will also come to build factories, and that they will give corresponding preferential policies.

It is inevitable to open branch factories in other provinces, but Zhou Qingfeng unintentionally revealed an inconspicuous message-"Holy Light" wants to invest and open factories abroad.

Where to go

Go to Myanmar.

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