Knight Century: I'm Just Acting As A Proxy, Not Cheating

147 The Energy Body Attached To The Body, The Improvement Of Points, And The Guessing Of Various Ide


When Anku said the phrase 'transformation',

The man in the suit in the Zerg swarm also experienced energy fluctuations,

transformed into a blue prawn zerg,

After showing the posture of the zerg, the prawn zerg pointed in the direction of Su Tian and Anku,

The dozen or so unmolted green zergs around him rushed towards Anku,

And at this time,

Anku has scanned the 000 drive with the O scan ring,

And put the OOO drive on the chest,

"Taka!Kujaku!Condor!Ta~Ja~Dol~!Eternity!(Falcon!Peacock!Vulture!Eagle Sparrow·Eternity!)"

in an instant,

The coin light and shadow will wrap Anku,

The light and shadow of these coins revolve around Anku,

Until finally three huge coin lights and shadows were formed in front of Anku,


With the last high-pitched cry of birds,

The light and shadow of the three huge coins on Anku's chest attached to Anku's body,

at the moment of attachment,

Countless flames centered on Anku, burning this world,

look carefully,

These flame energies are actually the lights and shadows of falcons, peacocks and vultures,

They spread their wings wantonly in the flames,

Until the moment the wings close,

The flame energy light and shadow of falcons, peacocks and vultures gradually disappeared,

And Anku, who is in the middle of the three flame energy lights and shadows, also emits red light,


the flames dissipated,

A colorful Kamen Rider appeared in front of everyone,

The 28 color of the armor on the body is similar to the color on the eternal core coin,

Behind it is a tail feather similar to that of a peacock,

In its left hand, there is also a disc-shaped weapon,

It is the Eternal Revolving Disc of the Hawk Sparrow!

Kamen Rider OOO! Eternal Hawk Sparrow Form!


"Sure enough, it's on Anku's body now!"

Su Tian who had already retreated slightly, the moment he saw Anku's transformation,

eyes narrowed slightly,

Just now Su Tian noticed that the coin recognition sound during transformation is composed of two voices,

One is Anku, and the other...

Su Tian recalled when he watched the movie version in his previous life,

After Anku became Eternal Eagle Sparrow Vulture, the energy body of Yingsi's thoughts that Anku wanted to revive appeared during the battle.

Now it seems that

Most of this missing energy body is pinned on An Ku's body,

came into this world together,

After transforming, those insects that had not shed their skins also rushed to Anku,

Facing the weak young zerg,

Anku, who has changed into the form of Eternal Eagle Sparrow Vulture, is not afraid at all,

Basically one move a baby zerg,

At this time Anku's points are also increasing,

What makes Su Tian a little confused is that,

Seeing that its companion was dead, the strange shrimp zerg didn't immediately launch an attack,

but still standing there,

seems to be waiting for something,

next second,

The mighty voice when Su Tian killed Gongsun Yan before resounded in the air:

"Wen Junchao, the contender for desire, died in battle, and his points were cleared!"

Another dying man,

Su Tian also had an impression of Wen Junchao,

Like Gongsun Yan, she is a human being,

That is, the native humans of this copy world,

The score before death is 100 points,

"However, the points are cleared..."

"In other words, he should have been killed by a non-competitor?"

Su Tian has experimented before,

If the contestant kills the contestant,

The notification sound is different from the current one, and the points will not be cleared.

Then this Wen Junchao was not killed by the contestants,

But by the weirdo!

This voice is heard in the sky,

at the moment it sounded,

Su Tian noticed that the Taiwan Shrimp Zerg looked up to the sky.

Obviously also noticed the voice in the sky.

And after the voice died away,

The strange shrimp worms then attacked Anku,

It seems that this sound is a signal,

In this regard, Su Tian also kept a little mind,


The strange shrimp and the strange man who killed the contestant named Wen Junchao are in the same group,

And such organized action,

There must be a planner behind it,

"A contestant? Or a non-competitor?"

Su Tian is more inclined to the former.

And it can basically be locked on contestants who are weirdos like Shandao,

Among them, Shandao is a big suspect,

After all, in such a short period of time,

Reaching a cooperation with the weirdo, it will undoubtedly be easier for the weirdo contestants to do this,

"Scanning!Charge! (Scanning Charge)"

At this time, a sound effect sounded from the battlefield,

Su Tian looked along the voice,

Seeing Anku jumping up, he kicked towards the strange shrimp who had just got up from the ground,

"Eternity!nence!Drop! (Eternity Knight Kick)"

At the moment when the sound effect sounded,

The wings on the back of Anku, who jumped into the air, spread out,

A large amount of flame energy is generated at Anku's feet,

And before Anku's feet,

A circle of red light appears,

Forming a tunnel towards the Anthracite,

000 in the form of Eternal Hawk and Sparrow Vulture passes through the red energy circle,

Kicked hard on the unresponsive prawn zerg,


a huge explosion produced,

The prawn zerg died,

The battle between Anku and the prawn zerg was very fast,

The prawn zerg basically entered the hyper-acceleration state immediately,

However, after using the 'Eternity! Blazer! (Eternal Firebird Wave)' launched by Anku,

Then he shot out the super-accelerated prawn zerg,

Immediately after, Anku took advantage of this opportunity to release the ultimate kill to kick the strange shrimp to death,

After Anku kills the zerg zerg,

Su Tian looked towards the score meter on his arm,

"It seems that the strength of this Zerg is pretty good!"

There was a hint of a smile on Su Tian's face.

I saw that in the ranking, Anku's ranking has already reached the first place,

First place, Anku, points: 2500 points,

The second place, Sals, points: 2000 points,

The third place, Shandao, points: 1900 points,

The dozen or so unmolted Zergs that Anku had killed before.

Each one is worth 100 points,

And the points obtained by killing the prawn zerg are a full 1000 points,

Let Anku's ranking directly come to the highest place,

"Su Tian!"

After the points came to the first place, Anku was in a good mood,

After exiting the transformation, he came in front of Su Tian,

"That weird guy just now?"

"Zerg, it's that green before it molts."

"After moulting, all kinds of strange things"

"After they shed their skin, their combat power will be greatly enhanced, and they will have the ability to super accelerate."

Su Tian knew Anku's doubts and explained,

When working together before, Su Tian said,

It can let Anku understand some information that it does not know,

"That Kamen Rider TheBee I met before,

"He is a protozoan, similar to a zerg, but after moulting, his combat power will be even more terrifying!"

So the man named Shandao, "

"It's not the power of his Kamen Rider that needs attention, but his own power!"

Hearing this, An Ku nodded thoughtfully,

The super-acceleration of the prawn zerg just now is indeed a rather troublesome ability,

740 Anku also looked at the points ranking,

Then he said to Su Tian:

"It's not dark yet, let's hurry up and increase our points."

For this, Su Tian naturally would not refuse,

Now Su Tian's own points are only for killing Gongsun Yan,

The 100 points I grabbed,

ranked very low,

Who knows if there will be a rule to eliminate the last few players according to time after this desire contest,

After all, that Lim said before,

After this desire contest begins,

changes will occur,


Su Tian and Anku began to look for weirdos and other contestants,

Gradually, the day is fleeting,

It's late at night,

Now the ranking on the points leaderboard has changed again,

First place, Anku, points: 5500 points,

The second place, Su Tian, ​​points: 5000 points,

The third place, Sars, points: 4900 points,

The ninth place, Yiqiaoqiao, points: 1000 points,

Until late at night on the first day,

Of the twelve contestants in total, there are only nine left,

Except for Gongsun Yan who was killed by Su Tian,

and Wen Junchao, who was killed by a non-competitor,

Another contestant was killed in the middle,

Also killed by non-competitors,

At this time, Su Tian noticed a rather interesting phenomenon,

That is two of his four opponents,

It seems that I am not interested in points,

has been in the seventh and eighth position,

"Is it the same guardian identity as me?"

"Or the concealer?"

Su Tian said silently in his heart,

80% of the attacker's customs clearance task is to win the first place in the desire contest,

So the latter two are more likely to be guardians or concealers,

Lying on the bed in the hotel room, Su Tian whispered and guessed:

"Then what is the task of the concealer?".

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