King of Hollywood

Chapter 298 The Benefits of Being Into a Role

"Nashville is really nice, especially the peaceful and earthy feeling among the countryside, which can easily calm people's mind." Taylor Swift said enthusiastically, waving his arms from time to time to enhance Own convincing, "It's a great idea to come to Nashville to experience life and training, I love it."

"You didn't want to go in every possible way back then." Adrian teased her a little.

"Some things have to be tried to know," Taylor was a little embarrassed, and then changed the subject, "But I still like Pennsylvania better, that's where I was born, and it feels good to ride a horse back and forth on the farm. Well, sometimes the unhappy things I encountered while singing in the bar will disappear after a stroll around on horseback.”

"Then you should try horseback riding in Wyoming or Montana. The feeling of riding a horse on the vast plain is much more exciting than on a farm." Adrian said with a little temptation.

"Have you been there?" Taylor blinked, and then showed an embarrassed look, "Yes, you have been there, during the filming of "Brokeback Mountain"."

"Oh?" Adrian raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"I've watched every one of your movies. Of course, I watched some of them secretly." Taylor said with a grin, then turned his head away when he thought of something, and his face was slightly red.

"Don't worry, I won't tell your parents," Adrian pretended not to see it, and pulled the topic back, "Well, if you want to go, tell me, I have top equestrian clubs over there P membership card, they will let you fully feel the charm of running in nature."

"Really?" Taylor's eyes lit up, but he immediately showed suspicion, "No, I don't believe you."

"Why?" Adrian asked strangely, but the girl in front of him didn't answer, but just looked at him with a "you know" expression.

"Okay. It looks like I promised something but failed to do it, so let me think about it carefully..." Adrian tapped his forehead lightly with his fingers, and suddenly moved a little closer, almost Almost in front of Taylor, he looked very ambiguous, "Because I forgot to write a song for your new album?"

Taylor, who had leaned back, immediately puffed up his chest and wanted to say something when he heard this sentence, but then retracted vigilantly. She looked amused by this tandem swinging back and forth.

Of course, Adrian didn't smile, but leaned back a little, and he had already seen what he wanted to know.

"Of course, I asked you at the beginning, would you write songs for me? You also agreed, but now, my new album is halfway through preparation, but you haven't made any movement at all. How can you do this." Seeing He sat back. Taylor also didn't care to show a lot of dissatisfaction, chirping like a little lark.

"Okay, okay." Adrian raised his hands, "It's my fault, I was negligent, but you also know that I'm not very good at composing music and writing lyrics, I just hummed a ditty when I got inspiration , and then let people..."

"It's okay. I'll add it this time, as long as it sounds good." Taylor took the bait without any surprise.

"Very good, so be it." Adrian clapped his hands, followed by a smirk, "But, you have to know, dear Taylor, this is not easy, so don't you think I should be rewarded?"

"Reward?" Taylor immediately leaned back again, not hiding his vigilance.

"Hey, look at you, am I some kind of man-eating monster?" Adrian deliberately made a dissatisfied look.

"Of course you're not a monster, but you're a playboy, and the thing you're best at is coaxing women into bed with you." Taylor said with his mouth curled.

"It's so sad to hear you say that," Adrian showed an exaggerated depressed expression, and then he laughed even worse, "However, since you know I'm a playboy and you came alone, why not Don't worry about anything?"

As he spoke, he moved his fingers and sneered, almost writing "I'm a bad guy" on his face. Taylor still insisted on this, originally there was a bit of teasing and complacency between his eyebrows, but after he became like this, he immediately shrank further and became a little scared: "You...what are you going to do!"

"I—do nothing!" Adrian laughed, and then took it up, "Well, Taylor, I was just kidding—that's it, I'll try to inspire you as soon as possible, of course, you You have to work hard too, huh?"

Taylor, who stared blankly at him for a long while, finally came to his senses, and nodded hurriedly: "No problem."

"Then I'll leave. I'll see you next time." Adrian walked out without stopping for a moment, and the moment he closed the door, he caught Taylor's face, which was still sitting there, with a trace of depression and loss. look.

Taylor Swift is a good girl. She has both certainty and advantages. Her family environment is better than the average middle class, so she lives like a little princess. Her parents can even move to Los Angeles for her, so she Very proud and narcissistic, even a little conceited, and likes to play novel things. But she is young and beautiful, full of youthful confidence and vitality, and can compose lyrics and music, all of which are worthy of praise.

However, there is another place that Adrian likes the most, and that is—be obedient!

This is not to say that she is a good girl who obeys her parents in everything and does not go beyond anything. The so-called obedience means that she is more rational and mature than her peers in certain things, and she knows what she is doing, or she is willing to tell people who are related to her interests and ask them for advice.

To put it more bluntly, she will not hide anything from her agents in exchange for their help as much as possible. During the training in Los Angeles and Nashville, the agents around her have proved this, even if she is out for a walk. If they need to know, she will tell the truth.

It doesn’t look like much, but in fact, it’s an important quality for stars. All problems are ultimately communication problems. Stars need to show their image to the public through the media, and the bridge between each other It is the broker. If the agent knows everything about his client, it will be easier to shape her image and keep the paparazzi out.

It's a pity that most stars can't do this, especially those who become famous at a young age and like to be self-centered, and some unmanageable scandals will break out from time to time. Just communicate properly. All of these can be avoided. As long as the agent knows what you have done, even if negative information breaks out, he can quickly remedy it through various methods. And, if they knew it in advance, it would be impossible for such negative news to appear, even in the age of Internet media.

Just like the current Britney, she is very obedient under Adrian's training. Since her debut, there has been almost no negative news, and some scandals have been well controlled. It is because there is no barrier to communication with the agent. She will do whatever the agent says, and Adrian will naturally come forward to explain if there is a problem. In fact, almost all of his women are like this. Although not everyone is Britney, many things are under control. This is the ability of a media tycoon.

According to the current information and some things in memory, Taylor has undoubtedly done a good job in this. Except for her private life, she hardly broke out too much negative news, so she is very worthy of praise. Universal Music happens to be lacking in country folk. Among several popular singers, especially female singers, Avril Lavigne's Canadian identity is destined to be less popular than the local first-line singers in the United States, but she is very popular in Japan and East Asia, followed by Europe; so is Christina , Latin origin restricted her development, very popular in North America and Latin America. But Europe is not good, and it is not even comparable to the singers of many small countries.

The most popular overall is still Britney, after copying the success of "once". Adrian deliberately tailored a super album for her, and there were not so many troubles. Even if she lost due to her advanced studies, the title of Madonna's successor was always on her head. Even so, she has had little success in country folk, and is more popular in the North than the South, even though Britney was born in Louisiana.

The appearance of Taylor can make up for this. She already likes country music and has good talent. The main consumers of country music in the South also prefer good girls, so even if she is blocked in other places because of her style of music, she can occupy the southern part of the United States. The market is also very good, not to mention, the more he does this, the more he can control her in his hands.

In the previous trials, Adrian tried many things. There is no doubt that the Swift couple told their daughter to stay away from playboys. I believe that if possible, they would probably want Taylor to change to a record company. However, Adrian's aura played a role, especially when they met for the first time, the action of making Taylor beautiful with just one make-up was more convincing than the rumors, not to mention that Taylor was obviously also full of interest in him.

She is still just a girl, curious about all novel things, and loves to play. A girl of her age, a mature man like Adrian has a fatal attraction. Think about her subtle expressions when he was joking and leaving today, the rest is only a matter of time.

Oh, of course, there is one more thing to note, this is indeed a difficult problem, but we will talk about it later. Adrian doesn't want to use the card in his hand. Although it is very useful, if he is not in it, it is difficult to break it with one blow. After all, there are many people involved. It's a pity that when he knew that he also had investment, he had already asked his financial advisor to take it back slowly. If he wanted to move it, he would have to spend some time.

And it's not worth playing this card for Taylor's sake. If it works well, this card should have greater value. Of course, if dear little Taylor is disobedient, he doesn't mind using this card to teach her a profound lesson, and he doesn't mind having one more "good dog" of his own.

In addition to these things, and Adrian rewarded Britney and Christina well-according to them, he didn't do anything to Avril, just drank her a few more glasses of wine at the party held by the company, and then pulled While kissing wetly in the room, hands up and down, the petite Avril Lavigne couldn't resist at all, she was so embarrassed that she almost climaxed under their fingers.

But Britney and Christina just wanted to teach her a lesson, or show their alliance, so when Avril Lavigne struggled to leave in messy clothes, they didn't catch up and continue. Because this did not get Adrian's permission, they did not dare to tell him, and Avril felt quite ashamed after suffering such a big loss, so naturally they did not tell him.

After the Britney version of "rk" was released and topped the "Billboard" list, Avril Lavigne was very unwilling due to the accumulation of various factors, and pestered Adrian to get back the scene, so she leaked the truth.

Adrian's reaction to this was... go on! He applauds Britney and Christina for their actions and tells them to find a chance to continue doing so until the brash little witches of rock and roll have had enough. Hehe, naturally he would want to find allies, but then...

The matter of the record company was just an episode in July, and Adrian's main energy was still on the filming of "Out of Control" and the film's premiere.

"Pirates of the Caribbean 2" premiered in late July, and Keira was no doubt in attendance, with a thirst for Adrian's fingers. Speaking of which, this kind of thing is said. Almost no one would believe that there was a woman who slept with Adrian countless times, but only had fun in his hands once.

"I'm just that special." Kayla proudly announced, and took the trouble to warn Adrian that only fingers are allowed.

It doesn't matter, there are fingers to explore, and Adrian is very clear about whether she has been cultivated. After calculation, it will be almost the same by this time next year at most, so there is no need to worry too much. Then……

"You don't understand what you did at all, you don't care what I think about here! Today... I will let you see... Open your eyes and see... my dear mother!" In the messy room. The young girl stood in the middle, holding a knife in her hand, the tip of the knife was dripping with blood, looking strangely at her mother shivering on the ground.

The expression on her face seemed to be laughing or crying, angry or heart-piercing pain, the emotions were concentrated on it but distinct.

"Don't...don't...don't do this...please...Susan...I'm your mother..." the mother hugged on the ground pleaded.

"Yes, Mom. You are my mother." She grinned, and raised the sharp knife in her hand with a cruel and sad smile.

"OK!" There was a shout from the camera, and the most important shot finally passed.

moment. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and what they were most worried about was that they would have to repeat the shooting dozens of times, which was too uncomfortable. Natalie didn't move, she just stood there in a daze, until the lady who played the mother got up and patted her, she didn't realize it, she forced a smile to express that it was all right, and took the purified water from the assistant After taking two sips, he walked to his place.

"You are amazing, Nada," Keira who was standing by gave her a hug for the first time, "You know? I am on the sidelines, and I can feel the shock from a distance away. You seem to be...really Like it would kill her."

"Thank you," Natalie smiled wearily, "You're actually not bad, Keira, although "Pirates of the Caribbean" doesn't have much room for you, but I remember you said before that you are filming one..."

"Jane Austen's work has been remade several times, but I am confident that it will become the best one." Keira said triumphantly.

"I guess so." Natalie shrugged, looking much better.

"But I still envy you, Natalie. You were really, really good just now. Could it be that Ed is good at discovering the inner world of actresses?" Keira said sincerely, but she didn't notice the flash on Natalie's face. past haze.

"I've been wanting to get a part in Ed's movies, but he keeps saying there's nothing available," Kayla continued, with a smirk. My role, or rather, what he wants from me."

"Really?" Natalie forced a smile.

"Yes, definitely," Keira clapped her hands, "Like..."

It's a pity that she couldn't say it, because a joking voice came to her ears: "It's very rude to talk about other people's smirks behind their backs."

"Hmm..." Kayla had an embarrassed expression, like a child who was caught stealing candy, but turned around and then twisted her neck, "I didn't say anything bad about you, Ed, don't you mean you have no plans for me? ?"

Looking at Natalie, she immediately added: "Don't you have any plans for Natalie?"

"Kayla!" Adrian and Natalie shouted angrily.

Alright, alright," Keira raised her hands after looking at Adrian and then at Natalie, "Don't talk about this—what do you think of Natalie's performance? I heard from others that you have been very dissatisfied with her since the filming started. "

"Well... at least the shot just now was perfect," Adrian said after coughing dryly, and then looked at Natalie again, "Nice job, Nada, you did a great job."

Natalie didn't answer, but there was a hint of shame and anger in her eyes.

"Just like that?" Keira was still chirping.

"Well," Adrian held up his hands, "I'm going to another studio to see the progress of some movies and TV series, so how about giving you 30 to 40 minutes of rest time? You have enough time to chat. "

"See, Nada, you must be tough when it's time to be tough!" Keira immediately pulled Natalie to brag.

Adrian, who saw it in his eyes, smiled, turned around and walked out. The scene just now was very important, so he tried to shoot twice yesterday afternoon, but the results were not very good. So as soon as he came to the set today, he called Natalie to the office, and fucked him hard once without saying a word, so... this scene was over after only three shots, and the heroine's complex emotions of resentment were also abnormal in place.

"This is the benefit of being part of the character." Adrian, who came out of the studio, said with a chuckle, and strode towards his destination, not "Desperate Housewives", but——

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