King of Hollywood

Chapter 56 Unexpected...

Chapter 56 Unexpected...

Gorgeous hall, noisy crowd, melodious music, and loud voices, this is not the Oscar Awards Ceremony, but it is more lively than the Awards Ceremony. 【叶*子】【悠*悦】According to calculations, this is the third time for "Vanity Fair" to hold an Oscar night party. The previous two times have won them a lot of word of mouth, plus their relationship with the entertainment industry all the time All are good, and the barrier to entry is much lower than the awards ceremony, and there are many big names in the circle attending, so the party is even more star-studded.

For example, Tom Hanks, who won the Best Actor for two consecutive years, was talking and laughing happily in the corner, and the object of the conversation was Tom Hanks, who had the same name as him. On the other side, Best Actress Jessica Lange also said this loudly to her friends with a glass of wine, with an excited expression, obviously thinking that she had won both Best Supporting Actress and Best Actress And happy.

As for Adrian, who once again broke the record and became the youngest best director in Oscar history after being nominated for the youngest best director, he is sitting on the sofa in the middle of the room and presenting to the netbsp of Bosworth Film Company; "Take How does it feel to be the best movie?" Adrian asked with a smile as he adjusted his sitting posture.

"Not bad." Laverne shrugged his shoulders and looked very indifferent, completely different from the appearance when he gave the award speech.

"Forrest Gump" won the best film when Adrian won the best director. As I said before, unless there are special circumstances, the best director and the best film are rarely awarded to two films. Besides, " "Forrest Gump" is such a culmination of American mainstream values ​​that even if it has to be sacrificed, it will only sacrifice the best director.

Since Adrian was the producer and Laverne represented the film company, it was the two of them who were on stage to accept the award. Adrian knew that Laverne had always wanted the company to have an Oscar-winning film, so he gave him the opportunity to give a speech. At that time, Laverne was really excited. Although he was calm on the surface, don't forget that Adrian was by his side. What I didn't expect was that after the award ceremony ended and the "Vanity Fair" party, within a few tens of minutes, Laverne no longer cared about it.

"It's normal," Laverne explained, seeing his doubts, "When you devote a lot of time to one thing wholeheartedly, no matter how many failures and pains you encounter, you don't give up. It comes to prove yourself, and then when you're done, it feels so empty. The longer you hold on to the belief, the stronger the feeling of emptiness, as if..."

"It's like in the movie or in other words, those who have spent their whole life for a belief in revenge, and finally got their revenge." Adrian laughed and took it.

"Hmm... well, this is indeed more vivid. I originally wanted to say, like those who worked hard to reach the top." Laverne shrugged, followed by a sigh.

"Okay, Laffer, this is just the beginning," Adrian patted him on the shoulder vigorously, "Believe me, we still have a lot of best movies to win before you leave."

The so-called resignation, of course, does not mean letting him go or something. Laverne has proved his ability, and with the development of the media, the status of Bosworth Films has begun to decline. Those who have meritorious service should not be treated badly. Eisner left Paramount G for this reason, and Laverne left Paramount G for this reason. Even Katzenberg left Disney last year because of this, so Ah Derian suggested that Claude promote Laverne to the head office, and Claude agreed.

"Thank you." Lavern finally smiled and raised the cup in his hand, "I have always believed in you, Ed."

After drinking the wine in the glass, he patted Laverne again, and Adrian got up and left the room.

Will I feel the same way if I finally achieve my goal? He suddenly thought so, but quickly shook his head with a smile and left it behind. Instead of thinking about these, it is better to find a way to achieve your goals first. Of course, being surrounded by Yingying and Yanyan as soon as he came out was also the reason why he gave up thinking.

The youngest Oscar-winning director, an outstanding producer with unusual vision, and Tom Hanks admitted that he won the best actor again because of Adrian - although it is more reserved - all these are enough The actresses at the party circled around him.

Adrian quickly opened them up. He has no interest in dealing with them now. He has spent most of his time chatting with familiar people since the party. Now it is time to find his women.

But at this moment, another plump body broke into his arms, a mischievous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and a voice rang in his ears: "Hey, great director, where are you going?"

"Of course it's a random walk around." Adrian reversed his previous polite and indifferent tone, and after quickly glanced around, with a smile, he grabbed the other party's tún and squeezed gently, "Recently Okay, Drew?"

"It's not bad. The new script you gave me is about to start shooting. Maybe you have time to come and take a look?" Drew Barrymore giggled and leaned into his arms intimately, you know Even if Adrian wanted to show off his brotherhood, he did it behind the scenes that others could not see.

Speaking of it, it's really interesting. Drew, who has re-established his reputation, is still bold and unrestrained at some parties, but he always holds the measure, but he doesn't mind making himself look like a dangfù in front of Adrian. .

She probably thought she liked her that way. Adrian shrugged imperceptibly. After all, he got her a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actress and gave her a lot of good advice.

Drew, who followed Adrian's advice, tried comedy movies again in the past two years, and achieved good results. Recently, he played a role in "Batman Forever". In addition, she also tried to borrow money to start her own film production company, but because she didn't have a good script, she asked Adrian specifically.

So, after Drew Barrymore had served him well in all aspects for several times, Adrian gave her the script of "A Certain Country". This kind of romantic comedy love movie is never out of date . And Adrian, who was very satisfied with her service, also deliberately participated in the investment-this was all at the end of last year.

"I promise, but now, there are other things to deal with." Adrian said with a chuckle, and at the same time squeezed her tún hard. He doesn't mind having a few more friendly matches with Drew, just like Cameron or Cindy, blonde women are popular everywhere, and her baby face looks very bukkake.

"Oh, you are so ruthless, Ed." Although the tone was resentful, Drew's face was extremely charming.

Adrian smiled, withdrew his hand and walked towards the crowd without looking back. Drew shrugged, and walked to the other side with regret and indifference. If it was at any other time, he would have taken her to a place where there was no one for a fight, but not tonight, because——

In the secluded place upstairs of the party, the dim light makes the aisle look hazy. Just near the corner of the wall, Jiao’s body is leaning back almost at an angle, her toes are on Adrian’s leather shoes, the heels are high The tall one stood on tiptoe, wrapped his hands around the other's neck, and kissed him wildly.

Adrian sucked and sucked Kirsten's soft cherry net and flexible tongue again and again, and Kirsten responded again and again, until Adrian's hands slid down her back and slipped from her skirt. He got in and held her buttocks in his hands without any gaps, making her panting extremely turbulent, and then the two separated with silver threads.

Even so, they kissed each other intermittently for a while before Kirsten got off Adrian's body.

"I love you, Ed, I really love you very, very much." The blushing girl looked at Adrian with mischievous eyes, she seemed very excited since she won the best supporting actress this night, When the winners took pictures together after the award ceremony, she hugged Adrian tightly, but fortunately, no one saw anything.

"I love you too, my fairy." Adrian, who was bent over, didn't take back his hand, and continued to feel the girl's warm buttocks that hadn't fully matured yet.

"Fairy? I love this title, and I will be your fairy from now on." Kirsten laughed slowly, although his eyes were crooked, but extremely watery.

"Really?" Adrian asked meaningfully, exerting a little force on his hands.

"Oh... of course, I always will be," Kirsten exclaimed softly, "if you want to."

Adrian stopped talking, bent his waist even lower, from her face to her pink neck, but pulled back the hand under the skirt, and stood motionless for a long time holding the girl.

After a long while, Kirsten finally adjusted, coughed lightly and pushed Adrian away.

"Sorry, Ed, I have to go back." The reluctance in the girl's eyes was sincere, "You know, it's not easy for me to come to the party. Mom won't let me stay for too long."

"I know, it's okay, let's go back." Adrian was fine, and stroked her face lightly with his fingers.

Kirsten's eyes rolled, and when his finger brushed the corner of his mouth, he suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed it, then grabbed Adrian's wrist, deliberately watched his eyes shǔn suck, and licked his tongue twice, which was quite Seductive, even with Adrian's concentration, he wanted to find a room to hold her in for a few seconds.

"Yes, you said that you would find a time to guide me well." She said in a voice full of sweetness.

Adrian smiled slightly, leaned over and whispered a few words in her ear, and then licked her earball like a ng. Kirsten's body trembled suddenly, but soon returned to that pure and charming look.

"Then, good night." The girl stood on her tiptoes and gave him a light ěněn ěn on the face, then walked towards the end of the aisle.

Seeing that Kirsten disappeared at the end of the aisle, and after waiting silently for a while, Adrian started to walk there too.

Lolita is really deadly, making people want to commit crimes all the time. With such thoughts in his mind, he couldn't help but sighed. It's a pity that I have to be patient for a while, just keep the current situation, otherwise it will be easy to have accidents.

You can't do things impulsively, and being able to moderately control your desires is a must for every successful person. Thinking of this, Adrian immediately shifted his thoughts to other aspects, such as Monica and Julia.

After coming to the party from the sacred auditorium, he and the two women only met a few times from a distance and didn't even say hello. Monica was used to it as usual, and Julia also showed a look of resentment as always.

It's decided, fly together tonight! Adrian, who was walking down, chuckled, and let them bear the lust aroused by Kirsten. Just thinking of the images of Monica and Julia moaning under him a few times ago made Adrian want to go to the hall as soon as possible. Speaking of which, when will Kate and Charlie be ng together on netbsp; at this moment, a slender figure with bright red flashed past in the corner of the eye. If Adrian was not familiar enough with each other, maybe it would be will miss. How did she get here? Adrian asked suspiciously in his heart. To be on the safe side, he and Kirsten made out on the third floor. How could she appear on the second floor?

He stopped and thought for a while, and then Adrian turned from the stairs to the corridor on the second floor. After turning two turns, he saw the back of him without looking at the front, from the bright red one-shoulder evening dress and the beautiful It can be concluded that it is indeed her, but she is motionless, as if she has been standing here for a long time.

After considering his words, Adrian walked up and asked in a surprised tone: "Hey, Nicole, why are you here?"

Nicole Kidman turned around immediately, looking as if she was taken aback, her face was pale and dazed, and there was a trace of indescribable confusion in her blue eyes. Adrian sniffed hard, and could still smell a little alcohol. It seemed that she drank a lot like last time.

A gleam of light flashed in Adrian's eyes, and he immediately took a few steps closer and put on a concerned tone: "Did something happen?"

Nicole didn't answer, but just looked at him fixedly, her head was coiled, protruding a white gooseneck, like a beautiful doll. Adrian raised his eyebrows, and was about to continue asking questions, but Nicole spoke first: "Can we talk?"

"Of course," Adrian agreed without thinking, "I'd love to hear from you."

His tone was very sincere, but Nicole's eyes seemed to be lit by something, she immediately opened the door of the next room, and walked in first. Adrian noticed something was wrong, but couldn't tell what was wrong, so he walked in.

He had just closed the door, but before he turned around to speak, Nicole rushed over with a gust of fragrant wind, and pressed Adrian, who was caught off guard, on the door, and then stretched out her hand to lock the door while leaning back. over him. What was even more surprising was that Nicole even stuck her tongue into his mouth immediately, and began to linger.

This unexpected enthusiasm made Adrian unable to recover for a while, so the initiative was completely controlled by this woman, and only her hands subconsciously hugged the other's body. After being so enthusiastic for a long time, Nicole asked for it again and again, and her hands were also messing around on his body, like an empty boudoir who had been hungry and thirsty for a long time.

"Oh, my God... what's wrong with you?" Adrian asked pantingly after the heat was finally over.

"Don't tell me, you don't want me." Nicole was also panting, her pretty face was already blushing, which made her look even more delicate. Looking at Adrian's eyes full of desire, his right hand grabbed his crotch without hesitation.

Adrian took a deep breath immediately, although he was still separated by the hole, but the direct touch had already ignited his already rising desire. Now that I have brought it to my mouth by myself, I don’t care what to do with so much, let’s eat it first!

Immediately, he grabbed Nicole's ruddy net petals again, picked her up, turned her over, and pressed her against the wall, his big hands unceremoniously walked over her graceful figure. Nicole's question was right, he had long wanted to have sex with this beautiful girl.

The two were so warm and caressing, from one end of the room to the other, they were constantly fighting for the dominance. In the end, Adrian pressed her against the wall on the right, picked up the bright skirt, reached in and pulled out Nicole's black T-shaped kù, and then pushed her up against her body.

Nicole, who was so excited, let out a long sigh of joy, her legs were automatically clamped on Adrian's waist, and she began to undulate continuously with the rhythm. She screamed loudly and let out a 1ang groan, as if she wanted to let everyone know what she was doing at the moment. If the sound insulation effect of the room was not very good, maybe she would really do it.

Adrian had no time to take care of it at the moment, buried in Nicole's chest, while tasting the prostitute's bud, he pounded fiercely. Both of them seem to be completely dominated by desire, they just instinctively use various postures to do the most primitive movements again and again.

I don't know how long it has been like this, when he switched to the hug position for the third time, Adrian suddenly groaned, and Nicole, who was completely immersed in it, also trembled and screamed loudly. However, just when Adrian wanted to get naked before coming out, Nicole, who had rolled her eyes, accidentally reached out and grabbed his ass. So and so, needless to say, Adrian threw everything in it very happily.

It's really... surprising... Adrian, who came back to his senses, looked at his bosom, Nicole's expression was confused, her ng mouth was constantly undulating, soft and vibrating up and down greatly, as if she was still reminiscing about orgasm ; Soon, the two began to kiss again, and after being so tender for a long time, Adrian hugged Nicole on the chair, but just when he was about to do something more, Nicole who came back to his senses Suddenly pushed him away, and said in a cold tone: "You can leave!"


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