King of Hollywood

Chapter 44 Masterpiece

Chapter 44 Masterpiece

I have to say that the beginning of the movie is really exquisite. In the light music, a piece of white feather flutters with the wind, from the sky to the city, from the city to the trees, from the trees to the street, from the street to the top of the protagonist's shoes. A very simple shot also easily arouses the audience's curiosity.

The next step is naturally to introduce Forrest Gump through the camera. In just a few words, a somewhat dull and honest man suddenly appeared on the screen. Tom Hanks' acting skills are really outstanding. Then, memories began. The plot at the beginning was not too brilliant, but the plot where Forrest Gump's mother had to have sex with the principal in order to allow her son to enter a normal school won a little sigh.

However, soon, the first jaw-dropping easter egg appeared: Elvis Presley understood the swing dance because of Forrest Gump. The pictures seen on the TV in the side window all point to this point.

"This is too exaggerated." Adrian obviously heard someone muttering in front of him.

"How did you think of arranging such a plot?" Gwyneth couldn't help but asked in a curious voice next to his ear, all the heat was blowing into his ear, and it was very itchy.

"Don't worry, there are more interesting plots to follow." Adrian patted her thigh with a smile.

That’s right, a series of interesting plots that put Forrest Gump into historical events soon followed, such as Alabama’s denial of black admissions, or Kennedy’s reference to the All-American team, and in the White House bathroom, Photos of Kennedy and Monroe blah blah blah. Every time this kind of plot occurs, whether it is Forrest Gump waving to the camera at the gate of the university, or saying "I want to release water" to Kennedy, it will attract uncontrollable laughter.

Of course, these are only part of Forrest Gump's experience. While telling these stories, the characters' images gradually become fuller, and the two most important women in his life, mother and Jenny, are also highlighted.

If we say that at the beginning, the audience still regarded the film as a story about the mentally handicapped, then after Forrest Gump's characteristics were revealed one by one, they have gradually changed this view.

Especially when Forrest Gump replied to the sergeant in charge of them after joining the army: he was a soldier to obey your orders. Then after getting an evaluation of "You are really his **** genius, Gan, your IQ is at least above, I want to recommend you to go to military academy", laughter rang out in the hall again, and then from not far behind Adrian A small voice came: "Something like Rain Man, mentally retarded but good in some ways, but more interesting and attractive..."

This guy closed his mouth before he finished speaking, because everyone around him cast angry eyes, not because he said something wrong, but because he thought he interrupted everyone's enjoyment of the movie. From this, it can be seen that the audience It has been fully integrated into it.

What followed was the Vietnam War, which was the heartache of all Americans, and Lieutenant Dan, one of the three most important people in Forrest Gump's life, also appeared on the scene-although Babu was his good friend, he made his shrimping career , but compared to the other three, the voice is still not enough. The appearance of Lieutenant Dan is very interesting. When Forrest Gump introduced that his family was killed in every war in the United States, the montage switched continuously. The family of Lieutenant Dan played by the same person fell to the ground and died again and again. Until World War II, laughter resounded in the auditorium again.

However, it was this kind of introduction that made the audience understand why Lieutenant Dan always had a feeling of anger towards A-Gump after he was rescued, and why when A-Gump ran with him in his arms, he would yell "I should die here ", and then those perverse and crazy behaviors also had a reasonable explanation. While the audience sighed, they also began to become thoughtful.

The story continues to develop, returning home injured, being interviewed by Nixon, participating in anti-war demonstrations in a daze, and then reunited with Jenny. Forrest Gump participated in more and more historical events, such as becoming the whistleblower of the Watergate incident, or participating in table tennis and going to China-the venue with a Soviet flavor, and the cut out and John Leigh Lennon's discussions about China made the audience click their tongues.

Although so many years have passed and so many things have happened, Forrest Gump's love for his mother, his love for Jenny, and his friendship with Lieutenant Dan have never changed, and he has even taken care of the life of the Babu family. Even though he encountered countless failures in the process of catching shrimp, he still persisted and never flinched.

"Stupid people do stupid things." When someone says he is stupid, he always answers this way, which is as impressive as the sentence "Life is like chocolate, you never know what the next one will taste like".

Finally, Forrest Gump's hard work was rewarded. Facing the attack of the storm, all the shrimp fishing boats were destroyed, but the Jenny was left, and he and Lieutenant Dan got rich because of it.

When the third listener learned that the boss of Bob Gan Shrimp Industry was sitting next to him, he laughed and left in disbelief. A handful of people have discovered who this character is.

"Your acting skills are not bad, Ed." Gwyneth whispered in his ear with surprise.

"It's okay, it's only a few minutes after all." Adrian responded with a smile, and the hand on her thigh never left.

This kind of laughter became louder after Forrest Gump received the letter from Lieutenant Dan "We don't have to worry about money anymore, he invested in a fruit company". It is more memorable and thought-provoking.

The movie is not just about the life of Forrest Gump, there are also Jenny and Lieutenant Dan in cha clothes. In contrast, they want to win honor for the family, think that they should die on the battlefield, and think that they are useless after being disabled Lieutenant Dan; and Jenny, who pursues freedom and self, hangs out with hippies, takes drugs and liberates sex. On the contrary, after deciding on his own goal, Forrest Gump, who persisted without distraction, achieved success. I have to say, it is very meaningful.

In the end, Lieutenant Dan was redeemed, and the exhausted Jenny returned to A-Gump, but she still didn't fully understand until A-Gump finally got angry.

"Although I am a fool, I know what love is." A-Gump said angrily.

A sigh sounded in the auditorium. Many people felt worthless towards A-Gump. Who could love a woman like him for more than ten years? Even Gwyneth next to Adrian was slightly dazed.

Although he saw it in his eyes, Adrian didn't pay much attention to it. The reason why movies are attractive is that they can show things that are impossible in life or things that have a low probability on the big screen. The ones that arrive are the best. Every woman hopes that a man will wait for her like this for the rest of her life. Every woman longs for romance in her heart, but reality is reality after all. Sooner or later, she will wake up from her dream, and women in Hollywood will wake up faster.

Jenny left without saying goodbye, and the sad Forrest Gump started to run through the north and south of the United States again and again, and still participated in the history of the United States in his unique way - cultural shirts, insurance industry and so on.

Finally, Jenny returned to A-Gump and brought him a smart child. Although the bug here is obvious, when Jenny said that she was infected with a virus and might die soon, judging from the previous judgments, it was obviously alluding to AIDS. In this case, although AIDS is not contagious by shaking hands, it can be easily passed on to the next generation. How healthy can Forrest Gump's children be?

However, the audience chose to ignore this problem. During the two hours of broadcast, A-Gump's spirit has already infected them. Even if there is such a bug, it doesn't matter, A-Gump deserves his own happiness.

As the story draws to a close, Forrest Gump and Jenny get married. Although her mother has already gone to heaven, the black housekeeper sees this scene instead of her. Lieutenant Dan also came, saw Jenny for the first time, everything was so peaceful and beautiful, even though Jenny left Forrest Gump soon and completely, but he was not alone, he still had his own child who could go to school.

The familiar brisk music sounded again, and the white feathers that fell from the pages of the book floated on the shoes again, flying higher and higher, and finally flew into the blue sky.

After the subtitles were completely played, the lights in the auditorium turned on, and there were some noisy sounds before, but at this moment, it disappeared suddenly, as if it had never happened before. A few seconds later, there was a burst of applause, first one person, then several people, and then more and more applause, and finally deafening, almost knocking the ceiling down.

All kinds of people came to kiss him, shaking hands with smiles on their faces to congratulate him, some sincerely and some envious and jealous. From this point of view, "Forrest Gump" has been the first shot that can't be heard anymore up. Adrian responded one by one, and after leaving the screening hall with Gwyneth on his arm, the raging crowd dispersed quite a bit.

"Bang, Ed, this is one of the best movies I've ever seen." Spielberg pulled him and said, he could see that he liked this movie very much, but there was still some regret between his brows look.

"Thank you. It's a great honor to receive such a compliment from you." Adrian nodded, and after a little thought, he guessed what he was regretting. He probably felt that he didn't join in the reflection on what happened to the Jews after World War II.

Of course, he also knows that this is not appropriate, and Adrian is obviously going for the Oscars. Last year, he won the best director and best movie for this subject, and Adrian will feel repetitive if he still does this. Besides, this is an American-themed movie, so Spielberg just regretted it and adjusted it right away.

"Frankly speaking, if there is no Tommy, this movie will lose a lot of color. I said before that he really acts like what he is. Last year's AIDS patient was already amazing, but now this Forrest Gump is amazing. I can't relate to that character at all." Adrian immediately praised Tom Hanks beside him.

"Okay, Ed, if you go on, I'll be embarrassed." Hanks laughed, looking very humble.

"Ed is telling the truth, you are really outstanding, Tommy." Spielberg showed a serious look.

Adrian, who saw it in his eyes, had a slight movement in his heart, and suddenly said, "Steven, what do you think of Tommy?"

Spielberg froze for a moment, looked at Hanks seriously, and then nodded: "You can try."

"Sorry, may I know what you are talking about?" Hanks asked a little confused.

"Don't worry, Tommy, this is just the beginning—it's not even the beginning, it's just a plan, and you'll know when the time comes." Adrian patted him on the shoulder with a smile. Hanks wanted to ask again, but his wife gave him a gentle pull, and Hanks immediately understood, nodded with a smile and stopped talking.

What Adrian and Spielberg talked about was naturally the new script that he was invited to provide him before, nothing else, it was the "Saving Private Ryan" that Adrian started with the most tragic opening. In fact, what I want to talk about is the second part of "Jurassic Park", "The Lost World". DreamWorks couldn't be more fitting.

But the problem is, because we signed a contract with Universal at the time of the trip, if we make a sequel, Universal will also join in, which is not in line with DreamWorks’ exclusive strategy. E. Eminem Bruce bought the adaptation of "Band of Brothers", so he talked about the idea of ​​"Saving Private Ryan".

"About human nature and war, about the paradox of eight saving one, this is the theme of this movie. To be honest, if I am not a little unfamiliar with the subject of war and still lacking in big scene scheduling, I would not Directing for you, Steven." Adrian said after the introduction.

"So I took a big advantage," Spielberg said with a smile, with an indescribable look in his eyes, "I really didn't expect you to come up with such an excellent idea in such a short time."

"It's nothing. I already had this idea when I read "Band of Brothers". The American boys at that time should be regarded as the strongest generation." Adrian said calmly.

Now that this movie has been selected, and the first protagonist, Captain Miller, is also here, Adrian naturally reminded Spielberg. It is a little regretful that from preparation to shooting to post-production, it is impossible to release it within next year. Next year will be the anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Fascist War. Not only may the box office be higher than the original version, but it may also allow Tom to win the Oscar for Best Actor for the third time.

Of course, this idea turned around in his mind and was put aside. It is already luck for Hanks to win twice in a row. If the release time of "Philadelphia Story" and "Forrest Gump" are reversed, Hanks It's almost impossible for Cox to win two Best Actor Oscars in a row, let alone three in a row.

As for DreamWorks' exclusive strategy, Adrian can invest in a private capacity, and I believe Spielberg will never refuse. Now that the strategy of participating in movies that can make money has been set, how can it be possible to go back on it now? Yes, it's greedy, but greed is good - as long as you can control it.

If Adrian just wanted to be a big director, and just wanted to play with women casually, he naturally didn't need to do this. But what he wants is to control Hollywood, and to collect the women he wants to collect, so the bigger the power, the better. Especially since he has already tasted the sweetness of power, how can he be willing to let go easily?

Well, back to the topic, "Forrest Gump" attracted many people's unexpected response after its release. Several well-known film critics all praised it as a masterpiece, and the comments in the media were almost one-sided.

"This is an incredible work. We recalled all the famous historical events in the past fifty years in Forrest Gump's running, and we also saw many long-lost spirits in Forrest Gump." - "Chicago Tribune" "

"The film's flaws are more than made up for by Tom Hanks' superb acting, delivering a believable honesty and bravery in a mildly retarded character." - Wall Street Journal

"I can only say that Director Miracle has created a miracle again. In this movie, Forrest Gump has become the embodiment of virtue. He is honest, trustworthy, serious, brave and values ​​​​emotions. He doesn't mind being rejected by others, but he just faces life openly and frankly. He concentrates his only wisdom, faith, and courage in one point. What we lack now.

With the rapid development of society, many people lose themselves in the rapid changes, just like Jenny in the movie, she is almost a representative of the so-called beat generation in the 1960s and 1970s, addicted to drugs, indulgent, A crime, she wanted to live herself, but she didn't understand what self was until the end. Lieutenant Dan is another kind of person. They are immersed in the glory of the past, unwilling to change or accept change, and they also think that is themselves.

Only Forrest Gump persists in his persistence, never changes and never gives up, no matter how difficult he encounters, and this is the real self. At the end of the film, Lieutenant Dan and Jenny, who represent two outlooks on life, met for the only time. This can be seen as a reconciliation between radical and conservative views after the xìng liberation movement was launched in the 1960s and 1970s. Under the influence of Forrest Gump. So those seemingly stupid behaviors are the qualities we should insist on, instead of being clever, mercenary and opportunistic. I can't help thinking, what a great mother can educate such a child, please allow me to repeat that sentence: life is like chocolate, you never know what the next one will taste like.

Thank you Director Miracle for bringing such an excellent work. ”—Robert Cameron, a well-known film critic

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