King of German Mercenaries

Chapter 292 Marin phalanx?

After the battle of Lyle County, Marin's reputation was completely loud. Before, although Marin defeated Charles VIII, it was an ambush in the middle of the night. Therefore, not many people are willing to admit Marin's military talents. Mainly, this kind of sinister method was looked down upon in the European Middle Ages where chivalry prevailed.

Even the Duke of Saxony believed that Marin was only a conspiracy and had no real strength, so he launched an army to fight. Marin also knew that his victory would not be recognized, so he thought of using a head-to-head way to defeat the Saxons in order to build his reputation.

Sure enough, Marin used 10,000 infantry outside the city of Lyle to defeat the Saxon army of 20,000 with 5,000 plate armor and heavy cavalry in one day, and his reputation rose.

Now, no one doubts Marin's military prowess anymore. Even Philip, the head of the Teutonic regiment, sent 20 trusted officers to East Friesland to ask for the ability to learn military command.

Prince Philip is also an ambitious person. Over the years, the Teutonic Knights have been bullied badly by Poland and Lithuania. As the head of the Teutonic regiment, why would Philip be willing to be passive all the time?

In fact, Poland and Lithuania are both countries with heavy cavalry as their main fighting force. Poland, in particular, can gather 20,000 to 30,000 cavalry. Later, during the Polish-Swedish war, Poland dispatched 20,000 to 30,000 winged cavalry at every turn. Of course, the winged cavalry has not yet arisen. Winged cavalry is actually a heavy cavalry in plate armor, not wearing plate armor pants, and only decorated with some bird feathers on the back.

Because of the continuous reduction of land and population, the Teutonic Knights did not have enough knights to play head-to-head with Poland. Therefore, Commander Philip was very interested in Marin's ability to use the infantry to completely abuse the Saxon plate armor and heavy cavalry. Therefore, he sent 20 young officers to study in the Marin Army.

Even King Ferdinand II of Spain sent 10 officers to study. The leader turned out to be the famous Spanish general Gonzalo de Córdoba...

Marrín felt very embarrassed at once-because, the creator of the "Spanish phalanx" that the Spaniards wanted to learn should actually be Gonzalo de Cordoba...

This made Marin have a bad feeling that Li Gui met Li Kui, and what made Marin even more embarrassed was that those officers who came to study even named the famous "Spanish Phalanx" as "Marin Phalanx" "It's...

Well, it's "Marin Square" - who said that the Spaniards haven't "invented" it yet...Marin shamelessly endorsed the name "Marin Square"...

Because he was embarrassed to face the master, when he explained the "Marin Square" to Gonzalo de Córdoba, Marin was very attentive and explained very carefully. To this end, the Spanish and Teutonic officers who came to study benefited a lot.

In fact, Spain and the Teutons were both countries that had an urgent need for tactics that could overcome heavy cavalry with infantry.

Needless to say, the Teutonic Kingdom, their number one enemy, Poland, is a big country with heavy plate armor. And Spain's demand is also huge, because Spain's rival for hegemony, France, is Europe's first plate armored power, stronger than Poland. Therefore, there is a very real and urgent need to learn the "Marin phalanx" to restrain the opponent's plate armor and heavy riding.

Marin didn't hide it either, because he knew that Gonzalo de Córdoba had already had a similar idea, but he was still groping and not putting it into practice. The other party wants to figure it out anyway, so it's better to teach him yourself. In this way, he can still get the title of "famous general and his teacher".

As for the Teutonic Knights, it was Marin's most important partner. Although, Marin and the Teutonic and Clifford principalities are friendly at the same time. However, John, Duke of Cliff, as an old-fashioned aristocrat, is actually rather cunning and not sincere in his dealings with others.

On the other hand, Chief Philip was different. He never wanted to be a great noble since he was a child, so his mind was not so complicated, and he was relatively sincere in dealing with others.

Moreover, he was single-handedly supported by Marin to become the head of the regiment, and he had the best relationship with Marin.

This time, Marin promised to help Philip train 20 officers, and Philip was not stingy. Philip said that he is helping Marin find a group of young wandering knights who have newly arrived in the Teutonic State, and send them to Marin after a while, so as to alleviate the dilemma of Marin's lack of middle-level officers. Every year in the Teutonic Kingdom, some wandering knights come to defect with their dreams. Here, it is the holy land of knights in the minds of many German wandering knights. Therefore, Philip selected a group of wandering knights to give to Marin, there are still conditions.


"Count Marin, after your explanation, I found a big problem - that is your formation, which seems to have average attack power and is more suitable for defense..." After learning, the experienced Gonzalo De Co General Cordoba, put forward his own views...

"You're right, General Gonzalo. Spain... oh no... The strongest part of the 'Marin Phalanx' is the defense. As long as the tunnels are dug well, you can charge against the charge of the knights..."

"In addition, you don't have to just dig holes, you can also build walls and temporarily build some simple walls to guard against the charge of the cavalry. At the same time, the temporarily built stone walls can also resist the opponent's shells and bullets to a certain extent... ...However, this requires that there be enough local stones. If it is in the plains, there are no conditions to build stone walls, even the simplest ones - because there are no stones..."

"As for the attack power, the 'Marin Square' is indeed lacking. In the future, I plan to recruit more light cavalry to supplement the lack of attack power..."

"However, the light cavalry and the heavy cavalry will definitely lose..."

"General, who told you to use light cavalry and the enemy's heavy cavalry? Remember, my war idea is to use the 'Marin phalanx' to defeat the enemy's plate armored heavy cavalry attack. As for the light cavalry, he mainly The task is to deal with the enemy's infantry..."

"For example, in the Battle of Lyle County, the Saxons used infantry to fill the pit with wooden boards and dirt on their backs. At this time, you can use light cavalry to attack the enemy's infantry from the flank. Can't you bully the infantry like cannon fodder?"


"Teached! Count Marin, you are a wise commander!" said Gonzalo de Cordoba with admiration.

He felt that the tactics Marin designed were tailor-made for Spain. Because, although there are not many plate armor and heavy cavalry in Spain, there are still many light cavalry. Southern European countries, influenced by Arabs, have many light cavalry. The famous Spanish horse, the Andalusian horse, is not a heavy horse, so it is not suitable for heavy riding in plate armor, but it is very suitable for light cavalry riding.

In the 16th century, in order to strengthen the protection of the cavalry, the Spaniards came up with the practice of removing the rear half of the plate armor and retaining only the front part, in order to "relieve the burden" of the Andalusian horses.

Of course, the Spaniards lack plate armor and heavy cavalry, and the Teutonic Knights are not lacking. Every year, there are wandering knights who go to the Teutonic Kingdom for their dreams. Those Teutonic officers who followed Marin to learn tactics looked excited. For the Teutonic Kingdom, as long as the "Marin phalanx" is used to repel the charge of the Poles' plate armored cavalry, the Teutonic plate armored cavalry can take advantage of the low morale of the enemy and launch a counter-charge. Therefore, the tactics designed by Marin are not only suitable for Spain, but also for the Teutonic countries.

After a month of study, 10 Spanish generals and 20 Teutonic officers brought the "Marin Phalanx" back to their respective countries.

And the "Marin Phalanx" they learned later became a nightmare for the French and Poles... The pattern of Europe has been greatly changed because of the emergence of the "Marin Phalanx"...

It's just that whenever people talk about the great "Marin Phalanx", Marin always blushes...

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