King of Assassins

Chapter 735 Surrender

The Golden Ape King has lived for tens of thousands of years, and the only one who truly respects him is the Demon King Lion Wanqiu.

The Golden Ape King sat on the stone bed and did not move, but his big claws became extremely huge.

As a monster, controlling the size of the body is the most basic ability. The Golden Ape King is extremely talented and born with great strength.

Once when he was fighting a demon king, he forcibly uprooted the mountain where the demon king lived and crushed it into pieces. From then on, he became famous in one battle, gained the admiration of Demon King Shi Wanqiu, and became the famous Demon King in Yunshulin Sea.

There were no human cultivators in Yunsulinhai, and the Golden Ape King had seen several female human cultivators beside Shi Wanqiu.

To the Golden Ape King, human cultivators are just playthings. Just like this time, Shi Wanqiu specified that he wanted two beauties just for fun.

The Golden Ape King was not interested in women. What was the point of such weak and delicate things?

I still want a big orangutan, with big breasts hanging down to the ground, and sexy big black hair all over her body, which is smooth and prickly to the touch. That hard ass like a stone is even more comfortable.

The Golden Ape King does not understand Shi Wanqiu's preferences, but he must respect Shi Wanqiu's preferences. So he didn't dare to touch Lianyi and Bingso.

The arrogance of the Golden Ape King fell in Gao Xuan's eyes and made him slightly disappointed.

The demon king of Yuantian Realm can control stronger vitality and stronger body. However, wisdom, skills, abilities, etc. are all very poor. Much worse than the Demon King of Qingtian Realm.

The main reason is that there is no knowledge inheritance. Although the wisdom is not low, the performance is rude and incompetent.

Gao Xuan faced Gai's huge paw and gently pinched it with two fingers: "Small."

Sitting on the stone bed, the Golden Ape King suddenly realized something was wrong. The weak human cultivator in front of him was actually growing in size.

No, the whole cave is getting bigger. Including the four demon generals around them, their bodies are getting bigger and bigger.

Even the fruits placed in front of him became bigger than him.

The Golden Ape King understood immediately that it was not that the other party had grown bigger, but that he had grown smaller.

The Golden Ape King hurriedly transformed into his true form, which was tens of thousands of feet tall, infinitely powerful, and invulnerable to any attack.

However, no matter how hard the Golden Ape King struggled, he could not break free from the invisible restraint. The entire body was suppressed to a very small state, about the size of an ordinary person's little finger.

Gao Xuan just held this miniature version of the Golden Ape King with two fingers.

The big Golden Ape King is very ferocious. The miniature version of the Golden Ape King has red eyes, bulging muscles, and its golden hair stands on end. This ferocious posture is actually a bit cute in its tiny state.

Gao Xuan exerted some force with his fingers, and the Golden Ape King was so pinched that he rolled his eyes and his body was almost flattened.

Seeing this scene, Yuanda and the other four demon generals were frightened. Especially the smartest one, Yuan Baixin, whose eyes were full of horror, instinctively retreated quietly.

The power of the Golden Ape King is so tyrannical, even the Demon King Lion Wanqiu may not be able to easily control him.

But in front of this human cultivator, the Golden Ape King completely became a little pet.

Yuu Baixin couldn't understand this kind of power, but he knew how strong it was. The Golden Ape King couldn't resist, let alone them.

The smartest thing to do at this time is to report to Demon King Lion Wan Qiu immediately.

Yuan Baixin is very smart, but Gao Xuan does not allow him to escape. He copied it casually, and the four demon generals turned into a small ball and were held in his hand.

The four demon generals still wanted to struggle, but Gao Xuan sealed their souls. The eyes of the four little things dimmed and they turned into four furry dolls.

Gao Xuan casually put the four little things into his long sleeves. With the Golden Ape King here, there was no need to waste time on these four guys.

There is no need to kill, but it is a bit wise at least. I'll see if it helps later.

The Earth Immortal dominates a place and cannot be alone. Recruiting a few monsters to do some rough work is the most common operation of earth immortals.

The Golden Ape King was strong and strong, but he quickly recovered. He was still very unconvinced, and once again mustered up his strength to break free from the restraints and regain his true form.

Gao Xuan just held it, he wanted to see how the Golden Ape King could break his spell.

To say that both parties are at the immortal level,

It's just that the difference between the two sides is too far.

With the same amount of power, Gao Xuan can display ten or one hundred percent of his power.

The Golden Ape King can only use two or three points out of 100% of his strength.

What's more, Gao Xuan is already infinitely close to the Earth Immortal, but purely in terms of strength, he is much stronger than this Golden Ape King.

For monsters like the Golden Ape King who rely on their bodies to survive, they are best at breaking magic with their strength. But he didn't know where to use his strength, and it was stupid to just want to restore his true form.

The spatial restraints used by Gao Xuan were like invisible ropes, binding the places around the Golden Ape King's body that exerted their strength. The most important thing was to restrain the Golden Ape King's soul.

The Golden Ape King failed to notice the key to the restriction, that is, even if his strength was ten times stronger, he could not break free from the restraint.

However, this Golden Ape King is also very powerful. Even if he is restrained by powerful space spells, he can still fight with high spirits.

Both Lianyi and Bingpo found it interesting and came over to watch.

The Golden Ape King, who was held in Gao Xuan's hand, was even more ashamed and angry when he saw the two women approaching with their big heads.

The Golden Ape King was furious. When he regained his true form, he would crush the three human cultivators to death.

He activated his strength crazily, and the golden hair all over his body began to shine with golden flames. The body also expanded by two points, and the muscles exploded one by one.

Gao Xuan flicked his right hand and hit the Golden Ape King on the head. He didn't actually exert much force, but the Golden Ape King's brain almost exploded. His neck seemed to be broken, and his head was spinning around in circles.


Ripple became more and more interesting as she watched. She tapped the Golden Ape King's head with her fingertips: "Master, is he not dead?"

"Can't die."

Gao Xuan knew the Golden Ape King's physical condition very well and knew that he would not die.

He asked the Golden Ape King: "Little monkey, are you convinced?"

The Golden Ape King shook his head and cursed in dissatisfaction: "When I regain my true form, I will tear you all into pieces."

"He has quite a temper."

Gao Xuan casually handed over the miniature version of the Golden Ape King to Ripple, "I'll leave this little monkey to you. When you are convinced, bring him back to see me."

He thought for a moment and then explained: "This thing has rough skin and thick flesh, so you can do whatever you want. It won't kill you. Even if you kill it, it won't matter."

Lianyi happily took over the Golden Ape King and said, "Don't worry, sir, I will definitely subdue this little thing."

The Golden Ape King was even more frightened and angry when he found out that he was in the woman's hands. He grinned and was about to curse when Ripple started shaking hard. The Golden Ape King was shaken so dizzy, his internal organs were tumbling, and his eyes were a little blurry.

Before the Golden Ape King could recover, Ripple pulled the Golden Ape King's head and pulled hard. The Golden Ape King's neck was stretched so that it was longer than his body. However, his body is tough. Even though he was forcibly reduced several hundred times, his physical strength is still there. My neck didn't break even after all this tossing.

As soon as Lianyi let go, the Golden Ape King's head snapped back. Ripple stretched out his hand and pulled again, then let go, then pulled again...

Lianyi had never played with dolls before, so she had fun holding the Golden Ape King. Her real age is two hundred years old, and her mental age is seventeen or eighteen.

Get your hands on fun toys and have a lot of fun playing with them.

The Golden Ape King suffered a serious crime. He was manipulated in various ways by Ripple. Sometimes he was forcibly twisted into various shapes, sometimes he was put in water and roasted in the fire, or used as a ball for kicking.

The Golden Ape King has a strong body, so these things can't actually cause much harm to him. It's just a little humiliating to go through this.

In other words, it's not very harmful, it's very insulting.

Lianyi has a girlish character, and she comes up with her thoughts every time. He also used the Golden Ape King as bait to go fishing.

The cave where the Golden Ape King is located actually has many demon generals and demon monkeys. The scale is quite large.

Gao Xuan was not interested in dealing with this group of rude monkeys, so he blocked all the monster souls as soon as he took action.

The Golden Ape King followed Lianyi around, and he was shocked to find that all his men were unconscious.

He has dominated this forest sea for tens of thousands of years, and no foreign monsters dare to invade this area.

For a moment, his subordinates were fine. However, it will definitely not work over time.

After all, Yunshulinhai is a barbaric land with no real order. Most monsters are crude and savage.

There is always no movement here, and monsters who are not afraid of death will inevitably break in.

The Golden Ape King has secured such a large territory and cherishes it quite a lot.

On the other hand, Gao Xuan's magical power was so powerful that he had no power to resist. If you persist like this, you will only be played to death by this female cultivator.

Being killed like this is not only meaningless, but also extremely humiliating.

The Golden Ape King originally had a very tough character, but after being tortured for a few days, he couldn't stand it anymore.

If Gao Xuan killed him directly, he wouldn't be afraid. But torturing him like this had worn away all his energy and wildness.

After a few days of this, the Golden Ape King finally couldn't stand it anymore. He shouted to Ripple: "I'm convinced, I'm convinced..."

Lianyi was a little surprised. She raised the Golden Ape King in front of her and said with a smile: "I haven't had enough fun yet. I won't allow you to accept it. Hold on, this time we will play doctor to see a doctor..."

Lianyi chuckled and took out a long sharp needle and stabbed it directly at the Golden Ape King. The sharp needle could not penetrate the Golden Ape King's body and broke directly.

This made Ripple even more interested. She fixed the Golden Ape King with a rope and found a sword, hook and fork to disembowel the Golden Ape King.

After struggling for a while, he still couldn't break through the Golden Ape King's body. Lianyi rolled his eyes and said, "I'll go find the great master to get the Hongyi Sword."

When Lianyi came back with the Hongyi Sword, the Golden Ape King was really scared. Although he didn't have much knowledge, just by looking at the appearance of Hongyi Sword, he knew that he couldn't withstand the edge of this divine sword.

The Golden Ape King looked at Lianyi raising the Hongyi Sword and was so frightened that he almost peed. He yelled crazily: "I'm convinced, I'm convinced..."

Lianyi put down the Lianyi sword a little boringly, "You can't hold on any longer. What about your temper? You have to be unyielding and would rather die than surrender!"

"Young man, please let me go..."

The Golden Ape King almost cried. Women are really nothing. He bowed his head in surrender, but the woman still won't let him go!

Lianyi pouted, and she took the Golden Ape King to see Gao Xuan, "Master, this little thing is convinced."

Gao Xuan smiled and said to the Golden Ape King: "I knew you were a smart monster."

The Golden Ape King did not dare to be stubborn anymore. He knelt down and bowed to Gao Xuan: "Exalted Immortal, please spare my life."

Although I have never met many human cultivators, I have learned a lot about this kind of etiquette. It's just that the Golden Ape King is a bit unruly, and he rarely uses gifts even towards the Demon King.

This time I was really scared of being tormented. He is a smart monster and knows how to be flexible and flexible. Of course, he hated Gao Xuan in his heart. If given the chance, always come back with revenge.

Now, all I can do is pretend to be well-behaved.

Gao Xuan knew what the Golden Ape King was thinking, and he didn't tell him. It didn't matter whether the monster was really a slave or not. He just wanted some information.

He said to the Golden Ape King: "Tell me, what's going on with the Demon King Lion Wanqiu..."

(May 1st Labor Day, I wish everyone a happy holiday~ One more update~ You must work on Labor Day~ Labor is glorious~ Well, double the monthly ticket, if you have a ticket, support it~)

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