King of Assassins

Chapter 520 Mutation

"The database is hundreds of kilometers underground and deep in the ice sea. Basically, intelligent machines are responsible for the daily maintenance of the database..."

In the closed transport warehouse, Liu Yun softly explained the operation of the database to Gao Xuan, while other company executives listened obediently.

The magnetic channel operates the maglev transport warehouse at a speed of 5,000 kilometers per hour. It takes five minutes to reach the underground database.

Liu Feng and Liu Ye stood at the back. Liu Feng looked complicated and hesitated to speak.

Liu Ye stared at Gao Xuan with interest, not knowing what to think. He had no intention of coming forward to speak.

This made Liu Feng even more uneasy. The transportation warehouse is only about 20 square meters. In such a small space, Liu Ye is standing here, and even ordinary people will notice Liu Ye.

For the golden strong man, Liu Ye is too eye-catching.

Neither Gao Xuan nor Yun Qingshang looked at Liu Ye. It wasn't that they couldn't see it, but that they didn't care.

Gao Xuan's strange attitude made Liu Feng even more uneasy. Everything felt wrong to him.

Liu Yun, Liu Ye, and Gao Xuan all acted very strangely. The problem is, he doesn't know what the end result will be.

Now Liu Feng is not only confused, but even a little hesitant. He is clearly involved and is the head of the Liu family. But everything was beyond his control. This feeling of being unable to control anything made him very uneasy.

Five minutes passed quickly. The closed transport cabin stopped smoothly and silently, and the hatch slid open smoothly.

Liu Yun led the way, and Gao Xuan led Yun Qingshang out of the transportation warehouse.

The space in front of him also suddenly opened up.

The location where Gao Xuan and the others are located is a high platform, and below are fully enclosed metal data storage devices.

Two-meter-square matte black metal cabinets are densely arranged in rows and layers.

At a glance, there is no end in sight.

This kind of artificial technology product is extremely simple, but when tens of millions of devices are arranged neatly and orderly, the visual effect is still very impactful.

Above is a huge fully transparent glass dome. Through the soft light, you can see the deep blue water outside the glass dome.

Because tens of millions of metal data devices dissipate heat together,

The sea water in the outer layer of the glass dome appears to be rolling upward.

Through the simple principle of convection, the cold seawater continues to sink and exchange, keeping the entire enclosed space at an extremely low temperature.

Gao Xuan noticed that the sea water was very special and could completely isolate the Yuanli Sea.

Within the space where the database is located, the source force cannot be sensed at all. This is more powerful and domineering than some divine fields.

The realm of divine power can also formulate rules for the source of power, but it cannot completely shield the source of power.

Gao Xuan was no stranger to this kind of environment. He was experimenting in the world of Nine Turns Divine Cicada and encountered several worlds without any special energy.

Of course, this was the first time in this universe that he encountered such a special environment.

There is no doubt that a complete ban on source power is a fair environment. Even Liu Ye couldn't connect to Yuanli Hai.

Although Liu Ye didn't speak, Gao Xuan had already recognized this person: Red Emperor Sword Liu Ye.

At this time, Yun Qingshang also discovered that Yuan Li was completely banned, and she couldn't help but frown slightly.

Gao Xuan smiled at everyone in the Liu family: "No source power is allowed here, and technological weapons can exert their power. If you want to kill me, this is the best place to do it."

Liu Feng laughed dryly: "Mr. Gao is joking. We respect Mr. Gao very much. You are the best friend and the most distinguished guest of our Liu family. We will never be rude to you."

"Third brother, it's so boring for you to be so groveling at this point."

Liu Yun said calmly: "Mr. Gao is indeed very wise. We are going to kill you right here."

Liu Feng's expression changed drastically. He wanted to explain to Gao Xuan, but Liu Ye pulled Liu Feng behind him: "You useless thing, shut up."

Such rude behavior also made Liu Feng a little embarrassed. But in the end he didn't dare to say anything anymore.

The senior executives of Honor Company were shocked. Why are they taking action now? Why aren't there any notifications?

A group of people instinctively retreat.

Although the source of power is gone, no one wants to fight Gao Xuan.

A group of people retreated to Liu Feng. At this time, they all supported Liu Feng very much.

We can all get along peacefully, so why do we need to take action? What's even more troublesome is that they are all involved.

This group of people kept retreating, and Liu Ye and Liu Yun were revealed.

Gao Xuan glanced at Liu Ye and Liu Yun, and asked curiously: "You two just want to kill me?"

Liu Yun nodded: "That's enough."

Gao Xuan couldn't help but laugh: "With all due respect, you are a bit too arrogant."

He said to Liu Ye again: "Old man, do you really want to join forces with this woman?"

Liu Ye also smiled, "If I don't join forces with Liu Yun, how can I join forces with you?"

Gao Xuan's question was a bit too stupid, and Liu Ye found it very ridiculous.

At this point, Gao Xuan is still thinking about estrangement, how is that possible!

"Old man, I'm not looking down on you, you don't even know what you are doing."

Gao Xuan said: "I think it's not easy for you even at your age. You'd better think it over carefully before talking."

Liu Ye was a little annoyed when Gao Xuan said, "I, the majestic Red Emperor Sword Liu Ye, have lived for fifteen hundred years, and I still need you to teach me how to do things?"

"You have lived for fifteen hundred years and are still so confused. What can I say?"

Gao Xuan shook his head with some pity. This old man didn't even know what he was doing, so he just followed him and worked hard. It was quite stupid.

Liu Ye was so angry that he laughed back: "Oh, I really want to hear what your reasoning is."

Liu Yun said coldly: "Mr. Ye, why bother talking nonsense with him. The nights are long and there are many dreams. It is better to kill this person as soon as possible to avoid future troubles."

Liu Ye glanced at Liu Yun coldly, and said in a deep voice: "You'd better shut up."

Seeing that the old man was a little angry, Liu Yun could only shut up. But she was cursing in her heart that this idiot was so stupid that he still wanted to chat with Gao Xuan. He was so stupid!

However, it would be nice to delay it for a little while. It takes time for the data server to transmit data, and it also takes time to release spiritual energy...

Gao Xuan raised his hand to signal Liu Ye not to be impulsive: "Don't be impatient. Don't do anything here. Be careful of damaging the data server."

A group of Honor Company executives behind him couldn't understand Gao Xuan's gesture. Including Liu Feng and Liu Ye.

The other party is going to kill you, but you still have to consider the security of the data server? Do you really have that much free time?

When Liu Yun understood what Gao Xuan meant, she was even more sure of what Gao Xuan wanted to do.

Liu Yun sneered in her heart, if she couldn't destroy Gao Xuan today, she would forcibly become a god. Even if she fails to become a god, her strength will increase dramatically, and at least she will have no problem killing Gao Xuan. Let's get rid of all the rubbish in the Liu family.

No matter what, accumulating countless spiritual energy for thousands of years cannot be cheap.

Gao Xuan said to Liu Ye again: "Now let's talk about business. Old man, you are also a gold super-level, aren't you really a fool? You still can't understand the situation now?"

Although Gao Xuan's words were very rude, Liu Ye seemed very calm now: "What exactly do you want to say? Stop beating around the bush."

"My goal has always been clear, to destroy the evil god."

Gao Xuan said: "Evil gods are the source of human depravity and must be eradicated. Human beings who believe in evil gods have also lost their roots as human beings and cannot be counted as human beings. These people must also die."

Liu Ye remained silent. Of course he understood what Gao Xuan meant. Moreover, Gao Xuan did so.

No one knew what Gao Xuan was going to do. However, everything Gao Xuan has done can lead to general awakening.

Guang Nao can easily come to the conclusion that Gao Xuan just likes to kill evil gods and followers of evil gods.

This is also an important reason why the Liu family wants to negotiate peace with Gao Xuan. Because the Liu family is very strict in managing the belief in evil gods.

Although there are inevitably followers of evil gods in the family, they are not the mainstream. The Liu family is also willing to crack down on evil gods more severely. In this way, they had a basis for peace talks with Gao Xuan.

Now Gao Xuan's old words are mentioned again, but they seem to have a different meaning. Liu Ye couldn't help but look at Liu Yun.

Sure enough, Gao Xuan pointed at Liu Yun and said, "Old man, please see clearly, this is an evil god."

When this statement came out, it was truly shocking.

Liu Ye's eyes were fixed, and Liu Feng and the Honor Company executives were even more stunned, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Liu Yun looked indifferent, as if he didn't hear anything.

"What evidence do you have?" Liu Ye asked.

Gao Xuan shook his head: "This guy and Liu Yun have been one and the same for hundreds of years. She is Liu Yun, and Liu Yun is her. The only way to identify whether she is an evil god is to kill her."

Liu Ye couldn't help but sneer: "Gao Xuan, I respect you as a strong man in this world, but you are playing tricks on me. It's so rude."

"If you don't believe it, I'll kill you and see."

Gao Xuan suddenly waved his hand, and Liu Yun became alert. The biochemical armor on her body had emerged, covering her whole body.

Source power is forbidden in this place, and the biochemical armor is completely driven by the genetic power of the body. It can be triggered even without source power.

In this place, with the blessing of biochemical armor, the combat effectiveness of the golden strongman can be directly increased tenfold. This is purely physical combat effectiveness.

It must be said that Liu Yun's response was very fast. The black biochemical armor took shape instantly.

At this moment, a figure flashed, and Yun Qingshang had already rushed in front of Liu Yun. Yun Qingshang's white and tender fists clenched in Su's hands also continued to enlarge in front of Liu Yun's eyes.

There was no source of power, but Yun Qingshang's punch was so domineering and powerful.

Liu Yun immediately sensed something was wrong, and she crossed her arms diagonally to block the punch.

But when Yun Qingshang's fist fell, Liu Yun's arms were directly pressed down. Yun Qingshang's long fist stabbed sharply like a spear, and the fist hit Liu Yun's chest.

The black biochemical armor on Liu Yun's chest immediately collapsed and shattered. When the power of the fist exploded to the extreme, the biochemical armor finally couldn't bear it anymore, and Liu Yun's body exploded from the middle.

Fragments of biochemical armor and splatters of flesh and blood shot out all over the sky.

Liu Ye was stunned at this moment. In what situation, with no source of power, Yun Qingshang killed Liu Yun with one punch?

The sudden change completely shocked Liu Feng and others.

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