King of Assassins

Chapter 445 Revenge

The vast East China Sea is vast and endless.

Gao Xuan stayed in the depths of the East China Sea for ten days. He used a white jade gourd to suck the sea water wildly for ten days.

According to Gao Xuan's estimate, it absorbs 100,000 cubic meters of water per second. In ten days, the white jade gourd absorbed approximately 100 billion cubic meters of water.

This is just an approximate value, and the difference is only a few million cubic meters.

Then, the white jade gourd was full. Gao Xuan could clearly feel that the white jade gourd would explode if water was poured into it.

Facts have proved that the so-called unlimited capacity of the white jade gourd is nonsense, but it can be filled with 100 billion cubic meters of water.

Gao Xuan really wanted to go back to Wanbao Pavilion and said, this is completely false propaganda!

One hundred billion cubic meters of seawater was pumped out of the East China Sea, but nothing happened. Even with Gao Xuan's keen perception, he couldn't see the sea water decreasing. One can imagine how vast and vast the East China Sea is.

Even so, the East China Sea does not say that it is infinitely vast.

The only thing that satisfied Gao Xuan was that the white jade gourd contained so much water that it could still hang lightly on the silk ribbon around his waist.

It is actually difficult for ordinary people to have an accurate idea of ​​how much water there is in 100 billion cubic meters.

To do a simple conversion, the approximate weight of 100 billion cubic meters of water is 100 billion tons.

One hundred billion tons, roughly the same weight as the mountain above the horizon of Mount Tai. A grade, no different than tens of millions of tons...

Rounding it all off, the white jade gourd around Gao Xuan's waist is equivalent to containing Mount Tai.

Gao Xuan hung the white jade gourd and left the East China Sea with satisfaction, heading west to the outside of Tianji Palace.

Tianji Palace is located on Danshan Mountain. Looking down from the sky, Danshan Mountain is red and yellow and looks like a copper furnace. The top of the mountain is a huge circular depression, from which a waterfall flows down the hillside, converging into a lake at the foot of the mountain.

The Tianji Sect built a large number of palace-style buildings according to the mountain topography, extending all the way to the lakeside at the foot of the mountain, forming a whole complex of buildings.

This building complex is called Tianji Palace. It is said that one or two million people live in it.

Of course, most of these people are ordinary mortals. There are not many practitioners who truly practice Qi.

It's noon,

The buildings at the foot of the mountain are bustling with people coming and going. The many buildings on the mountain look much cooler.

Only occasionally can you see people flying into the sky, or flying cranes and birds singing around the sky. It also has a bit of a mountain spirit and a show of people.

Gao Xuanyuan was looking down from a hundred miles away, and he was not afraid of being discovered by people from Tianji Palace.

There is only one headmaster of Tianji Palace, Wang Haichan, who is the True Monarch of Nascent Soul. No one below Wang Haichan should be afraid.

Although Tianji Palace is famous for its divination, Gao Xuan brought the six-winged cicada. The saying that he is the most spiritual is a bit exaggerated, at least it is not something that can be predicted at the Yuanying level.

Gao Xuan dares to cause trouble everywhere because he is sure that the other party cannot find him. The reason why Gao Xuan can travel across the stars is not because of his great martial arts skills, but because of the extraordinary spirituality of the six-winged cicada. Only he can count others, and no one can count against him.

Although the upper limit of power in this world is higher, in a place like Penglai Prefecture, there is no strong person who can suppress the Six-Winged Sky Cicada.

Gao Xuan was condescending and took a general look at Tianji Palace.

There is no doubt that the real core buildings of Tianji Palace are hidden deep in the mountain. No matter how much you look outside, you can't tell why.

However, the atmosphere in Tianji Palace was obviously cold and solemn. Various disciples wearing formal Taoist uniforms all looked serious.

Obviously, everyone in Tianji Palace does not have enough confidence in the duel.

Although Li Buyi had just become Yuanying, there was still a gap of several hundred years between him and Wang Haichan in terms of talent.

But the Xuanyang Sword is said to be the ancestral sword of the Xuanzhen Sect, with unlimited power. If Xuanyang Sword is really a magical weapon, it will be really difficult for King Haichan to win this battle.

If Wang Haichan is defeated, not only will Tianji Palace be destroyed, it will definitely shrink its territory and resources.

As time goes by, it may become a third-rate small sect like the Five Elements Sect.

Gao Xuan did not sympathize with the Tianji Sect. As one of the three sects, the Tianji Sect's food appearance was not very good-looking.

The Five Elements Sect recognized the Tianji Sect as its elder brother, but something happened to the Five Elements Sect, and the Tianji Sect didn't even have an explanation.

Gao Xuan watched for two days before driving away with sword light.

After flying for two days, Gao Xuan arrived at Xuanzhen Mountain.

Xuanzhen Mountain is three thousand feet high and is completely black. There is no vegetation on the mountain, and the mountain body shines with a cold, metallic sheen in the sunlight.

The entire Xuanzhen Mountain is like a black steel forged pyramid, like an indestructible steel fortress.

In particular, the flat slopes cut out on the surface of the mountain look like they have been transformed.

All the buildings of the Xuanzhen Sect are placed inside the mountain. Although this has many inconveniences, it ensures safety.

The cautious style of Xuanzhen Sect is very different from Tianji Palace.

Gao Xuan hid in a cloud and observed the Xuanzhen sect from a distance for two days.

Xuanzhen Mountain seems very busy, there are always people flying in and out. It's just that the inside of Xuanzhen Mountain is completely closed, and Gao Xuan can't see anything no matter how he looks outside.

The only thing that is certain is that Xuanzhen Mountain is not made of steel, but reinforced with numerous spells. When necessary, the entire mountain can be completely closed.

The interior of Xuanzhen Mountain must be completely open, like a building built in the heart of the mountain. Only in this way can communication between the sect be facilitated.

Gao Xuan sneered, saying that Xuanzhen Mountain is really impregnable. However, it is precisely because it is strong that it is easy to destroy.

Gao Xuan had a concrete idea, but he still had to wait for the right time. He turned around and left with his sword.

This time, he went straight to Fiery Peak.

The Agni Fire Sect has been operating Agni Fire Peak for nearly a thousand years, and has installed countless magic mechanisms inside.

Had it not been for the sudden attack by a Nascent Soul-level powerhouse, Zhou Huang and his men would have been able to hold on to Liehuo Peak for a while without collapsing at the first touch.

Liehuo Peak is full of energy and is a good place for cultivation.

No matter what the Xuanzhen Sect does, it is impossible to give up such a good place.

Gao Xuan watched Xuanzhen Mountain for two days, but it was not in vain. He was certain that the two Nascent Souls of the Xuanzhen Sect were both in Xuanzhen Mountain.

There was a duel coming soon, and no matter how confident Li Buyi was, he couldn't run around.

Liehuo Peak is still the same, red like burning coals.

There are hundreds of huge holes on the surface of Liehuo Peak, some of which can lead directly to the depths of Liehuo Peak.

Gao Xuan was not polite, landed directly at the entrance of a passage, and walked in swaggeringly.

There is a magic in the Jiuyue Xuanming Heavenly Clothes, which creates thousands of illusions of clouds and water.

When Gao Xuan activates this spell, Jiuyue Xuanming's Heavenly Clothes will turn into a wisp of mist. With his current level of cultivation, it would be difficult for even a Foundation-level cultivator standing across from him to notice anything strange.

Gao Xuan walked along and met several cultivators wearing black Taoist uniforms.

Just by looking at the aura of the magic power, it was clear that they were all low-level disciples of the Five Elements Sect. Each of these people had bitter looks on their faces and resentment in their eyes.

It can be seen that the Five Elements Sect disciples are not living a very happy life these days.

"The guys from the Xuanzhen sect are really no joke. They only know how to bully us..."

"You treat us like handymen, that's not right, you don't treat us like human beings at all!"

Several Five Elements Sect disciples were all complaining, and they would murmur when they got together.

One person said: "It's better for Shui Qingbo and the others, they are all at the top."

"What a fart, you're not even an Israeli waiter."

"I heard that all Tianshui Sect disciples have become playthings..."

"No way, Shui Qingbo is the Qi Practicing Dzogchen!"

"A lost dog, perfecting Qi training is of no use. Jin Wufeng looks like a dog in front of Yang Yunjun..."

"Shh, stop talking. Yang Yunjun is a golden elixir. Think about Zhou Ye's fate."

This person's words also made everyone else shut up. Although life is difficult, no one wants to die.

Back then, the Xuanzhen Sect killed many people in order to establish its authority. An outstanding disciple like Zhou Ye was directly beheaded, and his soul was even thrown into the burning lamp. It burned for three days before his soul was completely extinguished.

This move is very cruel, but very effective. No matter how unhappy many disciples are, few of them are not afraid of death.

Now that I talk about it, everyone still has lingering fears.

Although Gao Xuan didn't know Zhou Ye's specific situation, he probably understood that Zhou Ye would end badly.

He still has some impression of Zhou Ye. He has a proud personality and doesn't talk much, but he is still very upright. I was saved by him once, and I always remember his kindness.

Gao Xuan sighed in his heart, the world of cultivators is basically a place where the weak prey on the strong. How can there be so much benevolence, righteousness and morality?

Even in the mortal world, there is a culture of success and failure. Only winners are qualified to talk about benevolence, justice and morality.

Gao Xuan passed by several people and did not talk to them. Just because of their status, they are not qualified to know the secrets.

There are many natural passages inside the volcano, penetrating each other. After artificial transformation, the internal roads are as complicated as a maze.

Gao Xuan didn't know the way, but he couldn't be more sensitive to aura. I could sense Shui Qingbo's breath from a distance, and followed the breath all the way forward until I arrived outside Shui Qingbo's room door.

The rooms inside Lievolcano are all caves dug into the mountain wall, with heavy solid wood doors installed on the outside.

The place where Shui Qingbo lives is very high-end, and there are aura stones inlaid on both sides of the door. This aura stone can not only illuminate, but also serve as a warning.

The aura stone is very sensitive to the vitality reaction, and will change color if there is a vitality reaction.

Gao Xuan stood in front of the wooden door and took a look. The wooden door was also blessed with protective spells. But this didn't stop him. He stretched out his hand and drew a rune on the wooden door, and the person passed through the wooden door silently.

The furnishings in the room are very simple, with only a few simple furniture such as a wooden bed, a stone table, and a wooden cabinet.

Shui Qingbo was sitting cross-legged on the wooden bed and practicing, with a calm expression and a long breath.

Shui Qingbo should be the most beautiful female monk in the Five Elements Sect. Yuan Bao is still young after all, just a girl. Compared with Shui Qingbo, she is a little less feminine and gentle.

Gao Xuan watched Shui Qingbo practice his Qi, but Shui Qingbo was completely unaware of it.

Until Gao Xuan said: "You are practicing wrong here. The spirit is in the divine court, observing but not using it, the qi is in the acupoints, flowing but not condensing..."

Shui Qingbo was startled. She hurriedly opened her eyes and activated the body protection spell Weak Water Mirror.

When she saw Gao Xuan clearly, she was shocked and stunned.

"Are you Gao Xuan?"

In just over twenty days, Gao Xuan has changed a lot. There is still a faint shadow of the original between his eyebrows, but Shui Qingbo no longer dares to recognize it.

Gao Xuan nodded: "It's me."

Shui Qingbo's expression was extremely complicated. She looked at Gao Xuan for a long time and was speechless.

Gao Xuan was not in a hurry, he just waited quietly.

It took Shui Qingbo a while to react, and she whispered: "You should leave quickly. Soul Refining Sword Yang Yunjun is here. Although your magic is high, you have no chance of winning."

Gao Xuan asked seriously: "I want to kill Yang Yunjun and avenge the death of my sect members. Can you help me?"

Shui Qingbo was stunned.

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