King of Assassins

Chapter 415 Dilemma

Thunder Martial Saint Sun Shangdao has lived for almost a hundred years. He has seen a lot and has a deep heart.

However, Gao Xuan's actions still shocked him so much that he almost fainted on the spot.

The concept that the dead are great has long been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Not to mention that the sect is most concerned about inheritance, and in the end, elders and younger ones are superior to others. The Thirteenth Taibao is the founder of Heavenly Arms Dao, and his status is so respected.

The golden body of the Thirteen Taibao is indestructible, and it is a symbol of the supreme cultivation of the Heavenly Arms Dao. Has multiple meanings.

This boy has only been a disciple for a few days and yet he has desecrated his golden body. It is simply intolerable!

Sun Shangdao was frightened and angry, but he didn't rush to get angry. He was not a child, and he would take action without asking any questions.

Besides, Gao Xuan is a very smart man. Even if he wanted to do something bad, he wouldn't do it so blatantly.

Sun Shangdao calmed down and found that Gao Xuan was not blaspheming the golden body, but was just attacking the golden body by beating and stabbing... It seemed to be no different from blasphemy.

Of course Gao Xuan saw Sun Shangdao, and he felt a little embarrassed. Although it was for martial arts training, it was not appropriate after all.

On the surface, Gao Xuan was still very calm. He nodded to Sun Shangdao and said, "Senior brother is here."

Gao Xuan was so calm and composed that Sun Shangdao didn't know what to say.

This kind of thing seems to be unpleasant no matter how you say it.

Gao Xuan took the initiative to greet Sun Shang and said, "Brother, I discovered the secret of the golden body."

Sun Shangdao's expression was deep, and he still didn't know what to say. The top priority should be to stop Gao Xuan from causing chaos, but now that the matter is over, it is better to listen to Gao Xuan's explanation.

"The golden body is indestructible. The golden body is immortal. The founder left this golden body with acupoints all over its body, corresponding to the stars in the sky. It can actually survive the training of time and become immortal. This golden body is the highest state of the Thirteen Taibao horizontal training methods... "

Gao Xuan studied it for several days, but it was not in vain.

Although he could not dissect this golden body, through various external stimulation methods, he had figured out the secrets of the operation of most of the acupoints of the golden body.

This living golden body showed Gao Xuan the horizontal training method of the Thirteen Taibao in the most direct way.

Sun Shangdao listened to Gao Xuan's words with a straight face,

He still wanted to teach Gao Xuan a few words.

After all, doing something like this is too absurd and rude. If word spreads, it will definitely become the laughing stock of Tianbingdao.

Gao Xuan understood Sun Shangdao's thoughts, and he calmed down completely.

"Senior brother, the reason why the founder left the immortal golden body is to pass on the training method of the Thirteen Taibao. It is a mistake in itself for us to put armor on the golden body."

Gao Xuan spoke eloquently: "In the past few days, I have been observing the golden body of the Patriarch, and I have better understood the essence of the horizontal training of the Thirteen Taibao."

He said to Sun Shangdao: "Senior brother said that the essence of the Thirteen Taibao Heng training method is the word Heng. He couldn't be more right."

Gao Xuan pointed at the golden body and said: "The golden body of our ancestors stands here and will never be destroyed. Those who go against the will are those who go against the trend. Going against the trend and people, going against the will and destiny. The so-called rampage, sweeping and hegemony are all about going against the trend!"

Gao Xuan sighed and said: "The ancestor was a peerless and powerful man, and he passed on to us such a powerful and powerful spiritual realm. But we stick to the vulgar etiquette, put aside the inheritance of the ancestor, and put on useless armor to show off to him.

"It's our fault!"

Sun Shangdao was speechless. According to Gao Xuan, it is true that such a peerless martial arts spirit would not care about the so-called etiquette in the world.

He adheres to secular etiquette, but he is actually dissatisfied with it, which makes him feel ashamed just thinking about it.

Sun Shangdao gave Gao Xuan a deep clasped fist and bowed: "Junior brother, I am mediocre and worldly, and I wronged you. I want to apologize to you."

Gao Xuan waved his hand: "Why bother? You are a senior brother and you are trying to teach me a lot. What I did was inappropriate. Moreover, the matter of the golden body is a secret of the sect. It is not easy to talk about it to outsiders."

He sighed and said: "After all, there are mostly mediocre and incompetent people in this world. Since they cannot learn the true meaning of martial arts, they must be jealous. They always try to slander us with etiquette and morality."

Sun Shangdao also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Gao Xuan understood the reason. He solemnly nodded: "This matter is of great importance, so we don't want to spread it outside. We will only wait until an outstanding disciple reaches the corresponding level, and then let him realize the wonder of the Patriarch's golden body..."

After everything was said clearly, Sun Shangdao also felt relieved, and he also became keenly interested in the golden body.

After all, this is a living golden body, the ultimate in the Thirteen Taibao's horizontal training methods.

Sun Shangdao also tried to press Jin Shen's chest. As he continued to exert force, Jin Shen's chest was slightly sunken, easily neutralizing the force of his fingers that could pierce the iron plate.

During this contact process, Sun Shangdao also clearly felt the golden body's heart beating slightly.

Sun Shangdao was very shocked. This is a golden body that has been preserved for thousands of years. It is incredible that its internal organs are still alive!

Just this was enough to subvert his understanding of martial arts.

It turns out that martial arts are extremely powerful and are not inferior to magic.

The spells are ever-changing, and practitioners can even be reincarnated with immortal souls. This is also the strongest point of cultivators.

Martial arts are more tyrannical and direct in power. At the same level, warriors can always restrain cultivators. This is also the brilliance of martial arts.

But compared to the ever-changing spells, martial arts is too simple.

Although Sun Shangdao looked down upon the cultivators, he wanted to admit that their magic was mysterious. The various magical features in it are beyond the reach of martial arts.

Seeing this golden body, Sun Shangdao suddenly understood that it was not that martial arts were crude, but that their cultivation was insufficient.

Unfortunately, what he practiced was not the Thirteen Taibao horizontal training method. It's hard to get buffs on gold.

Even so, Sun Shangdao was not willing to miss the opportunity. This golden body is that of a warrior god.

Even if the path is different, you can still get a glimpse of the mystery of the Martial God realm.

Therefore, Sun Shangdao quickly issued a strict order. Because Gao Xuan was practicing in seclusion in the White Tiger Hall, no one was allowed to enter the White Tiger Hall!

Then, Sun Shangdao followed Gao Xuan every day to play with the golden body.

After letting go of the taboo, Sun Shangdao dared to play more than Gao Xuan. He obtained magical weapons and even some cultivators' magic weapons.

A pair of senior brothers began to use various methods to manipulate the golden body...

After dozens of days, Gao Xuan had mastered all the secrets of the Thirteen Taibao's horizontal training methods. But Sun Shangdao was still full of interest.

If Gao Xuan doesn't come, he will take the initiative to find Gao Xuan and go to the White Tiger Hall.

Because Sun Shangdao’s excuse was to help Gao Xuan practice martial arts. If Gao Xuan doesn't come, how can he have the nerve to play with the golden body by himself...

Gao Xuanjue and Sun Shangdao were a little obsessed. He majored in Heavenly Weapon Strategy, but he couldn't find any reference in Jin.

But Sun Shangdao didn't give up, he always wanted to try. There are too many ways to play with a living golden body.

Gao Xuan saw that it was already April, and in one month it would be the Xingtian Festival. He can't waste time following Sun Shangdao.

After saying "retreat", Gao Xuan actually went to retreat.

Sun Shangdao had no choice but to give up playing with the golden body. He also knew in his heart that it would not make much sense to him if he continued to struggle.

In the closed secret room, Gao Xuan stood with a steel gun in his hand. This posture is exactly the same as the golden body.

Gao Xuan didn't waste time in the past few decades. He opened a total of 365 acupoints, corresponding to Zhou Tian's defeat.

These acupoints allowed Gao Xuan to control his body to the extreme. His blood now has a coagulated smell as it circulates.

It is only one step away from blood as mercury.

Through this posture of holding a gun, Gao Xuan completely imitates the golden body from the inside out.

The acupuncture points of the golden body actually correspond to the stars in the sky. Gao Xuan uses the circulation of Qi and blood of the golden body, and then corresponds to the images in the secret volume of the Thirteen Taibao Heng Lian Techniques, and he also mastered the key.

At this time, his mind was guarded, and his energy and blood stirred up to echo with the stars in the sky. By visualizing the stars, Gao Xuan corresponds the acupoints and the stars one by one and establishes a stable connection.

After a few days like this, Gao Xuan suddenly had a mental shock. The energy and blood in his body's acupoints surged and collapsed at the same time. Gao Xuan's mental consciousness was oppressed to the extreme by the power coming from heaven and earth.

After an instant, Gao Xuan's spiritual consciousness was filled with light. Three hundred and sixty-five acupuncture points were connected through wireless connections to form a complex star map in his body, which corresponded to the stars in the sky.

The endless energy in the void gathered through the acupoints and transferred to the bone marrow. Drops of silver blood slowly seeped out of the bones.

The whole body began to exchange blood. This process was a bit slow, but with every drop of new blood converted, he could feel the strong vitality.

Although it was just a blood exchange, the whole person seemed to have been reborn. Renewed from the inside out. With a slight clench of your fist, you can feel the endless power.

The physical strength also increased Gao Xuan's soul power.

Gao Xuan's original spiritual power was too strong, but this physical growth could strengthen the core of his soul. This is extremely rare.

In the Galaxy Era, mental strength was enhanced through genetic mutations in the body. The spiritual power will then enhance the power of the soul.

This correlation is complex and subtle.

Simply put, spiritual power is not equal to soul power. Gao Xuan's spiritual power can roam the stars.

Spiritual power can be seen as strength and skill, and soul can be seen as the state of mind. At this level, Gao Xuan has been reincarnated in two lives, and has been constantly tested in the world of the Nine-turn Divine Cicada, and his soul has continued to grow stronger through tempering.

That's it. Let's just say that the soul level is not much higher than that of Sun Shangdao.

The body's blood exchange and rebirth can actually link up with the soul, allowing the soul to be improved. This is the real surprise.

After all, Gao Xuan cannot take away his body, the gain in his soul is the real gain.

While Gao Xuan was happy, he was even more full of expectations for the God of War.

If the Martial Saint is like this, what kind of realm should the Martial God be!

According to the records of the Secret Volume of the Thirteen Taibao Henglian, if the Thirteen Taibao Henglian wanted to reach the realm of the God of War, he had to create a god in his blood.

What does it mean to give birth to a god in blood? It means that every drop of blood has its own god. As for the state and appearance of the god, the secret scroll does not say anything.

Although the golden body reveals all the physical mysteries of the horizontal training method, not much is left on the spiritual level.

Only a little bit of that momentum that swept the world and broke through all calamities was left. After all, this spirit has long been wiped out.

Gao Xuan can only understand and experience it himself. But he felt that there was no chance of becoming a god of war.

This kind of spiritual realm is too illusory, and it is difficult to understand it by force to fit your own state.

It's easy to understand Xingtian's bravery. It's just that this kind of bravery lacks wisdom and the power to sweep everything.

Gao Xuan wanted to sigh. He had also seen the Xingtian Sword Technique. It was a peerless sword technique for killing and fighting. But it doesn’t fit with his approach.

Tianbing strategy, he also looked at the previous thirty strategies. Tianbingce is a very complex and exquisite martial art. Each strategy represents a martial art.

Practitioners must first master all thirty-six disciplines and then integrate them to achieve a very high level.

Tianbing strategy talks about change, Xing Tianjian talks about bravery, and Thirteen Taibao Henglian talks about strength. The three cores are different.

To advance to the Martial Saint level, one must be pure mentally and physically. When it comes to the God of War, it is even more necessary to give birth to a god from blood. There can only be one god, not many.

Only by reaching the level of the God of Martial Arts can one be qualified to integrate other martial arts.

Gao Xuan felt that he was just one step away. As long as he figured out how to take this step, he would become a martial god immediately.

When the last drop of blood completed the transformation, Gao Xuan truly entered the level of the Martial Saint.

In this state, all aspects of Gao Xuan's body functions have been substantially improved. The most important thing is that he can now communicate with the stars through his acupuncture points and use the power of the stars, no longer being affected by the physical power.

Even if you are a martial arts master, you must use the power of your own muscles, bones, energy, and blood. No matter how powerful you are, there are limits.

The Wusheng point can echo with the stars and use the infinite power between heaven and earth. The upper limit of this power is too high.

Gao Xuan stood motionless in the air for ten seconds.

At the martial arts master level, he must stir up the energy and blood in his acupoints and maintain a delicate balance with the agitation of the air in order to remain still for an instant. It was precisely because of his superb control of Qi and blood that he defeated Chen Siping.

After becoming a Martial Saint, he could float in the air for an hour or two if he wanted to.

This shows how big the gap is between a martial saint and a martial arts master.

Gao Xuan suddenly had an inspiration when he thought of this, and went to Shanzimen to see their magic gun. After all, the Thirteen Taibao also use guns.

At his current level, he should gain something from seeing the magic gun.

Doing what he thought of, Gao Xuan walked out of Tianbing Mansion and flew all the way to the main hall of Shanzimen in Nancheng: Shenyue Mansion.

The Six Paths and Eight Sects are all sects that have received official awards from the imperial court. Including this Shenyue Mansion, it was all built with money from the imperial court.

Shanzimen is relatively pure. Most people either join the army or open escort agencies and do express delivery. The sect is very powerful, but its work is very low-key.

This is also the reason why Tie Yue, the sect leader of this generation, has a modest personality and does not like to make trouble.

Shanzimen has a good reputation in the world and the court. Many friends. That's why Cheolwon was so enthusiastic about Gao Xuan, who was new to the capital.

There were several young disciples at the entrance of Shenyue Mansion. When they saw Gao Xuan approaching, their eyes tightened. When they saw Gao Xuan clearly, smiles immediately appeared on the faces of this group of people.

Gao Xuan came to Shenyue Mansion twice some time ago. Almost everyone in the Shanzimen knew this martial arts master who was in his early twenties.

It can be said that in the entire Shanzi Sect, except Chen Siping and a few of his disciples, everyone else is very close to Gao Xuan.

Two disciples hurriedly greeted him enthusiastically: "You are here, please go inside and invite me."

Some disciples hurried inside to inform Tie Yuan and Tie Yue. When Gao Xuan entered the courtyard, Tie Yuan had already greeted him.

After several months of training, Cheolwon's injuries have long since healed. He looked very excited when he saw Gao Xuan: "Brother Gao is here, and the flowers are shining, the flowers are shining... Hahaha..."

After Tie Yuan bowed his hands in greeting, he enthusiastically took Gao Xuan's arm and walked side by side: "Brother Gao, what can you teach me here?"

Gao Xuan and Tie Yuan did not beat around the bush. He directly explained his purpose: "I have heard about the three great spears of Shanzimen for a long time, and I would like to see them. Is it convenient?"

"Haha, of course outsiders can't do it. Brother Gao is a good friend, so of course there's no problem."

Tie Yuan readily agreed. The three great guns were famous, but after all, they were weapons, not secrets. Weapons are not afraid of being seen.

Tie Yuan was the true disciple of the head sect and had a very high status. He brought Gao Xuan directly to Zangfeng Hall.

Zangfeng Hall is located at the core, surrounded by disciples of the Shanzi Sect. Zangfeng Hall itself is built of thick basalt stone. According to Tie Yuan, this Zangfeng Hall is extremely strong and even the Martial Saint cannot destroy it directly.

There are no windows in Zangfeng Hall, only a heavy iron door. Fortunately, the interior space is quite spacious, and golden beads are placed, making the enclosed space brightly illuminated.

There are dozens of guns placed here, the most conspicuous of which is a silver spear in the middle.

The whole body of the spear is like mercury, and the silver light flows through it. Although it is placed quietly on the table, it naturally exudes a majestic and majestic atmosphere.

"This is our sect's number one spear, Kunlun."

Tie Yuan introduced: "The Kunlun Spear is a token of the master, and only the master can use it. However, this gun is quite magical, and few masters in the past can control it satisfactorily."

As for the specific magical features, Tie Yuan did not say much. After all, he is the number one sharpshooter in the Shanzi Sect. Not to mention that he doesn't know the details, and even if he does know it, it's hard to talk to outsiders.

Gao Xuan nodded, the Kunlun gun looked magical. However, what caught his attention more was the dark spear beside him.

The spear was placed on a piece of basalt stone, with a deep mark carved on it.

The long spear was so black that even its blade was so black that any gaze that fell on it seemed to be absorbed by the black spear.

When Tie Yuan saw Gao Xuan's interest in spears, he introduced: "The Sumeru Mountain Spear is nine feet, nine inches, and nine centimeters long, and weighs nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine pounds. It is said to be made of meteorite iron. As far as I know , is the most powerful weapon in the world..."

Gao Xuan was also surprised. The weight of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine kilograms is not much worse than the golden cudgel...

With his current ability, he can barely use it. The problem is that this thing is also heavy. Against an enemy of the same level, such a heavy weapon cannot be used much, let alone dodge and move, and even the changes of gun moves cannot be used much.

If you are dealing with low-level enemies, there is no need to use such a heavy weapon.

What was this Sumeru Mountain Spear made for?

Tie Yuan also understood Gao Xuan's confusion. He smiled bitterly and said: "It is said that it was originally created by the God of War. The Xumi Spear is extremely strong and is the center of the Three Thousand Worlds. It has unparalleled divine power..."

Gao Xuan looked at the Xumi Gun in a daze. He had a feeling that this gun was exactly what he needed. This was based on martial arts intuition, and was even echoed by the Six-Winged Cicada.

With his martial arts skills, no one can stop him if he robs him and runs away. I just feel a little sorry for my friend...

Gao Xuan sighed in his heart: Tieyuan is a very good friend, but the Xumi Spear is even more good. This is really embarrassing!

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