King of Assassins

Chapter 379 Apology

Yan Dong and Yan Xing instinctively glanced out the window. The sun was shining brightly, traffic was flowing back and forth on the avenue, and there were many customers surrounding the roadside stalls.

Well, a peaceful and peaceful scene. This day couldn't be more normal. There is neither the end of the world nor any natural disasters or wars.

Now, a security guard came to the door brazenly and without any scruples. What's happening here?

Although Yan Dong and Yan Xing are from mixed society, they are cautious in doing things here. They don't dare go to other people's companies to cause trouble in broad daylight.

"The surprised look on both of you is quite cute."

Gao Xuan is a little funny, these two big brothers in society are not very courageous.

He said: "I just arrived at the door and I heard that two people wanted to cause trouble for my relatives and friends."

Gao Xuan was a little curious: "What do you two brothers plan to do?"

Yan Dong and Yan Xing were embarrassed, surprised, and angry. When facing Gao Xuan, they didn't know how to react.

"With your courage and ability, you really have no choice but to mix in society..."

Gao Xuan found that he looked up to these two guys a bit. In the final analysis, they were just ordinary people. Although they dared to be cruel, that was all.

Compared with those strong men in the galaxy, there is a big gap in terms of mental strength and ability.

Only then did Yan Dong react. He opened his desk drawer and pulled out a gunpowder gun.

This kind of homemade gunpowder gun is filled with steel balls. It is not very lethal, but the sound is loud enough, and the effect of blasting people at close range is very scary.

Gao Xuan walked up to Yan Dong's gun and said disdainfully: "Do you have the guts to shoot, you loser?"

Yan Dong had a somewhat irritable personality, but when he was provoked by Gao Xuan, he became extremely manic and angry. He squinted his eyes slightly and was ready to shoot regardless.

But he and Gao Xuan's eyes met, and he found that Gao Xuan's eyes were deep and cold, without any emotion, but they could penetrate the soul.

Yan Dong couldn't describe Gao Xuan's eyes. All his courage and anger were wiped out in Gao Xuan's eyes, leaving only strong fear out of instinct. He trembled and put down his gun, lowered his head and did not dare to look at Gao Xuan again.

Yan Xing was a little surprised,

With Yan Dong's temper, how could he be so afraid? If he didn't kill the opponent, he would at least break the opponent's legs.

Gao Xuan casually took the gunpowder gun over. He walked up to Yan Xing and handed the gun to Yan Xing: "You seem to be unconvinced. I'll give you the gun. Come on."

Yan Xing originally wanted to take the gun, but Gao Xuan's extremely cold eyes swept him away. For some reason, he was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were split apart, and he hurriedly staggered back.

The information that human eyes can convey is actually very limited. The so-called moving eyes actually need to cooperate with facial muscles to convey complete emotions.

If the face is covered and only a pair of eyes are exposed, the emotions conveyed will be difficult to accurately interpret.

Gao Xuan's powerful mental power cannot be released externally, but he can accurately transmit his emotional power to the outside world.

He conveyed a hint of murderous intent to brothers Yan Dong and Yan Xing through his eyes, which was enough to defeat all the will of the other party.

The murderous intention conveyed by Gao Xuan is just an emotion without any substantial energy, cannot interfere with matter, and cannot affect the human body.

But human emotions are very subtle and easily influenced.

Strong emotions such as love, hate, sadness, and fear can even be fatal.

Yan Dong and Yan Xing are just ordinary people, how can they withstand Gao Xuan's mental pressure.

To the two of them, Gao Xuan was like a prehistoric ferocious beast, cold and cruel, and could tear them both into pieces at any time. The two people's will collapsed on the spot.

They were not frightened enough to pee and poop on the spot, so these two guys were a bit brave.

Gao Xuan sneered, he made a decision when he woke up in the morning. Since he doesn't understand what the Nine Turns Divine Chan wants to do, there's no need for him to pretend to be a grandson.

Although it only has spiritual power, it cannot be directly released, cannot interfere with external matter, and cannot move energy.

But based on this alone, he is the only superman in this ordinary world. There are no special restrictions, so why should he wrong himself.

Therefore, Gao Xuan went directly to Dongxing Company after breakfast.

"You two are just useless and want to cause trouble."

Gao Xuan looked at Yan Dong and Yan Xing calmly, "Are you worthy?"

Yan Dong and Yan Xing were so frightened that they almost peed. They didn't even dare to look at Gao Xuan, they all lowered their heads deeply.

The accountant, who was lying on the ground and screaming, was so frightened that he didn't dare to scream when he saw the two bosses being cowardly.

Gao Xuan held the musket and used both hands to exert force.

The barrels of the homemade musket are a pair of steel pipes with a diameter of two centimeters and are no more than twenty centimeters long. Gao Xuan's body was already extremely powerful, and he used his mental power to accurately mobilize the muscle strength of his whole body, which gave him terrifying explosive power.

With such force, the barrel of the gun was twisted into a twist. The excessively violent bending and twisting completely deformed the barrel. This gun is completely useless.

Gao Xuan threw the useless gunpowder gun directly at Yan Dong's face, breaking the bridge of his nose.

Yan Dong shouted, but he saw the gunpowder gun clearly and was so frightened that he hurriedly shut his mouth.

A strong man can bend the barrel of a gun or twist it into a twist. Not only does this make his arms strong, but the grip strength of his hands is even more terrifying.

Yan Dong wondered if the guy in front of him was a human being?

Yan Xing also saw the gun, and he became even more frightened. This middle-aged man who looks a little fat is really a ferocious beast in human form.

"You two don't want me to see you, and you don't want me to hear from you."

Gao Xuan said sincerely: "I have a piece of advice, you should immediately get as far away as possible."

After saying that, Gao Xuan walked away.

The two brothers Yan Dong and Yan Xing stayed there for a while. Then they raised their heads and found that Gao Xuan was really gone. They both let out a sigh of relief.

Yan Dong and Yan Xingzhuan realized something was wrong again. The accountant lying on the ground was watching them secretly.

The accountant was glanced at by Yan Dong and hurriedly closed his eyes and pretended to be dead. That acting skill can be rated as an S.

Yan Dong and Yan Xing were very angry. Their embarrassing appearance was seen by the accountant, and they wished they could silence them on the spot.

But the accountant is their confidant and is in control of the company's accounts. He is truly one of their own.

Yan Dong became more and more annoyed as he watched, "Stop pretending to be dead, get out of here."

The accountant sat up suddenly and disappeared.

Yan Dong was a little doubtful whether this kid had practiced the legendary Qing Gong.

"Brother, what should I do?" Yan Xing picked up the twisted gunpowder gun with an unusually solemn expression.

He confirmed again that this was the gun commonly used by the two of them, and the other party was not doing magic.

Yan Dong said helplessly: "What do you think we should do?"

Yan Dong felt that he was a ruthless person who was not afraid of anything. After being taught a lesson by Gao Xuan, he realized that he was actually not very courageous.

When he thinks of Gao Xuan now, his heart trembles and his hands tremble.

Yan Xing was also afraid, but he really couldn't bear to part with the property here. The brothers invested millions and finally established a foothold here.

If they left like this, their work this year would have been in vain, and all the money they invested would have been wasted.

I didn't make much money from smuggling and robbery in my early years. After all this trouble, all the family's wealth was ruined.

Yan Xing thought for a long time but couldn't think of any good solution. Their local foundation is too weak. They cannot defeat Gao Xuan with force, and it is even more difficult officially.

The sense of oppression Gao Xuan gave them was too strong, and he couldn't imagine the consequences of angering Gao Xuan.

Even if Gao Xuan didn't dare to kill them, as long as Gao Xuan came over a few times, his company would be broken up.

Those who live in society are beaten instead. They have no shame to live in society, and others will not be afraid of them.

Yan Xing sighed in frustration: "Let's go and stay away from this guy."

Yan Dong nodded vigorously: "Leave immediately."

Mixed society confronts social order and law upwards, and confronts the people at the bottom downwards. Making money is quick, but it is completely wrong.

Therefore, the most important thing for a mixed society is to know how to watch the limelight. Guys who only know how to be stubborn will be dead long ago.

Gao Xuan was an accident, but since he met him, he had no choice but to accept his fate.

Of course it is difficult and painful to make this kind of decision, but the world outside is vast, so why fight to the death with a beast-like person?

The two brothers were really frightened by Gao Xuan, which is also the strength of Gao Xuan's spiritual power.

If it were anyone else, even if they could scare this brother for a while, these two people would not really be convinced. Then I don’t know how long the struggle will last and how many troubles will be caused before it ends.

Gao Xuan slowly went to the boxing gym. Although he was late, no one said anything. Everyone must smile when they see Gao Xuan.

Although Yu Xiaoming was still a little unconvinced, he did not dare to make any noise. Even if Gao Xuan's punch yesterday was a bit lucky, it can still be seen that Gao Xuan is really capable.

Gao Xuan changed into his training clothes and started practicing strength with several boxers.

This surprised the coach who was responsible for physical strength training, "Old Gao, why did you remember to exercise?"

"You girls are so naughty, I can't hold it anymore. Practice."

Gao Xuan replied with a smile, and the coach showed an understanding smile, "It's hard to fight like a wolf or a tiger."

The people around him laughed when they heard it. This kind of dirty talk always resonates with men.

However, no one took it seriously.

No one is stupid. Gao Xuan just had a fight with Yu Xiaoming yesterday and started practicing strength today. There must be a causal relationship between the two.

Boxing gyms are all professional equipment that can be used by many people. If Gao Xuan is willing to practice, no one will stop him.

In this way, Gao Xuan sweated profusely all morning and ate a lot at noon.

During lunch, the old man even came over and said, "I heard that you were very impressive yesterday?"

"Bullying children is nothing to brag about." Gao Xuan said modestly, but the smile on his face was particularly awkward.

The old fat man also laughed: "Yu Xiaoming is very crazy. It would be good if you teach him how to behave."

He changed the topic and said: "However, Yu Xiaoming is the main force in the boxing gym, so don't break him. The general manager will not be able to explain it to him when the time comes."

Gao Xuan glanced at the old fat man: "Don't worry, I'm here to make a living, and I won't make it difficult for you."

The old fat man sighed helplessly: "When you reach middle age, you can't afford to be troubled. Your anger is gone."

The other party suddenly sighed about life, and he was so sophisticated that he could understand what the old fat man meant.

It's because when people reach middle age, they always want stability. Don't want any surprises. Because I really can’t afford it.

Life doesn't need to tell you the truth. As you live for a long time, it will naturally become the shape of life. Without exception.

The old man also thought it was boring to say this, but he had to say it. This is reality, this is life.

After lunch, the physical trainer took the initiative to come over to Gao Xuan and chatted with him about the exercise plan and so on.

This is also a gesture of goodwill, after all, this is what he does. Develop a fitness plan for Gao Xuan at no cost.

Although Gao Xuan did not need this fitness plan, he still expressed his sincere gratitude.

No one in the world knows his body better than him. His powerful mental power can accurately burn fat, stimulate the rapid regeneration of muscle cells, and stimulate the regeneration of bone cells to enhance bone strength...

Powerful mental power that can control the body at the cellular level.

Although Gao Xuan has no other extraordinary powers, he can transform his body through mental power, making all aspects of his body reach the maximum limit of the human body.

During this transformation process, Gao Xuan only needed to eat and drink vigorously to absorb enough nutrients. Then just lie down.

Just to look more reasonable, Gao Xuan still needs to do some training.

In the afternoon, Gao Xuan was training when he received a call from Yao Min, asking him to go to Yunxiang Teahouse immediately.

This is actually a tea shop selling high-end tea, with an antique layout and beautiful tea masters making tea on site. Very popular with rich people who like to show off.

When Gao Xuan arrived, Yao Min was waiting for him at the door. Seeing Gao Xuan coming on a bicycle, Yao Min glared at Gao Xuan and said, "The big boss is waiting for you, and you are still riding your bike slowly."

"It's him who wants to see me, not me who wants to see him. Why should I be in a hurry?"

Yao Min glanced at Gao Xuan: "Do what you can. Be honest when you get in. That is our job."

"I've always had a good attitude."

Yao Min was worried and exchanged a few words with Gao Xuan before leading Gao Xuan into a private room in the tea house.

A beautiful woman in a cheongsam was making tea. The boss was wearing Chinese casual clothes, holding a scent cup in his hand and smelling the aroma with his eyes closed, looking very knowledgeable.

Yao Min did not dare to speak, so he led Gao Xuan to stand aside and wait.

Li Hao put down the scent cup and took another sip of tea before nodding and praising: "The aroma of fruity wood is long and not strong, good tea..."

The beautiful tea master introduced the characteristics of tea again, Balabala said after a while.

Li Hao communicated with the beautiful tea artist for a long time. It was not until the tea was brewed four times that he asked the beautiful tea artist to leave.

Li Hao turned around and looked Gao Xuan up and down: "I know everything you did. You did a good job."

This Li Hao is very elegant, with a well-groomed beard and well-fitting clothes. From his conversation to his demeanor, he has the air of a high-ranking and successful person.

Li Hao praised Gao Xuan, then frowned and said, "However, Dongxing Company has a large number of people and is ruthless in doing things. The Yan brothers who are in charge are very difficult to deal with. If you beat one of their people, you will cause a big disaster." .”

Yao Min said nervously: "Boss, Gao Xuan also wants to protect the bar."

"I know."

Li Hao interrupted Yao Min rudely, and said to Gao Xuan: "I'll talk to Yan Dong. You go over and apologize, and this matter will be over..."

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