King of Assassins

Chapter 349 The Magical Art of Wedding Clothes

Song Muyang spoke very sincerely, and there was a hint of pleading in the discussion. He didn't put on airs just because he was a golden man.

Gao Xuan didn't like his low profile. Lowering his posture was not to please him, but Song Muyang felt he was superior to others, so he lowered his posture and pretended to be an equal.

Deliberately lowering his posture actually showed that Song Muyang was condescending towards Gao Xuan.

Gao Xuan did not respond to Song Muyang. He picked up the wine glass and took a sip of gentian wine.

Song Muyang smiled slightly and said: "Brother, you are extremely talented and you will have many opportunities in the future. Yunxi is about to graduate. If you miss this year, you will have no chance again. This time it is our home court..."

In Song Muyang's view, Gao Xuan still has a long way to go. A genius like him from a low-level background doesn't actually need the title of championship. Golden Bull University is not qualified to be the championship.

If Gao Xuan insists on competing for the championship, he will immediately become the enemy of many wealthy families. No matter how talented he is, it will be difficult for him to leave Taiweixing alive.

Song Muyang didn't say this. He felt that Gao Xuan was a smart man and should understand these principles. He didn't want Gao Xuan to feel like he was threatening anything.

Gao Xuan has an unparalleled handsome appearance, a cool and extraordinary temperament, and his talent in swordsmanship is peerless. He speaks in a funny and humorous manner.

To be honest, Song Muyang really admired Gao Xuan. I am also willing to make friends with Gao Xuan.

If the championship hadn't been so important, he wouldn't have discussed this with Gao Xuan in person.

Song Muyang could also understand Gao Xuan, no one else would be comfortable with this kind of thing. But he believed that Gao Xuan was a smart man who could understand his good intentions and would accept his good intentions.

"I know that my brother is a rich man with a net worth of hundreds of billions, and he also holds the rank of major general. He needs money and status. Now he needs a name that is resounding throughout the alliance..."

Song Muyang sighed and said: "It's just that the situation of the championship is very complicated. Brother, if you win the championship, it will do more harm than good."

He paused for a moment and then said proudly: "Brother, just say whatever you want. Gold-level secret method? Gold-level rare item? As long as it is within the scope of my ability, I will never bargain."

Gao Xuan also smiled: "Brother Song is so generous."

Song Muyang looked at Gao Xuan and said seriously: "Brother, I'm not being polite, let alone joking."

Gao Xuan nodded: "I understand.


He stopped his smile and said seriously: "Brother Song is so honest, so I'll just tell you the truth. I am bound to win the championship."

Song Muyang was a little surprised. Gao Xuan refused his proposal? Does Gao Xuan not understand what rejection means?

Song Muyang was not in a hurry to get angry. He smiled bitterly and said, "Brother, your answer is too embarrassing for me."

He thought for a moment and said: "Can I ask, is there any reason why you insist on winning the championship?"

"Follow the dream."

Gao Xuan's reasons for winning the championship are very complicated, and he will not explain them to anyone.

To sum up, it can be said that it is all about dreams. It’s not like he lied to Song Muyang.

Song Muyang looked at Gao Xuan's face with his eyes closed. Gao Xuan's expression was as calm as water, neither excited nor angry.

This kind of calmness and naturalness is like everyone discussing where to go for a late-night snack. It is insignificant and not worth mentioning.

Song Muyang somewhat admired Gao Xuan's city. A nineteen-year-old boy's heart was as deep as the ocean. No wonder he has such amazing cultivation.

However, Gao Xuan was too confident. He may not yet understand how powerful the Golden Bloodline Family is.

"Brother, you have a bright future. You will have no problem winning the championship next time."

Song Muyang wanted to persuade him again, but was interrupted by Gao Xuan: "Brother Song, I have made it clear. It would be too tacky to say it any more. Why is it necessary?"

Song Muyang was stunned before he couldn't help but laugh: "Okay, I'm just tacky. I'm fine with the wine."

He actually picked up the wine glass and drank three glasses in a row as punishment.

Gao Xuan also picked up the wine glass: "Brother Song, we hit it off right away and had a great conversation. I'll drink with you."

Song Muyang clinked glasses with Gao Xuan: "Brother is so free and easy, I am far behind. I admire you."

The two of them frequently raised their glasses, which also attracted the attention of Liu Po ​​and others.

People like Liu Po ​​are extremely smart people. Although I don't know what the two of them are talking about, judging from their state, they are obviously talking about business. Moreover, there was no agreement.

Neither Gao Xuan nor Song Muyang showed any special emotions, but their subtle reactions could not be hidden from others.

Liu Po ​​pretended to glance at Song Yunxi casually. If he guessed correctly, the two sides should be talking about the championship.

Of course, it is also possible that he wanted to recruit Gao Xuan to join the Song family.

Gao Xuan defeated Yuan Wuwu with one sword, and all the major golden bloodline families had a strong interest in Gao Xuan. Having such a genius in your own family will definitely optimize the genes of the next generation.

Liu Po ​​even received a message from home, asking him to observe Gao Xuan carefully.

If you have the chance, you can take Gao Xuan home.

The Liu family is so big that they can always find a woman of the right age to match Gao Xuan.

Liu Po ​​felt that he was thinking too much about his family. After a few words with Gao Xuan, he knew one thing. Gao Xuan looked cheerful and friendly, but deep down he was unruly and flamboyant.

A genius with such a personality is not easy to deal with.

Song Yunxi also found that the situation was not good, and she was a little worried about Song Muyang who was looking at her. She longs to win the championship, but doesn't want to conflict with Gao Xuan.

She didn't mean that she fell in love with Gao Xuan, it was just that Gao Xuan was so handsome and she really admired him and liked him.

Gao Xuan was not in the mood to stay any longer at this moment. He stood up and said to everyone: "Sorry, I have to leave beforehand. Everyone, let's get together next time when you have time."

He nodded slightly to everyone, turned around and left.

Seeing Gao Xuan's leaving figure, Song Muyang's eyes gradually became cold.

Everyone else also felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere. Liu Po ​​laughed dryly: "The gentian wine is a bit too strong. I'll make a fool of myself if I stay any longer. Brother Song, I'll take the first step..."

Song Muyang said angrily: "You can go first, remember to pay the bill."

Liu Po ​​waved his hand hurriedly: "We all agreed that I would be the host, but I'm not the kind of person who avoids paying bills."

The two chatted and laughed, and the atmosphere was at least not so dull and depressing.

When Song Fei and Qin Rong saw something was wrong, they also left. Zhou He also left with Liu Po.

In the end, only Song Yunxi and Song Muyang remained.

When Song Yunxi saw that the outsiders had left, she came and sat down opposite Song Muyang: "Brother, has the negotiation collapsed?"

"He disagreed."

Song Muyang was a little depressed. He picked up the wine bottle and took a big sip at Gudong Gudong before spitting out the alcohol with satisfaction.

Song Yunxi was puzzled: "I think Gao Xuan is a very smart person..."

"who knows."

Song Muyang shook his head. He didn't know what Gao Xuan was thinking. Gao Xuan just wants to win the championship, and it doesn't make much sense to discuss what he thinks.

Song Yunxi also sighed: "Then what should we do?"

"What do you want to do?" Song Muyang asked.


Song Yunxi was a little surprised. She really hadn't thought about this problem.

She hesitated and said, "Gao Xuan will not meet me until the second half of the finals. He will meet Liu Po ​​and Qin Jian. These two families are not easy to mess with."

Song Muyang asked again: "Let's say you meet Gao Xuan in the second half of the finals, what are you going to do?"

Song Yunxi was in a dilemma. She did not lack decisiveness, but she just couldn't bear to deal with Gao Xuan. Song Muyang's questioning put her under a lot of pressure.

After all, the family is here to help her win the championship.

She hesitated and said, "I don't know what to do either."

Song Yunxi asked Song Muyang: "What do you want to do, brother?"

Song Muyang sighed: "The easiest way is to kill Gao Xuan directly and let him know that the golden blood family cannot be insulted lightly.

"But I don't want to do that."

Song Muyang really admired Gao Xuan. Although the championship was a huge honor, he was a little reluctant to win it with this method.

The key is that he doesn't think it's worth it and there's no need to do anything too extreme.

The problem is that my family doesn't think so. This made Song Muyang a little embarrassed.

He thought for a moment and said, "Let's talk about it then..."

At the same time, Liu Po ​​was also discussing Gao Xuan with the family elder Liu Zhong.

"Elder, what should I do about Gao Xuan?"

Liu Po ​​also looked embarrassed. He was sure that he was definitely not Gao Xuan's opponent. When he got on the field, he didn't leave anything to chance.

He was also in the same group as Gao Xuan, and the first game was between Chang'an University and Jinniu University.

Because Taurus University ranked lowest, it entered the finals as a substitute. So he was ranked last.

Now it seems that the group draw is a big pitfall.

Liu Zhong shook his head: "You have no chance this year. Just accept your fate."

Liu Po ​​rolled his eyes and said, "Elder, if you hurt Gao Xuan, I won't be able to win."

"As bad as I am, you can't pass Qin Jian's test. Why bother."

Liu Zhong is not afraid of being a bad person, but it is just not worth it. He said: "The Song family also pointed at Gao Xuan to remove obstacles for them, and would not let others touch Gao Xuan."

Liu Po ​​shook his head and said, "That's hard to say. I think Gao Xuan and Song Muyang broke down today."

He said with curiosity on his face: "This kid is so brave, he doesn't even care about the Song family. Is he really not afraid of death, or does he have some confidence?"

"It is said that he is the son-in-law of Hercules."

Liu Zhong also shook his head, he was not sure about the news. Because Hercules' cultivation is not enough, he has almost no influence in the central star field. If he were not a descendant of the golden bloodline, no one would care about Hercules at all.

"What use can that piece of trash Hercules do?"

Liu Po ​​cursed disdainfully, "It's just humiliating the golden descendant."

He turned to Liu Zhong with a grimace and said: "Elder, I don't want to lose so miserably. It would be too humiliating. Please help me..."

"How about this."

Liu Zhong thought for a moment and said: "This finals is very confusing, let's not move around. Let's do this. I know a magical wedding skill that can transfer part of my power to you. But it can only be used once. You are lucky, Maybe we can even beat Gao Xuan..."

Liu Po ​​was overjoyed: "That's great. Don't worry, elder. In terms of looks, I can't compare to that kid. My swordsmanship and martial arts are not much worse than his."

He said with confidence: "With your magical wedding dress skills, I will win!"

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