King of Assassins

Chapter 127 Inducer

Xu Lingyun yelled with all his strength, and everyone in Class 1 could hear him clearly.

Most people didn't know what happened, Xu Lingyun's voice made them very confused.

Especially Wan Tao who was leading the team, he hurried over and saw Xu Lingyun kneeling in front of Gao Xuan, his knees were not in the soil, his face was covered with soil and blood, it was very scary to look at.

If it were someone else, Wan Tao would definitely reprimand him loudly and ask about the situation.

But Gao Xuan was there, Wan Tao hesitated, turned around and left. Since Gao Xuan had the upper hand, let Gao Xuan handle this matter.

As a teacher, it's not good for him to favor Gao Xuan too much. Can only pretend not to see.

The other two tutors also approached, and Wan Tao winked at the two tutors.

The two teachers also understood, and they both turned and left tacitly.

Wang Changen had already explained that they must take good care of Gao Xuan. Gao Xuan has to meet any request.

Gao Xuan's background is so deep, who would go up and ask for trouble.

The teachers didn't say a word, and the students didn't say a word.

First of all, Xu Lingyun is rather arrogant, his style of doing things is rude and barbaric, and his popularity is extremely poor.

Gao Xuan, on the contrary, is handsome, skilled in swordsmanship, and humorous. Very charming.

If Gao Xuan suffered a disadvantage, of course the students would help. Xu Lingyun was at a disadvantage, and everyone was happy to see his jokes.

However, Xu Lingyun must have been scared out of his wits, his godfather even called out!

The boys gloated, and the girls gathered together to whisper and snicker.

Xu Lingyun no longer cared about what other people thought, he was really terrified.

Just now he could clearly feel Gao Xuan's ruthless killing intent, as long as he hesitated for a moment, his whole body would be crushed into a pulp by Gao Xuan like a bug.

Under Gao Xuan's hands, the mighty Tiger Roaring Iron Shirt was no different from Ooze.

Xu Lingyun grew up in the mountains, and he was wild and untamed in his bones. Because of this, he is even more in awe of the mighty power.

When encountering a strong man who cannot resist, Xu Lingyun is more likely to bow his head.

In the face of survival, face, money, beauty, etc. all have to step aside.

It was precisely because of Xu Lingyun's wildness that he did not hesitate to attack suddenly, and he would simply admit defeat without any hesitation and yell godfather.

In fact, Gao Xuan would not kill Xu Lingyun, but just to scare him.

Xu Lingyun's reaction also surprised him a little.

But that's okay too. In the face of death threats, any kind of reaction is not surprising.

Gao Xuan let go of Xu Lingyun: "Just kidding, you don't have to take it seriously."

Xu Lingyun's whole body lightened up, and he also regained control over his body, and he also breathed a sigh of relief.

He stood up from the dirt, patted the dirt on his body, and said to Gao Xuan, "I am willing to admit defeat. I, Xu Lingyun, keep my word. From now on, you will be my godfather!"

Seeing Xu Lingyun's serious expression, Gao Xuan seemed unable to refuse. Of course, he didn't want to refuse. This kid provoked him again and again, and he would go to heaven if he didn't teach him a lesson.

"Fine, whatever you like. However, I won't give out red envelopes..."

Xu Lingyun smiled stupidly, "Godfather is invincible, I am convinced."

He can't be said to be cunning, but he is really smart. If you can't beat Gao Xuan, join Gao Xuan's side. This is also his survival wisdom.

Now that you've reached this point, then recognize a godfather. Lost all face, but hugged Gao Xuan's thigh tightly.

For a guy as powerful as Gao Xuan, it doesn't hurt him to call him godfather.

Xu Lingyun comforted himself in his heart, it was just a matter of title anyway, it didn't have much influence.

Who dares to look down on him, he will clean up the other party and teach the other party to be a man. He has an extra godfather, but it doesn't prevent him from being someone else's godfather.

In order to be more active, Xu Lingyun leaned over to Qingyu Asuka and said enthusiastically, "Godmother, I'll help you carry the bag."

Qingyu Asuka was startled, then Xiaoyuan's face turned red with embarrassment, she took two steps back and waved her hands to defend: "Don't bark, I'm not, I'm not..."

Xu Lingyun said indifferently: "Not now, but in the future.


He thought for a while and said, "Aunt Qingyu, I'll help you carry the bag. That's fine."

"No, no, I can do it myself."

Qingyu Asuka took two steps back in a panic, and bowed deeply to Xu Lingyun uneasily.

Xu Lingyun just wanted to flatter him, and the other party reacted so strongly that he felt a little bored.

"Auntie, call me if you have anything to do." He dropped the sentence, scratched his head in embarrassment and left.

The students around thought it was very funny, but the smiles on their faces were revealed, and Xu Lingyun's fierce eyes had already swept over.

Even the girls didn't dare to face Xu Lingyun who was full of fierce eyes. Boys don't even have that courage.

Although Xu Lingyun was abused terribly by Gao Xuan and Yun Qingshang. But he was very active these two days, challenging several well-known masters in the school, and all of them won with a sweeping gesture.

Everyone knows that Xu Lingyun is actually very strong. And this person is rude and violent. If you offend him, there will be no good fruit to eat.

Although everyone looked down on Xu Lingyun in their hearts, no one dared to show it. No one dared to say anything in front of him.

The small episode did not affect the team's itinerary.

In the evening, Wan Tao took people to find a suitable camping place.

Mingjing University organizes freshmen to travel every year, with fixed routes and fixed campsites.

In fact, it is quite touristy, and has lost the role of testing new students.

There has been peace for more than a hundred years, and the old people who have experienced wars have all been buried. The new generation has never experienced brutal wars. Even with complete video data of the war era, people have lost their sense of crisis.

The rich and powerful are busy fighting among themselves and monopolizing resources. In their view, human beings are already the overlords of the galaxy.

All kinds of alien races can only hide in the corners that humans can't reach, and there is no danger.

The younger generation of students has even less sense of crisis.

Only Yun Qingshang and Xu Lingyun, who were born in special circumstances, have a strong sense of crisis.

Smart as a bird with green feathers, he is not vigilant in this regard.

Before Gao Xuan came, he felt that this trip would be dangerous, but he was not sure where the danger came from.

The danger was not aimed at him, nor was it a great threat to him. In this case, it is difficult to determine the source of danger.

Gao Xuan didn't pay too much attention to it, he could handle it if it was really dangerous, so there was no need to be too nervous.

It's just that when camping, let Yun Qingshang follow Qingyu Asuka, and the tents of the three camping are all next to each other.

Xu Lingyun was thick-skinned enough, so he forced himself close to Gao Xuan.

The team is so big, Xu Lingyun has nowhere to run. It's better to simply mingle with Gao Xuan. Once everyone gets to know each other well, it won't be so embarrassing.

Xu Lingyun's survival wisdom of being a gangster at the bottom made him value face the most, and he can completely let go of it. This is completely different from ordinary students.

Gao Xuan felt that Xu Lingyun was a smart person, so there was nothing good or bad about him. In his view, as long as he can admit his human identity, not collude with foreign evil gods to cause trouble, and abide by the basic human bottom line, then he can make friends.

It is still very important for mankind to unite all forces that can be united.

Xu Lingyun grew up in the mountains and has rich experience in mountain life. He also went out to hunt a few hares and caught a few fat fish in the nearby river.

Set up a simple grill, grill these foods, and serve them with their own seasonings. The taste is really good. Full of wildness.

Even Qingyu Asuka ate quite happily, her little mouth was greasy.

Xu Lingyun can also be a man, and gave Wan Tao and other three teachers a roast rabbit alone.

The three teachers couldn't be bribed so easily, but they were very satisfied with Xu Lingyun's respectful attitude.

Xu Lingyun was very conscious again, and took the initiative to help Gao Xuan assume the duty of monitor.

He is capable and, despite his gruff temper, is willing to help.

At the end of the day, Xu Lingyun's popularity in the class actually rose sharply. As for the fact that he became Gao Xuan's son, it had no real impact on him.

Of course, all kinds of discussions were unavoidable in private. Especially the boys, they all think that Xu Lingyun is too pretentious to pretend to be a tiger.

"Xu Lingyun is really thick-skinned. He yelled at each godfather, and I was embarrassed to hear it."

"The kid who came out of the mountains has no sense of propriety, justice, and shame."

"Gao Xuan, hehe, his face is big enough."

Before the man finished speaking, he was reprimanded by the female classmate: "Don't speak ill of the monitor!"

The man's face was a little ugly, and the atmosphere was suddenly a little awkward.

Another person hurriedly smoothed things over, "I took an ancestral treasure from home, it was brought back by my grandfather from the battlefield."

As he spoke, he took out a very old alarm clock from his backpack. It looked like it was made of copper, and it was about the size of a palm.

Everyone has never seen this thing before, and they are all curious.

"What is this?" A very beautiful girl asked.

"It's a high-frequency inducer, which can emit ultra-high-frequency radio waves. Zerg is most sensitive to radio waves of this channel."

The man proudly introduced: "When we fought against the Zerg before, we used this thing as bait."

"Will that attract Zerg?" the pretty girl asked worriedly.

Although the Zergs were almost wiped out, but the planet is so big, there are always some bugs that slip through the net.

If it really attracts the Zerg, it will be dangerous.

Although the new generation has never seen the real Zerg, they have always seen various promotional videos. Especially in literary and artistic works, Zerg are eternal villains.

The concept that the Zerg is terrible has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Don't be afraid, there are so many of us, if there are Zergs coming, they will also deliver food..."

That person didn't take it seriously, and the others also said: "Yes, what are you afraid of. Don't we still have the invincible squad leader Gao, and the great master Xu Lingyun."

The man spoke with sarcasm, which caused the others to burst into laughter. The girls snorted a few times, but did not refute.

The high-frequency inducer was turned on for a long time, but there was no response. If everyone finds it boring, they stop paying attention.

When everyone said they were sleepy, they went back to their tents to rest.

Under the light of a waning moon, the high-frequency radio waves of the brass shell next to the camp fire penetrated the air, the rocks, and the earth, and continuously transmitted high-frequency radio waves...

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