King of Assassins

Testimonials on the shelves, if you have time, take a look~

It's about to be put on the shelves again, and as usual, a single chapter will be released.

First of all, I would like to thank the starting point, Taishan and Shengxia. Thanks for their great support.

Of course, the most important thing is to thank all readers. The best thing about online writing is that there is no distance between the author and the reader. Readers can give feedback as quickly as possible, and authors can get support and opinions from readers. This interactivity is very, very important,

I have also written web articles for more than ten years. The most important thing for me to continue to create is the support of readers.

When a new book hits the shelves, for the author, it is like a student taking the college entrance examination.

Subscribing can give the author the most authentic and objective evaluation. Just like the score of the college entrance examination, no matter how many reasons you have, it is good if you do well in the exam. A bad test is bad.

The rule is fair. Even if it is an old author, it is unavoidable to feel uneasy before it is put on the shelves.

So, if you like this book, please subscribe to support it. Take a bow and thank you.

Because of the education I received since I was a child, I am actually ashamed to ask for help. To put it simply, I am a bit hypocritical.

When I started writing the book, I didn't care much about the leader. I also don't like asking for votes.

At that time, I always felt that I was an author, and trying to write a good book was the greatest feedback to readers. Readers like the book, like the story, have fun in the text, and gain resonance, so they will naturally vote and naturally have all kinds of support.

Now, I still feel that works are the foundation of everything.

However, my thinking has changed a bit.

There is no love without a reason in the world. Even your parents and relatives don't take your kindness for granted. Let alone readers who have never met before.

Readers' votes, favorites, comments, rewards, and subscriptions are all support and affirmation for the author. Even politely, the author should respond.

The more readers support, the more motivated the writer will be. This is a benign interaction.

My plan is like this, three changes are guaranteed on the day it is put on the shelves, and there will be double changes every day after that. One thousand more for the first order, plus one more. One change is added for every five hundred monthly tickets. The leader adds one update, and the alliance leader doubles. If you really want Juhao to give it to the Silver League, you can add ten more. The Golden Alliance... Uh, I don't fantasize about it. After all, the renminbi still has purchasing power.

There is also the problem of high school students. Some readers always think that I am pretending to be tender~ In fact, I am not~

A man is a teenager until he dies!

Junior high school is the second year of junior high school, which is ignorant and ignorant. High school students seem to know a little bit about everything, but they still retain simplicity and beauty. As long as we still have this simple beauty, we can always be high school students.

Finally, I wish all readers peace and happiness. High school students bow and thank you, thank you~

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