The laboratory is located deep underground, like a corner forgotten by the world. The surrounding walls are made of cold steel, and have become slightly mottled after years of baptism. Each steel plate seems to be engraved with a silent history. They silently guard this secret place and bear witness to countless experiments and explorations.

At the entrance, a thick iron door is tightly closed. The door is covered with complex locks and password devices. This is the only way into the laboratory and the last line of defense against outside intrusions. On both sides of the iron door, dim lights cast mottled shadows through the narrow gaps, adding a touch of mystery and gloom to the space.

Entering the laboratory, a damp and cold breath hit my face. The air is filled with the smell of various chemical reagents, some pungent and some disgusting. These scents mingle together to create a unique, unforgettable scent.

In the laboratory, there are various instruments and equipment. Some are tall and bulky, standing like ancient monsters; others are small and delicate, shining with a cold metallic luster. These instruments are covered with dense buttons and displays, recording the data and results of each test.

In the center of the laboratory is a huge experimental table. The countertop is made of solid glass, transparent and smooth, reflecting the cool light. Samples of various radioactive organisms are placed on the experimental table. They are sealed in transparent containers and lie there quietly, as if they are life forms frozen in time.

The surrounding walls are covered with various charts and photos. These charts record important data such as the growth curve and change patterns of radiation organisms; the photos show the forms and characteristics of radiation organisms in different environments and conditions. This information is an important basis for researchers to understand and study radiation organisms.

In the corner of the laboratory, there are some simple rest facilities. A few shabby sofas and tables were thrown together to form a makeshift seating area. Although this is a simple place, it is a place where researchers can take a short break and communicate.

"Look at these cells. Their shape and arrangement are completely different from anything we've seen before," Walter said, pointing to the image on the screen.

"The organizational structure of these creatures is really complex." Walter murmured to himself, his brows furrowed as if he was thinking about something.

Walter picked up the slide and placed it on the microscope stage. He adjusted the focus of the microscope until a clear image appeared on the screen.

Bai Ye moved closer, his eyes fixed on the microscope screen. What is displayed on the screen is an intricate cell and tissue structure, which is like a delicate picture, showing the life mysteries of radiation organisms.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, only the movements in Walter's hands and the images under the microscope were constantly changing. They seemed to be in a forgotten corner, isolated from the world, with only each other and the corpses of these radioactive creatures for company.

Walter shook his head: "It's not clear yet. But what we are sure of is that the changes in these cells are related to the absorption and utilization of radiation energy."

Time seems to have lost its meaning, only the images under the microscope and the sound of their breathing echoing in the laboratory. They seem to have forgotten the existence of the outside world, and only this microscopic world is their true destination.

Suddenly, Walter stopped what he was doing, his eyes fixed on a certain area on the screen. Bai Ye also noticed this change immediately, and he moved closer to see more clearly.

Walter shook his head: "It's not clear yet. But what I am sure of is that the physiological structure and functions of these radiation creatures are very different from ordinary creatures. They seem to be able to adapt to and absorb radiation energy and convert it into themselves vitality.”

Bai Ye nodded and said nothing. He knows that every tiny discovery may be the key to breaking through their predicament. He observed quietly, not daring to be distracted in the slightest.

Bai Ye nodded, and he felt an inexplicable excitement surge into his heart. They may have found clues to the mystery, but they also know that the road ahead is still full of unknowns and dangers.

They continued to observe the images under the microscope, recording every subtle change. There was no expression on their faces, but their hearts were full of desire and curiosity about the unknown world.

"Look here," Walter said, pointing to a tiny area on the screen. "These cells seem to be undergoing some kind of change."

"What does this mean?" Bai Ye asked.

Bai Ye didn't speak, he just stood quietly, feeling this mysterious world with his eyes and heart. He knew that they were approaching the edge of the truth, but at the same time they were facing greater unknowns and dangers.

Bai Ye carefully observed that area, and he found that those cells were indeed constantly changing their shape and arrangement, as if they were performing some kind of complex dance.

Bai Ye frowned: "What does this mean?"

The night is getting darker, and the lights in the laboratory are still on. Bai Ye and Walter seem to have become the guardians of this microscopic world. They use their own eyes and hearts to explore the mysteries of this world.

The lights in the laboratory were dim and steady, as if time had slowed down here. Bai Ye stood aside, staring closely at the movements in Walter's hands. Walter, this normally calm researcher, had a face full of concentration and seriousness at this moment. His hands were wearing transparent gloves and he was carefully slicing the corpse of a radioactive creature.

The blade in Walter's hand looked particularly sharp under the microscope. He gently cut the tissue of the radioactive creature, and every movement seemed so cautious and precise. As the blade moves, a thin piece of tissue is cut off and gently placed on the glass slide.

Bai Ye took a deep breath and felt a chill rising from the bottom of his heart. The abilities of these radioactive creatures are beyond their imagination, and their existence is like an unsolvable mystery.

Walter continued to observe the images under the microscope, his fingers tapping lightly on the keyboard, recording every tiny discovery. There was no expression on his face, as if he had been immersed in this microscopic world.

In this silent and mysterious night, Bai Ye and Walter continued their journey of exploration. They know that they still have a long way to go, but they also believe that as long as they persist, they will be able to uncover the mystery and find the truth.

At this moment, they were just standing quietly in front of the microscope, using their eyes and hearts to feel the wonder and mystery of this microscopic world. Their breathing echoed in the laboratory, as if it had become the most beautiful melody of the night.

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