After some observation and analysis, Bai Ye found that these radioactive creatures seemed to be very sensitive to a certain kind of energy. When they used a special weapon to attack, these radioactive creatures would show abnormal reactions. This discovery made Bai Ye very excited, and he immediately ordered the scientific researchers in the laboratory to develop more effective weapons to deal with these radioactive creatures.

With the use of new weapons, the situation of the battle began to gradually reverse. With these weapons, the soldiers successfully eliminated a large number of radioactive creatures and effectively prevented their attack. Bai Ye and Walter stood at the monitoring station, watching the battle on the screen, and their hearts were full of relief and pride.

However, they also knew that the battle was far from over. Although the number of radioactive creatures has decreased, they are still emerging. They must find a way to completely eliminate these creatures as soon as possible, otherwise the safety of the city will still be threatened.

Bai Ye and Walter urgently convened the scientific researchers in the laboratory for an emergency meeting. After discussion and analysis, they finally put forward a bold idea: using a special energy field to guide the radioactive energy in the radioactive organisms to eliminate them.

Although this idea is bold, it is also the only feasible solution at present. Bai Ye and Walter immediately organized scientific researchers to conduct experiments and research, hoping to develop this special energy field as soon as possible.

After fighting and researching all night, the researchers finally developed this special energy field. They used the equipment in the laboratory to build a huge energy field generator on the wasteland. When this generator is started, it will release a special energy field to guide the radiation energy in the body of the radiation organisms, thereby destroying them.

Walter nodded, knowing that this battle was more difficult than before. He held the laser sword tightly and waved it continuously, knocking down the radiation organisms that rushed to the front one by one. However, more radiation organisms surged up from behind, as if endless.

Bai Ye did not speak, and his eyes flashed with a firm light. He knew that this battle was far from over. He quickly adjusted his tactics and ordered the soldiers to prepare for the battle.

This tactic achieved remarkable results. The soldiers used the terrain and obstacles for cover and counterattack, successfully resisting the attack of the radiation organisms. And the team that destroyed the command system also successfully destroyed the connection between the radiation organisms, making their attacks chaotic.

Bai Ye nodded, knowing that Walter was right. They must find the source of the radioactive creatures as soon as possible to completely eliminate this threat. He quickly ordered the scientific researchers in the laboratory to analyze and study, hoping to find the source and weakness of the radioactive creatures.

Soon after, the radioactive creatures appeared again. They surged like a tide and headed towards the city. However, when they approached the energy field generator, they suddenly let out a shrill scream. Their bodies began to tremble and twist constantly, as if they were suffering great pain.

The cheers were still echoing in my ears, but suddenly, more blue lights emerged on the distant horizon. That was - more radioactive creatures! They swept in like a frenzy, breaking the joy of victory.

"Everyone, get ready to fight!" Bai Ye's voice echoed in the wasteland, and his voice was full of firmness and conviction. The soldiers immediately took action, they quickly adjusted their formation, raised their weapons, and prepared to meet new challenges.

Bai Ye's heart moved, and he immediately ordered the soldiers to suspend the attack and carefully observe the behavior of these radioactive creatures. After some observation and analysis, he found that there seemed to be a special connection between these radiation creatures. They transmitted information and instructions in some way, thus achieving more efficient attack and defense.

With the continuous effect of the energy field, the number of radiation creatures began to decrease rapidly. Their bodies kept shaking and twisting, and finally turned into pools of black liquid. Bai Ye and Walter looked at this scene, and their hearts were full of shock and emotion. They knew that the battle was finally over.

"Be careful, they seem to have become more ferocious!" Bai Ye reminded loudly. He observed that these newly emerged radiation creatures were different from the previous ones. They emitted stronger light and attacked more fiercely and cunningly.

"No, they are coming again!" Walter's voice was a little nervous. He quickly rushed to Bai Ye, his eyes fixed on the approaching blue light.

Bai Ye quickly formulated a new tactic. He ordered the soldiers to disperse and use terrain and obstacles for cover and counterattack. At the same time, he also specially arranged a team to destroy the command system of the radiation creatures, hoping to disrupt their attack rhythm.

Bai Ye and Walter knew that this was the energy field starting to work. They watched the development of the battle nervously, their hearts full of expectations and hope.

"This time, we have to teach them a lesson!" Walter said loudly, his eyes flashing with anger. The laser sword in his hand flashed dazzlingly under the light, as if it could cut off all obstacles.

The soldiers responded to Walter's call, waving their weapons and rushing towards the approaching radiation creatures. Their figures moved quickly in the moonlight, and they launched a fierce confrontation with the radiation creatures.

At this moment, a soldier suddenly shouted: "Mr. Bai Ye, we have discovered a strange phenomenon! These newly emerged radiation creatures seem to be under some kind of command, and their attacks have become more orderly and coordinated!"

When the last radioactive creature fell, the entire wasteland erupted in cheers. The soldiers hugged each other tightly and celebrated this unprecedented victory. Bai Ye and Walter also looked at each other and smiled.

The battle broke out again, and fierce firefights resounded in the wasteland again. The soldiers' weapons continuously ejected energy beams and lasers, knocking the radioactive creatures to the ground. However, the number of radioactive creatures seems endless, and they are constantly coming from all directions, trying to break through the soldiers' defense lines.

Bai Ye and Walter personally led the soldiers to the energy field generator, preparing for the final decisive battle. They arranged their formation nervously and orderly, waiting for the arrival of the radiation creatures.

"We can't let them come endlessly!" Walter shouted. "We must find their source as soon as possible in order to completely eliminate them!"

The battle once again entered a stalemate, with both sides constantly testing and exploring each other's weaknesses. However, Bai Ye and Walter knew that this battle was no longer a simple confrontation, but a contest of wisdom and courage.

After some hard work and research, scientific researchers finally discovered an important clue: these radioactive creatures seemed to have leaked from an abandoned nuclear power plant.

This nuclear power plant was once one of the largest sources of pollution in this wasteland, and now it has become a nest of radioactive creatures.

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