Bai Ye looked at the clerk's back as he left, with a lot of thoughts in his mind. Various situations in the city make him feel a little worried, especially the recent security problems and employment difficulties.

Suddenly, he remembered a person, a person who could help him solve these problems-Walter.

Arriving at the door of Walter's laboratory, Bai Ye knocked lightly on the door, then opened the door and walked in. Walter was busy in front of a complex instrument. When he saw Bai Ye coming in, he stopped what he was doing and greeted with a smile: "Bai Ye, what can I do?"

Bai Ye nodded slightly and said in a serious tone: "Walter, we need to talk about the city's defense facilities. There have been some security incidents in the city recently, and we must take measures to strengthen defense and ensure the safety of citizens."

Walter nodded, expressed understanding, and then said: "I understand, Bai Ye. The city's security issues are something we must pay attention to and solve. I have conducted a preliminary analysis of the city's defense facilities and have some improvement suggestions. I wonder if you are willing to Listen?"

Bai Ye nodded and motioned for Walter to continue. Walter took out a document and began to introduce his improvement suggestions in detail: "First of all, we can consider increasing the city's monitoring system to improve the monitoring coverage and the accuracy of monitoring equipment. In this way, security incidents can be discovered and prevented in time, To ensure the safety of citizens.”

Hearing this suggestion, Bai Ye nodded and agreed: "This is a good suggestion. Strengthening the monitoring system can improve the safety level of the city and reduce the incidence of security incidents. We can implement this plan as soon as possible."

During their discussions, some new ideas and plans gradually emerged. The collision of their minds inspired unlimited creativity and potential, pointing out a clear path for the future development of the city.

Staff members passing by saw them discussing seriously and greeted them one after another. Bai Ye and Walter also responded politely and motioned for them to move on.

Then, Walter continued: "Finally, we can also consider strengthening the city's emergency response system and establishing a sound disaster response mechanism. Through plan drills and emergency rescue drills, we can improve emergency response capabilities and protect the safety of citizens' lives and property."

The two continued walking along the corridor, gradually approaching the direction of the laboratory. Their discussions are still continuing, and their ideas are constantly colliding, opening up a new world for the development of the city.

Walter nodded in agreement: "Yes, their dedication and hard work are irreplaceable. We should make every effort to provide them with a better working environment and development opportunities so that they can better utilize their talents."

Bai Ye heard this suggestion, thought for a moment, and then said: "This suggestion is also very important. Disasters and accidents happen from time to time, and we must be fully prepared to ensure the safety and well-being of citizens. I will urge the relevant departments to formulate a plan as soon as possible Emergency response plan and organize drills.”

The two continued to communicate and discussed various aspects of urban development. Their discussion centered on how to improve the safety and stability of the city, striving to find the optimal solution.

Bai Ye heard this suggestion, thought for a moment, and then said: "This suggestion is also very good. Traffic problems have always been a problem that plagues the city, and we must take measures to solve it. I will arrange for relevant departments to study and implement this plan as soon as possible."

Along the way, they saw many workers busy doing various tasks. Some conduct experimental research in the laboratory, some conduct production and processing on the production line, and some process documents in the office. Everyone is contributing to the development and progress of the city.

Staff members passing by saw them and greeted them with greetings. Bai Ye and Walter also responded politely and motioned for them to move on.

Walter nodded and agreed: "Yes, infrastructure construction is crucial to the stability and security of the city. We can work out a complete construction plan and start implementing it as soon as possible."

Seeing Bai Ye's recognition, Walter felt a little relieved. He knew that the suggestions he made were recognized by Bai Ye, which meant that his work was affirmed and encouraged.

"Mr. Baiye, let's go back to the laboratory and continue our discussion." Walter said.

At the door of the laboratory, the two people stopped, their eyes revealing a hint of anticipation and excitement. They know that here, they will be able to use their talents and contribute to the development of the city.

Bai Ye and Walter walked towards the laboratory while chatting, and other staff members kept passing by on the road. While chatting, they noticed changes in the environment around them and occasionally greeted people passing by.

As time went by, their discussions deepened and covered more aspects. They not only consider the city's safety issues, but also pay attention to the city's economic issues.

"I feel very gratified to see these staff members," Bai Ye said. "They are an important pillar of our city's development, and their hard work has laid a solid foundation for the city's prosperity and stability."

The two communicated continuously and discussed the future development and safety issues of the city. They have not slackened at all and have been thinking and discussing how to better contribute to the prosperity and stability of the city.

Seeing Bai Ye's firm attitude, Walter felt satisfied. He knew that as long as Bai Ye made up his mind, this plan would be successfully implemented and bring substantial improvements to the city's traffic safety.

Walter felt relieved when he heard Bai Ye's response. He knew that as long as Bai Ye made up his mind, he would be able to effectively solve the city's security problems and contribute to the safety and well-being of the citizens.

"Mr. Bai Ye, do you think there are any other options we can consider for our discussion just now?" Walter asked.

Bai Ye thought for a while and then said: "I think we can consider strengthening the city's infrastructure and improving the city's disaster resistance. For example, building stronger and more durable bridges and buildings to deal with possible natural disasters."

Then, Walter continued: "Secondly, we can consider strengthening the city's traffic control system to improve traffic smoothness and safety. Through intelligent traffic lights and real-time road condition monitoring, we can effectively reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents and ensure the travel safety of citizens. ”

Bai Ye nodded and agreed: "Yes, we still have many things to discuss and decide. I believe that through our joint efforts, the future of the city will be better."

The two walked into the laboratory together and continued their discussions and work. Their hearts are full of confidence and expectations, and they are contributing their own strength to the future development and progress of the city.

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