Bai Ye and Pim are immersed in this legend, trying to understand the true mission of the Void Island. As the inscription gradually unfolded, their eyes showed shock and curiosity.

In the inscription, the space-time creature is depicted as the creator of the universe, guarding the balance of the island in the void. The Well of Time and Space is called its heart, the link connecting all time and space. The altar in the square is the place of sacred ritual for time and space creatures.

"All of this is so ancient and mysterious. Space-time creatures seem to bear the responsibility of creating and protecting the universe." Pim frowned slightly, feeling the solemnity and mystery of this isolated island in the void.

Bai Ye stared at the inscription, and a feeling of awe came to his heart: "Perhaps the time and space creatures we encountered are the guardians of the universe, and the island in the void is the intersection of the universe, connecting endless time and space."

The ant army continued through the ruins, and the camera recorded every word of the inscription. Bai Ye and Pim tried to understand the origin of the Void Island and the true purpose of time and space creatures through these ancient texts.

The well of time and space in the center of the square emits a stronger light, as if responding to Bai Ye and Pim's curiosity. They feel an invisible connection, that the Well of Time and Space holds some kind of information about themselves.

The voice of the time and space creature sounded again: "Asgard, the origin of the universe, the reincarnation of time and space..." Its voice echoed in the ruins, guiding Bai Ye and Pim to explore the mystery of time and space in depth.

A group of worshipers at the altar began an ancient sacrificial ritual. They held magical instruments composed of ancient runes and danced around the altar. The magic weapon emits blue light, which complements the statues of time and space creatures on the altar.

Bai Ye and Pim saw the energy surging in the Lake of Time and Space through Ant's camera. The river of time flows in the lake, recording the changes of the universe over time.

Bai Ye and Pim witnessed this mysterious ceremony, as if traveling back in time to the birth of the universe. They felt the power of time and space flowing in the temple, and this power maintained the order of the universe all the time.

The walls of the temple are covered with ancient symbols about the universe, which intertwine to form a cosmic poem. Bai Ye and Pim felt the cosmic wisdom contained in these symbols, which seemed to reveal the true meaning of space-time creatures.

Bai Ye and Pim felt a strange power of life. These flowers seemed to carry the reincarnation of life in the universe. They try to understand the mysterious power of this garden, which may hold the secrets of the universe.

The ant army passed through a mysterious garden, and the flowers shone with colorful light under the influence of the power of time and space. This garden seems to be the flower bed of the universe, recording the birth and death of every living being.

In the center of the temple stands an altar with various mysterious artifacts placed on it. On the steps in front of the altar, the statues of time and space creatures are majestic and solemn, judging the sins and punishments of time in the court of the universe.

Bai Ye echoed softly: "The creatures in the universe reincarnate here and are intertwined with the power of time and space. Our existence may also be part of this cosmic symphony."

The voice of the time and space creature echoed in the temple: "The power of time and space, the miracle of life, the order of the universe..." Its voice seemed to convey the truth of the universe, and Bai Ye and Pim were deeply attracted by this voice.

Deep in the temple, the ants discovered a mysterious hall. There is a sacred atmosphere permeating the hall, and an exquisite and ancient statue of a time and space creature is placed on the altar. There seemed to be a soul-like light in the eyes of the statue, staring at the altar.

Bai Ye and Pim were attracted by the mystery of this temple, and they stared at the pictures sent back by the ants. The time-space creature statue in the temple seems to be the soul of the entire temple. Its existence makes the entire space sacred and solemn.

The mystery of time and space in the ruins became more and more profound, and the ant troops explored a lake of time and space. The lake is crystal clear, and the water reflects the flowing stars. It is a mirror connecting different universes.

The voice of space-time creatures sounded like a tide again: "The passage of time, the rhythm of the universe, the cycle of life..." Its voice echoed by the lake, guiding Bai Ye and Pim to explore the mystery of the lake of time and space.

Bai Ye echoed: "Perhaps time and space creatures are worshiped here as the creators and guardians of the universe, and this temple is a tribute to it."

The ants shuttled around the temple, and the images returned by the camera were full of mysterious rituals. The voice of the space-time creature sounded again: "Asgard, the mission of the universe, the laws of time and space..." Its voice echoed in the temple, like the call of the universe.

The ants continue through the garden, sending back more images of the cycle of life. Bai Ye and Pim realized the mysterious power of time and space creatures, which seemed to be part of the balance of the universe.

The ant army wandered around the lake, and the camera recorded the charming scene in the lake. Bai Ye and Pim were deeply immersed in contemplation of the river of time, trying to understand the evolution of the universe and the mystery of life.

Worshipers at the altar began to recite ancient scriptures loudly, which seemed to record the ins and outs of the universe. The statues of time and space creatures seemed to come to life in the light, seeming to be responding to this sacred ceremony.

The interior of the temple is filled with ancient carvings and totems, and the interior spaces of these temples appear mysterious and ancient. The murals depict worshipers of time and space creatures. They worship in front of the altar, as if they are inheriting the order of the universe. The temple is filled with an ancient energy, allowing people to feel the surge of the power of time and space.

Bai Ye and Pim watched the images from the camera intently. The carvings and murals of the temple seem to tell a cosmic story, and the creatures of time and space are at the center of this story.

In a woodland by the lake, the ants discovered an ancient temple. The top of the temple emits a mysterious light, as if it is a symbol of the power of time and space. Bai Ye and Pim became very interested in this temple.

The ant army moves along the corridors of the temple, past a series of ancient totems and carvings. These totems seem to be symbols of creatures in time and space, carrying the secrets of the universe. Bai Ye and Pim worked hard to capture the symbols on these totems and try to decipher the deep messages they contained.

"This temple seems to be a place of worship for time and space creatures, inheriting the order and laws of the universe." Pim's eyes sparkled with curiosity about the mysteries of the universe.

"This garden may be the intersection of life in the universe, recording the birth and death of living things." Pim's tone was full of awe, and he stared intently at the images returned by the camera.

The picture sent back by the ant troops showed that an ancient stone of time and space was placed on the altar in the center of the temple. This stone exudes ancient and mysterious light, seeming to record the changes in the entire universe.

Bai Ye and Pim developed a keen interest in this stone of time and space. They tried to observe the symbols and patterns on the stone through the camera, hoping to unlock the mystery of this stone of time and space.

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