Bai Ye took a deep breath, their mission was not over, and everything in the ruins was just the beginning of the battle. They turned and walked toward the outside of the ruins, preparing to leave this forbidden area that was once filled with Ultron mechanical life.

As they stepped out of the core area, a passage came into view, leading to the exit of the factory. On the walls on both sides of this passage, the remaining mechanical tentacles tell the story of the past prosperity and glory.

They walked slowly forward in the passage, feeling the vibration under their feet, as if the heart of the factory was beating weakly. The lights on both sides of the passage flickered, revealing a deep and lonely atmosphere. The figures of Bai Ye and Pim gradually disappeared in the passage, leaving behind the silence in the ruins.

And the moment they stepped out of the factory, there was a huge roar in the sky. The two looked up and saw a group of Ultron robots flying towards them quickly, their figures looking even more threatening in the afterglow of the setting sun.

"It seems that our departure has alerted Ultron, and the battle is not over yet." Pim frowned, and the light cast by his technological glasses formed a cold shadow on his face.

Bai Ye faced it calmly, his eyes locked on the incoming robot group. Although the core of the factory was destroyed, Ultron's robots remained a formidable force.

"What are we going to do?" Bai Ye asked. They were in the ruins, and the battlefield options became more limited.

Bai Ye was silent. He knew that the battle in front of him was far from over, but had entered a more dangerous stage. The huge Ultron robot made a low mechanical roar, and its eyes flashed with a more ferocious light, as if it was a provocation to fight.

At the same time, Bai Ye stood on one side, manipulating his telekinesis to interfere with the Ultron robot. His eyes scanned his opponent's weaknesses through technological glasses, trying to find a breakthrough. The mechanical remains in the abandoned factory came to life again under his command and became their powerful assistant.

"Ant Army, concentrate your firepower on the advanced robots!" Pim's order spread throughout the battlefield, and the Ant Army immediately adjusted its tactics and focused its attention on the advanced robots.

Advanced robots show power beyond ordinary machines, with more cunning attacks and stronger defenses. The ant army tried hard to resist, but the gap in number and scale made the battle very difficult.

Under his command, the ants began to quickly set up positions in the ruins, preparing for a new round of battle with the Ultron robot.

Pim thought for a moment, and then said: "We need to find a relatively favorable location to prevent them from occupying the high ground. Ant Army, we need your support."

"Pim, we need to find opportunities to evacuate. This consumption is not the answer." Bai Ye's voice sounded a little anxious. They must find a way out among the Ultron robots.

In the sky, groups of Ultron robots are approaching. Their figures looked even more threatening in the dusk, and the red light seemed like cold eyes, staring at every corner of the ruins.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the center of the ruins, accompanied by a strong light. The advanced robot roared and its body fell into chaos. Bai Ye and Pim stopped what they were doing and looked at the place of the incident in surprise.

As time passes, the battlefield in the ruins becomes more chaotic. The sound of mechanical collisions, energy fluctuations and explosions intertwined together to form a tragic picture of war.

Bai Ye and Pim shuttled through the ruins, fighting against the mechanical threat from Ultron. Their figures were looming in the dust and smoke, sometimes flashing a firm light.

"Ant Army, prepare to attack!" Pim gave the order, and the Ant Army bravely moved forward to face the impact of the Ultron robot. The collision of machinery and machinery echoed in the ruins, forming a cold and fierce symphony.

The group of Ultron robots was divided into several waves. Some attacked Pym, and some tried to bypass the ant army in an attempt to break through from the flank. Pim flexibly used technological means to guide the attack of the Ultron robot onto the shield of the ant army, protecting the stability of the position.

Suddenly, a deafening sound of metal collision came from the ruins. Bai Ye and Pim looked up and saw a huge Ultron robot coming from the depths of the ruins. Its body was tall and mighty, as if it was an indestructible war beast.

"This is Ultron's advanced robot, we must deal with it carefully." Pim's voice came, and his frown showed his concern for this powerful opponent.

Pym stood at the front line of the ruins, his eyes focused. Confronting Ultron's robot, he could feel the powerful power contained in his opponent. This is no longer a simple mechanical life, but the crystallization of Ultron's complex intelligence and technology.

"Pim, there is a wave of robots on the left trying to outflank us." Bai Ye's voice came through the earphones, and his technology glasses scanned for potential threats.

Bai Ye is preparing to launch a more powerful telepathic attack, trying to find the weakness of the advanced robot. His eyes were locked on his opponent's core, preparing for a fatal blow.

Dust from the ruins rose during the battle, and pieces of machinery flew through the air. The battle between machinery and ants set off a violent storm in the ruins, and every collision made the ruins of the entire factory tremble.

Pim and Bai Ye fought together, and their tacit cooperation kept the battle situation relatively stable. However, the number of Ultron robots far exceeded their imagination, and as time passed, more mechanical life poured into the battlefield.

Pim reacted quickly. He adjusted his formation and allowed the ant army to reorganize into a solid defense line. The siege of Ultron robots continues to intensify, and the fighting on the battlefield becomes extremely fierce.

A group of Ultron robots split off to try to distract the ant army. Bai Ye and Pim were caught in a fierce fight, while the advanced robots showed even more powerful combat capabilities.

Pim nodded. He used technological means to analyze the battlefield situation and find the best time to retreat. The ant army struggled to resist the attack of the Ultron robots, but in the face of powerful numbers, the situation became increasingly serious.

The atmosphere in the abandoned factory became tense again, and Bai Ye and Pim were inside, facing the coming mechanical catastrophe. As night falls, the red light of the robot flashes in the ruins, like an endless eye of night watching the showdown between man and machine.

A bright beam of energy rose from the center of the ruins, and the advanced robot seemed to be shaken by a powerful shock wave. What a powerful force this is? Bai Ye and Pim both felt uneasy.

As the light beam gradually dissipated, obvious damage appeared on the body of the advanced robot. Pym quickly analyzed and found that the location of the light pillar was the core of Ultron's mechanical kingdom. An incredible power seemed to surge from the core, dealing a fatal blow to the advanced robot.

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