The crystal ball is made of an ancient and strange crystal stone. Its surface is like a surging nebula, containing infinite energy. Inside, the constantly surging light forms a series of abstract and beautiful patterns, which seem to be the intersection of time and space.

"This crystal ball may be an energy medium, recording some special moments in Asgard." Pim frowned slightly, and he used professional instruments to analyze the energy fluctuations in the crystal ball. "We might be able to observe some ancient scenes or events through it."

Bai Ye nodded. He found some words related to the crystal ball on the parchment. "This parchment seems to explain some Asgardian rituals, including those related to this crystal ball. Perhaps we can learn more from this."

The two of them were deeply involved in research, and time passed quietly in the laboratory. Bai Ye tried to compare the words on the parchment with the images in the crystal ball, looking for similarities between them. Pim used instruments to analyze the energy of the crystal ball and tried to decipher the code.

As the crystal ball changes, the scene begins to shift to a sacrificial ceremony. The altar is filled with artifacts similar to those previously seen in the cave, while a group of mysterious figures surround the altar.

"This is the altar ceremony we found in the cave." Bai Ye watched intently. He tried to identify those involved in the ritual, whether any of the cloaked figures they had encountered before.

However, as the scene continues to change, the crystal ball reflects a more complex scene. A figure wearing a cloak and an antler crown appears in front of the altar, holding an ancient scepter, seemingly performing some kind of ritual.

The two decided to continue their research and compare the words on the parchment with the scenes in the crystal ball one by one. Bai Ye used the advanced technical equipment in the laboratory to conduct in-depth interpretations of the scrolls, while Pym continued to record every important symbol and detail.

"There may be hidden clues here." Bai Ye stared at the ant window on the screen, and he realized that this crack might be the key to their search.

"This...this is Asgard's time and space teleportation ritual." Pim said excitedly. They gain valuable clues that may be the key to solving Asgard's mysteries.

Bai Ye held the parchment tightly, thinking about how to connect the information on the parchment with the scene in the crystal ball. "This scroll seems to record a series of sacrificial rituals related to Loki, and the scene shown in the crystal ball clearly contains a ritual for Loki."

On the screen, ants gathered in a corner of the laboratory, seemingly looking for something. The two walked closer, staring intently at the screen.

The two entered the secret room cautiously and found that it was filled with various Asgardian artifacts, and one thing caught their attention.

Bai Ye reached out and touched it gently, and the crack slowly opened under his touch, revealing a small secret room.

Suddenly, there was a weak vibration from the ants in the laboratory again. Bai Ye and Pim immediately noticed this change and quickly walked towards the ant camera screen.

Just as the ceremony came to an end, the crystal ball emitted a bright light that enveloped the entire laboratory. A powerful energy emerged from the crystal ball, making Bai Ye and Pim tremble.

When everything returned to calm, the image on the crystal ball disappeared and the light gradually dissipated. The laboratory returned to calm, with only the sound of the two breathing.

They stared at this hidden space, anticipation surging in their hearts. Perhaps, this small secret room contains deeper secrets.

"This discovery is so important." Pim's eyes flashed with excitement. He understood that the ritual scenes presented by the crystal ball might hold the key to solving the mysteries of time and space.

The ants discovered a tiny crack in a pile of seemingly ordinary artifacts. They got into it one after another and started exploring.

"This is the ritual of time and space teleportation." Bai Ye's heart moved, and they finally found the key scene where Loki performed the ritual. Pim kept recording the symbols and energy fluctuations that appeared during the ceremony.

"Loki," they said in unison. In the crystal ball, they saw the true identity of the cloaked man. He is Asgard's mischievous god, Loki.

"What is this?" Pim whispered to himself. Bai Ye also felt that this pendant was unusual and perhaps it contained new clues.

"What did they find?" Pim asked, eyes fixed on the movements of the ants on the screen.

Bai Ye's eyes sparkled. "We must continue to conduct in-depth research to find the purpose of time and space teleportation and understand the secrets behind all this." They know that there is still a long way to go before the truth is revealed.

However, they also discovered that the text on the parchment was incomplete and that some key information was missing. This made the two people feel extremely anxious, and they were eager to find complete clues and solve the mystery of Asgard.

"We have to go take a look." Pim decided quickly. The two left the research area and went straight to where the ants were in the laboratory.

Suddenly, the pendant emitted a faint vibration, and the heartbeats of Bai Ye and Pim seemed to accelerate.

The image of the crystal ball continued to change, showing Loki's time and space teleportation ritual. The ritual contains complex symbols and mysterious ritual steps. Bai Ye and Pim watched intently, trying to understand the mystery.

"There's something wrong here." Pim bent down and took a closer look. They discovered that the crack was not a defect in the laboratory itself, but a cleverly hidden mechanism.

"This is a sacrificial ceremony related to time and space teleportation." Bai Ye pondered. They speculated that this ritual might be an attempt by Asgard to break the boundaries of time and space.

"And Loki seems to be the key figure in this ritual. His existence is inextricably linked to the fluctuations of time and space." Pym pointed to a text describing Loki's image on the parchment. Loki's power may be the key to breaking the barriers of time and space.

"That's..." Pim frowned, trying to capture every detail. Bai Ye squinted his eyes, trying to identify this mysterious figure.

In a corner of the laboratory, they found the crack discovered by the ants. This crack is not conspicuous. If the ants hadn't discovered it, Bai Ye and Pim might have ignored its existence.

Gradually, they discovered some surprising connections. The rituals described in the scroll and the scenes presented in the crystal ball complement each other as if they were two different perspectives on the same event.

Pim nodded, "We need to connect the two and find the connection between them. Perhaps, this is the key to the truth of time and space teleportation."

It was an ancient pendant, engraved with exquisite symbols and patterns. The pendant exudes a faint mysterious light and seems to be connected to the mysterious power of Asgard.

"This... seems to be guiding us." Bai Ye held the pendant tightly, and a mysterious power spread throughout his body.

"Perhaps, this is the key to the next level of mystery." Pim's eyes flashed with anticipation. They understand that this adventure has just begun, and deeper secrets are waiting to be revealed.

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