The crack in the door slowly opened, revealing the deep and dark interior space. The ant team quickly and orderly began to crawl into the crack of the door. They were like a miniature reconnaissance team, quickly exploring unknown areas.

After passing through the crack in the door, the ants found themselves in a vast and dim area. Glimmer of light shone through some scattered cracks, barely revealing the outline of the space. The walls are covered with old equipment and control panels, indicating that this place was once a busy scientific research laboratory.

The ants dispersed rapidly through the inner space, each heading in one direction. They use tiny cameras to transmit real-time footage, showing the scene of exploration on the screens of Pym and White Night. The ants carefully avoided the debris scattered on the ground and shuttled between abandoned experimental equipment.

The entire area is filled with the sediment of time and the loneliness of abandonment. The remains of some experimental instruments were scattered on the floor, showing the scientific research activities that had been carried out. The display screen on the wall still shows vague data, as if telling the story of past glory and failure.

As the ant team went deeper, they gradually approached the core area of ​​the abandoned laboratory. The number of iconic signs on the wall gradually increases, seeming to lead a path to the core of the laboratory.

On the screen, Pim and Bai Ye watched the images from each ant nervously and expectantly, trying to reveal the secrets hidden in the abandoned laboratory through these miniature investigators.

The ants shuttled around the abandoned laboratory, and their cameras transmitted real-time images to Bai Ye and Pim's screens. Each ant is like a miniature reconnaissance device, carefully surveying every corner and conveying the scene of an unknown area.

After a few seconds, the machine's blue light gradually returned to its previous intensity, and the ants continued to search the room. Bai Ye and Pim faced the screen, thinking about the possible meanings of all this. This machine is obviously no ordinary device, and it seems to be inextricably linked to Ultron's plan.

Bai Ye and Pim looked at each other, seeming to realize that everything here was not as simple as it seemed.

Bai Ye frowned and said to the screen: "It's a bit strange. It seems like something is affecting our signal. Maybe this place is not just an abandoned laboratory."

As the ants explored, tiny symbols and marks gradually appeared on the surface of the machine. These marks seemed to be an unknown script that Pim and Bai Ye were at a loss to translate.

Pym nodded and adjusted the camera angle on the screen, trying to focus on all corners of the room. The ants inspected every inch of the walls, ceiling and floor. Their small bodies shuttle flexibly around the machine, and the images captured by the camera are clear and vivid.

Pim was silent for a moment, and then said: "Perhaps someone or some force wants to protect the secrets here. We have to be careful."

Suddenly, the ant's picture became abnormal again, and the image on the screen became blurry. This time, after the abnormality lasted for a while, the ants continued to operate normally, but the blue light of the machine was significantly weakened.

The ants in the picture begin to stay in this central area, surrounding a large console where the camera is focused. The screen on the console lit up, showing a blurry image. Bai Ye and Pim stared at the screen, trying to identify the content of the image.

Bai Ye stared at the machine with flashing blue light, his heart filled with curiosity and doubts. In his memory, there was no technology like this, and this made him feel a little uneasy.

"These symbols look like some kind of ancient writing, and I can't identify their meaning." Pim said slightly helplessly. He has in-depth research on technology and insects, but he also seems somewhat powerless in the face of this mysterious culture.

Ants crawled around the room, their cameras recording every detail of the machine. Bai Ye and Pim's eyes were glued to the screen, trying to find clues through these tiny images. Ants even climbed onto the surface of the machine, and the camera conveyed the mysterious structure inside the machine through the glass lens.

In the picture, some places are filled with dust, as if no one has set foot in them for a long time. The ants left clear footprints wherever they passed, revealing that the abandoned laboratory had been abandoned for many years.

"Perhaps we need to find a character similar to Proxima Centauri. It's possible that they understand these words and can solve this mystery." Bai Ye proposed this idea and tried to solve this troublesome problem by contacting characters from other parallel universes.

Bai Ye stared at the symbols, wondering if he could find relevant information. Suddenly, he recalled the scenes he had seen in other parallel universes before, and thoughts came to his mind.

Various data and charts were displayed on the machine's control panel, but due to the difficulty in understanding the language, Bai Ye and Pim could not fully understand its functions. The ants were busy around the machine, seeming to be inspecting and surveying the machine.

It was a complex-looking device, its surface covered with unknown symbols and lines, as if it came from an unknown high-tech world. Blue light flashes in various parts of the machine, filling the entire room with a mysterious atmosphere.

"Perhaps we should continue to delve deeper into this room to see if there are any more clues." Bai Ye suggested. He knew that to solve this mystery, the answer could only be found through meticulous observation.

The ants pointed the camera at the machine, and Bai Ye and Pim clearly saw the entire machine through the screen.

At this time, the ant's picture suddenly shook, as if it had encountered some kind of resistance. The image on the screen became blurry and then returned to normal. The ants continued to walk through the laboratory, but this abnormal situation aroused the doubts of Bai Ye and Pim.

The ants continued through the laboratory, eventually arriving at a room that stood out. The room was filled with a faint blue light, and a machine was emitting a strange light.

Bai Ye said to the screen: "This machine does not look abandoned, and judging from the intensity of the blue light, it seems that it was still operating not long ago. Everything here is full of mystery."

Pym thought for a moment, stared at the picture on the screen, and then said: "Perhaps this is the loophole that Proxima Centauri mentioned. The information she provided is not just about Ultron. This laboratory may hide more that we know." Things you don’t know.”

The ants gradually approached a central area, where the equipment was more complex and the control panel displayed some unfamiliar symbols and numbers. Bai Ye and Pim were curious about these symbols, which seemed to imply that this laboratory had conducted extraordinary scientific research.

Pim thought for a moment and nodded, "You are right, we need more information. The ants' search range is not enough, we need to expand our horizons and look for possible clues."

He adjusted the camera's angle of view again and guided the ants to search every corner one by one.

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