Under Hank Pym's furious roar, the ants in the glass cabinet in the laboratory seemed to sense the owner's emotional fluctuations. They began to crawl around in the nest, releasing an atmosphere of uneasiness and tension.

The originally quiet nest of ants became extremely active. They hurried through the dense passages and released weak ant sounds. Some ants began to run back and forth between the nests, seeming to be affected by Hank Pym's emotions, intensifying their activity.

Ants quickly shuttled through the passages of the nest. Their tentacles keenly sensed the vibrations around them, showing their sensitivity to the changes in their owner's emotions. Some ants make a low buzzing sound, which seems to convey some sense of urgency and tension.

The ant colony in the glass cabinet, an insect society that originally organized life in an orderly manner, has now become chaotic and uneasy. They seem to have established a subtle resonance with Hank Pym's emotions. As his loyal companions, they respond sensitively to their master's mood swings.

In the laboratory space, the ants' nest became a stage of unrest, their squirming and buzzing forming a strange harmony in this angry atmosphere.

Bai Ye walked over and gently knocked on the glass cabinet. His fingers emitted a shimmer that reflected the texture of the glass surface. The ants seemed to sense the changes in the outside world, and stopped squirming one after another, looking quietly at the white night outside the glass.

This slight knock attracted the attention of the ants in the cabinet. They moved orderly inside the cabinet, waiting for the owner's instructions in a tacit understanding. There was a flash of indifference in Bai Ye's eyes, and he knew that these ants might become an unpredictable force at any time.

Pim was silent, his fingers clenched into fists, but he said no more words. Bai Ye understood his emotions and knew that this battle was not just a confrontation with the enemy, but also a challenge to his own heart.

Suddenly, there was a slight buzzing sound in the laboratory. The ants seemed to have received some kind of signal, and they all stopped squirming, waiting for the next instruction from their master. Pim looked up at this scene, the anger in his eyes subsided slightly, but the cloud of anger had not completely dissipated.

Bai Ye smiled and nodded, and the two looked at each other again, reaching a tacit consensus.

"Pim, calm down." Bai Ye reminded lightly, with a hint of warning in his voice. He knew that in order to control this situation, he had to stabilize Pim's emotions to avoid unintended consequences of manipulating the ants.

Pim nodded, a look of determination gradually flashed in his eyes. He knows now is not the time to retreat but to actively seek solutions to the problem. On the other side of the laboratory, the ants in the glass cabinet seemed to sense the owner's calmness and stopped crawling uneasily.

"Bai Ye, we need to change our strategy." Pim said solemnly, determination revealed in his eyes. "The intervention of Dark Night Proxima makes Ultron's system more solid, and it is difficult for us to directly break into it. We need to find other ways, perhaps through side penetration or finding other weaknesses."

"We need to find Ultron's loopholes and stop his plan. Proxima Centauri may be a key link, and we must find out the connection between her and Ultron." Bai Ye reminded, trying to get Pim to focus again.

"You are right, Bai Ye. We cannot be defeated by all this. Let us continue the investigation, find out the truth, and seek justice for our lost companions." Pim stood up, as if he had regained the confidence to fight.

Bai Ye nodded in agreement. He knows that at this juncture, traditional tactics may no longer work, and more innovative and clever methods are needed to fight Ultron and his allies.

"Sorry, Bai Ye. I was a little impulsive, but everything was too sudden." Pim took a deep breath and tried to keep his voice steady. He knew he needed to think calmly and not let his emotions influence his decision-making.

Pim took a deep breath and realized that he was a little too excited. He reached out and picked up the water glass on the table. The surface of the water glass was a little cool. He picked up the water glass and took a sip of the cool water, feeling the comfort of the water sliding down his throat.

As the water flowed, Pim gradually calmed down some of his anger. He put down the water glass and looked up at Bai Ye, with a hint of apology and remorse in his eyes. The scientist knew that in this dangerous moment he could not be swayed by his emotions.

"Pim, we need to calmly think about our next move. The appearance of Proxima Centauri and her connection with Ultron may be the key to us getting back the Avengers." Bai Ye tried to change the topic and let Pim focus on Solve the problem instead of wallowing in anger.

Bai Ye took a deep breath and tried to stay calm. He knew that this matter was a heavy responsibility and he could not let the situation get out of hand. However, the ants in the glass cabinet are still waiting silently. There may be unpredictable power hidden in their small bodies.

Bai Ye nodded slightly, indicating understanding. He knew the pressure of this battle was immense, and the loss of companions weighed heavily on everyone. Pim's impulsiveness is understandable, but a calm head is the key to solving the problem at this time.

Pim looked up at Bai Ye, his eyes flashing with anger and disappointment. He suppressed his inner anger, but could not hide his pain at losing his companion. The entire laboratory fell into a depressing atmosphere, and even the ants seemed more uneasy, as if they were sensing the owner's emotional fluctuations.

On the other side of the laboratory, the ants in the glass cabinet seemed to sense the change in their owner and began to crawl irregularly inside the cabinet. There seems to be some kind of connection between them, and the small ant bodies convey subtle messages.

Pim drank some more water, frowned slightly, and fell into deep thought. He understood that the intervention of Proxima Centauri made it almost impossible to attack Ultron directly from the front. She has successfully patched system vulnerabilities for Ultron, posing a more severe challenge to the Avengers.

Bai Ye decided to try to lighten the atmosphere. He looked at the ants and said softly: "We have to focus on finding Ultron's weaknesses instead of dwelling on the pain of loss. The ants are our right-hand assistants, aren't they?" He pointed towards the cabinet, trying to divert his attention.

"We must first understand the system structure of Ultron and find its weak points. Proxima Centauri is the key." Bai Ye made suggestions, trying to find a breakthrough to solve the problem.

Pim thought for a moment and nodded: "You are right, we need to understand her actions and Ultron's system in detail. Maybe there are other ways to find a way to break this situation. We can't be helpless, we will definitely find a way."

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