Journey Through the Marvel Universe Starting from the Zombie Universe

Chapter 336 Making arrangements for the funeral

Kahn, who had lost his restraints, silently climbed up from the table. He was slightly tired at the moment, but there was a different kind of light in his eyes.

He moved his wrists, feeling the muscles and joints that had been restrained for so long return to vitality. After the carbon nanosteel sword that was originally inserted into his body and inhibited his self-healing ability completely disappeared, the blood in his body began to repair him at an astonishing speed.

On the wound, cells quickly begin a coordinated dance. Tiny divisions begin, and then the tissue composed of cell groups rapidly expands, filling the gaps previously scratched by the long knife.

The bloody back was gradually restored to a complete piece of skin. After more than ten seconds, except for the damaged clothes and the blood stained on it, it was almost impossible to tell that the guy was injured.

Kahn stood up and took a deep breath, feeling the renewed strength, and looked up at the Web Master.

The Spider Web Master looked at Kahn with a mechanical indifference. He spoke slowly, his tone calm and indifferent:

"Kahn, you are a hunter, but your prey is not just spiders. What you pursue is the existence of life, and what you love is the rhythm of life, not the so-called machinations and rule of the successor family."

He pointed to the surrounding restaurants, as if guiding Kahn to see the wider world: "This world is not just black and white, it is the struggle between the inheritors and the exiles. Life shows rich colors here, and Your mission is not just to serve the Heir family."

"Although you are an heir, you are also a traveler in the universe, chasing the mysteries of life. Why are you reduced to a hunting tool for the heir family? Your true love is to explore the mysteries of life and feel the reality of life. Don't let it Family responsibilities tie you to this small area."

With that said, he turned around and walked out the door, completely ignoring the Spider Web Master lying on the spider web and Bai Ye standing beside him.

Then, the Spider Web Master slowly crawled down from the hanging spider web, and his figure gradually emerged in the darkness. Bai Ye watched him quietly.

Even if that person is myself, there is no exception!

Hearing these words, the spider web master was silent for a moment, even his movements of crawling around on the giant spider web were paused, while Kahn just stared at him intently, without saying a word.

He originally wanted to be freed from the position of Spider Web Master and let his younger self continue the task of guarding the spider totems for him, but now it seems that

Young people are just too arrogant and need to be educated.


For a long time, he once again tried to explain to his younger self, "Kahn, life is not an endless battle, but a journey of understanding and experience."

The rubble, dust, and everything around him quickly collapsed, trapping him in a chaotic collapse.

With a slight twitch, he was dragged into the darkness by the power of the spider web master, pulled by those invisible hands, and disappeared into the chaotic void.

He struggled hard, but the gravel around him seemed to be alive, holding him tightly in place, unable to move at all. He could feel that the power in his body could not be released, and the restraint became stronger.

"I will take care of Kahn's part," Spider Web Master's voice is magnetic, like a whisper in the dark, "And I also know what you want. Can you deal with my family for me? I can't do anything to them. Hands on, those limitations are still on me."

The latter just raised his head and shrugged at the Spider Web Master, meaning: It's up to you.

Following his words, he raised his hand and gently broke a spider thread that floated from nowhere. At that moment, everything in the restaurant seemed to freeze, and the candlelight lost its previous warmth and became pale and cold.

However, Kahn, who had just completed his self-healing, just sneered. He glanced at the spider web master indifferently, and a mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

Kahn's voice was full of anger and despair, but the spider threads bound him tightly without mercy.

Kahn struggled. Although his hands kept waving in the air, the stones attached to his body quickly changed and turned into tough spider silk.

"I beg you, you don't have to imprison yourself in the shackles of the successor, put down your weapons and feel the beauty of this world."


Kahn's figure suddenly swayed, and in the blink of an eye, the floor where he was standing suddenly disappeared, as if it was instantly merged into darkness.

"Of course, I'm extremely happy."


"Let me go, let me go! You damn reptile!"

Kahn gritted his teeth and said, "Do you also want to kill me like you killed your mother?!"

However, Kahn just shook his head without hesitation: "I don't need your teachings. My responsibility is to defend the glory of the family, not to get lost in illusory ideas like you."

At this time, only the Spider Web Master was left in the room, and he was still crawling slowly on the spider web. This intricate web is a microcosm of his entire world, and he navigates it.

"No matter what you say, I will never become as weak as you. I am who I am and I don't need your persuasion."

"You think you can use some sweet words to make me lose my way and give up my family responsibilities? Ridiculous." Kahn continued to coldly laugh at the Spider Web Master's persuasion. How could he possibly reconcile with the enemy who killed his mother, or even... Follow his persuasion?

His cry echoed in the collapsing space, but it seemed to be swallowed up by darkness, and no one responded.

Seeing that his younger self was about to leave, the Spider Web Master slowly raised his hands and put on his helmet again. There was a kind of determination in his movements, and an insurmountable force began to permeate the restaurant, making the entire spider web tremble.

"Do you think you can escape? From our destined destiny?"

"Kahn, I am not hostile, I am just trying to maintain the balance of the spider web. Changes in the future are inevitable, and you must stay."

The moment the helmet was closed, he took a deep breath, and the coldness and mechanical feeling in his eyes became more intense. He whispered to himself: "I'm sorry, I can't let you leave like this. The future has changed."

Bai Ye smiled, turned around and flew towards the door.

Spider Web Master's voice sounded again, cold and dull. He looked at the trapped Kahn indifferently, as if he was examining an insignificant ant, even if it was himself.

He waved his hand, and Kahn, who was tied into a rice dumpling, emerged from a corner of the spider web. His mouth was now covered with spider silk, and he could not speak a word. He could only glare at the spider web master with "woo woo woo".

"Don't worry, Kahn, we have enough time to make you understand the beauty of life."

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