Journey Through the Marvel Universe Starting from the Zombie Universe

Chapter 292 Deadpool massacres the Marvel Universe

After shouting those words, Reed Richards seemed to have lost all his strength in an instant, and his head collapsed like liquid. Apparently, his previously demonstrated ability to stretch may have temporarily saved him from suffering a serious stab wound to his neck.

He hung down weakly, his eyes gradually lost focus, and his expression was one of exhaustion and helplessness. No matter how hard he tried at the moment, his body no longer obeyed and it was difficult to maintain his consciousness.

Bai Ye quickly used his telekinesis to lift up the collapsed Reed Richards, but everyone could see that this man's condition was very bad. He had exhausted his last bit of strength, and his vitality had also disappeared.

He stretched out his fingers and found that Mr. Fantastic had completely stopped breathing.

"Well, this may be a relief for you, after all, your children too"

Looking at the dead rubber man on the ground, Bai Ye was silent for a moment, and he took a deep breath.

Reed Richards' death represents an even more dangerous possibility. The violence and chaos in this room means that Deadpool has just begun his killing spree and is probably not far from the scene of the incident.

He quickly opened the door, and at the same time tightened his grip on the vibranium blade in his hand, and brewed up a surge of telekinesis just in case.

A strong electric current came from the back, causing extremely stinging pain. The observer instantly lost control of his body and lost his perception of reality. His body was knocked to the ground like a boxer in the ring, with muscles all over his body spasming, unbearable moans coming from his mouth, and extreme pain and shock in his eyes.

"In some worlds, heroes. And now this one."

It seems that even for this observer, witnessing the death of the Fantastic Four who once fought against Galactus with him is a sad thing.

Bai Ye continued to move forward, and as his footsteps moved, he suddenly heard a deep male voice coming from a room. The voice was intermittent and seemed to be describing the current situation.

Bai Ye listened to the shattering sound. He gripped the handle of the knife tightly and quickened his pace. The firelight shone from the crack in the door, making the light beside the door appear unusually swaying.

The Deadpool in this universe is very ingenious in killing people. He is just like a madman who travels back in time and uses all kinds of small props in the corners to kill people.

A hoarse male voice came from the darkness, and then the owner of the voice stepped over the twitching observer who fell to the ground, tilted his head and looked at Bai Ye standing at the door.

"There are worlds in which Psycho Man succeeds in creating his legions of villains, and heroes team up to confront his terror and ultimately defeat him."

He re-grips the vibranium blade in his hand, ready to deal with any potential threat. Wave after wave of telekinesis scanned the room, looking for possible exits or hidden clues.

It's the Invisible Woman, Susan Storm.

You must remain highly vigilant and act with caution.

"But here, in this reality, Psycho just awakens a horrific killer, a fear-monger who brings death, the one who killed the Fantastic Four."

Looking around, you can see destroyed automatic turrets and shell casings scattered on the ground. Debris after the battle filled the corridor, and the marks on the walls on both sides of the corridor clearly showed the fierce exchange of fire.

"Huh? Who are you?"

The skin on these remains seems to have been corroded, giving off an unsettling sheen and holes. They look extremely dilapidated, like human remains from unknown creatures or abnormal circumstances.

However, the most disturbing thing is the rotten skin and weird severed limbs scattered on the ground. They look unusual and full of weirdness and danger.

The bald face looked ancient and solemn, and the skin was shimmering, unlike ordinary human skin. There was a faint golden light in his deep eyes. This detail made him look even more mysterious and unusual.

In addition, what is even more eye-catching is a bald giant standing next to her body.

This time, away from all kinds of noise interference, his voice reached Bai Ye's ears more clearly.

"And there is nothing I can do about it, because of the ancient oath and code of observation, because I am the observer."

Bai Ye couldn't help but feel in his heart.

These stumps and broken equipment fully demonstrate that this was the scene of a fierce battle.


Thinking in his mind, Bai Ye had already walked into a burning corridor. He gently used his mind to push away some tongues of flames that were about to burn on him. He walked quickly along the corridor. The smoke and firelight cast strange shadows on the walls. shadow.

The bald giant was wearing a blue robe. The material of the robe looked extremely smooth and seemed to have a special texture. He is tall, nearly three meters tall, giving people a majestic feeling.

What caught his eye was the body of a blonde woman. She was wearing a blue tights, with a bold number "4" printed prominently on her chest.

With his heart sinking, Bai Ye clenched the vibranium blade in his hand and cautiously moved forward in the direction pointed by the traces. Walking briskly but cautiously, he tried to keep his trail as small as possible, trying to avoid exposing himself to potential dangers.

The expression on his face froze slightly, and he obviously didn't expect someone to suddenly break in here.

He quickly approached the room where the sound came from. The fire crackled, and along with the sound of objects collapsing, the male voice became unclear, and only some parts of the words reached Bai Ye's ears.

After speaking, the observer had a sad and pensive expression on his face, as if he had endured a burden that could not be easily stated.

The purple beam continued, and the surrounding air seemed to be distorted by the intense electrical energy.

Under normal circumstances, who would think of using Thor's hammer amplified by Pym particles to kill Thor?

Not to mention microbombs hidden in Luke Cage’s coffee, that’s pretty dark.

The flames engulfed the remaining items, and the sound of violent burning came from the room. The smoke filled the air, filling the air with a burning smell.

"I stole this gadget from Mr. Fantastic. It seems to be specially used to deal with people like you."

However, this "4" had been divided into two halves by a knife wound at this time, apparently suffering a fatal attack in the fierce battle.

The woman's hair was disheveled, and her blue tights were covered with stains and tears. She showed an expression of horror and pain in her last moments before death. Broken walls and embers of fire were scattered around the body.

The bald giant raised his head inadvertently. When his eyes swept across the door, he suddenly saw Bai Ye standing there.

Soon, his enhanced observation ability allowed him to notice some recent traces of battle on the ground. The traces show a violent struggle that appears to have occurred not too long ago.

However, just as he was distracted, a shining purple beam of light instantly shone over him, and instantly the fiery energy enveloped his body.

"Who are you?"

The man in the iconic black and red uniform scratched his head, dropped a small pistol with a purple glow in his hand, and pulled out a pair of shining swords from his back.

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