The roars of the zombies resounded throughout the space, filled with cries of despair and fanaticism. They rushed towards Bai Ye and Magneto in unison, their eyes flashing with fanatical light, eagerly looking forward to the taste of flesh and blood.

"Hungry! Flesh!"

Some zombies roared loudly, their voices trembling and hoarse, as if they had not spoken for many years.

"Eat their hearts!" Another zombie shouted loudly, his face drooling, and there was only a kind of desire in his eyes. "It's no longer interesting to eat clones all the time. Living people are still delicious!"

Their eyes flashed with a feverish green light, and their teeth were filled with rotten teeth. They rushed towards White Night and Magneto, stretching out their rotten arms, trying to catch them.

The death of Black Bolt is not worth mentioning to these guys, or it is difficult for their already stinking brains to think clearly about the joints.

Even Black Bolt died at the hands of his enemies, so how could they survive?

"You are asking for your own death."

In the room, a middle-aged woman with a haggard face was sitting at a desk, reading a book intently. Her eyes were motionless, as if she didn't notice the door being opened at all.

Not long after, he came to a door with a warning paper written in oversized fonts, with red background and white letters, which was very threatening.

He couldn't help but swallow, his eyes began to become wild, he could hardly resist this desire.

He stared at her with empty eyes, but deep down, the urge for hunger gradually grew, and his body longed for fresh flesh, eager to satisfy his hunger.

At this moment, the big zombie dog appeared next to Black Bolt's body at some point. It raised its head and howled, and the sad voice filled the entire venue.

"Hoo ho ho"

Vanessa closed her eyes at this moment. She had already foreseen the arrival of this day. There was no trace of fear on her face, only a deep understanding and tolerance.

"No one is allowed to enter! Violators will be severely punished by Jin Bin!"

His body was frozen in place, unable to move forward. This was an incredibly powerful force, stronger than anything he had ever encountered.

Compared to those people outside who died in the disaster immediately, she was lucky enough.

He hurried forward, his shadow cast on the wall of the passage, as if a devil was looking for his next prey.

There was no other creature in the passage, only his lonely footsteps echoed.

The power of telekinesis turned into reality in his hands, like a transparent wall of energy. With Bai Ye's control, it blocked the crazy collision of zombies.

The wails of the zombie dog became louder and louder. It jumped on Black Bolt's body and kept licking his face, as if hoping that its master would wake up, but Black Bolt's eyes were dim and there was no life left. .


Kingpin couldn't bear it anymore. He turned around and ran wildly into the distance, trying to escape from this nightmare scene.

Magneto's magnetic control seems endless. He is like an iron-blooded officer on the battlefield, commanding the metal army and destroying zombies one by one.

The woman picked up the water glass and took a sip of water. Her tone was cold and she asked without looking back.

The ground was clean, without blood stains or bone fragments, which made him feel a little calmer and his breathing slowed down.

His body has been controlled by hunger. At this time, he needs to find new life to satisfy his uncontrollable desire. Even just a moment of satisfaction can relieve the anxiety in his heart.

Bai Ye smiled and waved his telekinesis, and a transparent shield suddenly appeared around him, like a solid wall, blocking out the zombies rushing at the front.

This desire gradually occupied his ocean of consciousness, setting off unnatural waves one after another, making him feel unable to control himself.

At the same time, he turned his mind power into spikes and penetrated the zombie's head like lightning. In an instant, the zombie's painful cries mingled together.

Kingpin panted and fled into the passage. Although it was also filled with thick darkness, it seemed relatively peaceful compared with the horrific scene he had just been in.

The sweet smell began to fill his nose, tempting every virus-infected cell in Kingpin's body.

"Let's deal with these things first. Is Kingpin gathering all the zombies in New York City under his control?"

Kingpin pushed the door open without hesitation, and the old door shaft creaked.

His eyes kept wandering over Vanessa's body, and his inner struggle became more and more intense.

At the same time, Magneto waved his hands, and the surrounding metal objects struck at the zombies like flying arrows. Under his control, metal beams, steel bars, and iron blocks turned into deadly weapons, penetrating the zombies' bodies and tearing apart their cold flesh.

"It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible. Things shouldn't be like this. It's my great cause." Jin Bin watched the number of zombies on the ground getting smaller and smaller, and his face gradually became distorted and full of despair.

Kingpin nodded and said no more.

Yes, it is true that he no longer needs oxygen to survive, or even all the organs in his body except the rotting zombie brain, but he still does it involuntarily.


Kingpin walked into the room, feeling both excited and anxious. He spoke tremblingly and called the woman's name, with a familiar emotion in his voice:

Her eyes still stayed on the book in her hand, not looking at the zombies behind her. It was as if he had become accustomed to all this.

The zombies are helpless in the face of this power. Their bodies become fragile, exposed to metal, and suffer ruthless destruction.

On the one hand, he is unwilling to hurt his wife Vanessa, his former lover. But on the other hand, hunger haunted him relentlessly, urging him to satisfy this desire.

Bai Ye said without looking back, raising his hand and squeezing the head of the pile driver who was trying to pounce on him, blood spattered everywhere.

"I'm done!"

His eyes were sharp and cold, and he swept over every zombie, and his mind power stirred up, defeating the running wild creatures one by one.

Kingpin's heart struggled to the limit, and hunger and desire finally defeated his reason. He couldn't help but pounce on Vanessa, grabbed her shoulders, and at the same time let out a painful roar:

"He's running away." Magneto caught a glimpse of the fat zombie in a suit disappearing from the corner of his eye, and shouted to Bai Ye beside him.

The big dog finally lowered his head and began to howl again. He had lost his only friend and companion.

"Kingpin, is that you?"

However, just before Jin Bin opened his mouth, a powerful, invisible force controlled him, as if an invisible hand firmly grasped his head, preventing his teeth from moving forward one centimeter.

"You are already so fat, so you should eat less and lose weight."

Bai Ye walked in from the door with a smile.

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